Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

The thing is..Trump was untouchable for a very long time. Mega-rich, Mega-powerful--in times where that meant taking what you wanted...grabbing life by the pussy.

More than anything else...changing times is what has got Trump in this position...regarding allegations of sexual assault and abuse.

In 1980...that didn't even exist, for women. If a Billionaire put his finger in you, you either rolled with it.....or did a Pepe Le Peu pussycat move..and scrambled out.
No way did you do anything official.

Times have changed...and Trump is fat, old and a creep. Still rich..and more a target than ever.

This will not the the only time he ponies up millions...for where his cock went--or tried to go, 20 years ago.
Times sure have changed... Now their are those whom think that they can attempt to justify just about anything as disgusting as they possibly can these days, and the worst of it all is that they are trying to snatch children from the arm's of their parents (it takes a village right), otherwise in order to attempt to brainwash them and mutilate them and excetra without mom and dad knowing, but TRUMP somehow is the bad guy these days right ????? Pffft..


Is it because the left or whoever it is working these so called new normals, have figured that Trump will stand in their way somehow, and therefore ruin their new normal ??? So Trump has to go right ?

How old were these helpless women that you figure Trump had lollipop's and ice cream for, otherwise when he came looking to grab them if they'd let him, and all because he was filthy rich, and they were gold diggers looking for fame or possibly their pay day maybe ???
That is as long as they benefit from it.

I think I speak for everybody even the Trump haters here when I say WOULD SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT ALREADY!?!

What about actual evidence to prove guiltiness though?

Don't you mean the democrats will decide?

Oops forgot to answer airplanemechanic's quote in this post and the answer is no about going on and on about Hillary.

What do you mean, what about evidence? That was the trial. The evidence presented was the evidence presented.

Some chicks claiming that Trump sexually abused them is evidence?

Much ado about nothing. Carroll was lying when she said Trump raped her so they had to go with a civil trial because the evidence was just not there. The ONLY evidence she had were two old broads she supposedly told. This is just another Democrat funded and backed dirty, underhanded tactic to take Trump out.

Makes ya proud, MAGA?
Had Trump kept his mouth shut as his lawyers requested, he could have saved several million. Referring to the women as a “hoax” and a “con job." got her a defamation award.

Even worse in his deposition, Carrol's attorney ask him if the statement he made on Access Hollywood tape was correct, "And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything, grab' em by the pussy. You can do anything."

" ... and without blinking he responds, "Well, historically, that's true with stars. If you look over the last million years, I guess that's been largely true."

He then, stunningly, added ... "Unfortunately or fortunately." Without such stupid statements, he might have won, but Trump just simply can never refuse to comment, an make an ass of himself.
Bill Clinton was accused of the same thing if not worse but he wasn’t charged with anything. This is not a good look for America in that regard.

This is embarrassing not because of Donald Trump, because this is a politically motivated case. The woman accusing trump was interviewed on numerous outlets. She talks like she’s a nut job.

Common sense says Mr. Trump is innocent . This case would’ve never come forth of Trump was not running for president.

The American people know what’s going on that’s why Trump is seven points ahead of Biden when it comes to polling.

Why do you post on a political forum when you're this ignorant?

Like Trump, Clinton was taken to court by someone accusing him of a sexual impropriety. Neither Clinton nor trump were charged with that crime. The difference, however, was the court threw out the case against Clinton due to lack of merit; whereas the court found Trump sexually assaulted his accuser.
I prefer 'fuck thee'.

Thee awaits you.

Yeah, that's what they need to do, and let's see how that goes.. You all keep pushing the envelope and it's getting real interesting for sure about how bad you people want to get rid of Donald J. Trump.

First off, everyone knows it's a witch hunt, otherwise when looking at this stuff through the lens in which shows Washington corruption overwhelmingly in the backdrop of the bull shite, otherwise corruption and sleaze that has been going on for decades in Washington now, and this being regardless of a D or R attached to the name.... But ohhhhhhh yeah let's go and get Trump to be the whipping post for it all now eh ????......

Now unless you all want to start going back and prosecuting all the got aways (especially Joe Biden etc), and therefore bringing it all up to date and current for the sake of real true justice, otherwise it being regardless of the time that has past, and the age of the perps who are still known to be guilty, then we are all just witnessing a partisan witch hunt pure as the driven snow here....

Corruption has been off the chains for year's and year's now, but no one cared as long as their damned bread was being buttered, otherwise they let a huge amount of stuff slide, and if that wasn't good enough, then they tried to normalize as much as they could in order to escape justice if it came a knocking.

No way does Trump bear the burden of Washington corruption, otherwise without taking them all down with him.

That's my opinion, but I could be wrong.

I think it's a partisan assassination of Trump in order to taint his election bid, but if thrown up against the filthy corruption and politics of the Democrat's going back for decades now, then Trump is a saint. Think about that one when think about how bad the left thinks really Trump is to them.

Undoubtedly they don't have any mirror's in their houses. If they do, then they are all broken.
...which shows Washington corruption overwhelmingly...

Corporate Tax Avoidance in the First Year of the Trump Tax Law.

It's a political vendetta. The more specious claims enemy democrats file the more apparent it is that this is really nothing more than a political vendetta.
What do you mean, what about evidence? That was the trial. The evidence presented was the evidence presented. Both the Plaintiff and Defense counsels rested their cases. Then, the jury of 12 peers passed judgement on the relative merits by the preponderance of evidence presented. That's all you get. They didn't ask you, me or anybody else. Trump was held liable for sexual assault in the changing room of that woman, and then defaming her good name.
Trump's good name doesn't mean nothing right ? Gotta believe the woman no matter what eh ? What a set up.
Had Trump kept his mouth shut as his lawyers requested, he could have saved several million. Referring to the women as a “hoax” and a “con job." got her a defamation award.

Even worse in his deposition, Carrol's attorney ask him if the statement he made on Access Hollywood tape was correct, "And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything, grab' em by the pussy. You can do anything."

" ... and without blinking he responds, "Well, historically, that's true with stars. If you look over the last million years, I guess that's been largely true."

He then, stunningly, added ... "Unfortunately or fortunately." Without such stupid statements, he might have won, but Trump just simply can never refuse to comment, an make an ass of himself.
Nothing in those comments were out of line or untrue, otherwise if one is talking in an historical context concerning the culture's within America that have went on, go on, and still go on in America, and in this world to date. So speaking facts is interpreted as ohhhhhhhhhh we gotcha now in a scam hearing eh ? A booger could have fallen out of Trump's nose, and they would have scarfed it up quickly or ran with it. They were just that desperate.
Because you love Trump and support men who sexually assault women.
Another Lie, she had fantasies about rape, why would a woman being sexually abused in a department store, not be screaming her lungs out? It's a lie she is a political whore. The Democrats got a talking point for the campaign that is all this was
LOLs, I wouldn't know, I'm not a member of the left. I'm a right of center GOP voter for years until Trump came along and the crazy's came to power in my party.

I'll still vote GOP for the sane members of the party but will work against the crazies.

Voting for a democrat for President, is far wqorse than aything they have made up about Trump, if you are right of center, there is no way you could vote for such a progressive commie like Pedo Joe.
Maybe a man who knows the game of how everyone wants to knock him off the hill, so to avoid being set up, one must become highly suspect of anything that moves when about to be set up.... It's an absolute must for people like him to know, otherwise he has to train and achieve a heightened sense of awareness in order to keep the buzzard's and vulture's at bay.

And man what a task it has been.
He's not Spiderman.
He's just guilty.
Now, how many years ago did this fictional diatribe/false narrative occur, again? 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years ago? :rolleyes-41:

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