Trump delivers the Bitch Slap the Republican Party has needed since Reagan left

Until recently I have not followed candidates all that closely. My favorite has not yet announced that she'll seek the nomination. I like Rand Paul and I think Scott Walker has the experience and vision and ground game to win it all. Then Trump started talking.

He has delivered to the Republican Party the bitch slap it has desperately needed since Reagan rode off into the sunset. Not only have our last 2 Republican Presidents, both named Bush, been truly fucking awful and evil people, they have advanced the US toward One World Fascism and been working with Statists to sell our sovereignty. See, the Bushs can advocate this, because they will actually lead and benefit, I'm still not sure why the rest of you morons are pushing this stupid idea. Your choices will be: slave or fertilizer

Trump is the first guy since Ron Paul to honestly discuss what's at stake here and its nothing less than our future as a free country. We've already lost a lot to the creeping tide of Fascist government control and concurrently have sat quietly while the mongrelization of this once great nation has continued unabated. I posted previously how in 1916, the Germans tried to get Mexico to invade the USA and remarked how apparent it is to me that today that they have belated taken the Germans up on that invitation. It's unannounced, there's no frame around it, but that's what's happened - we're being invaded

It's irrelevant at this point what Trumps chances are of actually winning the nomination. In fact, it's probably quite dangerous for him to continue as the Establishment deals quite ruthlessly with outliers and freedom loving people like JFK, Reagan, MLK and Malcolm X.

Trump has brought the big issue front and center: are we going to continue to allow the erosion of our country and our culture or are we willing to take a stand and win back our basic freedoms and sovereignty.

The Progs led by Carlos Slim's NY Times will say this is some hatred of Mexicans and it isn't. I'd gladly trade a hardworking Christian Mexican for US Communist loving Progressives any day of the week. This is about respecting our culture, our heritage and our freedoms. The Republican Party got caught walking us down the road to serfdom and its time we change direction
More like pimp slapped, since Trump is nothing but a fucking whore. When will you dummies understand? Trump isn't a real candidate.
Obama isn't a real American loving president either.

Trump is basically laying out the truth that people in America are afraid to say out loud.

Democrats are fucking this country up.....and they're using Latinos to accomplish it.
No, wrong again. He's laying out the same bull shit we've heard for years, with no result other than more talk. If any of these assholes actually cared about illegal immigration they would go after illegal employers.
Exactly. There need to be fines for the 96% conservative small biz & megacorps that hire them. You don't see hippies hiring illegals.
Illegal immigration would cease to be an issue almost immediately.
"With a protean vocabulary that connected foreign germs and genes to fears of societal disruption and the mongrelization of the American race, nativists were instrumental in the passage of the 1924 National Origins Act, which imposed exceedingly strict quotas on so-called new immigrants and debarred all Asian entrants (Higham 1988; Ngai 1999). A quota system based on national origins that clearly ranked immigrant groups in order of desirability was inaugurated with the Immigration Act of 1921, which allowed for the entrance of 3 percent of foreign nationalities as recorded in the 1910 census. Most severely affected by these limits were the “new” immigrants, whom the vocal eugenicists of the era claimed harbored innumerable deleterious and inheritable traits. The quota system was further restricted in 1924, when the National Origins Act decreed that based on the 1890 census, only 2 percent of the foreign born of a given nationality would be admitted. Moving the source of the quota's numerical determination back two decades, when “new” did not yet outnumber “old” immigrants, ensured only a trickle of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe, Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and the Mediterranean. One of the bill's key sponsors, Congressman Albert Johnson (Washington) emphatically upheld the rationale behind the National Origins Act:

"The United States is our land. If it was not the land of our fathers, at least it may be, and it should be the land of our children. We intend to maintain it so. The day of unalloyed welcome to all peoples, the day of indiscriminate acceptance of all races, has definitely ended."

