Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

Joe has raped many children and not a word.
The Trump lemmings cannot defend Trump's proven actions, so they have turned their entire attention to Biden.
They don't defend Trump, they say what about the things Biden has done as a diversion. There is nothing that Biden has been criminally charged or a civil proceeding.. They make things up.
There was direct evidence from 3 different witnesses. Supported by “outcry” witnesses. People she reached out to, right after it happened.

Your characterization of the Deposition is laughable. Trump never said “I would never assault any woman.” He said “Yes, I do assault women, but I didn’t assault THAT woman”. His tone, his attitude and his words convicted him.

I’m not the one “misinterpreting” ever thing he said.
Define direct evidence. There were no material witnesses, police reports, or medical reports. There was no forensic evidence or video evidence.

Do you know what there was? The word of one psycho who later opined in an interview that most women have rape fantasies and she didn’t feel like a victim when Trump “assaulted” her. And also friends she reportedly told afterwards, none of whom could remember when it allegedly happened.

In short, they had nothing.

Did Trump confess to assaulting women, or did he say they allowed him to grab them? Big difference.
Does Trump have to register as a Sex Offender now??
Yeah, that's what they need to do, and let's see how that goes.. You all keep pushing the envelope and it's getting real interesting for sure about how bad you people want to get rid of Donald J. Trump.

First off, everyone knows it's a witch hunt, otherwise when looking at this stuff through the lens in which shows Washington corruption overwhelmingly in the backdrop of the bull shite, otherwise corruption and sleaze that has been going on for decades in Washington now, and this being regardless of a D or R attached to the name.... But ohhhhhhh yeah let's go and get Trump to be the whipping post for it all now eh ????......

Now unless you all want to start going back and prosecuting all the got aways (especially Joe Biden etc), and therefore bringing it all up to date and current for the sake of real true justice, otherwise it being regardless of the time that has past, and the age of the perps who are still known to be guilty, then we are all just witnessing a partisan witch hunt pure as the driven snow here....

Corruption has been off the chains for year's and year's now, but no one cared as long as their damned bread was being buttered, otherwise they let a huge amount of stuff slide, and if that wasn't good enough, then they tried to normalize as much as they could in order to escape justice if it came a knocking.

No way does Trump bear the burden of Washington corruption, otherwise without taking them all down with him.

That's my opinion, but I could be wrong.

I think it's a partisan assassination of Trump in order to taint his election bid, but if thrown up against the filthy corruption and politics of the Democrat's going back for decades now, then Trump is a saint. Think about that one when think about how bad the left thinks really Trump is to them.

Undoubtedly they don't have any mirror's in their houses. If they do, then they are all broken.
I have agreed with you that he is a clown.

I have also admitted to all of his faults, how is that "humping him?"

I do not, however, see how he is any worse, than Biden.

Your personal ad hom attacks, seem to be rooted in your knowledge of which the factual reality, is now bearing out the very real evidence, that the nation is in very real trouble.

Having the legal system, and the corporate media, dividing us over these stoopid sociopaths that the major parties give us, is not going to bring us any closer to a comprehensive solution to the nation's problems.

If you bleev that the occupant of the oval office haMAGA s either the power to solve, or destroy the republic, I don't believe you have a very firm grasp of what is going on, nor understand what the administrative branch can, and cannot do.

If you are saying he will destroy the GOP? Maybe he needs to. We have had a uniparty for far too long.
MAGA much?
She was very beautiful. Trump is just trashing her. He doesn't think he did anything wrong. Trump doesn't actually like women because he has a horrible personality and is inadequate sexually.
There is no real proof Trump did anything wrong because she never went to law enforcement. All she had were 2 people 'she told' and 2 skanks her lesbian lawyer dredged up to falsely claim Trump 'abused' them too.
It really doesn't matter if it is a criminal case or not.

If he doesn't apologize for being conned by Big Pharma on the COVID scam, and for being such a womanizing lout? He surely does not deserve the GOP nomination.

At some point, the guy just needs to admit when he has made mistakes. Otherwise, it is a character flaw, that speaks to his psychopathy.
I guess he'll start when everyone else does. Ohhhh wait, the game just shifted didn't it ?
The Trump lemmings cannot defend Trump's proven actions, so they have turned their entire attention to Biden.
They don't defend Trump, they say what about the things Biden has done as a diversion. There is nothing that Biden has been criminally charged or a civil proceeding.. They make things up.
It's coming.
There is no real proof Trump did anything wrong because she never went to law enforcement. All she had were 2 people 'she told' and 2 skanks her lesbian lawyer dredged up to falsely claim Trump 'abused' them too.

I take it nobody has ever tried to pin you and grope you. It's a shocking thing .. Trump has done that all his life. He doesn't think it's wrong. He doesn't see it as assault. He thinks it's no big deal.

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