Trump Going to Mexico

Clinton's receive nothing, not even a dime of the Foundation's donations....
How do you KNOW that?

You dont, you just hope it is true.

Besides, doesnt the APPEARANCE of IMPROPRIETY mean anything any more to you Dems?

To get your brain around this, try to imagine that this was Richard Nixon, mmmk?

Clinton foundation is not a private foundation. All transactions are transparent, open for audits and ratings. They haven't had an audit in years.....and they are doing things the IRS doesn't allow a charity of their type to do....


The information was in the emails hilary destroyed with Bleach Bit....
Trump just shot down any criticism Hillary can level at him on immigration at debate. I like liberal media pulling out its hair. "But...but...he insulted them just a few months ago!" Trump never insulted or attacked anybody. All truth to power all the time.


"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. And they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people."

LOL- sure- he never insulted Mexico or Mexicans......according the alt-right nut jobs.
The ones coming across have been. You are in an "alt" world. I worked side by side with illegal Mexican labor so I know. The price for drug lords allowing them to cross border is to become a drug courier. They have false ID's and many are in prison right now. Liberals don't know shit about the ruthless nature of our lawless border with Mexico.

Really? The whole world even asians knew the brutalities what is going on south of our borders. Actually I found out that the right wings nuts or republicans are far more ignorant than liberals.
1. Are you saying that all illegal crossings are drug dealers and rapist?
2. Are you denying that Trump never insulted all Mexicans?
Clinton's receive nothing, not even a dime of the Foundation's donations....
How do you KNOW that?

You dont, you just hope it is true.

Besides, doesnt the APPEARANCE of IMPROPRIETY mean anything any more to you Dems?

To get your brain around this, try to imagine that this was Richard Nixon, mmmk?

Clinton foundation is not a private foundation. All transactions are transparent, open for audits and ratings. They haven't had an audit in years.....and they are doing things the IRS doesn't allow a charity of their type to do....


The information was in the emails hilary destroyed with Bleach Bit....

Just what I thought..... You have nothing. Try not act like a Zika baby.
Good, he'll have one leader meeting under his belt, 1000 less than Clinton, but at least he's trying....:p

Wrong....he has met leaders of countries all over the world....he has dealt with the governments of foriegn countries as he built his empire........nice try...try again....

He only met world leaders that has something to do with his business. Not sure who are they but I know who are the world leaders that totally despised Trump. See link.

61 not-very-positive things foreign leaders have said about Donald Trump

And they will have to change their tune when he is President...they don't like him because they already paid hilary.....if she loses they are out hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes.....

There will not a president Trump. They don't like him because he is totally bigoted, racist, decisive, isolationist insulting style.
This has nothing to do with Hillary.
Trump just shot down any criticism Hillary can level at him on immigration at debate. I like liberal media pulling out its hair. "But...but...he insulted them just a few months ago!" Trump never insulted or attacked anybody. All truth to power all the time.


"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. And they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people."

LOL- sure- he never insulted Mexico or Mexicans......according the alt-right nut jobs.
The ones coming across have been. You are in an "alt" world. I worked side by side with illegal Mexican labor so I know. The price for drug lords allowing them to cross border is to become a drug courier. They have false ID's and many are in prison right now. Liberals don't know shit about the ruthless nature of our lawless border with Mexico.

Really? The whole world even asians knew the brutalities what is going on south of our borders. Actually I found out that the right wings nuts or republicans are far more ignorant than liberals.
1. Are you saying that all illegal crossings are drug dealers and rapist?
2. Are you denying that Trump never insulted all Mexicans?
Many of them are. It a violent place on the border.
Good, he'll have one leader meeting under his belt, 1000 less than Clinton, but at least he's trying....:p

Wrong....he has met leaders of countries all over the world....he has dealt with the governments of foriegn countries as he built his empire........nice try...try again....

He only met world leaders that has something to do with his business. Not sure who are they but I know who are the world leaders that totally despised Trump. See link.

61 not-very-positive things foreign leaders have said about Donald Trump

And they will have to change their tune when he is President...they don't like him because they already paid hilary.....if she loses they are out hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes.....

There will not a president Trump. They don't like him because he is totally bigoted, racist, decisive, isolationist insulting style.
This has nothing to do with Hillary.
Man you just described Democrats opinion of white males.
Good, he'll have one leader meeting under his belt, 1000 less than Clinton, but at least he's trying....:p

Wrong....he has met leaders of countries all over the world....he has dealt with the governments of foriegn countries as he built his empire........nice try...try again....

