Trump going after military industrial complex for cost overruns ...

Bravo, the military suppliers are just used to charging more and getting paid. Damned time they are accountable for under bidding and over billing. First it was Air Force One, now it's the F35s. Time for some accountability.

Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does

Sure he is.

Thanks for the comment from the butt hurt gallery. Have you noticed you people are incredibly repetitive?

I'm not butthurt. You know that. I'm embarrassed. It's a way different emotion.

"You people" is identity politics. Better check yourself.

Yep, "you people" refers to people like you who are butt hurt over the election ... you lost. Your questions are?

You sure do take a different tone at certain times. You struggle with some issue that causes that?

Yes, comments like "sure he is" over a month before he takes office. I obviously have huge distrust of politicians. But Trump sure has followed up with his cabinet appointments for someone who plans to be a typical politician. They oppose obamacare and support vouchers and is tossing political correctness and liberal hysteria out the window and picking who he wants.

He's gone after the military industry harder than anyone in my lifetime, including Reagan. We need serious action against government spending, it's out of control. He took the call from Taiwan. If he's planning to not follow up, he sure is setting himself up with his choices now, it's going to be a bloodbath with his supporters to do it very publicly. The man isn't stupid.

I'd like to give him a chance. You come in with "sure he is," which adds nothing to the conversation and is just the butt hurt liberals have provided in abundance since the election. It's just tired at this point
Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does
Yep. Hopefully, he cuts out food programs for children and they starve, because hey, we just want to make sure they get into this world, then once they're here it's, fuck you kid, you're on your own.

LMAO No children starve on welfare. In fact most are obese. Isn't that Mooch's big deal? Having kids eat healthy??

Personally I'd get rid of Welfare and Medicaid. You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. That was proved back in the 90's when Congress drastically cut welfare.

I'm not interested in bankrolling anyone's life for them and if you are then whip our YOUR wallet, debit card and check book and have at it you dumbass.

Believe me they will take anything YOU want to give them and ask for more.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country and they will take anything they can get for free. Though nothing is free. Its all provided by we the taxpayer and I for one and sick of it.

Great post. I like how according to VOR our $4 trillion Federal budget is apparently only spent on food stamps for children. No wonder they're obese ...
Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does
Yep. Hopefully, he cuts out food programs for children and they starve, because hey, we just want to make sure they get into this world, then once they're here it's, fuck you kid, you're on your own.

LMAO No children starve on welfare. In fact most are obese. Isn't that Mooch's big deal? Having kids eat healthy??

Personally I'd get rid of Welfare and Medicaid. You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. That was proved back in the 90's when Congress drastically cut welfare.

I'm not interested in bankrolling anyone's life for them and if you are then whip our YOUR wallet, debit card and check book and have at it you dumbass.

Believe me they will take anything YOU want to give them and ask for more.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country and they will take anything they can get for free. Though nothing is free. Its all provided by we the taxpayer and I for one and sick of it.
Which is why you righttards LOST. Cruz LOST,Walker LOST. We elected a populist. Want a government that hates its poorest members I am sure you can go find one overseas. People that make min wage CAN NOT afford food for their families,so pick one or the other. Welfare for the WORKER or welfare for the corporations that pay the workers shit wages.

A populist who's sure setting up to go after spending. Maybe they weren't so dumb.

That said I'm still a Cruz supporter, I think he'd go after spending with the same vigor. But Trump seems to be the first spending conscious President since Reagan.

On that last sentence, liberals may now display your profound lack of historical knowledge ...
Good on him, but the MIC runs the country at the end of day. Permanent War is the goal. Military spending will continue to increase. Not much the President can do about that. Any President that seriously takes on the MIC, will be risking his or her life.

JFK was the last President to take on the MIC and Federal Reserve. And we all know how that turned out. All politicians got the message loud & clear. No President since, has dared to follow JFK's lead.
That would be true if the US was planning on losing their military dominance. Drawdowns are dangerous as every war the US has involved itself in proves. Sending the military into battle unprepared and underfunded wastes time and manpower trying to catch up. Pray for peace but be prepared for war makes a lot of sense.

I'm not saying throw money at the military willy nilly. Programs like the F-35 have been have been a colossal waste of money seeing as the US already has battle proven platforms in its arsenal that can continue to do the job for many years to come. We just need to spend the money more wisely while keeping our edge over any potential enemy.
Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does
Yep. Hopefully, he cuts out food programs for children and they starve, because hey, we just want to make sure they get into this world, then once they're here it's, fuck you kid, you're on your own.

