Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

The scorecard reads thusly........settled a housing discrimination suit, settled a fraud suit concerning his real estate school scam, NY officials found that he stole money from his charitable
foundation, the Trump Org. was found guilty of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records, Don has been charged with 34 felony counts in NY, is under investigation by the DoJ for stealing classified docs and possible seditious conspiracy, under investigation in GA for pressuring election officials to overturn the state's verified results, and guilty of sexual battery and defamation.

What's not to love?
Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll.
Five million dollars awarded E. Jean Carroll.
Firt time an ex-President has been found guilty of battery and defamation in a civil case

Found "guilty" by a jury of his prosecutor's "peers."

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