He only met world leaders that has something to do with his business. Not sure who are they but I know who are the world leaders that totally despised Trump. See link.

61 not-very-positive things foreign leaders have said about Donald Trump

And they will have to change their tune when he is President...they don't like him because they already paid hilary.....if she loses they are out hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes.....

There will not a president Trump. They don't like him because he is totally bigoted, racist, decisive, isolationist insulting style.
This has nothing to do with Hillary.

No.....they already bribed hilary through the clinton foundation and if he gets elected they lose all that money....cause the clintons don't do refunds.....
Good, he'll have one leader meeting under his belt, 1000 less than Clinton, but at least he's trying....:p

Wrong....he has met leaders of countries all over the world....he has dealt with the governments of foriegn countries as he built his empire........nice try...try again....

He only met world leaders that has something to do with his business. Not sure who are they but I know who are the world leaders that totally despised Trump. See link.

61 not-very-positive things foreign leaders have said about Donald Trump

And they will have to change their tune when he is President...they don't like him because they already paid hilary.....if she loses they are out hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes.....

There will not a president Trump. They don't like him because he is totally bigoted, racist, decisive, isolationist insulting style.
This has nothing to do with Hillary.

How many Illegals do you know personally?
Do you have any idea what their life in Mexico is like?
I work with someone who eventually became a US citizen and he says they're civilized when they're working and getting paid.
Otherwise, they'll rip your heart out.
I'm not saying other people aren't the same, but an illegal is an illegal.
Trump just shot down any criticism Hillary can level at him on immigration at debate. I like liberal media pulling out its hair. "But...but...he insulted them just a few months ago!" Trump never insulted or attacked anybody. All truth to power all the time.


"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. And they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people."

LOL- sure- he never insulted Mexico or Mexicans......according the alt-right nut jobs.
The ones coming across have been..

So like Trump- you think that every Mexican who comes to the United States is a rapist.

You do qualify as a Trumpster.
Donald Trump will go to Mexico this morning to meet with leaders there. Then he will announce his immigration plan later in the day. Win,win situation for "The Donald." Gets to look more presidential and is going into the Tigers den.
For a taco salad?
Trump just shot down any criticism Hillary can level at him on immigration at debate. I like liberal media pulling out its hair. "But...but...he insulted them just a few months ago!" Trump never insulted or attacked anybody. All truth to power all the time.


"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. And they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people."

LOL- sure- he never insulted Mexico or Mexicans......according the alt-right nut jobs.
The ones coming across have been..

So like Trump- you think that every Mexican who comes to the United States is a rapist.

You do qualify as a Trumpster.
He even thinks the children are rapist also....even the toddlers...
Jim, do you have some sort of proof that the Prince of Bahrain tried to meet with the Secretary of State and was completely turned down to meet with her, but then he went and donated 32 million to the Charity and after he donated money to the foundation charity he called again and that time got a meeting?
Sure do.

Breaking: Crown Prince Forced to Go Through Clinton Foundation to See Clinton After 32 Mil Donation , page 1

New Abedin Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton State Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors

Included among the Abedin-Band emails is an exchange revealing that when Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain requested a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton, he was forced to go through the Clinton Foundation for an appointment. Abedin advised Band that when she went through “normal channels” at State, Clinton declined to meet. After Band intervened, however, the meeting was set up within forty-eight hours.

From: Doug Band
To: Huma Abedin
Sent: Tue Jun 23 1:29:42 2009

Cp of Bahrain in tomorrow to Friday

Asking to see her

Good friend of ours

From: Huma Abedin
To: Doug Band
Sent: Tue Jun 23 4:12:46 2009

Subject: Re:
He asked to see hrc thurs and fri thru normal channels. I asked and she said she doesn’t want to commit to anything for thurs or fri until she knows how she will feel. Also she says that she may want to go to ny and doesn’t want to be committed to stuff in ny…

From: Huma Abedin [[email protected]]
Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:35:15 AM
To: Doug Band

Offering Bahrain cp 10 tomorrow for meeting woith [sic] hrc

If u see him, let him know

We have reached out thru official channels
Judicial Watch Press Release

According to the Clinton Foundation website, in 2005, Salman committed to establishing the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program (CPISP) for the Clinton Global Initiative. And by 2010, it had contributed $32 million to CGI. The Kingdom of Bahrain reportedly gave between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. And Bahrain Petroleum also gave an additional $25,000 to $50,000.

You only get to play in a Clinton White House if you first PAY.
Oh Jim, Jim, Jim....

