Trump had "nothing to do with Russia"

Your post is a bit garbled but I think you are asking me what President Trump lied about. His lawyer was in touch with the Russians and updated then candidate Trump three times. And the President said he had "nothing to do with the Russians. " That's a lie. I'm tired of the lying and tired of the ostrich syndrome in my fellow conservatives. What on earth does it cost to say, as I do, "yeah he has some faults but I still hope he can do tax reform and immigration reform etc despite his faults. ". I posted the OP really out of frustration of him continuing to make it hard to support him 100%. Clearly him lying is not a problem for you to continue your fealty to him. But don't tell me a lie is not a lie because of some Clintonesque distinctions you are able to make in your own mind. It's lying.
It's clear you purposely took the comment out of context. I finally saw what you were talking about. TRUMP WAS TALKING ABOUT REAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION (not with himself but between John Podesta and Russia ) not that he never, ever, had any ties to any banks based in Russia. (Nevermind the fact that banking thru a Russian Bank isn't the same as working directly with the Kremlin) You're trying to parse words. Taking a single word and applying it to everything.

Like I fuckers are so desperate to reverse the will of voters that you'll grasp at any straw.
If my kid tried that pretzel logic with me I'd ground him for a week. A lie needs a ton of explanations to make it truth and you're definitely trying.
That's rich.
You have to use "pretzel logic" to draw your conclusions.

I heard what he said. I heard what he was talking about and I drew no conclusions. You on the other hand did. That he was talking about any contacts with any Russian entity. That's not what he was talking about. You obviously ignored what he was saying and twisted it into something it was not.
"I had nothing to do with the Russians." Guess it depends on the meaning of "had". Right, Bill?

PS why do formal? You can call me "Dimmy".
Okay Timmy.
Liberals resort to name calling when they have nothing left to say of substance. Congratulations. In this thread you've parsed words like a Clinton and flamed like a liberal.
It's clear you purposely took the comment out of context. I finally saw what you were talking about. TRUMP WAS TALKING ABOUT REAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION (not with himself but between John Podesta and Russia ) not that he never, ever, had any ties to any banks based in Russia. (Nevermind the fact that banking thru a Russian Bank isn't the same as working directly with the Kremlin) You're trying to parse words. Taking a single word and applying it to everything.

Like I fuckers are so desperate to reverse the will of voters that you'll grasp at any straw.
If my kid tried that pretzel logic with me I'd ground him for a week. A lie needs a ton of explanations to make it truth and you're definitely trying.
That's rich.
You have to use "pretzel logic" to draw your conclusions.

I heard what he said. I heard what he was talking about and I drew no conclusions. You on the other hand did. That he was talking about any contacts with any Russian entity. That's not what he was talking about. You obviously ignored what he was saying and twisted it into something it was not.
"I had nothing to do with the Russians." Guess it depends on the meaning of "had". Right, Bill?
Get the correct quote and provide a link.
Watch the many versions of it posted above by others. They are videos. My more honest take on President Trump is summarized here:

'He's an a------, but he's our a------': California congressman gives blunt assessment of Trump
This account varified by four people (unnamed sources of course).

WTF were the trumpswab "lock her up" freaks SO concerned MIGHT be revealed in US Secretary of State perfectly LEGAL emails?? :eusa_think:

the gilded charlatan projected "lock her up" WHILE COLLUDING with RUSSIAN SPIES AND WIKILEAKS! :laugh:


The lengths we go to in order to rationalize this all will be seen, in retrospect, as extraordinary.

When the Bush administration was discovered to have erased millions of emails illegally sent by 22 administration officials through private, RNC-owned accounts, in order to thwart an investigation into the politically motivated firing of eight US attorneys, just one talk show covered it that Sunday.

When Mitt Romney wiped servers, sold government hard drives to his closest aides and spent $100,000 in taxpayer money to destroy his administration's emails, it was barely an issue.

When Hillary Clinton asked Colin Powell how he managed to use a Blackberry while serving as Secretary of State, he replied by detailing his method of intentionally bypassing federal record-keeping laws:

I didn't have a Blackberry. What I did do was have a personal computer that was hooked up to a private phone line (sounds ancient.) So I could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. I even used it to do business with some foreign leaders and some of the senior folks in the Department on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels.

... There is a real danger. If it is public that you have a BlackBerry and it it [sic] government and you are using it, government or not, to do business, it may become an official record and subject to the law.

Yet the fact that Hillary Clinton emailed through a private server and didn't use it to cover anything up is somehow the defining issue... "My God," people cry, "anyone else would be in jail!"

Stop Pretending You Don't Know Why People Hate Hillary Clinton

Is Trump Tweeting From a 'Secure' Smartphone? The White House Won't Say

Is Trump Still Tweeting From His Unsecured Android Phone?
If my kid tried that pretzel logic with me I'd ground him for a week. A lie needs a ton of explanations to make it truth and you're definitely trying.
That's rich.
You have to use "pretzel logic" to draw your conclusions.

I heard what he said. I heard what he was talking about and I drew no conclusions. You on the other hand did. That he was talking about any contacts with any Russian entity. That's not what he was talking about. You obviously ignored what he was saying and twisted it into something it was not.
"I had nothing to do with the Russians." Guess it depends on the meaning of "had". Right, Bill?
Get the correct quote and provide a link.
Watch the many versions of it posted above by others. They are videos. My more honest take on President Trump is summarized here:

'He's an a------, but he's our a------': California congressman gives blunt assessment of Trump
This account varified by four people (unnamed sources of course).

