Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

Funny { Not actually } that they could not or did not
find Trump guilty of Rape.Where in the case of Harvey
Weinstein { also an old case } they did find Rape.
There was no ability to establish Rape in this
Bozo attempt to deny change of venue and had like
a mere 3 hrs. worth of Jury Deliberation.

How much deliberation was there 'supposed' to be? Trump didn't even show up to testify. And his deposition was an unmitigated disaster. Plus, they have Trump on tape admitting to the kind of sexual abuse that the jury found he committed.

It wouldn't take a jury long to come to a decision.

And you could tell Jean's attorney knew it wasn't going well for Trump in the closing arguments. Contrary to most civil trial closing arguments, no dollar amounts were mentioned or suggested.

And the jury awarded Carroll double what she had originally sued for.
What are you smoking. He has fought the courts, rule of law, and even tried to get his VP to go against the constitution, as well as he supported the J6 sedition conspirators. If he had his way with the constitution, rule of law and the court system, this trial would have never taken place, simply because it was him.
And again, whining about the fact you hate his personality instead of what he tried to do for the folks who live in this country. Liberal judges need to be fought, it is perfectly lawful to question election results and not certify an election pending investigation, we learned that from you Dems. J6 was not seditious at all, that is a clear fact.
Any trial based on 30-35 year old hearsay should never take place. That's common sense.
Really? Another one of you doesnt know about tomorrow?!!!

Tomorrow Comer is going to unveil a mountain of evidence gathered after they got subpoena's for all the banks that the Bidens use. They now have every transaction, and they found that Biden was using a maze of LLC's and shell companies to hide the transactions. Just right off the bat, they are going to show MILLIONS dollars that was hidden from the IRS (AKA "tax fraud"), but it is also expected that they are going to be able to prove what Biden was paid for on at least one of those occasions, which = "bribery", which is one of the main and first things specifically listed as a reason to impeach a president. Bribery is a serious crime. We arent talking about just a couple million dollars either. This is going to be very bad for Biden.
Just a reminder that your prediction was an epic fail.

In the other hand, I nailed it!

"No. I suspect if he shows up with anything at all, it will be just a bunch of innuendo, speculation and dubious statements. Then Trump world will try to make a huge deal out what is actually nothing notable and blame the deep state for Comer coming up short of anything damning."

Lol, you'll get'em next time.
Ah, the old Clinton 'body count' conspiracy.

You can just see the desperation among the MAGA faithful to avoid the topic of a jury finding Trump sexually abused Jean Caroll.
I discussed why this is in the same topic so you just proved your comprehension is flawed, but also you admited numbers of accounts means nothing in claims, killing your argument about number of woman seeking their hand in this extortion scheme.- busted your own arguments. 😁
Just a reminder that your prediction was an epic fail.

In the other hand, I nailed it!

"No. I suspect if he shows up with anything at all, it will be just a bunch of innuendo, speculation and dubious statements. Then Trump world will try to make a huge deal out what is actually nothing notable and blame the deep state for Comer coming up short of anything damning."

Lol, you'll get'em next time.

It was the same conspiracy cud, with "Joe Biden may have" speculation backed by jackshit.

I discussed why this is in the same topic so you just proved your comprehension is flawed, but also you admited numbers of accoubts means nothing killing your argument about number of woman seekingbtheir hand in this extortion scheme.- buested yourcown arguments. 😁

My comprehension is fine. I'm discussing Trump's sexual abuse of Jean Carroll in a thread titled 'Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E. Jean Carroll'.

Apparently reading comprehension is your kryptonite. As you started babbling about Clinton 'body count' conspiracies.

Try again. This time sounding out the title of the thread.
Yep he has to pay millions for nothing. Hilarious 😂 So how much you sending him so it soes not come out his own pocket?
You do not understand. Also, the damage award is unreasonable based upon the facts of the case. It will most likely be reduced substantially on appeal.
My comprehension is fine. I'm discussing Trump's sexual abuse of Jean Carroll in a thread titled 'Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E. Jean Carroll'.

Apparently reading comprehension is your kryptonite. As you started babbling about Clinton 'body count' conspiracies.

Try again. This time sounding out the title of the thread.
Got ya, you just proved you don't believe the accused have rights, because it was Trumps claim this was part of the ongoing political witch hunt and that both the Judge and plaintiff are supporters perhaps even friends of the Clintons. Fact: that means the Judge broke the law by not recusing himself for being conflict of interest, which the Judge has done before according to accusations. So by claiming Clintons mobster style track record is irrelevant especially when protecting their corruption(because Biden isn't the only swamp critter getting rich abusing their power), that is 100% false and violation of equal rights to defense.
You just proved you have a corrupted argument by trying to prevent the defense points from being heard and recognized, sort of like the twitter censorship scheme, you hate when info and data become known because it exposes your propaganda and poor arguments.
-oops BETTER THINK before you post.
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You do not understand. Also, the damage award is unreasonable based upon the facts of the case. It will most likely be reduced substantially on appeal.
Lol, I think I understand just fine. Trump just received a judgment against him for millions of dollars. He will talk his idiot followers into sending him money to pay for it. Lol let me know how that appeal goes. Yall have just been so successful in court lately. Hilarious 😂
I read what the woman said about the incident. She admitted she was from that older generation, and that they were often times, not taught to be self-assertive, when men took advantage of their silence, as a sign of consent.

