Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

Testimony is not = to evidence.


Faun Do you have evidence that all of these claims are true? Oh and btw, a hand recount and an audit aren't the same thing.

I didn't say and audit and hand recount are the same. I said both were performed and both ruled out the possibility that ballots were counted multiple times.

Your bullshit is that Freeman scanned a stack of ballots 3 times. For argument's sake, let's say that room scanned a total of 100,000 ballots. And let's say Freeman scanned a stack of 1000 ballots 3 times. Had that occurred, there would have been 100,000 ballots but 102,000 votes. The audit and the hand recount proved that never happened.

Here's just one of the videos debunking that bullshit...

How did you get so brainwashed by this MAGAt cult that you can't even reason intelligently and you are willing to make excuses for this fool and give him the benefit of the doubt even though doing so doesn't even make sense?
The Democrat Party has done evil and encouraged false witness. They're hurting only themselves and those who fluff them. Exit running and not walking or you'll join their fate of hate.
I didn't say and audit and hand recount are the same. I said both were performed and both ruled out the possibility that ballots were counted multiple times.

Your bullshit is that Freeman scanned a stack of ballots 3 times. For argument's sake, let's say that room scanned a total of 100,000 ballots. And let's say Freeman scanned a stack of 1000 ballots 3 times. Had that occurred, there would have been 100,000 ballots but 102,000 votes. The audit and the hand recount proved that never happened.

Here's just one of the videos debunking that bullshit...

I think if it walks like a duck, acts like a duck, and runs like a duck, it's a duck. The Democrats have played one too many dirty tricks. It will be the death of their party and nobody will care.
I think if it walks like a duck, acts like a duck, and runs like a duck, it's a duck.

if donny walks like a rapist, acts like a rapist, & runs like a.... LOL!!!! runs???? donny is too hampered with trans fat to be able to run.

anyhoo, you get the picture.

The Democrats have played one too many dirty tricks. It will be the death of their party and nobody will care.

Jesus loves me,

Jesus doesn't love you because he doesn't exist.

However if you take comfort in your false diety, would Jesus advocate for you calling people nasty names?

you don't and never will because you bought the Democrat farm,

I'm not a Democrat. Isn't it lake of fire or something for lying? You may want to repent...just saying.

and when they run out of money with their grandiose focus on tax money in the treasury,

Yet Repubs consistently spend more and increase the debt more then Dems.

they will squeeze a huge share out of your farm.

I don't live on a farm although I do live in an AG area.

Consider yourself educated.

Educated is somewhat subjective but I've built up nice little resume over my years.

One day you'll thank me for telling you the truth about your whip crackers Party of Division, the Democrats.
Not likely.

What is a "whip cracker"?

What was caught on camera was poll workers, doing their job and doing it legally and accurately.

Your bullshit that GOP monitors were forced to leave and had to be evacuated is a lie. They left voluntarily when told counting was done for the night. That decision got reversed by an election official, but not until after observers and reporters left. That's what was caught on camera.

Your bullshit that ballots were scanned 3 times is a lie. Ballots were scanned one time. If a stack of ballots gets rejected by a tabulator, it's the poll workers' responsibility to correct the problem and attempt to scan again so they are counted. That's what caught on camera. This was confirmed by the state which audited those ballots and determined they were not counted more than once. That was also confirmed by a state-wide hand recount which reflected about the same number of votes as the tabulator count. Had ballots actually been counted more than once, there would have been far fewer votes counted in the hand recount than there were by tabulator counts.

Your bullshit about them pulling out ballots from a "briefcase" is a lie. Those ballots were placed in official Georgia ballot boxes and were officially sealed to maintain chain-of-custody. That's what was caught on camera.

Your bullshit that no one knows when those "briefcases" were put under that table is a lie. It's on video. They were placed there about 30-60 minutes earlier when poll workers began packing up because they were initially told they were done for the night. They took the remaining uncounted ballots that were out ... placed them in official GA ballot boxes ... sealed them ... and stowed them under the table; only to pull them back out about 30-60 minutes later when told to resume counting.

All of your bullshit was debunked years ago. I included a link to said debunking in the last post I sent you on this.
It does not matter how many times you debunk their lies. They will keep bring the BS back. Did you hear the lies trump told last night? And his cult that was present cheered him on.

trump is a cancer on the country and on democracy.
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I think if it walks like a duck, acts like a duck, and runs like a duck, it's a duck. The Democrats have played one too many dirty tricks. It will be the death of their party and nobody will care.

Reality is not at all concerned with your paranoia. Regardless of what you think, the surveillance video at the State Farm Arena proved 2 things... one, that Trump's attorney's lied when they claimed there was fraud there with suitcases stuffed with ballots; and two, the counting in there that night was legal and accurate.
It does not matter how many times you debunk their lies. They will keep brong the BS back. Did you hear the lies trump told last night? And his cult that was present cheered him on.

trump is a cancer on the country and on democracy.

Sad but true.
Yawn...typical. More support for a sexual abuser.

A person has to be a low life pond scum piece of shit to call a woman who was sexually abused a whore, political or not. All to defend the man you love.
First off, you have no damned proof she was sexually abused, so stop with your talking points because that's all that they are.
Form of, but not the same. There is physical evidence (most important in all cases), then there is circumstantial evidence (hear say, she said/he said, and/or corroborative testimonies that are not physically provable, but could sway a jury if the corroborating testimonies are strong enough and believable).

Neither was the case against Trump, but the political storm was blowing strong in the hearing, and Trump got railroaded it looks like. Now they've got their talking point, so let's see how they use it, and that should tell us all we need to know about the set up.

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