The Foreignness of Germs The Persistent Association of Immigrants and Disease in American Society
Thank you… but.. what does this have to do with ILLEGAL ALIENS?
I like the idea of Donald Trump starting a third party. He should call it the American Party, a.k.a. the Know Nothings and whine about immigrants destroying the future of Merica. He could even re-use some of the original American Party's editorial cartoons. All he would have to do is cross out Irish, Italians, Germans, etc, and replace them with "Mexicans".

Here you go Trump! Some stuff you can recycle:

The sign reads: Imported, Duty Free, by Trust, Monopoly & Co. to compete with American Labor.


The caption reads: Results of Encouraging Emigration. Paupers, Vagabonds, Murderers and other of the European and Asiatic Scum Refused Admission Elsewhere, Are Readily Landed Here."


"Results of Encouraging Emigration". Exactly the same rhetoric we hear today!

Here is some anti-Italian immigrant propaganda. Note "The Way to Dispose of Them".


Here is an anti-Irish immigrant cartoon.

Hmmmm… interesting. As I recall most immigrants from Europe HAD TO COME THROUGH ELLIS ISLAND (constituting LEGAL immigration) and many were turned back to their home land. Demagogues like you are in support of law breakers portraying them as innocent law abiding people. Nobody has objections to legal immigration as far as I know.

g5000 is a Statist douchebag and a First Responder whenever Progressive are under attack
"Immigration during the first five years of the 1850s reached a level five times greater than a decade earlier. Most of the new arrivals were poor Catholic peasants or laborers from Ireland and Germany who crowded into the tenements of large cities. Crime and welfare costs soared. Cincinnati's crime rate, for example, tripled between 1846 and 1853 and its murder rate increased sevenfold. Boston's expenditures for poor relief rose threefold during the same period."

James M. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, p. 131.
It's a good thing all those early people weren't encouraged to cling to their own cultures and reject American culture. Otherwise we would have faced this problem much earlier.
"Immigration during the first five years of the 1850s reached a level five times greater than a decade earlier. Most of the new arrivals were poor Catholic peasants or laborers from Ireland and Germany who crowded into the tenements of large cities. Crime and welfare costs soared. Cincinnati's crime rate, for example, tripled between 1846 and 1853 and its murder rate increased sevenfold. Boston's expenditures for poor relief rose threefold during the same period."

James M. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, p. 131.
… what does this have to do ILLEGAL (illegal means: contrary to or forbidden by law) aliens?
The mongrelization of our culture. As if our culture has been pedigree class? Our American culture is mongrelized and thank God for it! If immigrants had not added to our national culture, we would be British, not American.

You culture hawks fail to realize that immigrant's gifts are a thousand times more valuable and outweigh the problems brought by immigrants a thousand fold.

See, my Mom was a first generation immigrant who came over already fluent in three languages. She renounced her Brasilian citizenship and was proud and eager to become a true American. There was no: "press 1 to hear this message in Brasilian Portuguese, press 2 to hear this message in Italian" options available to her at the time.

When my Dad was terminally ill, an aunt gave to visit from Italy on a 90 day visa, she left when the 90 days was up. That's the family I come from and that's the respect we have for this once great nation. So, yes, to fill it with people who don't want to assimilate and flaunt our laws IS Mongrelization
What does it mean to 'assimilate' to our culture? Learn English? The majority of immigrant families are proficient in English by the second generation. And this holds true for each and every immigrant group.
They're bilingual. I hate people who talk two languages. It's like their rubbing our noses it that most of us don't (-:
Quelle honte!
Vas es das?
What a shame!
I like the idea of Donald Trump starting a third party. He should call it the American Party, a.k.a. the Know Nothings and whine about immigrants destroying the future of Merica. He could even re-use some of the original American Party's editorial cartoons. All he would have to do is cross out Irish, Italians, Germans, etc, and replace them with "Mexicans".

Here you go Trump! Some stuff you can recycle:

The sign reads: Imported, Duty Free, by Trust, Monopoly & Co. to compete with American Labor.


The caption reads: Results of Encouraging Emigration. Paupers, Vagabonds, Murderers and other of the European and Asiatic Scum Refused Admission Elsewhere, Are Readily Landed Here."


