Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

Bill Clinton was accused of the same thing if not worse but he wasn’t charged with anything. This is not a good look for America in that regard.

This is embarrassing not because of Donald Trump, because this is a politically motivated case. The woman accusing trump was interviewed on numerous outlets. She talks like she’s a nut job.

Common sense says Mr. Trump is innocent . This case would’ve never come forth of Trump was not running for president.

The American people know what’s going on that’s why Trump is seven points ahead of Biden when it comes to polling.
Just not facts. But thanks for playing.
No genius, this was a Civil suit - he is LIABLE for defamation and sexual assault, not "guilty".
Why can't leftie morons grasp this simple distinction?
And why would he be "liable" for something he is not GUILTY of?
Nice try at arguing simple semantics though.
I wouldn't give up your day job though.
A future debater might not be in the cards for you.
No genius, this was a Civil suit - he is LIABLE for defamation and sexual assault, not "guilty".
Why can't leftie morons grasp this simple distinction?


liable = responsible

responsible = guilt.
trump is a clown. He will destroy the repubs. Keep humping him.
I have agreed with you that he is a clown.

I have also admitted to all of his faults, how is that "humping him?"

I do not, however, see how he is any worse, than Biden.

Your personal ad hom attacks, seem to be rooted in your knowledge of which the factual reality, is now bearing out the very real evidence, that the nation is in very real trouble.

Having the legal system, and the corporate media, dividing us over these stoopid sociopaths that the major parties give us, is not going to bring us any closer to a comprehensive solution to the nation's problems.

If you bleev that the occupant of the oval office has either the power to solve, or destroy the republic, I don't believe you have a very firm grasp of what is going on, nor understand what the administrative branch can, and cannot do.

If you are saying he will destroy the GOP? Maybe he needs to. We have had a uniparty for far too long.
Also, strikingly, at the end of the trial, U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan advised the jurors not to identify themselves—“not now and not for a long time”—out of concerns for their safety. National security analyst Juliette Kayyem reported the judge’s warning and noted that “Trump’s strongest legacy will always be violence as an extension of our democratic processes.” Legal analyst Joyce White Vance added, “It’s a remarkable thing when jurors have to be cautioned that revealing their identities could put them at risk...when the defendant was the former president of the United States.”
You kooks just get nuttier and nuttier in your idiocy.
You apparently meant " Numbnated ".
Which ironically is how Biden acts when not out and about.
Biden is a like a frenzied Tom cat in public.Slurs his words.
Has a beady eyed stare when going off script.
Since he can't read any better than speak or think.
Imagine the guy after a round of golf in the
sauna.Probably lugs the golf bag into the sauna
and then excuses himself to go out real quick
to fetch a nice Double Decker Ice Cream cone.
And maybe just one napkin.
Republicans love Trump. The majority of Democrats would rather have someone other than Biden be their nominee. Independents do not want to see Trump or Biden nominated.
Shove your head all the way Bidens ass, sniff his balls, suck his child molesting dick............and blame everybody else for your failings in life.

Still won't change the REAL facts you're all liars, cheats, frauds, and conartists hellbent on killing and destroying everything decent and American in this country.

View attachment 784003
Trump has quite the intelligent supporters as exemplified by the Baron. Smart and articulate.
had she reported it at the time
Had she reported it at the time?

Regardless of the outcome of the case, he never would have been able to run for president.
The report would have been on the record, and the whole incident, and the claim, would have been credible.

As it is, she decided to come out with that "memory," AFTER he declared that he was running for president in 2015.

It really doesn't matter if you like him or not, or if you support him or not.

If you don't have a terminal case of TDS, and you have any credulity at all, you can pretty much see right through this ruse.

Had she reported it at the time?

Regardless of the outcome of the case, he never would have been able to run for president.
The report would have been on the record, and the whole incident, and the claim, would have been credible.

As it is, she decided to come out with that "memory," AFTER he declared that he was running for president in 2015.

It really doesn't matter if you like him or not, or if you support him or not.

If you don't have a terminal case of TDS, and you have any credulity at all, you can pretty much see right through this ruse.

Trump Devotion Syndrome?

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