Trump Fights Back!

Trump may have met his match - Omarosa can lie as good as he can, maybe better.

you go girlfriend !
Non-disclosure agreements for public employees are illegal. Public employees are protected by “whistleblower” laws and by the legal requirement for public employees to report abuses of power or taxpayers’ money.

If Trump were smarter, he’d know that. In fact he already does. That’s why they offered to pay Omarosa $15,000 a month for a fake “job” with one of the Trump companies. They wanted to get her to sign an NDA that was enforceable.

Especially at the CIA and FBI
What sort of fucked up NDA includes this never “disparage” the Trump family “during the term of your service and at all times thereafter.”

What sort of fucked up NDA???.......
The sort of one drawn up by a wanna-be despot with very LOW self-esteem....

Stupid bitch.

Former Coaches and Players, High-Up Management ALWAYS sign those. I wasn't even high in management and I signed one.

You sign it or you don't get the job.

You really are out of touch with the real world.

But, you're a dimocrap scumbag, sitting at his employer's computer stealing his money by wasting the time you are paid for on this Message Board.

More proof you are a Wendy's fry cook just making shit up. NDA's do not normally include a caveat that you can never say anything bad about the company for the rest of your fucking life.
What sort of fucked up NDA includes this never “disparage” the Trump family “during the term of your service and at all times thereafter.”

What sort of fucked up NDA???.......
The sort of one drawn up by a wanna-be despot with very LOW self-esteem....

Stupid bitch.

Former Coaches and Players, High-Up Management ALWAYS sign those. I wasn't even high in management and I signed one.

You sign it or you don't get the job.

You really are out of touch with the real world.

But, you're a dimocrap scumbag, sitting at his employer's computer stealing his money by wasting the time you are paid for on this Message Board.

Most of the left wingers on this board are retired.

And the right wingers who post here night and day are “self employed” or own their own businesses. All those 40 and 50 something’s making 15000 posts a year, all while running successful businesses. Yeah right.
NDA's do not normally include a caveat that you can never say anything bad about the company for the rest of your fucking life.

In the Upper Echelon, High Ends they do, douchenozzle.

And the last I checked, working at the White House is kinda, sorta considered a High Profile, High End job.

NDA's do not normally include a caveat that you can never say anything bad about the company for the rest of your fucking life.

In the Upper Echelon, High Ends they do, douchenozzle.

And the last I checked, working at the White House is kinda, sorta considered a High Profile, High End job.


bull shit. you are just making shit up now.

Get back to your fries before they burn!
Heck, I’ve had to sign nda’s For rescue organizations I’ve worked with.
It’s obvious you haven’t dealt with the real world much.
NDA's do not normally include a caveat that you can never say anything bad about the company for the rest of your fucking life.

In the Upper Echelon, High Ends they do, douchenozzle.

And the last I checked, working at the White House is kinda, sorta considered a High Profile, High End job.


bull shit. you are just making shit up now.

Get back to your fries before they burn!
Will this shut Omarosa's big mouth?

I don't know, but its certainly interesting and I suspect that her Lawyer will tell her to STFU.

About time...

Exclusive: Trump campaign seeks 'millions' against Omarosa for violating nondisclosure
Shows Show Us Only the Shallow

A listener would have to be either dumb or deaf to not be able to tell from her voice that this Wacky Whoopi clone is doing a poor job of putting on an act in order to get sympathy and newsroom cred for her race-baiting. Recently, in CNN's attempt to revise history about the 2000s, they included hillary's totally insincere-sounding speeches in the primary. So maybe even the Demwits are seeing through this poorly performed media puppet-theatre.
Why doe's our president have to get down in the mud and attack people on a personal level almost daily, would he not be better served to spend a lot of his time learning the tools of his job.
It's sick, but it is the same NDA he has made all his employees sign since the beginning of time, from what I hear.
Goes to show the Trump organization has always had a LOT to hide. Might not be criminal, but dysfunctional? Oh yeah.

They don't make you sign nondisclosure agreements when you work in the cafeteria, OL.

But every job I have had in the last 40 years required a nondisclosure AND a non-compete agreement.

People in the real world are aware of these. Not surprising that you're not.

And yes, I've seen people vigorously sued for violating them. Bigly.

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is well aware of these (In fact, they ALL have to sign one to work at any LSM outlet) but they know their audience..... The stupid, the ignorant, the uneducated, the gullible.

IOW, dimocrap scum
Did you just try to infer I work in the cafeteria?
Heck, I’ve had to sign nda’s For rescue organizations I’ve worked with.
It’s obvious you haven’t dealt with the real world much.
NDA's do not normally include a caveat that you can never say anything bad about the company for the rest of your fucking life.

In the Upper Echelon, High Ends they do, douchenozzle.

And the last I checked, working at the White House is kinda, sorta considered a High Profile, High End job.


bull shit. you are just making shit up now.

Get back to your fries before they burn!

And those NDA's had clauses that you were not allowed to say anything bad about the company or your boss for the rest of your life?
What sort of fucked up NDA includes this never “disparage” the Trump family “during the term of your service and at all times thereafter.”