LMAO No children starve on welfare. In fact most are obese. Isn't that Mooch's big deal? Having kids eat healthy??

Personally I'd get rid of Welfare and Medicaid. You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. That was proved back in the 90's when Congress drastically cut welfare.

I'm not interested in bankrolling anyone's life for them and if you are then whip our YOUR wallet, debit card and check book and have at it you dumbass.

Believe me they will take anything YOU want to give them and ask for more.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country and they will take anything they can get for free. Though nothing is free. Its all provided by we the taxpayer and I for one and sick of it.
For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.

Pass it on.

People living on government welfare should not be allowed to vote while they are on welfare. Pure conflict of interest. If you're down on your luck and your friends are buying you dinner, you don't get to tell them where to take you ...
Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does
Yep. Hopefully, he cuts out food programs for children and they starve, because hey, we just want to make sure they get into this world, then once they're here it's, fuck you kid, you're on your own.

LMAO No children starve on welfare. In fact most are obese. Isn't that Mooch's big deal? Having kids eat healthy??

Personally I'd get rid of Welfare and Medicaid. You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. That was proved back in the 90's when Congress drastically cut welfare.

I'm not interested in bankrolling anyone's life for them and if you are then whip our YOUR wallet, debit card and check book and have at it you dumbass.

Believe me they will take anything YOU want to give them and ask for more.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country and they will take anything they can get for free. Though nothing is free. Its all provided by we the taxpayer and I for one and sick of it.
For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.

Pass it on.

I agree though it will never happen. The ACLU would be all over it

Now if Muslims want to blow you up, that they're OK with ...
Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does
Yep. Hopefully, he cuts out food programs for children and they starve, because hey, we just want to make sure they get into this world, then once they're here it's, fuck you kid, you're on your own.

LMAO No children starve on welfare. In fact most are obese. Isn't that Mooch's big deal? Having kids eat healthy??

Personally I'd get rid of Welfare and Medicaid. You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. That was proved back in the 90's when Congress drastically cut welfare.

I'm not interested in bankrolling anyone's life for them and if you are then whip our YOUR wallet, debit card and check book and have at it you dumbass.

Believe me they will take anything YOU want to give them and ask for more.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country and they will take anything they can get for free. Though nothing is free. Its all provided by we the taxpayer and I for one and sick of it.
Which is why you righttards LOST. Cruz LOST,Walker LOST. We elected a populist. Want a government that hates its poorest members I am sure you can go find one overseas. People that make min wage CAN NOT afford food for their families,so pick one or the other. Welfare for the WORKER or welfare for the corporations that pay the workers shit wages.

Tell me. Who's the President Elect??
LOL and you think he is a right winger...ROFLMAO! LMAO! Oh god that' funny.

Why would she care whether a left winger thinks Trump is sufficiently right wing or not?
Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does
Yep. Hopefully, he cuts out food programs for children and they starve, because hey, we just want to make sure they get into this world, then once they're here it's, fuck you kid, you're on your own.

LMAO No children starve on welfare. In fact most are obese. Isn't that Mooch's big deal? Having kids eat healthy??

Personally I'd get rid of Welfare and Medicaid. You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. That was proved back in the 90's when Congress drastically cut welfare.

I'm not interested in bankrolling anyone's life for them and if you are then whip our YOUR wallet, debit card and check book and have at it you dumbass.

Believe me they will take anything YOU want to give them and ask for more.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country and they will take anything they can get for free. Though nothing is free. Its all provided by we the taxpayer and I for one and sick of it.
For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.

Pass it on.
Nah. There are MILLIONS of working white people on welfare thanks to capitalist greed.

Yeah, Karl mentioned that ...
Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does
Yep. Hopefully, he cuts out food programs for children and they starve, because hey, we just want to make sure they get into this world, then once they're here it's, fuck you kid, you're on your own.

LMAO No children starve on welfare. In fact most are obese. Isn't that Mooch's big deal? Having kids eat healthy??

Personally I'd get rid of Welfare and Medicaid. You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. That was proved back in the 90's when Congress drastically cut welfare.

I'm not interested in bankrolling anyone's life for them and if you are then whip our YOUR wallet, debit card and check book and have at it you dumbass.

