Trump EO allows coal debris to be dumped in streams!

those stupid fucking hillbilly coal miners deserve shitty water .. it goes hand and hand with the shitty air they breathe and get black lung.

good for Trump, fuck the people.

Most coal mining is open pit. Shit for brains
Trump EO allows coal debris to be dumped in streams!

It wasn't legal to dump coal residue into streams, before Obama's order. Remember?

And after Trump repeals Obama's order, it still won't be legal.

You liberals can get SO hysterical over nothing. But I guess you've had practice. And mindless hysteria is all you have to offer.
With out drinkable water you wont need a job as you will be dead. Maybe there is a solution to both problems, but it will mean country over party. coming together to find answers.

Most drink bottled water
where do you think bottled water comes from?

stupid sob's havent got a clue ... :lmao:
Here's Timmy's Title kid.

"Trump EO allows coal debris to be dumped in streams!"

You aren't a bright one.
What's wrong with the water?
It pollutes it! It raises the acidity, contaminates it with chemicals and silts up the streams killing them.

Ask the good people of Charlestown, West Virginia what happens when the surface water gets fouled by coal and chemical discharges. It happened a year ago January and contaminated the drinking water for some 700,000 people downstream.

You libs just spilled 260 million gallons of poop and urine from 1.7 million people into Puget Sound, its so bad the beaches are closed.
I read the link. You claim Liberals caused the spill. But, according to the story, a power outage and a catastrophic flood caused the discharges, not Liberals.

Here's the difference. Power outages and floods are not politically mandated or sourced. Coal discharge is. It's a direct result of policy.

Your partisan blinders are fouling your outlook, and too easily dismissed by the evidence you yourself provided.

Lib please liberals run Seattle. Which liberal run city that spills raw sewage into public waterways do you want to discuss next, how about Portland, OR?

You libs you run your big mouths about some coal company when your liberal run inner cities are the biggest polluters in the country. The hypocrisy is off the scale.
How is it Liberals are responsible for floods and power outages? We've never discussed it at any of the Liberal Conspiracy meetings I've attended!

Your stupid politics has scrambled what is remaining of your mind.

On the other hand, when Conservative WRITE POLICIES THAT POLLUTE you dismiss it with a clumsy deflection. Moron!

You libs chose to spend billions on Europe wanna be light rail instead of fixing your 100 year old broken sewer system thus allowing raw human shit and urine to spill into public waterways.
It pollutes it! It raises the acidity, contaminates it with chemicals and silts up the streams killing them.

Ask the good people of Charlestown, West Virginia what happens when the surface water gets fouled by coal and chemical discharges. It happened a year ago January and contaminated the drinking water for some 700,000 people downstream.

You libs just spilled 260 million gallons of poop and urine from 1.7 million people into Puget Sound, its so bad the beaches are closed.
I read the link. You claim Liberals caused the spill. But, according to the story, a power outage and a catastrophic flood caused the discharges, not Liberals.

Here's the difference. Power outages and floods are not politically mandated or sourced. Coal discharge is. It's a direct result of policy.

Your partisan blinders are fouling your outlook, and too easily dismissed by the evidence you yourself provided.

Lib please liberals run Seattle. Which liberal run city that spills raw sewage into public waterways do you want to discuss next, how about Portland, OR?

You libs you run your big mouths about some coal company when your liberal run inner cities are the biggest polluters in the country. The hypocrisy is off the scale.
How is it Liberals are responsible for floods and power outages? We've never discussed it at any of the Liberal Conspiracy meetings I've attended!

Your stupid politics has scrambled what is remaining of your mind.

On the other hand, when Conservative WRITE POLICIES THAT POLLUTE you dismiss it with a clumsy deflection. Moron!
Pollute what child?

I gave this snowflake actual examples of liberals polluting, he's yet to produce one. Supposedly Trump's policies might pollute something some day, vs liberals are already polluting, millions of gallons of it.
If you drink untreated mountain stream water you are going to projectile blow out your ass dummy.

That's all you got from my post?

Of course it is.

Science probably makes your head hurt.

Poor stupid rube.

My pinky toe has more science knowledge than you. You outed yourself as an ignorant green snowflake, go ahead drink the mountain stream water when the parasites eat your internal organs you will wish you had listened to me.