"Results of Encouraging Emigration". Exactly the same rhetoric we hear today!

Here is some anti-Italian immigrant propaganda. Note "The Way to Dispose of Them".


Here is an anti-Irish immigrant cartoon.

Hmmmm… interesting. As I recall most immigrants from Europe HAD TO COME THROUGH ELLIS ISLAND (constituting LEGAL immigration) and many were turned back to their home land. Demagogues like you are in support of law breakers portraying them as innocent law abiding people. Nobody has objections to legal immigration as far as I know.

They were quarantined too; today, not so much
Until recently I have not followed candidates all that closely. My favorite has not yet announced that she'll seek the nomination. I like Rand Paul and I think Scott Walker has the experience and vision and ground game to win it all. Then Trump started talking.

He has delivered to the Republican Party the bitch slap it has desperately needed since Reagan rode off into the sunset. Not only have our last 2 Republican Presidents, both named Bush, been truly fucking awful and evil people, they have advanced the US toward One World Fascism and been working with Statists to sell our sovereignty. See, the Bushs can advocate this, because they will actually lead and benefit, I'm still not sure why the rest of you morons are pushing this stupid idea. Your choices will be: slave or fertilizer

Trump is the first guy since Ron Paul to honestly discuss what's at stake here and its nothing less than our future as a free country. We've already lost a lot to the creeping tide of Fascist government control and concurrently have sat quietly while the mongrelization of this once great nation has continued unabated. I posted previously how in 1916, the Germans tried to get Mexico to invade the USA and remarked how apparent it is to me that today that they have belated taken the Germans up on that invitation. It's unannounced, there's no frame around it, but that's what's happened - we're being invaded

It's irrelevant at this point what Trumps chances are of actually winning the nomination. In fact, it's probably quite dangerous for him to continue as the Establishment deals quite ruthlessly with outliers and freedom loving people like JFK, Reagan, MLK and Malcolm X.

Trump has brought the big issue front and center: are we going to continue to allow the erosion of our country and our culture or are we willing to take a stand and win back our basic freedoms and sovereignty.

The Progs led by Carlos Slim's NY Times will say this is some hatred of Mexicans and it isn't. I'd gladly trade a hardworking Christian Mexican for US Communist loving Progressives any day of the week. This is about respecting our culture, our heritage and our freedoms. The Republican Party got caught walking us down the road to serfdom and its time we change direction
More like pimp slapped, since Trump is nothing but a fucking whore. When will you dummies understand? Trump isn't a real candidate.
Obama isn't a real American loving president either.

Trump is basically laying out the truth that people in America are afraid to say out loud.

Democrats are fucking this country up.....and they're using Latinos to accomplish it.
God you suck...Make up your mind, Latino's are not illegals...
many of them are.....
Until recently I have not followed candidates all that closely. My favorite has not yet announced that she'll seek the nomination. I like Rand Paul and I think Scott Walker has the experience and vision and ground game to win it all. Then Trump started talking.

He has delivered to the Republican Party the bitch slap it has desperately needed since Reagan rode off into the sunset. Not only have our last 2 Republican Presidents, both named Bush, been truly fucking awful and evil people, they have advanced the US toward One World Fascism and been working with Statists to sell our sovereignty. See, the Bushs can advocate this, because they will actually lead and benefit, I'm still not sure why the rest of you morons are pushing this stupid idea. Your choices will be: slave or fertilizer

Trump is the first guy since Ron Paul to honestly discuss what's at stake here and its nothing less than our future as a free country. We've already lost a lot to the creeping tide of Fascist government control and concurrently have sat quietly while the mongrelization of this once great nation has continued unabated. I posted previously how in 1916, the Germans tried to get Mexico to invade the USA and remarked how apparent it is to me that today that they have belated taken the Germans up on that invitation. It's unannounced, there's no frame around it, but that's what's happened - we're being invaded

It's irrelevant at this point what Trumps chances are of actually winning the nomination. In fact, it's probably quite dangerous for him to continue as the Establishment deals quite ruthlessly with outliers and freedom loving people like JFK, Reagan, MLK and Malcolm X.