Believe me they will take anything YOU want to give them and ask for more.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country and they will take anything they can get for free. Though nothing is free. Its all provided by we the taxpayer and I for one and sick of it.
For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.

Pass it on.

I agree though it will never happen. The ACLU would be all over it
You are right. But it would be an effective way, finally, to begin closing the so-called "achievement gap".

Yep. We import the lowest economic immigrants we can and we pay the lowest achievers born here to breed. It's sick
Yeah, kill the Jews, blah blah, got it, Adolph
Derp as usual snowflake.

Yes, I don't want Jews to die like you and the Democrat party want them to. That's ... what again?
The same democrap party that had a Jewess as its head of the DNC? That's FULL of Jewish members in congress? just want children and the elderly to be slaughtered because of their religion. YOU and those like you will be dealt with along with the jewish problem. No amount of education can teach such brainwashed fools the truth....not even worth trying because even if we could fix the brainwashing we could never trust you.

Yep, self hating Jews, it's pathetic
I see mommy let you on the computer early today!

Again going with the stalest most commonly used insults you can find on the retread mill, huh? You really can't create any content of your own, can you?

I'll throw you a bone. Ouch, that hurts so much. Stop, stop, please just stop ...

Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does
Yep. Hopefully, he cuts out food programs for children and they starve, because hey, we just want to make sure they get into this world, then once they're here it's, fuck you kid, you're on your own.

LMAO No children starve on welfare. In fact most are obese. Isn't that Mooch's big deal? Having kids eat healthy??

Personally I'd get rid of Welfare and Medicaid. You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. That was proved back in the 90's when Congress drastically cut welfare.

I'm not interested in bankrolling anyone's life for them and if you are then whip our YOUR wallet, debit card and check book and have at it you dumbass.

Believe me they will take anything YOU want to give them and ask for more.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country and they will take anything they can get for free. Though nothing is free. Its all provided by we the taxpayer and I for one and sick of it.
Which is why you righttards LOST. Cruz LOST,Walker LOST. We elected a populist. Want a government that hates its poorest members I am sure you can go find one overseas. People that make min wage CAN NOT afford food for their families,so pick one or the other. Welfare for the WORKER or welfare for the corporations that pay the workers shit wages.

A populist who's sure setting up to go after spending. Maybe they weren't so dumb.

That said I'm still a Cruz supporter, I think he'd go after spending with the same vigor. But Trump seems to be the first spending conscious President since Reagan.

On that last sentence, liberals may now display your profound lack of historical knowledge ...
Spending sure like the overpriced Jets and military waste,fraud etc,the overpriced Air Force One plane...he said quite clearly he wouldn't cut social needs or social security.Course you like Cruz. That SOB is an Israel Firster and HATES anyone who doesn't bow down to Israel including his own christian brethren....he's a disgusting POS.
Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does
Yep. Hopefully, he cuts out food programs for children and they starve, because hey, we just want to make sure they get into this world, then once they're here it's, fuck you kid, you're on your own.

LMAO No children starve on welfare. In fact most are obese. Isn't that Mooch's big deal? Having kids eat healthy??

Personally I'd get rid of Welfare and Medicaid. You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. That was proved back in the 90's when Congress drastically cut welfare.

I'm not interested in bankrolling anyone's life for them and if you are then whip our YOUR wallet, debit card and check book and have at it you dumbass.

Believe me they will take anything YOU want to give them and ask for more.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country and they will take anything they can get for free. Though nothing is free. Its all provided by we the taxpayer and I for one and sick of it.
For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.

Pass it on.
Nah. There are MILLIONS of working white people on welfare thanks to capitalist greed.
Capitalist greed or government intervention ? I seem to remember the Government forcing lenders to give loans to people who did not have the means to pay them back.
Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does
Yep. Hopefully, he cuts out food programs for children and they starve, because hey, we just want to make sure they get into this world, then once they're here it's, fuck you kid, you're on your own.

LMAO No children starve on welfare. In fact most are obese. Isn't that Mooch's big deal? Having kids eat healthy??

Personally I'd get rid of Welfare and Medicaid. You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. That was proved back in the 90's when Congress drastically cut welfare.

I'm not interested in bankrolling anyone's life for them and if you are then whip our YOUR wallet, debit card and check book and have at it you dumbass.