No where does any of that say or prove that the Prince tried to get a meeting with Hillary, and ONLY after he donated money to the Clinton foundation, would she take a meeting with him.
C4A, you need to read it a little more closely.

In detail, step by step.

1. The CP of Bahrain had been giving money to the CF and CGI through various channels, and Doug Band who works there was well aware of it.

2. Huma emails Doug about the CP not being able to get the appointment he wants with Hillary as she does not want to see him, especially on Thursday or Friday. She needs to see how "she feels"

From: Huma Abedin
To: Doug Band
Sent: Tue Jun 23 4:12:46 2009

Subject: Re:
He asked to see hrc thurs and fri thru normal channels. I asked and she said she doesn’t want to commit to anything for thurs or fri until she knows how she will feel.

Now why is the CP of Bahrain going through Doug Band, who does not work at the State Department, when normal channels fail? Because he is the influence peddler and he knows that the CP is a good DONOR to the CGI and the CF.

3. But Huma replies that HRC is unable to comply, she "isnt sure how she feels." But then something magical happens "off camera" and *POOF* HRC is suddenly able to see the CP after all!

From: Huma Abedin [[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:35:15 AM
To: Doug Band

Offering Bahrain cp 10 tomorrow for meeting woith [sic] hrc

Apparently it must have been a serious "gift" that Doug got from the CP, he is such a good friend of HRC you know, that he can see her any time he needs to as long as he makes a deposit in the Clinton Bribery Machine.

This is what is known as THE APPEARANCE OF CORRUPTION, C4A,


And you Democrats just dont give a flying fart about it or anything else that is wrecking this nations government and corrupting it as long as you keep winning elections, dispensing the patronage and handing out the free shit.
Jim, do you have some sort of proof that the Prince of Bahrain tried to meet with the Secretary of State and was completely turned down to meet with her, but then he went and donated 32 million to the Charity and after he donated money to the foundation charity he called again and that time got a meeting?
Sure do.

Breaking: Crown Prince Forced to Go Through Clinton Foundation to See Clinton After 32 Mil Donation , page 1

New Abedin Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton State Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors

Included among the Abedin-Band emails is an exchange revealing that when Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain requested a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton, he was forced to go through the Clinton Foundation for an appointment. Abedin advised Band that when she went through “normal channels” at State, Clinton declined to meet. After Band intervened, however, the meeting was set up within forty-eight hours.

From: Doug Band
To: Huma Abedin
Sent: Tue Jun 23 1:29:42 2009

Cp of Bahrain in tomorrow to Friday

Asking to see her

Good friend of ours

From: Huma Abedin
To: Doug Band
Sent: Tue Jun 23 4:12:46 2009

Subject: Re:
He asked to see hrc thurs and fri thru normal channels. I asked and she said she doesn’t want to commit to anything for thurs or fri until she knows how she will feel. Also she says that she may want to go to ny and doesn’t want to be committed to stuff in ny…

From: Huma Abedin [[email protected]]
Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:35:15 AM
To: Doug Band

Offering Bahrain cp 10 tomorrow for meeting woith [sic] hrc

If u see him, let him know

We have reached out thru official channels
Judicial Watch Press Release

According to the Clinton Foundation website, in 2005, Salman committed to establishing the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program (CPISP) for the Clinton Global Initiative. And by 2010, it had contributed $32 million to CGI. The Kingdom of Bahrain reportedly gave between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. And Bahrain Petroleum also gave an additional $25,000 to $50,000.

You only get to play in a Clinton White House if you first PAY.
Oh Jim, Jim, Jim....

No where does any of that say or prove that the Prince tried to get a meeting with Hillary, and ONLY after he donated money to the Clinton foundation, would she take a meeting with him.
C4A, you need to read it a little more closely.

In detail, step by step.

1. The CP of Bahrain had been giving money to the CF and CGI through various channels, and Doug Band who works there was well aware of it.

2. Huma emails Doug about the CP not being able to get the appointment he wants with Hillary as she does not want to see him, especially on Thursday or Friday. She needs to see how "she feels"

From: Huma Abedin
To: Doug Band
Sent: Tue Jun 23 4:12:46 2009

Subject: Re:
He asked to see hrc thurs and fri thru normal channels. I asked and she said she doesn’t want to commit to anything for thurs or fri until she knows how she will feel.

Now why is the CP of Bahrain going through Doug Band, who does not work at the State Department, when normal channels fail? Because he is the influence peddler and he knows that the CP is a good DONOR to the CGI and the CF.