Trump has brought the big issue front and center: are we going to continue to allow the erosion of our country and our culture or are we willing to take a stand and win back our basic freedoms and sovereignty.

The Progs led by Carlos Slim's NY Times will say this is some hatred of Mexicans and it isn't. I'd gladly trade a hardworking Christian Mexican for US Communist loving Progressives any day of the week. This is about respecting our culture, our heritage and our freedoms. The Republican Party got caught walking us down the road to serfdom and its time we change direction
The mongrelization of our culture. As if our culture has been pedigree class? Our American culture is mongrelized and thank God for it! If immigrants had not added to our national culture, we would be British, not American.

You culture hawks fail to realize that immigrant's gifts are a thousand times more valuable and outweigh the problems brought by immigrants a thousand fold.

See, my Mom was a first generation immigrant who came over already fluent in three languages. She renounced her Brasilian citizenship and was proud and eager to become a true American. There was no: "press 1 to hear this message in Brasilian Portuguese, press 2 to hear this message in Italian" options available to her at the time.

When my Dad was terminally ill, an aunt gave to visit from Italy on a 90 day visa, she left when the 90 days was up. That's the family I come from and that's the respect we have for this once great nation. So, yes, to fill it with people who don't want to assimilate and flaunt our laws IS Mongrelization
What does it mean to 'assimilate' to our culture? Learn English? The majority of immigrant families are proficient in English by the second generation. And this holds true for each and every immigrant group.
..and you know that how? I am not sure you have ever visited Miami
Until recently I have not followed candidates all that closely. My favorite has not yet announced that she'll seek the nomination. I like Rand Paul and I think Scott Walker has the experience and vision and ground game to win it all. Then Trump started talking.

He has delivered to the Republican Party the bitch slap it has desperately needed since Reagan rode off into the sunset. Not only have our last 2 Republican Presidents, both named Bush, been truly fucking awful and evil people, they have advanced the US toward One World Fascism and been working with Statists to sell our sovereignty. See, the Bushs can advocate this, because they will actually lead and benefit, I'm still not sure why the rest of you morons are pushing this stupid idea. Your choices will be: slave or fertilizer

Trump is the first guy since Ron Paul to honestly discuss what's at stake here and its nothing less than our future as a free country. We've already lost a lot to the creeping tide of Fascist government control and concurrently have sat quietly while the mongrelization of this once great nation has continued unabated. I posted previously how in 1916, the Germans tried to get Mexico to invade the USA and remarked how apparent it is to me that today that they have belated taken the Germans up on that invitation. It's unannounced, there's no frame around it, but that's what's happened - we're being invaded

It's irrelevant at this point what Trumps chances are of actually winning the nomination. In fact, it's probably quite dangerous for him to continue as the Establishment deals quite ruthlessly with outliers and freedom loving people like JFK, Reagan, MLK and Malcolm X.

Trump has brought the big issue front and center: are we going to continue to allow the erosion of our country and our culture or are we willing to take a stand and win back our basic freedoms and sovereignty.

The Progs led by Carlos Slim's NY Times will say this is some hatred of Mexicans and it isn't. I'd gladly trade a hardworking Christian Mexican for US Communist loving Progressives any day of the week. This is about respecting our culture, our heritage and our freedoms. The Republican Party got caught walking us down the road to serfdom and its time we change direction
The mongrelization of our culture. As if our culture has been pedigree class? Our American culture is mongrelized and thank God for it! If immigrants had not added to our national culture, we would be British, not American.

You culture hawks fail to realize that immigrant's gifts are a thousand times more valuable and outweigh the problems brought by immigrants a thousand fold.

See, my Mom was a first generation immigrant who came over already fluent in three languages. She renounced her Brasilian citizenship and was proud and eager to become a true American. There was no: "press 1 to hear this message in Brasilian Portuguese, press 2 to hear this message in Italian" options available to her at the time.