Believe me they will take anything YOU want to give them and ask for more.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country and they will take anything they can get for free. Though nothing is free. Its all provided by we the taxpayer and I for one and sick of it.
Which is why you righttards LOST. Cruz LOST,Walker LOST. We elected a populist. Want a government that hates its poorest members I am sure you can go find one overseas. People that make min wage CAN NOT afford food for their families,so pick one or the other. Welfare for the WORKER or welfare for the corporations that pay the workers shit wages.

A populist who's sure setting up to go after spending. Maybe they weren't so dumb.

That said I'm still a Cruz supporter, I think he'd go after spending with the same vigor. But Trump seems to be the first spending conscious President since Reagan.

On that last sentence, liberals may now display your profound lack of historical knowledge ...
Spending sure like the overpriced Jets and military waste,fraud etc,the overpriced Air Force One plane...he said quite clearly he wouldn't cut social needs or social security.Course you like Cruz. That SOB is an Israel Firster and HATES anyone who doesn't bow down to Israel including his own christian brethren....he's a disgusting POS.

He doesn't do any of that with Israel, you're FOS
Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does
Yep. Hopefully, he cuts out food programs for children and they starve, because hey, we just want to make sure they get into this world, then once they're here it's, fuck you kid, you're on your own.

LMAO No children starve on welfare. In fact most are obese. Isn't that Mooch's big deal? Having kids eat healthy??

Personally I'd get rid of Welfare and Medicaid. You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. That was proved back in the 90's when Congress drastically cut welfare.

I'm not interested in bankrolling anyone's life for them and if you are then whip our YOUR wallet, debit card and check book and have at it you dumbass.

Believe me they will take anything YOU want to give them and ask for more.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country and they will take anything they can get for free. Though nothing is free. Its all provided by we the taxpayer and I for one and sick of it.
For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.

Pass it on.
Nah. There are MILLIONS of working white people on welfare thanks to capitalist greed.
Capitalist greed or government intervention ? I seem to remember the Government forcing lenders to give loans to people who did not have the means to pay them back.

Yes, every time government screws anything up, the leftists like Odium blame capitalism. Yeah ...
Won't it be sweet if he goes after social programs with the same vigor? I sure hope he does
Yep. Hopefully, he cuts out food programs for children and they starve, because hey, we just want to make sure they get into this world, then once they're here it's, fuck you kid, you're on your own.

Maine did a pretty good job cutting down on their food stamp program, and believe it or not, no starving children either.

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

You probably won't bother going to the story, so in short, they required anybody without children to do one of three things to receive food stamps: One was to be enrolled in a vocational school. Two was to have a job working at least 20 hours a week. Three was to do voluntary work for 20 hours a month. Guess what? It turns out a lot of those people weren't that hungry after all. They dropped out of the program.

Read your article again... Maine supplemented the Food Stamps with heavy investment Training and Education... Find a liberal who disagrees with that....

Yet most if them decided the offer. They dropped out of the program instead.
Sure he is.

Thanks for the comment from the butt hurt gallery. Have you noticed you people are incredibly repetitive?

I'm not butthurt. You know that. I'm embarrassed. It's a way different emotion.

"You people" is identity politics. Better check yourself.

Yep, "you people" refers to people like you who are butt hurt over the election ... you lost. Your questions are?

You sure do take a different tone at certain times. You struggle with some issue that causes that?

Yes, comments like "sure he is" over a month before he takes office. I obviously have huge distrust of politicians. But Trump sure has followed up with his cabinet appointments for someone who plans to be a typical politician. They oppose obamacare and support vouchers and is tossing political correctness and liberal hysteria out the window and picking who he wants.

He's gone after the military industry harder than anyone in my lifetime, including Reagan. We need serious action against government spending, it's out of control. He took the call from Taiwan. If he's planning to not follow up, he sure is setting himself up with his choices now, it's going to be a bloodbath with his supporters to do it very publicly. The man isn't stupid.

I'd like to give him a chance. You come in with "sure he is," which adds nothing to the conversation and is just the butt hurt liberals have provided in abundance since the election. It's just tired at this point

You believe the man when he talks. That's all I need to know.
Good on him, but the MIC runs the country at the end of day. Permanent War is the goal. Military spending will continue to increase. Not much the President can do about that. Any President that seriously takes on the MIC, will be risking his or her life.

JFK was the last President to take on the MIC and Federal Reserve. And we all know how that turned out. All politicians got the message loud & clear. No President since, has dared to follow JFK's lead.