3. But Huma replies that HRC is unable to comply, she "isnt sure how she feels." But then something magical happens "off camera" and *POOF* HRC is suddenly able to see the CP after all!

From: Huma Abedin [[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:35:15 AM
To: Doug Band

Offering Bahrain cp 10 tomorrow for meeting woith [sic] hrc

Apparently it must have been a serious "gift" that Doug got from the CP, he is such a good friend of HRC you know, that he can see her any time he needs to as long as he makes a deposit in the Clinton Bribery Machine.

This is what is known as THE APPEARANCE OF CORRUPTION, C4A,

View attachment 87815

And you Democrats just dont give a flying fart about it or anything else that is wrecking this nations government and corrupting it as long as you keep winning elections, dispensing the patronage and handing out the free shit.
Jim, where is the deposit he made that I believe you are saying changed her mind between the 23rd and the 25th??? Where did you get that part of your story from, that the Prince made a deposit, then he magically could get an appointment??

Also, what crime was committed by Clinton giving the Prince a smile, a few minutes of her time, and a handshake? What in the world is corrupt about that? HOLY SMOKES, what a horrible thing!!!!

Spare me on your analysis and demonization of Democrats....
Jim, do you have some sort of proof that the Prince of Bahrain tried to meet with the Secretary of State and was completely turned down to meet with her, but then he went and donated 32 million to the Charity and after he donated money to the foundation charity he called again and that time got a meeting?
Sure do.

Breaking: Crown Prince Forced to Go Through Clinton Foundation to See Clinton After 32 Mil Donation , page 1

New Abedin Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton State Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors

Included among the Abedin-Band emails is an exchange revealing that when Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain requested a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton, he was forced to go through the Clinton Foundation for an appointment. Abedin advised Band that when she went through “normal channels” at State, Clinton declined to meet. After Band intervened, however, the meeting was set up within forty-eight hours.

From: Doug Band
To: Huma Abedin
Sent: Tue Jun 23 1:29:42 2009

Cp of Bahrain in tomorrow to Friday

Asking to see her

Good friend of ours

From: Huma Abedin
To: Doug Band
Sent: Tue Jun 23 4:12:46 2009

Subject: Re:
He asked to see hrc thurs and fri thru normal channels. I asked and she said she doesn’t want to commit to anything for thurs or fri until she knows how she will feel. Also she says that she may want to go to ny and doesn’t want to be committed to stuff in ny…

From: Huma Abedin [[email protected]]
Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:35:15 AM
To: Doug Band

Offering Bahrain cp 10 tomorrow for meeting woith [sic] hrc

If u see him, let him know

We have reached out thru official channels
Judicial Watch Press Release

According to the Clinton Foundation website, in 2005, Salman committed to establishing the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program (CPISP) for the Clinton Global Initiative. And by 2010, it had contributed $32 million to CGI. The Kingdom of Bahrain reportedly gave between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. And Bahrain Petroleum also gave an additional $25,000 to $50,000.

You only get to play in a Clinton White House if you first PAY.
Oh Jim, Jim, Jim....

No where does any of that say or prove that the Prince tried to get a meeting with Hillary, and ONLY after he donated money to the Clinton foundation, would she take a meeting with him.
C4A, you need to read it a little more closely.

In detail, step by step.

1. The CP of Bahrain had been giving money to the CF and CGI through various channels, and Doug Band who works there was well aware of it.

2. Huma emails Doug about the CP not being able to get the appointment he wants with Hillary as she does not want to see him, especially on Thursday or Friday. She needs to see how "she feels"

From: Huma Abedin
To: Doug Band
Sent: Tue Jun 23 4:12:46 2009

Subject: Re:
He asked to see hrc thurs and fri thru normal channels. I asked and she said she doesn’t want to commit to anything for thurs or fri until she knows how she will feel.

Now why is the CP of Bahrain going through Doug Band, who does not work at the State Department, when normal channels fail? Because he is the influence peddler and he knows that the CP is a good DONOR to the CGI and the CF.

3. But Huma replies that HRC is unable to comply, she "isnt sure how she feels." But then something magical happens "off camera" and *POOF* HRC is suddenly able to see the CP after all!

From: Huma Abedin [[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:35:15 AM
To: Doug Band

Offering Bahrain cp 10 tomorrow for meeting woith [sic] hrc

Apparently it must have been a serious "gift" that Doug got from the CP, he is such a good friend of HRC you know, that he can see her any time he needs to as long as he makes a deposit in the Clinton Bribery Machine.