When my Dad was terminally ill, an aunt gave to visit from Italy on a 90 day visa, she left when the 90 days was up. That's the family I come from and that's the respect we have for this once great nation. So, yes, to fill it with people who don't want to assimilate and flaunt our laws IS Mongrelization
What does it mean to 'assimilate' to our culture? Learn English? The majority of immigrant families are proficient in English by the second generation. And this holds true for each and every immigrant group.

Not just the English language but to embrace freedom from Government - our Constitution which has been trashed by the progressives in both parties.
All of the immigrants left behind the bad parts of their culture and keep the good ones.
To assimilate to American culture and ideology-
Self-reliance and local government - which are largely absent from other cultures including continental Europe
The shared faith in natural rights
The common law tradition and due process of law
The principle against self-incrimination
The tradition of the loyal opposition and the right to dissent, which stands in contrast to the power group warfare that obtains in many other cultures.
Freedom of speech and the appeal to reason in public discourse.
The traditions of honesty and fair dealing. The sense of fair play.
The high degree of trust and social cooperation made possible by the above.
And finally—as the result of high moral standards, cooperativeness, trust and freedom—America’s extraordinarily rich tradition of voluntary associations and institutions—ranging from pioneer communities to churches to business enterprises to philanthropies to political and scientific societies—operating within the law but otherwise free of the state.
Until recently I have not followed candidates all that closely. My favorite has not yet announced that she'll seek the nomination. I like Rand Paul and I think Scott Walker has the experience and vision and ground game to win it all. Then Trump started talking.

He has delivered to the Republican Party the bitch slap it has desperately needed since Reagan rode off into the sunset. Not only have our last 2 Republican Presidents, both named Bush, been truly fucking awful and evil people, they have advanced the US toward One World Fascism and been working with Statists to sell our sovereignty. See, the Bushs can advocate this, because they will actually lead and benefit, I'm still not sure why the rest of you morons are pushing this stupid idea. Your choices will be: slave or fertilizer

Trump is the first guy since Ron Paul to honestly discuss what's at stake here and its nothing less than our future as a free country. We've already lost a lot to the creeping tide of Fascist government control and concurrently have sat quietly while the mongrelization of this once great nation has continued unabated. I posted previously how in 1916, the Germans tried to get Mexico to invade the USA and remarked how apparent it is to me that today that they have belated taken the Germans up on that invitation. It's unannounced, there's no frame around it, but that's what's happened - we're being invaded

It's irrelevant at this point what Trumps chances are of actually winning the nomination. In fact, it's probably quite dangerous for him to continue as the Establishment deals quite ruthlessly with outliers and freedom loving people like JFK, Reagan, MLK and Malcolm X.

Trump has brought the big issue front and center: are we going to continue to allow the erosion of our country and our culture or are we willing to take a stand and win back our basic freedoms and sovereignty.

The Progs led by Carlos Slim's NY Times will say this is some hatred of Mexicans and it isn't. I'd gladly trade a hardworking Christian Mexican for US Communist loving Progressives any day of the week. This is about respecting our culture, our heritage and our freedoms. The Republican Party got caught walking us down the road to serfdom and its time we change direction
More like pimp slapped, since Trump is nothing but a fucking whore. When will you dummies understand? Trump isn't a real candidate.
Obama isn't a real American loving president either.

Trump is basically laying out the truth that people in America are afraid to say out loud.

Democrats are fucking this country up.....and they're using Latinos to accomplish it.
God you suck...Make up your mind, Latino's are not illegals...
many of them are.....
But it does not mean they are the only group that represent illegals, which is mighty biased...
but he's brought the illegal problem front and center.

The Post's Antonio Olivo talked to 15 of the workers — some of whom, he wrote Monday, "acknowledged that they remain in the country illegally."

"The majority of us are Hispanics, many who came illegally," said a mason, Ivan Arellano, who reportedly obtained legal status through marriage. "And we're all here working very hard to build a better life for our families."

Immigrants reportedly help build Donald Trump DC hotel - Business Insider

The Trump should explain this and should be fined, like any other person who hires ILLEGALS

Why not just registry them as guest workers and make sure they pay the taxes. More importantly make sure the companies hiring them pay their share of the taxes as well.
Why not just deport them as the law states...
yea good luck with might be doable in a area that has a thousand living try it in areas where you have a hundred thousand plus..
but he's brought the illegal problem front and center.