Actually, the place where parasites like to live isn't in fresh running stream water, it's in stagnant pools and ponds. And, in Boy Scouts (yes, I was one), we learned that if there is pollution in the water, if you go 100 ft downstream from it, the rocks and plants in the stream will clean it for you. Or, you could just go 20 ft. upstream.

There are LOTS of places in MT and CO that I could show you where the water is perfectly safe to drink.

However...............I refuse to drink pond or lake water without a filter.
If you drink untreated mountain stream water you are going to projectile blow out your ass dummy.

That's all you got from my post?

Of course it is.

Science probably makes your head hurt.

Poor stupid rube.

My pinky toe has more science knowledge than you. You outed yourself as an ignorant green snowflake, go ahead drink the mountain stream water when the parasites eat your internal organs you will wish you had listened to me.

Actually, the place where parasites like to live isn't in fresh running stream water, it's in stagnant pools and ponds. And, in Boy Scouts (yes, I was one), we learned that if there is pollution in the water, if you go 100 ft downstream from it, the rocks and plants in the stream will clean it for you. Or, you could just go 20 ft. upstream.

There are LOTS of places in MT and CO that I could show you where the water is perfectly safe to drink.

However...............I refuse to drink pond or lake water without a filter.
The filter was made by coal...
those stupid fucking hillbilly coal miners deserve shitty water .. it goes hand and hand with the shitty air they breathe and get black lung.

good for Trump, fuck the people.

Most coal mining is open pit. Shit for brains

yessir, thats why it takes a week to dig the miners out when one caves in ..

If you drink untreated mountain stream water you are going to projectile blow out your ass dummy.

That's all you got from my post?

Of course it is.

Science probably makes your head hurt.

Poor stupid rube.

My pinky toe has more science knowledge than you. You outed yourself as an ignorant green snowflake, go ahead drink the mountain stream water when the parasites eat your internal organs you will wish you had listened to me.

Actually, the place where parasites like to live isn't in fresh running stream water, it's in stagnant pools and ponds. And, in Boy Scouts (yes, I was one), we learned that if there is pollution in the water, if you go 100 ft downstream from it, the rocks and plants in the stream will clean it for you. Or, you could just go 20 ft. upstream.

There are LOTS of places in MT and CO that I could show you where the water is perfectly safe to drink.

However...............I refuse to drink pond or lake water without a filter.

So in liberal's mouths ew
What's wrong with the water?

Nothing, the whacko rule was among the most controversial environment regulations Obama put together so it was round filed into the trash where it belonged.

A broken watch is right twice a day. Coal tar and water do not mix very well. If you think it does then why don't you drink some. It is a shame that Republicans are more interested in making life easier for polluters. What we are seeing is the opposite end of the coin. Democrats over-regulate and Republicans under-regulate. It is sad that there is no happy medium that protects the environment which Republicans are not interested in doing so.

Dem run inner cities are spilling untreated human sewage into public waterways, shit, urine, and god knows what else. Clean up that giant mess then we can discuss the coal industry.

What city are you taking about?! You make shit up .

And you aren't smart enough to post the actual EO, like most kids your age you aren't prepared to actually comprehend anything on your own. You prefer to just take someone else's word for things.

Actually, its pretty amazing reading. They lied in the EOs, got caught and I haven't checked if they changed the EOs they had posted.

Its froot loops and the apprentice.

Why does he think people won't hold him accountable for his constant lies?

Oh wait ...

Never mind.
If you drink untreated mountain stream water you are going to projectile blow out your ass dummy.

That's all you got from my post?

Of course it is.

Science probably makes your head hurt.

Poor stupid rube.

My pinky toe has more science knowledge than you. You outed yourself as an ignorant green snowflake, go ahead drink the mountain stream water when the parasites eat your internal organs you will wish you had listened to me.

Actually, the place where parasites like to live isn't in fresh running stream water, it's in stagnant pools and ponds. And, in Boy Scouts (yes, I was one), we learned that if there is pollution in the water, if you go 100 ft downstream from it, the rocks and plants in the stream will clean it for you. Or, you could just go 20 ft. upstream.

