Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

For DementiacRats, all the "proof" they need is somebody screaming and pointing their finger at someone.

That is as long as they benefit from it.


Verdict for first time legally brands a former US president as a sexual predator.... :fu:

Orange Sexual Predator Führer

Trump has been elevated to SEXUAL PREDATOR status :boobies:

Earned it. Say it, learn it, acknowledge it :th_waiting:

SEXUAL PREDATOR :happy-1::happy-1::happy-1:


:fu: :abgg2q.jpg::happy-1::happy-1::clap::clap::up::backpedal::smoochEE:

SEXUAL PREDATOR :happy-1: :happy-1:

disgusting excuse for a man

It is funny to watch the Trump supporters deny








same here.


MAGATs :pinkygirly:

The ORANGE CHEETOH is out of control. He is a SEXUAL PREDATOR :happy-1::happy-1:

Trump has the emotional development of a 11-year-old bully



Will he have to register, I am not certain.

I think I speak for everybody even the Trump haters here when I say WOULD SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT ALREADY!?!

I understand your opinion. Many Trump supporters do not believe in courts, trials, juries of peers or even the rule of law in general, anymore. As long as we have the Constitution of the United States as the ruling document, you are just stuck with it. About the only way to avoid it, is to leave the country for good. Bon Voyage! Best of luck to you and yours. Don't forget to write.:cool:

What about actual evidence to prove guiltiness though?

Have you gotten over Trump schlonging Hillary 6 years later?

Mitch has no comment! "the American people will decide who will be president"

Don't you mean the democrats will decide?
Yeah, that's what they need to do, and let's see how that goes.. You all keep pushing the envelope and it's getting real interesting for sure about how bad you people want to get rid of Donald J. Trump.

First off, everyone knows it's a witch hunt, otherwise when looking at this stuff through the lens in which shows Washington corruption overwhelmingly in the backdrop of the bull shite, otherwise corruption and sleaze that has been going on for decades in Washington now, and this being regardless of a D or R attached to the name.... But ohhhhhhh yeah let's go and get Trump to be the whipping post for it all now eh ????......

Now unless you all want to start going back and prosecuting all the got aways (especially Joe Biden etc), and therefore bringing it all up to date and current for the sake of real true justice, otherwise it being regardless of the time that has past, and the age of the perps who are still known to be guilty, then we are all just witnessing a partisan witch hunt pure as the driven snow here....

Corruption has been off the chains for year's and year's now, but no one cared as long as their damned bread was being buttered, otherwise they let a huge amount of stuff slide, and if that wasn't good enough, then they tried to normalize as much as they could in order to escape justice if it came a knocking.

No way does Trump bear the burden of Washington corruption, otherwise without taking them all down with him.

That's my opinion, but I could be wrong.

I think it's a partisan assassination of Trump in order to taint his election bid, but if thrown up against the filthy corruption and politics of the Democrat's going back for decades now, then Trump is a saint. Think about that one when think about how bad the left thinks really Trump is to them.

Undoubtedly they don't have any mirror's in their houses. If they do, then they are all broken.
Corruption runs so extremely deep in the GOP, all the way up to the Supreme court.

Clarence Thomas is Deep State and takes dirty money bribes from Billionaires that buy his influence.
Jared Kushner got $2B from the Saudi's for his dirty money deal.

Trump and his family got rich off of the presidency and it is a real shame.

I really hope they root out the corruption in our government and start with the most corrupt first, which would be the republican party and their selling of America for their personal gain.
I've yet to see evidence of it.

In his world, he only seduces those who want it.
Don't even have to be that high up. This stuff is learned sometimes early on in life. Sadly some assume the role as gold diggers or popularity contestant's in the game, but one thing is for sure, and that is that the game is real, and it is played up and down the ladder.
Wonder why Trump didn't show up and testify under oath in order to clear his good name?
What kind of man wouldn't want to do that?
Maybe a guilty man terrified of being questioned under penalty of perjury?
Maybe a man who knows the game of how everyone wants to knock him off the hill, so to avoid being set up, one must become highly suspect of anything that moves when about to be set up.... It's an absolute must for people like him to know, otherwise he has to train and achieve a heightened sense of awareness in order to keep the buzzard's and vulture's at bay.

And man what a task it has been.
Corruption runs so extremely deep in the GOP, all the way up to the Supreme court.

Clarence Thomas is Deep State and takes dirty money bribes from Billionaires that buy his influence.
Jared Kushner got $2B from the Saudi's for his dirty money deal.

Trump and his family got rich off of the presidency and it is a real shame.

I really hope they root out the corruption in our government and start with the most corrupt first, which would be the republican party and their selling of America for their personal gain.
Your partisan rant is taken with a grain of salt. Get off of your soap box, and start waking up to the truth. You've hitched your wagon to a Democrat lame horse.
Maybe a man who knows the game of how everyone wants to knock him off the hill, so to avoid being set up, one must become highly suspect of anything that moves when about to be set up.... It's an absolute must for people like him to know, otherwise he has to train and achieve a heightened sense of awareness in order to keep the buzzard's and vulture's at bay.

And man what a task it has been.
The thing is..Trump was untouchable for a very long time. Mega-rich, Mega-powerful--in times where that meant taking what you wanted...grabbing life by the pussy.

More than anything else...changing times is what has got Trump in this position...regarding allegations of sexual assault and abuse.

In 1980...that didn't even exist, for women. If a Billionaire put his finger in you, you either rolled with it.....or did a Pepe Le Peu pussycat move..and scrambled out.
No way did you do anything official.

Times have changed...and Trump is fat, old and a creep. Still rich..and more a target than ever.

This will not the the only time he ponies up millions...for where his cock went--or tried to go, 20 years ago.
Wonder why Trump didn't show up and testify under oath in order to clear his good name?
What kind of man wouldn't want to do that?
Maybe a guilty man terrified of being questioned under penalty of perjury?
His lawyer advised against it.
Your partisan rant is taken with a grain of salt. Get off of your soap box, and start waking up to the truth. You've hitched your wagon to a Democrat lame horse.
I just see the reality of the extreme corruption of the republicans.

Please show me what dem Supreme Court member is taking bribes from Deep State to buy US law and policy??
Please show me where CNN admits in court that they are fake news and knowingly lied to the world, because they were worried they would lose viewers??
Hunter Biden got a few $100k from an oil company, Jared Kushner got $2B...

Any way you slice it, the republicans have written the book on mega corruption, and any democrat scandal is minor in comparison to the mega scandals of the GOP.

Please show me where a dem Supreme Court member has sold their vote to Deep State.
I will be patiently waiting for your reply.
That is as long as they benefit from it.

I think I speak for everybody even the Trump haters here when I say WOULD SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT ALREADY!?!

What about actual evidence to prove guiltiness though?

Don't you mean the democrats will decide?
What do you mean, what about evidence? That was the trial. The evidence presented was the evidence presented. Both the Plaintiff and Defense counsels rested their cases. Then, the jury of 12 peers passed judgement on the relative merits by the preponderance of evidence presented. That's all you get. They didn't ask you, me or anybody else. Trump was held liable for sexual assault in the changing room of that woman, and then defaming her good name.
You seem to forget in a civil trial, all that's needed is a preponderance of evidence.
Some also seem to forget that in a Civil trial, the jury is allowed to draw an adverse inference from a refusal to testify by the accused--to wit, he ain't denying it, now is he~

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