Trump fights back and lowers our gas prices

So will his fans cuz, you know, trump is a "stable genius".

Even though he is absolutely clueless.

Note to OP - that will not result in lower gas prices.

You people need to find something else to whine about. Trump is hardly clueless.

He fought the corrupt Clinton machine, Hollywood, the entire media complex, academia, was given somewhere around zero chance to win the presidency, was supposed to be 10 points behind Ubercunt two days before the election and yet --

Here we are.


Oh poster please.

If Rump had actually "fought the entire media" none of us would have a clue who he is. Rump is a media CREATION. Without the sleazeball sensationalist media we have --- and I don't mean news because that's not what sells --- Rump would literally not exist as a movement. And you can guess how I mean "movement". He would exist as just another guy nobody knows.

Trump used the LCD media to create Rump, the obnoxious asshole who pumps himself up with edifice complexes, lies about his failures, creates "John Millers" and "John Barons" to lie about his personal life, poses soft porn with his own daughter, shows up at WWE events, rails against black people even after DNA exonerates them, destroys an entire football league with his petulance, stays up all night whining on Twitter, concocts fake magazine covers, calls one group "rapists" and calls for "registering" and/or "banning" another group, grabs women, and lies about how many fucking people come to his inauguration where he lies about the weather too. *NONE* of that could be done without media.
so you admit the media created trump and why he won, and not russia russia, thank you, fk finally.
So will his fans cuz, you know, trump is a "stable genius".

Even though he is absolutely clueless.

Note to OP - that will not result in lower gas prices.

You people need to find something else to whine about. Trump is hardly clueless.

He fought the corrupt Clinton machine, Hollywood, the entire media complex, academia, was given somewhere around zero chance to win the presidency, was supposed to be 10 points behind Ubercunt two days before the election and yet --

Here we are.


Oh poster please.

If Rump had actually "fought the entire media" none of us would have a clue who he is. Rump is a media CREATION. Without the sleazeball sensationalist media we have --- and I don't mean news because that's not what sells --- Rump would literally not exist as a movement. And you can guess how I mean "movement". He would exist as just another guy nobody knows.

Trump used the LCD media to create Rump, the obnoxious asshole who pumps himself up with edifice complexes, lies about his failures, creates "John Millers" and "John Barons" to lie about his personal life, poses soft porn with his own daughter, shows up at WWE events, rails against black people even after DNA exonerates them, destroys an entire football league with his petulance, stays up all night whining on Twitter, concocts fake magazine covers, calls one group "rapists" and calls for "registering" and/or "banning" another group, grabs women, and lies about how many fucking people come to his inauguration where he lies about the weather too. *NONE* of that could be done without media.
so you admit the media created trump and why he won, and not russia russia, thank you, fk finally.

"Admit"? Fuck you, I've been crowing that from the rooftops for over THREE YEARS. Go learn to read.

None of which excludes "Russia", which as a proper name is capitalized in English. Go learn to write.

How are tariffs on Chinese goods making the price of gas go up or down?

The price of gas is going up because Trump pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal. EU countries can no longer buy oil from Iran causing crude oil prices to rise worldwide.

This is another financial burden being placed of NATO allies by following sanctions imposed by DJT. In following NATO policies and sanctions imposed by the US on a number of countries for a number of reasons, these policies cost the economies of your allies which Trump doesn’t factor in when crunching trade and defence numbers.
We’ll see how the trade war goes.

The PPI jumped a six year high last month according to one report I read and this before the latest round of Russian Roulette.

One thing is for sure…the Chinese are not afraid of Trump or being “deposed”

The Chinese don't import enough from us to worry about. They could cut off all our imports and it wouldn't even make a dent.

We, OTOH, virtually carry the Chinese economy. Without us, their economy collapses.

I don't want to see a trade war, they benefit no one but they need to understand that Trump isn't going to let them rip us off anymore.

No more 2% Tariffs on imports from them and 70% tariffs on our exports to them.

The Chinese are stealing us blind and it needs to stop.

They gonna lose and they gonna lose bigly.

Count on it

$300+ Billion per year….pretty good sized dent.

