Trump deal loses 1300 jobs before he ever takes office ..

Breaking ! (added for RW drama)

Conveniently, we now have the details.

As Fortune reports, citing a source close to the company, Trump called Greg Hayes, CEO of Carrier’s parent company United Technologies, two weeks ago and asked him to rethink the decision to close the Carrier plant in Indiana. Hayes explained that the jobs were lower-wage and had high turnover, and the move was necessary to keep the plant competitive, according to the source. He said the plan would save the company $65 million a year.

Trump then replied that those savings would be dwarfed by the savings UTC would enjoy from corporate tax-rate reductions he planned to put in place. During the recent campaign, Trump threatened to slap tariffs on Carrier imports from Mexico.

So what were the "incentives"? In the end, UTC agreed to retain approximately 800 manufacturing jobs at the Indiana plant that had been slated to move to Mexico, as well as another 300 engineering and headquarters jobs. In return, the company will get roughly $700,000 a year for a period of years in state tax incentives. Still, some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind.

In summary, the "math" works out to $636 per year per job saved in tax savings: hardly an egregious sum, and one which could likely be extended to other companies (unless, of course, those other companies decide to hold Trump hostage and demand escalating pay schedules) if and when Trump's fiscal stimulus package is implemented. It remains to be seen if the popular response, outside of conservative groups, will interpret this trade off as taxpayer funded "moral hazard."

write this down ...

Still, some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind.

How did Trump's deal with Carrier lose 1300 jobs?

ALL of the jobs were already going to Mexico before the deal - Trump prevented 1,100 jobs from going to Mexico.

D@mn, you snowflakes are DESPERATE to manufacture fake news against Trump.

Nailed it.

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bringing jobs back and keeping them from leaving is like trying to explain the difference between debt and deficit to STUPID FUCKING RW'S ..
The big question is ,

how long will the Trumpbots be able to pretend that they really support good paying UNION jobs for Americans?
we're on a union busting trip friend. watch and learn.

Right. Which means that all of Trump and Trump supporters' bullshit about bringing back good paying jobs to the US, or even creating good paying jobs IN the US,

is just that, Bullshit.
bringing jobs back and keeping them from leaving is like trying to explain the difference between debt and deficit to STUPID FUCKING RW'S ..
for a libturd a spending cut after spending 1 million in a year, spending 1.5 million instead of 2 million. saving 500k is the spending cut.
and I don't care, and I'm not sure why it matters to you?

You don't care because you have already become a part of the Borg. For you, resistance was futile.
because it doesn't matter what his income is. how is that a sign of business production?

Ever been to Atlantic City?

you're talking to jc, remember ? might as well shut the door, pull up a chair and debate the door knob.
dude you have no idea what debating is and why you hate debating me. thanks i stand proud that I successfully beat your biased ass to the ground.

i admit that you are, indeed, a legend in your own mind.....
Breaking ! (added for RW drama)

Conveniently, we now have the details.

As Fortune reports, citing a source close to the company, Trump called Greg Hayes, CEO of Carrier’s parent company United Technologies, two weeks ago and asked him to rethink the decision to close the Carrier plant in Indiana. Hayes explained that the jobs were lower-wage and had high turnover, and the move was necessary to keep the plant competitive, according to the source. He said the plan would save the company $65 million a year.

Trump then replied that those savings would be dwarfed by the savings UTC would enjoy from corporate tax-rate reductions he planned to put in place. During the recent campaign, Trump threatened to slap tariffs on Carrier imports from Mexico.

So what were the "incentives"? In the end, UTC agreed to retain approximately 800 manufacturing jobs at the Indiana plant that had been slated to move to Mexico, as well as another 300 engineering and headquarters jobs. In return, the company will get roughly $700,000 a year for a period of years in state tax incentives. Still, some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind.

