Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

I heard him tell his fellow Republicans to protest patriotically and peacefully. I was watching it on tv when it happened. My sympathies are with the American people, and I believe that there was quite a conspiracy to "get Trump" that included boxes of votes landing at precincts, and the boxes were full of votes for Democrats, and none for Republicans. If that wasn't sending up a smoke signal, it sure put a thumbs down when a basement hider collected fake votes after hundreds of precincts got similar boxes that were counted after hours when nobody was looking. The only coup attempt on January the sixth was Democrats demanding cancelation of the First Amendment for conservative Republicans who supported President Trump. The cowards who sent boxes of votes that all had the same handwriting on them decimated the Constitution on voting day, and Nancy Pelosi had her little jig all figured out as she lied her butt off against President Trump who didn't instigate any insurrection, and thank God, she isn't the House Speaker any more.

Storming the Capitol was not the only coup attempt.

Trying to get fake Trump electors sent to Congress was one.

Threatening a Secretary of State to flip the state's results for him was another.

Pressuring his VP to unilaterally make him the president was another.

Trying to get the election results thrown out so he would be the winner was another.
I heard him tell his fellow Republicans to protest patriotically and peacefully. I was watching it on tv when it happened. My sympathies are with the American people, and I believe that there was quite a conspiracy to "get Trump" that included boxes of votes landing at precincts, and the boxes were full of votes for Democrats, and none for Republicans. If that wasn't sending up a smoke signal, it sure put a thumbs down when a basement hider collected fake votes after hundreds of precincts got similar boxes that were counted after hours when nobody was looking. The only coup attempt on January the sixth was Democrats demanding cancelation of the First Amendment for conservative Republicans who supported President Trump. The cowards who sent boxes of votes that all had the same handwriting on them decimated the Constitution on voting day, and Nancy Pelosi had her little jig all figured out as she lied her butt off against President Trump who didn't instigate any insurrection, and thank God, she isn't the House Speaker any more.

Ma'am with all due respect. Your pundits and politicians are lying do you.

I work in information systems and election processing has evolved a long way from the old days when the County Clerk was a nice grandmother with gray hair and spectacles. Now we have these things call "computers" to manage the process. Very secure computer systems with checks and balances, redundancy and backups. I myself wrote a database program many years ago for the Human Resources Department for "New Hires" and annual contracts for employees for the next year. We have thousands of employees and each document record captures important information about the employee, the document and the signature status of the document. I can tell you at any instant in time how many documents were issued, to whom they were issued, and whether the signed document has been returned as accepted or declined and it contains the scanned image of each document tied to the employee.

Modern election system are like that. At any instant in time they (election officials) can tell you exactly how many ballots have been issued for a given precinct, what type of ballot was issued (you know that different precincts have different ballots for Federal only and Federal + State + Local right?) and the voting method used (postal, early in person, election day in person). Did you know for postal ballots the security envelope is bar/QR coded to the individual voter and you can track your ballot from request, to mailing, to being returned by mail, to delivered, and through security processing?

The point is that election officials know exactly how many ballots were issued for postal, early, and election day. The numbers of ballots mailed is a known quantity, the number of ballots received and entered into the system is a known quantity. For in-person voting (early and general) they know exactly how many people checked in at the polls, how many ballots were issued, and how many ballots returned. Since polling places are secured location ballots issued will equal ballots returned unless an election official interceeds and then even that is tracked. (For example a voter accidently "spoils" a ballot and needs a new one.)

Why is this important to understand. Because no one is showing up in the middle of the night and simply unloading boxes and boxes of ballots from the trunk of their care and inserting them in the stacks for tabulation. If that were to have happened to number of ballots counted would have greatly exceeded the number of voters to whom ballots were issued. And to do it on such a massive scale that it involved dozens of states, hundreds of precincts, and thousands & thousands of people and **NOT** set off the bells and whistles when the numbers didn't match would be (a) impossible, and (b) to do it across that may locations and not leave any evidence is fantasy.

50 States and D.C, with 176,933 election precincts and the DEMs pulled election fraud off on such a massive scale? They ain't that smart.

And trump gives more evidence to the numerous prosecutors investigating him at the CNN town hall. Carroll may be able to sue his orange posterior again. trump's mouth will eventually get him in Big Trouble.
As if your mouth is any better...
Storming the Capitol was not the only coup attempt.

Trying to get fake Trump electors sent to Congress was one.

Threatening a Secretary of State to flip the state's results for him was another.

Pressuring his VP to unilaterally make him the president was another.

Trying to get the election results thrown out so he would be the winner was another.
Pure malarkey. And everybody knows it.
Storming the Capitol was not the only coup attempt.