Screen Shot 2018-07-12 at 10.28.16 AM.png

As a percentage of total exports:

Screen Shot 2018-07-12 at 10.31.10 AM.png

Over 10% goes to China. You have no facts on your side to support your argument.

Oh, and by the way, not only does our consumer economy run on cheap imports….they also own a great deal of our national debt.
The Chinese are gonna lose if they tangle with Trump. He's not a limp-dick fagamuffin like obama or a deep state puppet like Bush I and II

Trump ain't gonna back down
I agree. And they may end up with their major patsy no longer at their disposal, as they could end up disposed.

We’ll see how the trade war goes.

The PPI jumped a six year high last month according to one report I read and this before the latest round of Russian Roulette.

One thing is for sure…the Chinese are not afraid of Trump or being “deposed”
doesn't look like trump is afraid of the chinese eh?

Personally, he shouldn’t be afraid. His base of voters only cares about “sticking it” to someone. Meanwhile the CPI—what his voters pay for everything from soup to nuts—is on the rise, the PPI is on the rise, the stock market is down for the year. But personally, there is no danger for Trump.

Now American consumers should be pretty worried about his picking a fight with their pocketbooks. And you’re starting to see some waning in consumer confidence according to one thing I heard from the Wall Street Journal.

U.S. Consumer Confidence Drops in June
So will his fans cuz, you know, trump is a "stable genius".

Even though he is absolutely clueless.

Note to OP - that will not result in lower gas prices.

You people need to find something else to whine about. Trump is hardly clueless.

He fought the corrupt Clinton machine, Hollywood, the entire media complex, academia, was given somewhere around zero chance to win the presidency, was supposed to be 10 points behind Ubercunt two days before the election and yet --

Here we are.


Oh poster please.

If Rump had actually "fought the entire media" none of us would have a clue who he is. Rump is a media CREATION. Without the sleazeball sensationalist media we have --- and I don't mean news because that's not what sells --- Rump would literally not exist as a movement. And you can guess how I mean "movement". He would exist as just another guy nobody knows.

Trump used the LCD media to create Rump, the obnoxious asshole who pumps himself up with edifice complexes, lies about his failures, creates "John Millers" and "John Barons" to lie about his personal life, poses soft porn with his own daughter, shows up at WWE events, rails against black people even after DNA exonerates them, destroys an entire football league with his petulance, stays up all night whining on Twitter, concocts fake magazine covers, calls one group "rapists" and calls for "registering" and/or "banning" another group, grabs women, and lies about how many fucking people come to his inauguration where he lies about the weather too. *NONE* of that could be done without media.
so you admit the media created trump and why he won, and not russia russia, thank you, fk finally.

"Admit"? Fuck you, I've been crowing that from the rooftops for over THREE YEARS. Go learn to read.
None of which excludes "Russia", which as a proper name is capitalized in English. Go learn to write.
what excludes russia is that you have no evidence they did any fking thing. the media created and made trump president. they couldn't print his name or talk about him enough. they are fking insanely insane about him. dude, I've never seen anything like this hate. never. not even calling out Hitler did I see this level of hate from a media.too funny, and "Admit" is exactly what you did.
The Chinese are gonna lose if they tangle with Trump. He's not a limp-dick fagamuffin like obama or a deep state puppet like Bush I and II

Trump ain't gonna back down
No Trump won't He'll fight to the last drop of YOUR blood
The Chinese are gonna lose if they tangle with Trump. He's not a limp-dick fagamuffin like obama or a deep state puppet like Bush I and II

Trump ain't gonna back down
I agree. And they may end up with their major patsy no longer at their disposal, as they could end up disposed.

We’ll see how the trade war goes.

The PPI jumped a six year high last month according to one report I read and this before the latest round of Russian Roulette.

One thing is for sure…the Chinese are not afraid of Trump or being “deposed”
doesn't look like trump is afraid of the chinese eh?

Personally, he shouldn’t be afraid. His base of voters only cares about “sticking it” to someone. Meanwhile the CPI—what his voters pay for everything from soup to nuts—is on the rise, the PPI is on the rise, the stock market is down for the year. But personally, there is no danger for Trump.