I have no doubt, that Trump could not, and would not, be able to, "sexually assault," any woman from Gen X or after. Nor would he, it is not in his character, from all I have observed. He has said, many times, it is his opinion, that women, let stars and celebrities, act this way. He doesn't feel he does this type of thing, against their will.

Your hypothetical, given what we have heard from Trump's statements, and that video depo. that Bodey posted, is a laugh. You, like many of those who hate him, want to make it into something he doesn't feel that it is.

But I know, that any answer that does not further your hyper-partisan agenda, you don't give a crap about, you have made that clear.

IMO? You don't give a shit about women and girls, only politics.

I have no daughter.

But I would trust any of my nieces, nephews, and other younger family around him. And my other female younger family, I am sure, could more than handle him. Even my mother and grandmothers could have handled this con artist. :rolleyes:

I do suggest however, that you mind yourself, when you start asking other members about their family members. . . . you are treading on very, very dicey ground their buddy. . .
BTW...did you see the orange face he had in the depo? He must have just moments earlier been spray painted by his makeup dude or dudette.
Got ya, you just proved you don't believe the accused have rights, because it was Trumps claim this was part of the ongoing political witch hunt and that both the Judge and plaintiff are supporters perhaps even friends of the Clintons. Fact: that means the Judge broke the law by not recusing himself for being conflict of interest, which the Judge has done before according to accusations.

No, that's your personal opinion. You merely conflate your opinion with facts and the law....insisting that our entire system of law is bound to whatever believe.

And as the jury never consulting you during their deliberations on Trump's battery of Jean Carroll demonstrate're nobody. No one is bound to anything you imagine.

With 5,000,000 demonstrations that your opinion is irrelevant to any legal outcome.
Probably think?
Even for a MAGAt Trumptard this is a really really lame attempt at whataboutism!
Your cutesy little monikers are lame and uninspired. It isn’t MAGA who thinks kids belong in gender transition or abortion clinics, and at drag shows.

You should be terrified by the weaponization of our courts. No one should be prosecuted on the word of one woman without a shred of evidence.
BTW...did you see the orange face he had in the depo? He must have just moments earlier been spray painted by his makeup dude or dudette.
jimboliar owns the special orange paint his Trumpy uses and has an autographed spraycan.
Your president has destroyed the nation, craps his pants and doesn't know what day it is but all you can do is obsess over Trump.

and he still beat your POS sexual abuser named trump. Are you embarrassed yet?
That's some polished bullshit. Well done.
Dispatching the whiners attacking America's system of justice is far less onerous than dealing with the Trump goons who assaulted police defending democracy when the will of the People wasn't to their liking.
jimboliar owns the special orange paint his Trumpy uses and has an autographed spraycan.

He might have wanted to invest a little in reading glasses. As his absolute blunder in mistaking Jean Carroll for his wife Marla might have been avoided.

But alas, vanity has a price tag. In this case, $5,000,000.
The only accusations against Joe Biden have been that he invades peoples personal space making them feel uncomfortable.

Nice to see you still believing everything that right wing media tells you no matter how many times they’re proven to have lied.

Thank you for posting every lie and debunked conspiracy theory about the Clintons. I especially like the reference to the “Clinton death list”. It takes a special kind of stupid to fall for that one.

25+ investigations have not proven, produced a single document to tie the Clintons to any corruption. It hasn’t produced a single witness to tie the Clintons to any corruption. No one has flipped on them, and testified against him, even though everyone around him has been offered immunity. None of these 25+ investigations have produced any charges against anybody. In most cases, the investigation finds that the crime that Republicans claim was committed, never happened.

The Clintons would have to be really stupid to commit crimes when every time they sneeze, the Republicans investigate it and try to charge them.

Every investigation of Donald Trump is producing tons of evidence, witnesses, charges and convictions. His advisers, members of his cabinet, and members of his family are all implicated in proveable bribery and corruption schemes. Half of his lawyers have been disbarred, and are being investigated.

But you’re still saying that Republicans are clean as a whistle and Democrats are getting away with it

There is no cure for stupid.
Yes, these people are a "special kind of stupid." I could not say it any better.

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