Trying to get fake Trump electors sent to Congress was one.

Threatening a Secretary of State to flip the state's results for him was another.

Pressuring his VP to unilaterally make him the president was another.

Trying to get the election results thrown out so he would be the winner was another.
Pffft... If such things were being done as a counter to the alledged cheating and corruption, otherwise that stole the election from Trump and a majority of U.S. citizen's, then meeting your enemies on the field of play with counter measures is only fair play wouldn't you say ??

Now because the Democrat's decided to keep everything non-transparent, and to do so for various reason's, has since caused a stench to begin blowing strong from their end. Otherwise why the hiding of everything if were straight up legit ???

Something was definitely rotten in Denmark, and it still is. Biden and Hunter are exposing it all, and they are giving an in debt look at the corruption of various player's within the Democrat party including themselves.... They are now shark bait for the republican's to cast freely into the political (metaphorically speaking) shark infested waters.
Pffft... If such things were being done as a counter to the alledged cheating and corruption, otherwise that stole the election from Trump and a majority of U.S. citizen's, then meeting your enemies on the field of play with counter measures is only fair play wouldn't you say ??

Now because the Democrat's decided to keep everything non-transparent, and to do so for various reason's, has since caused a stench to begin blowing strong from their end. Otherwise why the hiding of everything if were straight up legit ???

Something was definitely rotten in Denmark, and it still is. Biden and Hunter are exposing it all, and they are giving an in debt look at the corruption of various player's within the Democrat party including themselves.... They are now shark bait for the republican's to cast freely into the political (metaphorically speaking) shark infested waters.

The election wasn't stolen, dumbfuck. Even worse, despite lying about it being stolen, Trump knew it wasn't.
The election wasn't stolen, dumbfuck. Even worse, despite lying about it being stolen, Trump knew it wasn't.
The prosecutors in all his cases love to hear him go off on TV. Every time he does, he adds to their thickening file of evidence against him. There is a race now between Jack Smith with the DOJ and Willis in Fulton County. Who will indict him next?
Actually, I do not watch TV news, they are all controlled by people who allow you to see what they want you to see, which is your problem, you believe any story they throw at you, and convict people without hearing any evidence, and then tell me innocent till proven guilty with biden
Yet still you parrot the talking points. You get them from somewhere. Online, blogs, am radio....whatever it is that gives you your confirmation bias.

So again I ask do you think you know.mire then the judge and Trump's lawyers? Do you think they are stupid?
I just don't believe a word you said, and I think the New York press is fulla prunes. All of this was nothing but a political hit that was egged on by the lying left-wing press who is supporting the communist deep state that is run by deep state Democrats, who gain a lot of money and power from opinions based on false narratives against one of the better New Yorkers who ever lived. It makes me feel sad for the good people of the city who've been smarmed, lied to, and told to go with the flow.


I heard him tell his fellow Republicans to protest patriotically and peacefully. I was watching it on tv when it happened.

so did i. ONE time he said that because he thought that would cover his ample orange ass. howeverrrrrrr.............. ALL the testimony & facts leading up to that day has been proving just how deep in the doo doo yer chosen one really is... from his memos to his psychophants meeting & coordinating from the 'war room' .

My sympathies are with the American people, and I believe that there was quite a conspiracy to "get Trump" that included boxes of votes landing at precincts, and the boxes were full of votes for Democrats, and none for Republicans. If that wasn't sending up a smoke signal, it sure put a thumbs down when a basement hider collected fake votes after hundreds of precincts got similar boxes that were counted after hours when nobody was looking. The only coup attempt on January the sixth was Democrats demanding cancelation of the First Amendment for conservative Republicans who supported President Trump. The cowards who sent boxes of votes that all had the same handwriting on them decimated the Constitution on voting day, and Nancy Pelosi had her little jig all figured out as she lied her butt off against President Trump who didn't instigate any insurrection, and thank God, she isn't the House Speaker any more.

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The cowards who sent boxes of votes that all had the same handwriting on them...

Oh, one other thing...

What country do you live in? In the United States there is no handwriting on ballots (unless it is a write in candidate, which isn't what is being discussed). Ballots have check boxes or - you know - those little circle things you fill in.

Talk about Sour Grapes of Wrath.I guess all the Trump Rally's
{ every single one } is capacity overflow where even if raining a
day before and during ... Crowds or proud Trump supporters flock/
Or don't you possess a TV with cable access.
Since the Networks won't Carry Trump Rally's any more
than CNN or MSNBC flaks would be seen wearing American
flag pins.Real Americans know who the commies are.
It's now legion to spot them.
Lol, so you are going to send him a check to help pay his legal bills I take it?

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