In summary, the "math" works out to $636 per year per job saved in tax savings: hardly an egregious sum, and one which could likely be extended to other companies (unless, of course, those other companies decide to hold Trump hostage and demand escalating pay schedules) if and when Trump's fiscal stimulus package is implemented. It remains to be seen if the popular response, outside of conservative groups, will interpret this trade off as taxpayer funded "moral hazard."

write this down ...

Still, some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind.

And doesn't sound like those employees will be getting raises anytime soon. But in Republand workers are just happy to have a job. Workers are not happy they are a bunch of Bob Cratchit's
so you mean those employees that were interviewed lied on tv?

Republicans haven't taken over yet. Just wait.
You don't care because you have already become a part of the Borg. For you, resistance was futile.
because it doesn't matter what his income is. how is that a sign of business production?

Ever been to Atlantic City?

you're talking to jc, remember ? might as well shut the door, pull up a chair and debate the door knob.

What I have not even mentioned is that Trump intends to grow the economy with run away inflation, thereby paying off expensive debt, with cheap inflated dollars, which will further erode the middle class, and utterly destroy people on fixed income. If you think that Jimmy Carter's 21% inflation rate was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.

a 20 billion dollar wall, countless military $$$$ending, and revamping our $$$$$$$ Nuclear program sounds great to simpleton Trumpbots ... $4.95 for a loaf of bread? we'll see how much they love Donnieboi then.

Don't forget the $1 trillion on infrastructure, along with reduced taxes. Set timer for 1 year, bake at 500 degrees, and you will have a delightful inflation cake!
The big question is ,

how long will the Trumpbots be able to pretend that they really support good paying UNION jobs for Americans?
we're on a union busting trip friend. watch and learn.
Unions are not what they used to be,
and while I'm sure there's a few good ones left,
Unions are basically bullshit now!

That's what the money interests always say. The ones that want to bring on or bring back low wages in America,.
My mother is practicing on her spinning wheel by the fireplace so that when the textile industry returns, she will be trained and ready for a job!
The big question is ,

how long will the Trumpbots be able to pretend that they really support good paying UNION jobs for Americans?
we're on a union busting trip friend. watch and learn.

Right. Which means that all of Trump and Trump supporters' bullshit about bringing back good paying jobs to the US, or even creating good paying jobs IN the US,

is just that, Bullshit.
Then we are in for a repeat of the last 8 years? Hard to imagine a greater fail than Obama, but Hell if you say so.....
New York State promises to use 800 million in taxpayer funds to build a factory for a Japanese company to build solar cells for a company that went bankrupt and they freaking criticize Trump for using tax incentives to keep an established U.S. company in the U.S.
Breaking ! (added for RW drama)

Conveniently, we now have the details.

As Fortune reports, citing a source close to the company, Trump called Greg Hayes, CEO of Carrier’s parent company United Technologies, two weeks ago and asked him to rethink the decision to close the Carrier plant in Indiana. Hayes explained that the jobs were lower-wage and had high turnover, and the move was necessary to keep the plant competitive, according to the source. He said the plan would save the company $65 million a year.

Trump then replied that those savings would be dwarfed by the savings UTC would enjoy from corporate tax-rate reductions he planned to put in place. During the recent campaign, Trump threatened to slap tariffs on Carrier imports from Mexico.

So what were the "incentives"? In the end, UTC agreed to retain approximately 800 manufacturing jobs at the Indiana plant that had been slated to move to Mexico, as well as another 300 engineering and headquarters jobs. In return, the company will get roughly $700,000 a year for a period of years in state tax incentives. Still, some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind.

In summary, the "math" works out to $636 per year per job saved in tax savings: hardly an egregious sum, and one which could likely be extended to other companies (unless, of course, those other companies decide to hold Trump hostage and demand escalating pay schedules) if and when Trump's fiscal stimulus package is implemented. It remains to be seen if the popular response, outside of conservative groups, will interpret this trade off as taxpayer funded "moral hazard."

write this down ...

Still, some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind.


Bet Obamacare lost many, many more. And don't forget the fulltime jobs magically changed into parttime jobs.

Here's your magic:


Have someone explain that chart to you.

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