What sort of fucked up NDA???.......
The sort of one drawn up by a wanna-be despot with very LOW self-esteem....

Stupid bitch.

Former Coaches and Players, High-Up Management ALWAYS sign those. I wasn't even high in management and I signed one.

You sign it or you don't get the job.

You really are out of touch with the real world.

But, you're a dimocrap scumbag, sitting at his employer's computer stealing his money by wasting the time you are paid for on this Message Board.
The NDA was made public back when Lewandowski was hired as CNN commentator back in 2016.

"During the term of your service and at all times thereafter, you hereby promise and agree not to demean or disparage publicly the company, Mr. Trump, any Trump company, any family member, or any family member company."

It would be hilarious if something like held up in court.
Will this shut Omarosa's big mouth?

I don't know, but its certainly interesting and I suspect that her Lawyer will tell her to STFU.

About time...

Exclusive: Trump campaign seeks 'millions' against Omarosa for violating nondisclosure
LOL, this is's gonna cost her. She better sell ALOT of books.

Non-disclosure agreements for public employees are illegal. Public employees are protected by “whistleblower” laws and by the legal requirement for public employees to report abuses of power or taxpayers’ money.

If Trump were smarter, he’d know that. In fact he already does. That’s why they offered to pay Omarosa $15,000 a month for a fake “job” with one of the Trump companies. They wanted to get her to sign an NDA that was enforceable.
we'll see how this plays out. so far anything she has discussed is not policy related and isn't covered under it.
NDA's do not normally include a caveat that you can never say anything bad about the company for the rest of your fucking life.

In the Upper Echelon, High Ends they do, douchenozzle.

And the last I checked, working at the White House is kinda, sorta considered a High Profile, High End job.


Non-disclosure agreements DO NOT cover personal opinions on other employees or your bosses in corporations. NDA's cover proprietary information, financial information (applicable only to private companies), and information on clients. The last NDA I signed was all about using or disclosing information gleaned from client files for insider trading purposes. In a 45 year career in banking, insurance and law, I have never signed an NDA saying I couldn't publically criticize the company or its owners.

I did work with one lawyer who asked to never give out any personal information to anyone about him or his family to anyone without his permission but he didn't put it in the NDA I signed. His wife was a famous media personality who had attracted a stalker. The police were involved and were escorting her to and from work.

Only an idiot like Trump has a NDA saying an ex-employee can't say anything negative about him in public. I seriously doubt that such a provision is even legally enforceable.
Will this shut Omarosa's big mouth?

I don't know, but its certainly interesting and I suspect that her Lawyer will tell her to STFU.

About time...

Exclusive: Trump campaign seeks 'millions' against Omarosa for violating nondisclosure
Shows Show Us Only the Shallow

A listener would have to be either dumb or deaf to not be able to tell from her voice that this Wacky Whoopi clone is doing a poor job of putting on an act in order to get sympathy and newsroom cred for her race-baiting. Recently, in CNN's attempt to revise history about the 2000s, they included hillary's totally insincere-sounding speeches in the primary. So maybe even the Demwits are seeing through this poorly performed media puppet-theatre.

"Wacki Whoopi clone"?

Whoopi Golberg: Winner of an Academy Award, Tony Award, Golden Globe Award, Emmy Award, Kid's Choice Award, People's Choice Award, Mark Twain award for Humour, and NAACP Entertainer of the year, and several more. An accomplished writer, actor and comedienne. At one point, she was the highest paid actress in Hollywood, having overcome both poverty and homelessness. She is also the mother of an adult daughter, and a prominent and proud member of the Gay and Lesbian Community. Whoopi is also on the list of the 20 most charitable celebrities in Hollywood.

Omarosa: Awards: None, Acomplishments: Once called "the most hated woman on television". She was born into a middle class family and has never known poverty of deprivation, and been married twice - to men on both occasions.

So on one hand we have a brilliant, accomplished woman who has won every major award in her field of work. She overcame poverty and homelessness, and has succeeded at the highest levels of the entertainment business. Someone who is and is admired, respected and loved around the world, for her work and for her philanthropy, and who is also a lesbian.

And on the other, a woman who's biggest accomplishment is being despised for being a liar, a cheater and a backstabber. Someone as thin-skinned and selfish as the guy who fired her - four times. She's not even a lesbian. In fact the only thing that she has in common with Whoopi Goldberg is they are both black women.
Will this shut Omarosa's big mouth?

I don't know, but its certainly interesting and I suspect that her Lawyer will tell her to STFU.

About time...

Exclusive: Trump campaign seeks 'millions' against Omarosa for violating nondisclosure
Since it didn't shut Karen McDougal or Stormy Daniels' mouths, do you really think it will? It's kind of closing the barn door after the horse is out, isn't it?
what exactly is "out"?

Omarosa's book, Unhinged, hit the shelves today. Pre-release copies have been on the streets for a week as reviewers weight in.

Omarosa has been making the rounds of the interview shows playing her secretly recorded tapes and generally spilling all the dirt. Excerpts have been published and the book widely quoted What's been said and broadcast is out in the public domain and can't be put back.

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