Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

Which comes down to who does the jury believe. Could be they believed Trump was lying when he said a photo of Carroll was a photo of one of his wives after he said he would never have sex with her because she wasn't his type.
Could be monkeys might fly out of your but>
It is evidence.

Do you actually think the judge and Trump lawyers know less then about the law then you?

Actually that isn't a fair question. It's not like you are a lawyer. Most likely you are just parroting talking points from the right wing media.
Actually, I do not watch TV news, they are all controlled by people who allow you to see what they want you to see, which is your problem, you believe any story they throw at you, and convict people without hearing any evidence, and then tell me innocent till proven guilty with biden
First off, you have no damned proof she was sexually abused, so stop with your talking points because that's all that they are.
It doesn't matter what your OPINION is on this beagle9. You were not on the jury.
The people who were on the jury though heard enough convincing PROOF that The Orange Cat Turd King was guilty of what he was accused of, to find him liable in a court of law.

This denialism of the authority of the courts and the rule of law in America along with your attacks on the free and independent press are components of this move towards Fascism that MAGAt is all about.
Everytime you don't get what you want the response is always the same....


"Fake judge!"
"Fake hearing!"
"Fake investigation!"
"Fake charges!"
"Fake jury!"
"Fake election!"

"Fake news!"

It is getting so tedious it would almost be comical.....if it wasn't so dangerous for our democracy.
Because your asshole Demonrat wannabe important leaders that I believe likely prearranged for President Trump to experience their Soros-funded extremely wealthy judges to try Trump with a verdict that will take him out of the presidential race you would rather kill him than let him win in order to make America the country the colonists founded with freedom for all. And if you want your own standards for "Getting Trump," you will kiss Maxine Waters nasty, stinking, farting, and stalking priviledges ass. <burp!>

Continue on with getting your back patted as you enable the deep state to turn this free country into a rotten, stinking slave-owning communist hellhole, and be sure you don't say even one discouraging word about the uncouth methods of the Alinsky method measures the Demonrats have put this nation through, (major chaos at the border of people who the Demonrats said would get a million dollars apiece) because if you do oppose the new commie leaders, they will send you to the Alaskan volcano that is threatening to blow its stack every week for a year. Do you get it? Behave!!!!!!!! :auiqs.jpg:
It doesn't matter what your OPINION is on this beagle9. You were not on the jury.
The people who were on the jury though heard enough convincing PROOF that The Orange Cat Turd King was guilty of what he was accused of, to find him liable in a court of law.

This denialism of the authority of the courts and the rule of law in America along with your attacks on the free and independent press are components of this move towards Fascism that MAGAt is all about.
Everytime you don't get what you want the response is always the same....


"Fake judge!"
"Fake hearing!"
"Fake investigation!"
"Fake charges!"
"Fake jury!"
"Fake election!"

"Fake news!"

It is getting so tedious it would almost be comical.....if it wasn't so dangerous for our democracy.

That's quite the weird fetish of yours. :ack-1:
Butt faddish.
It doesn't matter what your OPINION is on this beagle9. You were not on the jury.
The people who were on the jury though heard enough convincing PROOF that The Orange Cat Turd King was guilty of what he was accused of, to find him liable in a court of law.

This denialism of the authority of the courts and the rule of law in America along with your attacks on the free and independent press are components of this move towards Fascism that MAGAt is all about.
Everytime you don't get what you want the response is always the same....


"Fake judge!"
"Fake hearing!"
"Fake investigation!"
"Fake charges!"
"Fake jury!"
"Fake election!"

"Fake news!"

It is getting so tedious it would almost be comical.....if it wasn't so dangerous for our democracy.
The MAGA movement is the greatest danger to out union since the Civil War.
It does not matter how many times you debunk their lies. They will keep bring the BS back. Did you hear the lies trump told last night? And his cult that was present cheered him on.

trump is a cancer on the country and on democracy.
But jimboliar, go back and look at what you wrote.....YOU are the one who keeps yapping and yammering about Trump. You are the one who looks like the idiot, rightfully so of course because you are.....but you keep promoting Trump, Trump, Trump and look like the idiot.

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