The Post's Antonio Olivo talked to 15 of the workers — some of whom, he wrote Monday, "acknowledged that they remain in the country illegally."

"The majority of us are Hispanics, many who came illegally," said a mason, Ivan Arellano, who reportedly obtained legal status through marriage. "And we're all here working very hard to build a better life for our families."

Immigrants reportedly help build Donald Trump DC hotel - Business Insider

The Trump should explain this and should be fined, like any other person who hires ILLEGALS

Why not just registry them as guest workers and make sure they pay the taxes. More importantly make sure the companies hiring them pay their share of the taxes as well.
Why not just deport them as the law states...
yea good luck with might be doable in a area that has a thousand living try it in areas where you have a hundred thousand plus..
It is the UNICORN immigration policy.
Another fake post by a fake republican. "Both presidents Bush were evil and awful" but bubba Bill Clinton and his wife were fine. Look for this "bitch slap" junk by useful idiots on the left from now on.
A year from now, Conservatives on this board will deny there ever was any support of Trump
but he's brought the illegal problem front and center.

The Post's Antonio Olivo talked to 15 of the workers — some of whom, he wrote Monday, "acknowledged that they remain in the country illegally."

"The majority of us are Hispanics, many who came illegally," said a mason, Ivan Arellano, who reportedly obtained legal status through marriage. "And we're all here working very hard to build a better life for our families."

Immigrants reportedly help build Donald Trump DC hotel - Business Insider

The Trump should explain this and should be fined, like any other person who hires ILLEGALS

Why not just registry them as guest workers and make sure they pay the taxes. More importantly make sure the companies hiring them pay their share of the taxes as well.
Why not just deport them as the law states...
yea good luck with might be doable in a area that has a thousand living try it in areas where you have a hundred thousand plus..
Its doable period. The problem with people who think it is not is that they think it all has to be done at once....However, the border jumpers who are in this country illegally did not all arrive at once, so who says we have to deport them all at once?

All that is required is:

a. Remove the incentive for them to come here
b. Secure the border so that when they are deported, they stay that way
c. Deport them without exception each and every time one of them is found...No exceptions.

So what if it takes 20 years. Let it take 20 years....but start doing it: TODAY.
Until recently I have not followed candidates all that closely. My favorite has not yet announced that she'll seek the nomination. I like Rand Paul and I think Scott Walker has the experience and vision and ground game to win it all. Then Trump started talking.

He has delivered to the Republican Party the bitch slap it has desperately needed since Reagan rode off into the sunset. Not only have our last 2 Republican Presidents, both named Bush, been truly fucking awful and evil people, they have advanced the US toward One World Fascism and been working with Statists to sell our sovereignty. See, the Bushs can advocate this, because they will actually lead and benefit, I'm still not sure why the rest of you morons are pushing this stupid idea. Your choices will be: slave or fertilizer

Trump is the first guy since Ron Paul to honestly discuss what's at stake here and its nothing less than our future as a free country. We've already lost a lot to the creeping tide of Fascist government control and concurrently have sat quietly while the mongrelization of this once great nation has continued unabated. I posted previously how in 1916, the Germans tried to get Mexico to invade the USA and remarked how apparent it is to me that today that they have belated taken the Germans up on that invitation. It's unannounced, there's no frame around it, but that's what's happened - we're being invaded

It's irrelevant at this point what Trumps chances are of actually winning the nomination. In fact, it's probably quite dangerous for him to continue as the Establishment deals quite ruthlessly with outliers and freedom loving people like JFK, Reagan, MLK and Malcolm X.

Trump has brought the big issue front and center: are we going to continue to allow the erosion of our country and our culture or are we willing to take a stand and win back our basic freedoms and sovereignty.