There are LOTS of places in MT and CO that I could show you where the water is perfectly safe to drink.

However...............I refuse to drink pond or lake water without a filter.
The filter was made by coal...

CARBON ALARM!!!! Are you shitting me, they use coal in filters O...M...G we're all gonna DIE!!
those stupid fucking hillbilly coal miners deserve shitty water .. it goes hand and hand with the shitty air they breathe and get black lung.

good for Trump, fuck the people.

Most coal mining is open pit. Shit for brains

yessir, thats why it takes a week to dig the miners out when one caves in ..


Do you even know anything about coal mining? No one gets buried in the open pit mine you dumbass motherfucker…

If you drink untreated mountain stream water you are going to projectile blow out your ass dummy.

That's all you got from my post?

Of course it is.

Science probably makes your head hurt.

Poor stupid rube.

My pinky toe has more science knowledge than you. You outed yourself as an ignorant green snowflake, go ahead drink the mountain stream water when the parasites eat your internal organs you will wish you had listened to me.

Actually, the place where parasites like to live isn't in fresh running stream water, it's in stagnant pools and ponds. And, in Boy Scouts (yes, I was one), we learned that if there is pollution in the water, if you go 100 ft downstream from it, the rocks and plants in the stream will clean it for you. Or, you could just go 20 ft. upstream.

There are LOTS of places in MT and CO that I could show you where the water is perfectly safe to drink.

However...............I refuse to drink pond or lake water without a filter.
The filter was made by coal...

Garsh, when all the water goes bad, we'll just drink bottled water.

If you drink untreated mountain stream water you are going to projectile blow out your ass dummy.

That's all you got from my post?

Of course it is.

Science probably makes your head hurt.

Poor stupid rube.

My pinky toe has more science knowledge than you. You outed yourself as an ignorant green snowflake, go ahead drink the mountain stream water when the parasites eat your internal organs you will wish you had listened to me.

Actually, the place where parasites like to live isn't in fresh running stream water, it's in stagnant pools and ponds. And, in Boy Scouts (yes, I was one), we learned that if there is pollution in the water, if you go 100 ft downstream from it, the rocks and plants in the stream will clean it for you. Or, you could just go 20 ft. upstream.

There are LOTS of places in MT and CO that I could show you where the water is perfectly safe to drink.

However...............I refuse to drink pond or lake water without a filter.
The filter was made by coal...

Garsh, when all the water goes bad, we'll just drink bottled water.


You've been embarrassed here kid, did you find Timmy's EO?
Breaking Seattle Feb 17 - Liberals spill 330,000 gallons of untreated sewage and run off into Puget Sound today. This after liberals spilled 260 million gallons into Puget Sound Feb 9th. Beaches at Discovery Park are closed, with no date yet for reopening, because of the risk to public health from raw sewage.

Hence you coal hating liberals are so completely full of shit on the environment. If you only regulated yourselves half as much as the coal industry.

^^^ LIES ^^^

WTF is wrong with your people that you DARE to defend drumpf's lies to the miners and their families with this kind of shit?

LOL I guess you want to be owned, okay here's the link to the story in the Seattle Times oh no I just made you look like a fool Another sewage spill fouls Puget Sound

Typical right wing dishonesty . You implyied the spill was on purpose . It was not .

Nor was it caused by liberals.

If liberals had control, there would be regs and conditions that protect us.

Get used to this cuz we're going to be seeing a while lot more.
those stupid fucking hillbilly coal miners deserve shitty water .. it goes hand and hand with the shitty air they breathe and get black lung.

good for Trump, fuck the people.

Most coal mining is open pit. Shit for brains

yessir, thats why it takes a week to dig the miners out when one caves in ..


Do you even know anything about coal mining? No one gets buried in the open pit mine you dumbass motherfucker…


Not surprising that you know only part of the truth.
those stupid fucking hillbilly coal miners deserve shitty water .. it goes hand and hand with the shitty air they breathe and get black lung.

good for Trump, fuck the people.

Most coal mining is open pit. Shit for brains

yessir, thats why it takes a week to dig the miners out when one caves in ..


Do you even know anything about coal mining? No one gets buried in the open pit mine you dumbass motherfucker…


12 Dead in Blast at West Virginia Coal Mine

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