Read up on how military spending collapsed after the end of the COld War. Especially in inflation adjusted dollars.
Good on him, but the MIC runs the country at the end of day. Permanent War is the goal. Military spending will continue to increase. Not much the President can do about that. Any President that seriously takes on the MIC, will be risking his or her life.

JFK was the last President to take on the MIC and Federal Reserve. And we all know how that turned out. All politicians got the message loud & clear. No President since, has dared to follow JFK's lead.

Read up on how military spending collapsed after the end of the COld War. Especially in inflation adjusted dollars.

Compared to the rest of the world, US Military spending is insanely astronomical. For instance, China and Russia military spending combined, isn't even close to US spending. And no US President is gonna change that. Any President who dares to seek peace, will likely go the way of JFK. For the MIC, Permanent War is the agenda. Anyone interfering with that, really is risking their life.
Thanks for the comment from the butt hurt gallery. Have you noticed you people are incredibly repetitive?

I'm not butthurt. You know that. I'm embarrassed. It's a way different emotion.

"You people" is identity politics. Better check yourself.

Yep, "you people" refers to people like you who are butt hurt over the election ... you lost. Your questions are?

You sure do take a different tone at certain times. You struggle with some issue that causes that?

Yes, comments like "sure he is" over a month before he takes office. I obviously have huge distrust of politicians. But Trump sure has followed up with his cabinet appointments for someone who plans to be a typical politician. They oppose obamacare and support vouchers and is tossing political correctness and liberal hysteria out the window and picking who he wants.

He's gone after the military industry harder than anyone in my lifetime, including Reagan. We need serious action against government spending, it's out of control. He took the call from Taiwan. If he's planning to not follow up, he sure is setting himself up with his choices now, it's going to be a bloodbath with his supporters to do it very publicly. The man isn't stupid.

I'd like to give him a chance. You come in with "sure he is," which adds nothing to the conversation and is just the butt hurt liberals have provided in abundance since the election. It's just tired at this point

You believe the man when he talks. That's all I need to know.


So my choices are that I blindly believe him or I call him a liar like you. I've clearly said that while I voted for Johnson, but I'm going to give Trump a chance. At some point I may conclude I don't believe him, but I assure you if that day comes ... unlike you ... it will be AFTER January 20.

And if anything he is clearly trying to set up a cabinet that says he's serious. Why would he do that if he's not going to at least try? Why would he set up a cabinet full of people with stones then lie to them and get hammered for it? It makes no sense.

Duh, dar, burp, drool, kaz, either call him a flat out liar now or declare every word that comes out of his mouth is sacred. Drool, drool. Yeah, those are my choices. At some point do you want to try an adult conversation? You gotta give it to get it
I'm not butthurt. You know that. I'm embarrassed. It's a way different emotion.

"You people" is identity politics. Better check yourself.

Yep, "you people" refers to people like you who are butt hurt over the election ... you lost. Your questions are?

You sure do take a different tone at certain times. You struggle with some issue that causes that?

Yes, comments like "sure he is" over a month before he takes office. I obviously have huge distrust of politicians. But Trump sure has followed up with his cabinet appointments for someone who plans to be a typical politician. They oppose obamacare and support vouchers and is tossing political correctness and liberal hysteria out the window and picking who he wants.

He's gone after the military industry harder than anyone in my lifetime, including Reagan. We need serious action against government spending, it's out of control. He took the call from Taiwan. If he's planning to not follow up, he sure is setting himself up with his choices now, it's going to be a bloodbath with his supporters to do it very publicly. The man isn't stupid.

I'd like to give him a chance. You come in with "sure he is," which adds nothing to the conversation and is just the butt hurt liberals have provided in abundance since the election. It's just tired at this point

You believe the man when he talks. That's all I need to know.


So my choices are that I blindly believe him or I call him a liar like you. I've clearly said that while I voted for Johnson, but I'm going to give Trump a chance. At some point I may conclude I don't believe him, but I assure you if that day comes ... unlike you ... it will be AFTER January 20.

And if anything he is clearly trying to set up a cabinet that says he's serious. Why would he do that if he's not going to at least try? Why would he set up a cabinet full of people with stones then lie to them and get hammered for it? It makes no sense.

At some point do you want to try an adult conversation? You gotta give it to get it

I have also CLEARLY stated that I'm going to give him a chance. But..The dude is the most prolific liar to ever win that office. Not even close.

His cabinet is not serious. Outside of Mattis....who isn't actually the serious pick.

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