The Progs led by Carlos Slim's NY Times will say this is some hatred of Mexicans and it isn't. I'd gladly trade a hardworking Christian Mexican for US Communist loving Progressives any day of the week. This is about respecting our culture, our heritage and our freedoms. The Republican Party got caught walking us down the road to serfdom and its time we change direction
More like pimp slapped, since Trump is nothing but a fucking whore. When will you dummies understand? Trump isn't a real candidate.
Obama isn't a real American loving president either.

Trump is basically laying out the truth that people in America are afraid to say out loud.

Democrats are fucking this country up.....and they're using Latinos to accomplish it.
No, wrong again. He's laying out the same bull shit we've heard for years, with no result other than more talk. If any of these assholes actually cared about illegal immigration they would go after illegal employers.
Exactly. There need to be fines for the 96% conservative small biz & megacorps that hire them. You don't see hippies hiring illegals.
no you dont but come out here dipshit and you will see many Liberal small biz & megacorps that will and do hire them.......
Until recently I have not followed candidates all that closely. My favorite has not yet announced that she'll seek the nomination. I like Rand Paul and I think Scott Walker has the experience and vision and ground game to win it all. Then Trump started talking.

He has delivered to the Republican Party the bitch slap it has desperately needed since Reagan rode off into the sunset. Not only have our last 2 Republican Presidents, both named Bush, been truly fucking awful and evil people, they have advanced the US toward One World Fascism and been working with Statists to sell our sovereignty. See, the Bushs can advocate this, because they will actually lead and benefit, I'm still not sure why the rest of you morons are pushing this stupid idea. Your choices will be: slave or fertilizer

Trump is the first guy since Ron Paul to honestly discuss what's at stake here and its nothing less than our future as a free country. We've already lost a lot to the creeping tide of Fascist government control and concurrently have sat quietly while the mongrelization of this once great nation has continued unabated. I posted previously how in 1916, the Germans tried to get Mexico to invade the USA and remarked how apparent it is to me that today that they have belated taken the Germans up on that invitation. It's unannounced, there's no frame around it, but that's what's happened - we're being invaded

It's irrelevant at this point what Trumps chances are of actually winning the nomination. In fact, it's probably quite dangerous for him to continue as the Establishment deals quite ruthlessly with outliers and freedom loving people like JFK, Reagan, MLK and Malcolm X.

Trump has brought the big issue front and center: are we going to continue to allow the erosion of our country and our culture or are we willing to take a stand and win back our basic freedoms and sovereignty.

The Progs led by Carlos Slim's NY Times will say this is some hatred of Mexicans and it isn't. I'd gladly trade a hardworking Christian Mexican for US Communist loving Progressives any day of the week. This is about respecting our culture, our heritage and our freedoms. The Republican Party got caught walking us down the road to serfdom and its time we change direction
More like pimp slapped, since Trump is nothing but a fucking whore. When will you dummies understand? Trump isn't a real candidate.
Obama isn't a real American loving president either.

Trump is basically laying out the truth that people in America are afraid to say out loud.

Democrats are fucking this country up.....and they're using Latinos to accomplish it.
God you suck...Make up your mind, Latino's are not illegals...
many of them are.....
But it does not mean they are the only group that represent illegals, which is mighty biased...
but you did not say said "LATINOS" are not illegals.....but you are right about being the only group....
The Post's Antonio Olivo talked to 15 of the workers — some of whom, he wrote Monday, "acknowledged that they remain in the country illegally."

"The majority of us are Hispanics, many who came illegally," said a mason, Ivan Arellano, who reportedly obtained legal status through marriage. "And we're all here working very hard to build a better life for our families."

Immigrants reportedly help build Donald Trump DC hotel - Business Insider

The Trump should explain this and should be fined, like any other person who hires ILLEGALS

Why not just registry them as guest workers and make sure they pay the taxes. More importantly make sure the companies hiring them pay their share of the taxes as well.
Why not just deport them as the law states...
yea good luck with might be doable in a area that has a thousand living try it in areas where you have a hundred thousand plus..
It is the UNICORN immigration policy.
these people that think you can round up a few million plus people are living in their own dream world....

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