Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

Prove it.
They can't... It's all hearsay, even if it came out of Trump's braggart mouth. Why ? Because we don't know the motivation of the women who came into contact with Trump. Were they gold diggers or hopeful maybe that Trump would give them a baby somehow ???were they trying to ruin in his marriage in order to have him for themselves ?? No way to know this stuff, but a jury quickly for political gotcha reasoning convicts Trump.... Gotta be kidding me right ??
Oh fucking bullshit. You fucking liar. You were calling Trump an illegitimate president his entire term, fuck off.
I got over that when he became president. Why didn't you answer my question?


Oh look, you're a fucking imbecile. Who could have guessed that?


Here I am, saying I accepted the election results...

I accept she lost already.

And here I am, pointing out I never once said Trump was an illegitimate president, which I also never said since...

Fucking imbecile, I've literally never once said trump is an illegitimate president. I never once said I don't accept the results of the election.

See that? Just because you're a sore-loser, cry-baby, Trump-fluffing, sociopathic-nutcase, doesn't mean everyone else is too.

And no, Biden didn't beat Trump. Trump gained 10 million votes over 2016. You gonna tell me someone with that huge of a jump in popularity lost to some child molester like Biden?

Ahh, so that answers my question, have you gotten over Trump schlonging Hillary 6 years later?

The answer is, FUCK NO!!! A sore-loser, cry-baby, Trump-fluffing, sociopathic-nutcase like you has NOT gotten over Biden schlonging Trump. You're too deranged to get over it.


That's why I had previously remarked in this thread, that I believe, getting a guilty plea, was all part of a campaign strategy.


He had to have known, and his lawyers had to have told him, it was an easy win, all he had to do, was show up...

OTH? It would be a media circus and a probable loss, if he didn't???? :dunno:

This is just five million worth of free publicity for Trump, and most folks, who become aware that this case was filed after he decided to run for president the first time, and that he never showed up, if they are intelligent, will decide to see right through its patently cynical manipulation of the court system by E. Jean Carroll and his enemies, for what it is.

I just wonder if they will figure out, that they, in turn, are being outplayed by Trump?


Trump has bragged about it.. on Howard Stern and Esquire magazine.. on TV with Billy Bush. 26 women have accused him of assault.
I've yet to see evidence of it.

In his world, he only seduces those who want it.
Why didn't you report it? Are you just stupid?

Because it was so shocking and unlikely. No one would have believed me... And I did manage to get away from the bastard.

Years later I was working on a very messy malpractice case.. the doctor had attacked several women ..
It was a complicated mess. I ended going to a woman's group for rape survivors for several months and I learned a lot.
The "Access Hollywood" tape sunk him. He admitted to sexually assaulting women. Mistaking Marla for Ms. Carroll was a bone-head move on his part. Saying that Ms. Carroll's attorney was, "Not His Type" that was just icing on the cake.
that..and his arrogance in not testifying. Had he at least looked the jury in the eyes and said,"I didn't do it" he might have won~
Hard to win a 'He said, She said..when He doesn't show up.
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Because it was so shocking and unlikely. No one would have believed me... And I did manage to get away from the bastard.

Years later I was working on a very messy malpractice case.. the doctor had attacked several women ..
It was a complicated mess. I ended going to a woman's group for rape survivors for several months and I learned a lot.
Most bad shit that happens is shocking and unlikely, that doesn't mean one should do nothing. You should have gone after the bastard and should have gone to law enforcement and have them do a rape kit. You would have then had proof and would be believed.
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Why didn't you report it? Are you just stupid?
Not you surada, your perfect...

Sometimes it goes like this on a date.
A woman confused.
Her -Take your hand off my breast
Her - Wait put it back on.
Her - No take it off
Her - Wait put it back on.
Her - I wasn't ready
Her - Put it back on.
Her - Take it off
Her - That felt good
Her - No it didn't
Her - Yeah it did too
Her - You freak
Her - No not really, I'm sorry, no I ain't sorry, yes I am.

Her - Can I see you again ?

The man finally replies after all her ramblings - Yes

Her - Wait not really, now get lost.

Her - Sexual assault, sexual assault, sexual assault around 30 years later. Otherwise if it never worked out, and after the man is mega Rich = none other than a GOLD DIGGER with a chip.

Second dates can be HELL. ROTFLMBO 🤣

Just kidding around y'all...
They want to destroy Donald Trump. And you know why? They want to take away your voice...If they can destroy Trump, they can destroy you
You are talking about the man that incited J6 and the man that set up fake electors across the country in an effort to destroy our democracy, right?
Lolol that's the world according to Trump with his thimble sized dick.
Thank you!


I'm glad we can agree, he doesn't go around just raping & assaulting, unwilling women that find him to be a loathsome lout, who grimace and avoid him like that plague.

I admit, men and women, have differing points of view, about how events transpire, and went down.

I tend to be skeptical of them, if the women does not report their uncomfortable, and bad experiences, to the authorities the concurrent, or next week, to get a legal record.

If they only make a report, and take things to court, when the man has some political or business interest she then has an interest in putting a kibash on? I just don't care at that point. Sorry. It seems manipulative, VERY.

It no longer seems to be about the, "so called," violation of personal bodily autonomy at that point. :rolleyes:

I do not approve of men or women, using personal or sexual relationships, as weapons or leverage over others. That is what I see in this case. They clearly knew each other, and were friendly with each other.

Now, decades after an incident, she seems to be wanting to try to reshape the memory of an incident for political gain. If there is ANY HARD evidence at all, that she had told the friends about it back then? I would believe her. I haven't seen it. She could have just as well told them about this incident in 2015, couldn't she?


Frankly, the whole thing is disgusting to me.

Now, if I see evidence, hard evidence, that dates back these memories, and real proof that she told her friends, back in the 90s? I apologize.
There is no real proof that Trump did that, just hearsay from 2 women Carroll supposedly told almost 30 years ago. Apparently, whatever happened didn't upset Carroll enough to report it to law enforcement. That is, IF anything happened at all. You just hate Trump and your hatred for him precludes your common sense.
Wonder why Trump didn't show up and testify under oath in order to clear his good name?
What kind of man wouldn't want to do that?
Maybe a guilty man terrified of being questioned under penalty of perjury?

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