Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll


When did Captain Bonespurs ever wear a military uniform??

when he was sent away to military school because he was a spoiled unCONtrollable rich brat that his parents couldn't stand.

First off, he is not guilty of anything. This is a civil matter.
So you're saying an innocent man shelled out 5 million dollars. Right, trump is too cheap to part with a single dollar, let alone that much. Remember when he swindled his disabled nephew out of his inheritance. That's just one example of how low this man ? Is willing to stoop.
You just admited Trump triggers you, would you admit he triggered Caroll and the dems to use this case like they did against Kavanaugh?
So I can ask you using your own standard: WHY DO YOU SUPPORT extortion, false charges for political tactics which is a fascist behavioral trait, and why do you support harming actual rape victims through crying wolf and using it for political games? Stann literally made fun of rape and you found that OK as you do harming actual rape victims. That makes you guys sociopaths.
I've never heard anything so twisted. Calling concerned people sociopaths when they are voicing concerns about a man who is definitely a sociopath. You take the cake.
I've never heard anything so twisted. Calling concerned people sociopaths when they are voicing concerns about a man who is definitely a sociopath. You take the cake.
And WE voiced concern over a very odd election and were called “threats to democracy” by the U.S. President and the millions of people he’s setting a model for.

And Trump is not a sociopath. Why are you still harping on Trump when the current president is enriching his entire family via shell companies created to take in millions from enemy countries?
And WE voiced concern over a very odd election and were called “threats to democracy” by the U.S. President and the millions of people he’s setting a model for.

And Trump is not a sociopath. Why are you still harping on Trump when the current president is enriching his entire family via shell companies created to take in millions from enemy countries?
Al those concerns were addressed and dismissed for lack of evidence. I thought it was impossible for trump to become president when he didn't win the popular vote but the archaic electoral college decided to go against the will of the people.
And WE voiced concern over a very odd election and were called “threats to democracy” by the U.S. President and the millions of people he’s setting a model for.

And Trump is not a sociopath. Why are you still harping on Trump when the current president is enriching his entire family via shell companies created to take in millions from enemy countries?
Trump loves the uneducated. So yeah he is setting a model. Seems the informant "went missing" another b.s. story crafted by the Republipukes
And WE voiced concern over a very odd election and were called “threats to democracy” by the U.S. President and the millions of people he’s setting a model for.

And Trump is not a sociopath. Why are you still harping on Trump when the current president is enriching his entire family via shell companies created to take in millions from enemy countries?

Meanwhile, Jared and Ivanka made over $640,000,000.00 when they were in WH (which you people deliberately ignore), not the mention the $2,000,000,000.00 Jared got from Saudi's. YOU crap on H.B. and you ignore the millions made the Rapist and Traitor's family.

The Rapist and Traitor is a Sociopath. He has Narcissistic Personality Disorder as well. He views people as objects to used, abused and thrown away. His concept of loyalty is simple, he is loyal only to himself. If you cross him, you are of no value to him. He thought butt boy billie barr was great until barr came and said the Rapist and Traitor should not run again.

The Rapist and Traitor fired his own director of National Cyber Security after man came out said the 2020 Election was one of the most secure in U.S. History.

The Rapist and Traitor wanted Mike Pence hung because Pence would NOT throw the election to him. The Rapist and Traitor is only loyal to himself.
You know what they say about a rat in a corner right ? He's coming out with his teeth just a showing. Watch out for those rabies y'all gave him.

That's exactly what their nightmares are full of. Trump haunts their dreams and they wake up screaming for their mommies and daddies.
What poster 0311 doesn’t realize - not too smart a guy - is that it shows how extremely biased that jury was if they tried to remove a potential juror simply because he occasionally listened to a conservative podcaster.

What that shows is that the jury was composed of 11 people so extremely biased to the left that they never even listened to anything but anti-Trump liberal news, and 1 poster who occasionally listened to a conservative podcast.
The jury was spot on.
Trump should be castrated....then thrown in prison.
Sexual pervs are the WORST!

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