Trump feeling good Going back to WH


for the Left.

So he is all new. I so doubt it, he probably never had it to begin with, just a huge giant hoax.
Poor baby, you mad again
Imagine being so powerful that simply taking a ride in a car around the block makes your enemies lose their minds.

If only that was all it was. Riding around in a hermetically sealed car with a COV-IDIOT fuck up in the back seat was stupid. Too think that Donald accuses others of being "showboats".
Butthurt news....showing your supporters you appreciate them is something democrat scum could learn from....
Better than he has in 20 years LOL Can I get some of those great drugs they gave him ? Remember the going up is not worth the going down Gotta go ,my dealer is ringing my bell

With all of this talk this morning about Trump wanting to leave the hospital, I was reminded of the first time I was given steroids for my asthma.

I had an asthma attack that put me in hospital for a week. I nearly died, more than once, because I had an allergic reaction to one of the drugs they gave me in treatment. When I left hospital on Friday, I was so weak, I was sweating and exhausted just getting dressed, and had to beheped to the car. Saturday night, I was back at the Emergency Ward at University Hospital in London (Ontario), with another life-threatening asthma attack. After stabilizing my breathing, the doctor gave me a massive dose of steriods and more to take in the morning, and sent me home with orders to see my PCP ASAP.

The next day I woke up feeling great. I was bopping around the house, dancing. I said to my husband "We should go dancing. We haven't gone dancing since our wedding." He looked at my like I had grown two heads and said "Are you OK?". I assured him that I was most definitely OK. Never felt better, and I wanted to go dancing.

A nurse friend told me that I could be walking with double pneumonia on that stuff and I wouldn't even go for treatment because I would be feeling so good from the steriods, I wouldn't realize I was sick. Maybe Donnie is thinking he's fine because he's on high doses of steriods.
Better than he has in 20 years LOL Can I get some of those great drugs they gave him ? Remember the going up is not worth the going down Gotta go ,my dealer is ringing my bell

Like I said in a different thread....Trump is flying on Dexamethasone.
It's refined street speed.
Makes you feel like a million bucks.
Gives you lots of energy.
He went crazy on Twitter today, literally manic.

Then when you stop taking it:

Side Effects of Dexamethasone and Other Steroids
  • “Let down” or withdrawal effect.
  • Flushing and sweating.
  • Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • Sexual dysfunction.
  • Personality changes or mood alterations.
  • Hyperactivity and jitters.
  • Dizziness and headaches.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
Trump kicked Kung Flu's ass in 3 days and it will take you the rest of your life to get over it. LMAO

Karma MAGA

If he ever had it.
You only give those med to patients with severe covid, not for simple coughs.

Everybody blood o2 goes up and down during the day, I doubt he ever when under 95.
Trump kicked Kung Flu's ass in 3 days and it will take you the rest of your life to get over it. LMAO

Karma MAGA

If he ever had it.
You only give those med to patients with severe covid, not for simple coughs.

Everybody blood o2 goes up and down during the day, I doubt he ever when under 95.

Ya, the entire medical staff are in on a grand conspiracy to fuck with your head. We don't call you libtards without reason.
A 75 year old man who is exposed to many many people and works an exhausting schedule and the most this hoax could do is effect him like a cold.
You 20-65 year old Trump and America haters need to tuck your tails and slink off like the insipid emotion driven fact absent puss wads that you are and shut you hoax spreading pie holes.
Better than he has in 20 years LOL Can I get some of those great drugs they gave him ? Remember the going up is not worth the going down Gotta go ,my dealer is ringing my bell

Like I said in a different thread....Trump is flying on Dexamethasone.
It's refined street speed.
Makes you feel like a million bucks.
Gives you lots of energy.
He went crazy on Twitter today, literally manic.

Then when you stop taking it:

Side Effects of Dexamethasone and Other Steroids
  • “Let down” or withdrawal effect.
  • Flushing and sweating.
  • Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • Sexual dysfunction.
  • Personality changes or mood alterations.
  • Hyperactivity and jitters.
  • Dizziness and headaches.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
LOL he's had most of those BEFORE he had the virus

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