Trump forced off stage by SS

... The media is AWOL buddy. As is biased and dishonest as fuck, it's so blatant that even folks who hate Trump are getting pissed. It's driving a rage into this country. you want to talk about who started the "dire" trend of "end of the world" shit- it's the media because the Right no longer feels represented and the LEFT controlled media ignores everything bad that the Dems are doing. The Right no longer has a public voice. period.
Maybe if the right didn't become so batshit crazed, the main stream media would voice more of their views. The right has become so insane, their views are now found only on fringe websites.
Just happened in Nevada. Not sure what happened but SS was jumping into the crowd so obviously some tolerant leftist is doing Hillary's bidding or at least trying to! He is back on stage now.
case in point ... republicans assuming it was a lefty ... sorry buddy it was a actual a real republican not your fake one ... who held up a sign saying republicans against trump ... where the people in the audience attacked him ... one of the trump supporters yelled out gun ... once again republicans jumping at what they think happen ... then actually doing a little research

Anyone can register republican. If the campaign is willing to pay disabled to incite violence, do you think this is beneath them? Of course not! The way he talks is vert anti-republican and very Clinton campaign like...
the republicans identified him as a registered republican ... there are many republicans who have said republicans against trump ... I'm sorry evey time you see and actual fact you have to dodge the Ifea that there are republicans against trump ... look at all the republicans who have said they will vote for hillary ... I guess in your mind you believe what ever you want to ... just as long as you can say a lefty did it ... ya need to save face ...
There are many Democrats against Hillary and are voting for Trump, Independents as well. Your brain cell can't process that apparently.
Imbecile.... who said there aren't any?
Anyone can register republican.
Yeah, even Pussy Donald.

Watch out with your language. Plenty of people are voting for pussy this election cycle.
Not enough to elect him.

You must have meant her... he doesn't have a pussy... If you weren't a regressive who thought that gender is a social construct you might get something right from time to time.
No one said Pussy Donald "has" a pussy. Pussy Donald "is" a pussy. He reminded us of that last night when he cowered in fear over a paper sign.
Wouldn't surprise me if we found out that this was a scheme cooked up by
Rudy g and Steve Bannon....

I have seen better stuff from the wrestlers with the WWE....

Good lord the Trumpsters are trying to make the Donald out to be some tough guy
who stood toe to toe with a cardboard sign....
Umm... Rudy was the one who yelled, "GUN!!
I highly highly doubt that the "assassin" person isn't a plant by Clinton campaign. First of all, he would never state empty liberal catch slogans such as "Hope over Hate", if he wasn't a Clinton campaigner. Her campaign runs on such nonsense. Further, they have already conspired much worse, so it would not be surprising. Unless someone has actual evidence that this guy has been active before of course...
His Facebook page before it disappeared.

View attachment 97089

Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha! What a bunch of pussies!

He said he backs some GOP candidates and just wanted to voice frustration with Trump, not cause panic.

"I love all the people in that rally," he said. "We’re all fellow Americans. They’re doing their patriotic duty. They support their candidate. I’m just there showing that I’m a Republican. I’m all of your people’s brother. I just have a slight difference of opinion."

Later on Facebook, Crites wrote that he has no connection with the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton but has canvassed for her for about three hours, contributed to her campaign and voted for her.

The man behind the Trump rally disturbance in Reno

In other words he was A LYING DEMOCRAT.. Tied to the Hillary Campaign..

WE knew that all ready..

And he had a dangerous sign!


It wasn't the sign moron.. It was the fact he went for a secret service agents gun.. I believe the agents reports more than that lying little scumbag..
Post a link to the rightwing nut site reporting that since no one else is...
If this shows any thing it's that people don't wait for the facts. then just throw sh%$t in the game.
Anyone can register republican.
Yeah, even Pussy Donald.

Watch out with your language. Plenty of people are voting for pussy this election cycle.
Not enough to elect him.

You must have meant her... he doesn't have a pussy... If you weren't a regressive who thought that gender is a social construct you might get something right from time to time.
No one said Pussy Donald "has" a pussy. Pussy Donald "is" a pussy. He reminded us of that last night when he cowered in fear over a paper sign.

Actually Trump is an Alpha man, one with big balls. Hillary has a pussy which is why you are voting for her... it's the only good, if utterly racist reason to vote for her.
Yeah, even Pussy Donald.

Watch out with your language. Plenty of people are voting for pussy this election cycle.
Not enough to elect him.

You must have meant her... he doesn't have a pussy... If you weren't a regressive who thought that gender is a social construct you might get something right from time to time.
No one said Pussy Donald "has" a pussy. Pussy Donald "is" a pussy. He reminded us of that last night when he cowered in fear over a paper sign.