This is what is known as THE APPEARANCE OF CORRUPTION, C4A,

View attachment 87815

And you Democrats just dont give a flying fart about it or anything else that is wrecking this nations government and corrupting it as long as you keep winning elections, dispensing the patronage and handing out the free shit.
Jim, where is the deposit he made that I believe you are saying changed her mind between the 23rd and the 25th??? Where did you get that part of your story from, that the Prince made a deposit, then he magically could get an appointment??

Also, what crime was committed by Clinton giving the Prince a smile, a few mixture items, and a handshake? What in the world is corrupt about that? HOLY SMOKES, what a horrible thing!!!!

Spare me on your analysis and demonization of Democrats....

The CP of Bahrain has been making literally millions of dollars in contributions to Hillary and Bill and when he needs to reference it to see them he has that access.

And this is not demonization of Democrats, this is a standard of good government to NOT allow for the APPEARANCE of CORRUPTION as this clearly is.

But you are OK with it as long as Hillary wins and you get your free shit.
Jim, do you have some sort of proof that the Prince of Bahrain tried to meet with the Secretary of State and was completely turned down to meet with her, but then he went and donated 32 million to the Charity and after he donated money to the foundation charity he called again and that time got a meeting?
Sure do.

Breaking: Crown Prince Forced to Go Through Clinton Foundation to See Clinton After 32 Mil Donation , page 1

New Abedin Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton State Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors

Included among the Abedin-Band emails is an exchange revealing that when Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain requested a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton, he was forced to go through the Clinton Foundation for an appointment. Abedin advised Band that when she went through “normal channels” at State, Clinton declined to meet. After Band intervened, however, the meeting was set up within forty-eight hours.

From: Doug Band
To: Huma Abedin
Sent: Tue Jun 23 1:29:42 2009

Cp of Bahrain in tomorrow to Friday

Asking to see her

Good friend of ours

From: Huma Abedin
To: Doug Band
Sent: Tue Jun 23 4:12:46 2009

Subject: Re:
He asked to see hrc thurs and fri thru normal channels. I asked and she said she doesn’t want to commit to anything for thurs or fri until she knows how she will feel. Also she says that she may want to go to ny and doesn’t want to be committed to stuff in ny…

From: Huma Abedin [[email protected]]
Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:35:15 AM
To: Doug Band

Offering Bahrain cp 10 tomorrow for meeting woith [sic] hrc

If u see him, let him know

We have reached out thru official channels
Judicial Watch Press Release

According to the Clinton Foundation website, in 2005, Salman committed to establishing the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program (CPISP) for the Clinton Global Initiative. And by 2010, it had contributed $32 million to CGI. The Kingdom of Bahrain reportedly gave between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. And Bahrain Petroleum also gave an additional $25,000 to $50,000.

You only get to play in a Clinton White House if you first PAY.
Oh Jim, Jim, Jim....

No where does any of that say or prove that the Prince tried to get a meeting with Hillary, and ONLY after he donated money to the Clinton foundation, would she take a meeting with him.
C4A, you need to read it a little more closely.

In detail, step by step.

1. The CP of Bahrain had been giving money to the CF and CGI through various channels, and Doug Band who works there was well aware of it.

2. Huma emails Doug about the CP not being able to get the appointment he wants with Hillary as she does not want to see him, especially on Thursday or Friday. She needs to see how "she feels"

From: Huma Abedin
To: Doug Band
Sent: Tue Jun 23 4:12:46 2009

Subject: Re:
He asked to see hrc thurs and fri thru normal channels. I asked and she said she doesn’t want to commit to anything for thurs or fri until she knows how she will feel.

Now why is the CP of Bahrain going through Doug Band, who does not work at the State Department, when normal channels fail? Because he is the influence peddler and he knows that the CP is a good DONOR to the CGI and the CF.

3. But Huma replies that HRC is unable to comply, she "isnt sure how she feels." But then something magical happens "off camera" and *POOF* HRC is suddenly able to see the CP after all!

From: Huma Abedin [[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:35:15 AM
To: Doug Band

Offering Bahrain cp 10 tomorrow for meeting woith [sic] hrc

Apparently it must have been a serious "gift" that Doug got from the CP, he is such a good friend of HRC you know, that he can see her any time he needs to as long as he makes a deposit in the Clinton Bribery Machine.

