Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

Try 75 million + of everybody. Yeah we personally know them through their character and attributes, just like you the same with your leftist buds.
It seems you've already broken your promise beagle9.
I am referring to the post where you said

Pete7469 said:
Wrong shit stain. Not a single statue was indicated.

That's how law works TURD.

You have to have EVIDENCE. Clear Evidence, something TANGIBLE or at least credible testimony. Then you have to INDICATE WHAT SPECIFIC CFR or USC was violated. You name the USC or CFR, present the evidence and I'll never post here again

Now piss off.
It seems you've already broken your promise beagle9.
I am referring to the post where you said

Pete7469 said:
Wrong shit stain. Not a single statue was indicated.

That's how law works TURD.

You have to have EVIDENCE. Clear Evidence, something TANGIBLE or at least credible testimony. Then you have to INDICATE WHAT SPECIFIC CFR or USC was violated. You name the USC or CFR, present the evidence and I'll never post here again

Now piss off.
I said that ? LOL isn't that Pete7469 ?? ROTFLMBO 🤣
Any money these fools send him, goes straight to his wallet.
First, it doesn’t. It goes to his defense for being white and interfering with a black criminal assaulting strangers on a train.

Second, even if it did, he deserves it for doing what progressives refuse to do - protect the innocent from violent criminals because they are disproportionately black.
Yet still you parrot the talking points. You get them from somewhere. Online, blogs, am radio....whatever it is that gives you your confirmation bias.

So again I ask do you think you know.mire then the judge and Trump's lawyers? Do you think they are stupid?
Nope, the judge, jury, and prosecution, know it's a false charge and do not care, they see the opportunity to smear someone the do not like, and try to advance party power
Nope, the judge, jury, and prosecution, know it's a false charge and do not care, they see the opportunity to smear someone the do not like, and try to advance party power
How do you know what the judge, jury and prosecution are thinking or know?

What about Trump's lawyers? They didn't bring that up in court. Are they stupid?
First, it doesn’t. It goes to his defense for being white and interfering with a black criminal assaulting strangers on a train.

.econd, even if it did, he deserves it for doing what progressives refuse to do - protect the innocent from violent criminals because they are disproportionately black.

First, last and always....YOU. ARE. WRONG. The Traitor reads you sheepeople ike cheap novel. His whole and entire business model is based on Conning people like you is what he does. His whole NFT Trading Cards is prime example of pure unadulterated bull shit you sheepeople believe.

The first rule of good con KNOW YOU MARK. You people believe every word, every lie the Rapist and Traitor tells you.
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First, last and always....YOU. ARE. WRONG. The Traitor you like cheap novel. His whole and entire business model is based on Conning people like you is what he does. His whole NFT Trading Cards is prime example of pure unadulterated bull shit you sheepeople believe.

The first rule of good con KNOW YOU MARK. You people every word, every lie the Rapist and Traitor tells you.
Ah…..another compassionate liberal with upside values and bad judgement.

The traitor is Biden, you idiot.
Any money these fools send him, goes straight to his wallet.
If they are stupid enough to send the POS money, they are stupid enough to be taken advantage of by the fattest, most corrupt grifter who ever lived.
If they are stupid enough to send the POS money, they are stupid enough to be taken advantage of by the fattest, most corrupt grifter who ever lived.
So the Marine who risked his own life to protect innocent people from the deranged BLACK criminal is a POS? What was the criminal? An oppressed vicitm?

You libs are destroying the country by aligning with thugs and against brave patriots.
It was a civil suit. There is no guilty, fool.
trump is liable for sexual abuse and battery. Think about it. The leader of your party has been found liable for sexual abuse and battery...and there may be many more coming. trump is a sexual deviant. I would not let my daughter be alone with the pervert.

But you will vote for him for the WH again? You really are warped.
So the Marine who risked his own life to protect innocent people from the deranged BLACK criminal is a POS? What was the criminal? An oppressed vicitm?

You libs are destroying the country by aligning with thugs and against brave patriots.
I am talking about trump being sent money, Dummy.

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