Now American consumers should be pretty worried about his picking a fight with their pocketbooks. And you’re starting to see some waning in consumer confidence according to one thing I heard from the Wall Street Journal.

U.S. Consumer Confidence Drops in June
personally he isn't. I doubt he's afraid of anyone or any country.
The Chinese are gonna lose if they tangle with Trump. He's not a limp-dick fagamuffin like obama or a deep state puppet like Bush I and II

Trump ain't gonna back down
I agree. And they may end up with their major patsy no longer at their disposal, as they could end up disposed.

We’ll see how the trade war goes.

The PPI jumped a six year high last month according to one report I read and this before the latest round of Russian Roulette.

One thing is for sure…the Chinese are not afraid of Trump or being “deposed”
doesn't look like trump is afraid of the chinese eh?

Personally, he shouldn’t be afraid. His base of voters only cares about “sticking it” to someone. Meanwhile the CPI—what his voters pay for everything from soup to nuts—is on the rise, the PPI is on the rise, the stock market is down for the year. But personally, there is no danger for Trump.

Now American consumers should be pretty worried about his picking a fight with their pocketbooks. And you’re starting to see some waning in consumer confidence according to one thing I heard from the Wall Street Journal.

U.S. Consumer Confidence Drops in June
personally he isn't. I doubt he's afraid of anyone or any country.

Funny how he didn’t make the comments about Germany to Merkel’s face…
He’s a pussy.
And you know he didn’t without cameras around how?
I agree. And they may end up with their major patsy no longer at their disposal, as they could end up disposed.

We’ll see how the trade war goes.

The PPI jumped a six year high last month according to one report I read and this before the latest round of Russian Roulette.

One thing is for sure…the Chinese are not afraid of Trump or being “deposed”
doesn't look like trump is afraid of the chinese eh?

Personally, he shouldn’t be afraid. His base of voters only cares about “sticking it” to someone. Meanwhile the CPI—what his voters pay for everything from soup to nuts—is on the rise, the PPI is on the rise, the stock market is down for the year. But personally, there is no danger for Trump.

Now American consumers should be pretty worried about his picking a fight with their pocketbooks. And you’re starting to see some waning in consumer confidence according to one thing I heard from the Wall Street Journal.

U.S. Consumer Confidence Drops in June
personally he isn't. I doubt he's afraid of anyone or any country.

Funny how he didn’t make the comments about Germany to Merkel’s face…
He’s a pussy.
I agree. And they may end up with their major patsy no longer at their disposal, as they could end up disposed.

We’ll see how the trade war goes.

The PPI jumped a six year high last month according to one report I read and this before the latest round of Russian Roulette.

One thing is for sure…the Chinese are not afraid of Trump or being “deposed”
doesn't look like trump is afraid of the chinese eh?

Personally, he shouldn’t be afraid. His base of voters only cares about “sticking it” to someone. Meanwhile the CPI—what his voters pay for everything from soup to nuts—is on the rise, the PPI is on the rise, the stock market is down for the year. But personally, there is no danger for Trump.

Now American consumers should be pretty worried about his picking a fight with their pocketbooks. And you’re starting to see some waning in consumer confidence according to one thing I heard from the Wall Street Journal.

U.S. Consumer Confidence Drops in June
personally he isn't. I doubt he's afraid of anyone or any country.

Funny how he didn’t make the comments about Germany to Merkel’s face…
He’s a pussy.
Always was ,,,bad heel and all
Where do you knuckleheads get your nonsense??

The US exported just over $116Bn in goods to China in 2016 while we imported $462Bn.

A $350Bn trade imbalance.
You all must be part of the team that sits together in the basement at night smoking, trying to come up with looney ways hoping to besmirch Trump. Lol
Making Putin happy is how trump is winning Republicans in bed with Putin
what is your issue with Putin exactly? what did he do to us?
Putin's great. Without him, Trump would be sitting in some bankruptcy meeting and Hillary would be wrecking the country!
Hopefully that's tongue in cheek or you're really Bri or
You all must be part of the team that sits together in the basement at night smoking, trying to come up with looney ways hoping to besmirch Trump. Lol
He does it to himself Hardly ever does he open his mouth without lying

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