This is what is known as THE APPEARANCE OF CORRUPTION, C4A,

View attachment 87815

And you Democrats just dont give a flying fart about it or anything else that is wrecking this nations government and corrupting it as long as you keep winning elections, dispensing the patronage and handing out the free shit.
Jim, where is the deposit he made that I believe you are saying changed her mind between the 23rd and the 25th??? Where did you get that part of your story from, that the Prince made a deposit, then he magically could get an appointment??

Also, what crime was committed by Clinton giving the Prince a smile, a few minutes of her time, and a handshake? What in the world is corrupt about that? HOLY SMOKES, what a horrible thing!!!!

Spare me on your analysis and demonization of Democrats....
Trying to defend Billary Machine pay for play scandal makes you look so ignorant and detached from reality. Most Democrats don't believe her.
Good, he'll have one leader meeting under his belt, 1000 less than Clinton, but at least he's trying....:p

Wrong....he has met leaders of countries all over the world....he has dealt with the governments of foriegn countries as he built his empire........nice try...try again....

He only met world leaders that has something to do with his business. Not sure who are they but I know who are the world leaders that totally despised Trump. See link.

61 not-very-positive things foreign leaders have said about Donald Trump

And they will have to change their tune when he is President...they don't like him because they already paid hilary.....if she loses they are out hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes.....

There will not a president Trump. They don't like him because he is totally bigoted, racist, decisive, isolationist insulting style.
This has nothing to do with Hillary.

How many Illegals do you know personally?
Do you have any idea what their life in Mexico is like?
I work with someone who eventually became a US citizen and he says they're civilized when they're working and getting paid.
Otherwise, they'll rip your heart out.
I'm not saying other people aren't the same, but an illegal is an illegal.

I have business in Mexico. To answer your question............... yes I know lots of Mexicans here and in Mexico.
And I do understand how they live in Mexico.
What is your point?
Wrong....he has met leaders of countries all over the world....he has dealt with the governments of foriegn countries as he built his empire........nice try...try again....

He only met world leaders that has something to do with his business. Not sure who are they but I know who are the world leaders that totally despised Trump. See link.

61 not-very-positive things foreign leaders have said about Donald Trump

And they will have to change their tune when he is President...they don't like him because they already paid hilary.....if she loses they are out hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes.....

There will not a president Trump. They don't like him because he is totally bigoted, racist, decisive, isolationist insulting style.
This has nothing to do with Hillary.

How many Illegals do you know personally?
Do you have any idea what their life in Mexico is like?
I work with someone who eventually became a US citizen and he says they're civilized when they're working and getting paid.
Otherwise, they'll rip your heart out.
I'm not saying other people aren't the same, but an illegal is an illegal.

I have business in Mexico. To answer your question............... yes I know lots of Mexicans here and in Mexico.
And I do understand how they live in Mexico.
What is your point?

They can be quite brutal to people when they're away from their families and threatened in one way or another.
He only met world leaders that has something to do with his business. Not sure who are they but I know who are the world leaders that totally despised Trump. See link.

61 not-very-positive things foreign leaders have said about Donald Trump

And they will have to change their tune when he is President...they don't like him because they already paid hilary.....if she loses they are out hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes.....

There will not a president Trump. They don't like him because he is totally bigoted, racist, decisive, isolationist insulting style.
This has nothing to do with Hillary.

How many Illegals do you know personally?
Do you have any idea what their life in Mexico is like?
I work with someone who eventually became a US citizen and he says they're civilized when they're working and getting paid.
Otherwise, they'll rip your heart out.
I'm not saying other people aren't the same, but an illegal is an illegal.

I have business in Mexico. To answer your question............... yes I know lots of Mexicans here and in Mexico.
And I do understand how they live in Mexico.
What is your point?

They can be quite brutal to people when they're away from their families and threatened in one way or another.

And they will have to change their tune when he is President...they don't like him because they already paid hilary.....if she loses they are out hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes.....

There will not a president Trump. They don't like him because he is totally bigoted, racist, decisive, isolationist insulting style.
This has nothing to do with Hillary.

How many Illegals do you know personally?
Do you have any idea what their life in Mexico is like?
I work with someone who eventually became a US citizen and he says they're civilized when they're working and getting paid.
Otherwise, they'll rip your heart out.
I'm not saying other people aren't the same, but an illegal is an illegal.

I have business in Mexico. To answer your question............... yes I know lots of Mexicans here and in Mexico.
And I do understand how they live in Mexico.
What is your point?

They can be quite brutal to people when they're away from their families and threatened in one way or another.

An illegal is an illegal, EVEN if they smoke happy weed.
I don't need an excuse like violent behavior to eject an illegal from my country.

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