Actually Trump is an Alpha man, one with big balls. Hillary has a pussy which is why you are voting for her... it's the only good, if utterly racist reason to vote for her.
Trump is an orange pussy with little hands.

Fake images is all these people can produce...

Spits the flaming imbecile with a fake image of Hillary in jail as his tagline.



I'm telling ya folks, you can't make this shit up -- these rightards really are as batshit insane as they appear.
... The media is AWOL buddy. As is biased and dishonest as fuck, it's so blatant that even folks who hate Trump are getting pissed. It's driving a rage into this country. you want to talk about who started the "dire" trend of "end of the world" shit- it's the media because the Right no longer feels represented and the LEFT controlled media ignores everything bad that the Dems are doing. The Right no longer has a public voice. period.
that's your opinion not mind ... here trump makes statements .... then when he has them thrown back into his face, its now a biased press... by you right wing moon bats ... thats what you moron just can't seem to get ... trump is his own worst enemy .... do you see the press being biased over hillary ??? or is it only when they repeat what trump said makes them biased

No, it really is despicable, they are supposed to report things objectively and without bias. That's not what they are doing. To twist this incident into Trump's son lying as a headline, that's just criminally biased.
again that's your opinion not mine ... Ive always said there's no such thing as the liberal press ...there is how ever a such of a thing as press you don't like ... the problem you have is you don't like what's being said ... do you think I like this BS about Hillary's emails ??? Hell NO !!!! but you don't here me saying the press is biased do you ???

Not as much an opinion as a fact.

It's not that I don't like what is being said, it's the fact that they are biased, while claiming to be the beacon of objectivity. You can take your opinions elsewhere, I can assure you, no one cares about them.
no, its just your opinion without any factual bass to it... you didn't like what they said about trump .... in my opinion you can take your opinion elsewhere as far as I'm concerned ... it was Ok for you all to call hillary a crook ... when we learn Sunday the emails were ones they already had .... which by they way, I've said here many times on these boards before ... it was all over the news prior for 9 days ... you said we have the smoking gun, you said we got her red handed, you said all kinds of shit before anything was looked at ... you said this because you had nothing else to say ... come to find out they were emails we already had .... now you're saying just because of this allege left wing bias you claim we had ... like I said its news you don't like
Fake images is all these people can produce...

Spits the flaming imbecile with a fake image of Hillary in jail as his tagline.



I'm telling ya folks, you can't make this shit up -- these rightards really are as batshit insane as they appear.
they have been so indoctrinated by theses right wing nut cases of theirs, that its hard to believe they have the ability to think
case in point ... republicans assuming it was a lefty ... sorry buddy it was a actual a real republican not your fake one ... who held up a sign saying republicans against trump ... where the people in the audience attacked him ... one of the trump supporters yelled out gun ... once again republicans jumping at what they think happen ... then actually doing a little research

Anyone can register republican. If the campaign is willing to pay disabled to incite violence, do you think this is beneath them? Of course not! The way he talks is vert anti-republican and very Clinton campaign like...
the republicans identified him as a registered republican ... there are many republicans who have said republicans against trump ... I'm sorry evey time you see and actual fact you have to dodge the Ifea that there are republicans against trump ... look at all the republicans who have said they will vote for hillary ... I guess in your mind you believe what ever you want to ... just as long as you can say a lefty did it ... ya need to save face ...
There are many Democrats against Hillary and are voting for Trump, Independents as well. Your brain cell can't process that apparently.
first of all the discussion is about trump being attack at a ralley ... the accusation was that it was a lefty that did it .... it was establish by the secret service he's was a republican that had a sign that said republicans against trump ... there is no discussion here whether hillary has people who are voting for trump thats not the issue ... I realize you have this urge to say well. hillary did it too ... again the accusation was the person was a lefty ... I just pointed out it was a republican with a sign saying republicans against trump ... where the deplorable attacked him, then shouted gun ... keep up if you can
It's spelled "rally". I learned that by the third grade. "He's was"?

You are what the rest of the world laughs at. A large percentage is bilingual or more and you don't even know one.

YOU brought up Republicans not voting for Trump and you don't get to dictate the answers. You are making a fool out of yourself.
well good for you ... you learn to spell in the third grade .... you mommy must be proud ... when I was in the third grade I was fighting for my life ... so I guess me not learning how to spell as well as you was the last thing I had On my mind
Dems have no idea who Trump is because the Media has presented them a lie. They deserve everything she will do to America. ~Shakes head and walks away~
so when he said to the people on TV that just because he was famous he could grab their pussy ... I guess when he said that mexicans are rapist and murders that was not true ... I guess when he said women with flat chest haven't any real value was made up too ... not to mention they were fat pigs .... what you have is what I call Leftitis if it leans a tiny bit to the left then its a lie ...

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