Frankly I don't care if it's fake. It summarizes well exactly my sentiment. If it's fake then I wish I'd have said it first.
Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

"The Russian active measures campaign may have begun as early as 2015
, when Russian intelligence services launched a series of spear fishing attacks designed to penetrate the computers of a broad array of Washington based Democratic and Republican party organizations, think tanks and other entities. This continued at least through the winter of 2016.

While at first the hacking may have been intended solely for the collection of foreign intelligence. In mid-2016 the Russians weapon eyes the stolen data and used platforms established by the Intel services, such as D.C. leaks in existing third-party channels like WikiLeaks to dump the documents. The stolen documents were almost uniformly damaging to the candidate Putin despised, Hillary Clinton. And by forcing her campaign to constantly respond to the daily drip of disclosures, the releases greatly benefited Donald Trump's campaign.

None of these facts is seriously in question. And they're reflected in the consensus conclusion of our intelligence agencies.

We will never know whether the Russian intervention was determinative in such a close election. Indeed, it is unknowable in a campaign to which so many small changes could have dictated a different result. More importantly, and for the purposes of our investigation, it simply does not matter.

What does matter is this, the Russians successfully meddled in our democracy and our intelligence agencies have concluded they will do so again. Ours is not the first democracy to be attacked by the Russians in this way. Russian intelligence has been simile interfering in the internal and political affairs of our European and other allies for decades.

SCHIFF: What is striking here is the degree to which the Russians were willing to undertake such an audacious and risky action against the most powerful nation on Earth. That ought to be a warning to us that if we thought that the Russians would not dare to so blatantly interfere in our affairs, we were wrong.

And if we do not do our very best to understand how the Russians accomplished this unprecedented attack on our democracy and what we need to do to protect ourselves in the future, we will only have ourselves to blame.

We know a lot about the Russian operation, about the way they amplified the damage their hacking and dumping of stolen documents was causing through the use of slick propaganda like R.T., the Kremlin's media arm. But there is a lot we don't know.

Most important, we do not yet know whether the Russians have the help of U.S. citizens including people associated with the Trump campaign. Many of the Trump's campaign personnel, including the president himself, have ties to Russia and Russian interests. This is of course no crime. On the other hand, if the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it aided or abetted the Russians, it would not only be a serious crime, it would also represent one of the most shocking betrayals of democracy in history."

WTF were the trumpswab "lock her up" freaks SO concerned MIGHT be revealed in US Secretary of State perfectly LEGAL emails?? :eusa_think:

the gilded charlatan projected "lock her up" WHILE COLLUDING with RUSSIAN SPIES AND WIKILEAKS! :laugh:


The lengths we go to in order to rationalize this all will be seen, in retrospect, as extraordinary.

Stop Pretending You Don't Know Why People Hate Hillary Clinton

Is Trump Tweeting From a 'Secure' Smartphone? The White House Won't Say

Is Trump Still Tweeting From His Unsecured Android Phone?
It's clear you purposely took the comment out of context. I finally saw what you were talking about. TRUMP WAS TALKING ABOUT REAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION (not with himself but between John Podesta and Russia ) not that he never, ever, had any ties to any banks based in Russia. (Nevermind the fact that banking thru a Russian Bank isn't the same as working directly with the Kremlin) You're trying to parse words. Taking a single word and applying it to everything.

Like I fuckers are so desperate to reverse the will of voters that you'll grasp at any straw.
If my kid tried that pretzel logic with me I'd ground him for a week. A lie needs a ton of explanations to make it truth and you're definitely trying.
That's rich.
You have to use "pretzel logic" to draw your conclusions.

I heard what he said. I heard what he was talking about and I drew no conclusions. You on the other hand did. That he was talking about any contacts with any Russian entity. That's not what he was talking about. You obviously ignored what he was saying and twisted it into something it was not.
"I had nothing to do with the Russians." Guess it depends on the meaning of "had". Right, Bill?

PS why do formal? You can call me "Dimmy".
Okay Timmy.
Liberals resort to name calling when they have nothing left to say of substance. Congratulations. In this thread you've parsed words like a Clinton and flamed like a liberal.
Nope. Honesty is foreign to a liberal.

The original quote from the Washington Compost was supposed to be a tweet from Trump. No link provided of course. I went back and checked his Twitter account and found no such quote.
Apparently you folks decided to use part of one of his speeches to push this lie removing proper context and using it as a blanket statement. He was talking about John Podesta.

This is why Obama always read from a teleprompter.....because he knows what the media can do with off-hand remarks that aren't totally scripted.
That's rich.
You have to use "pretzel logic" to draw your conclusions.

I heard what he said. I heard what he was talking about and I drew no conclusions. You on the other hand did. That he was talking about any contacts with any Russian entity. That's not what he was talking about. You obviously ignored what he was saying and twisted it into something it was not.
"I had nothing to do with the Russians." Guess it depends on the meaning of "had". Right, Bill?
Get the correct quote and provide a link.
Watch the many versions of it posted above by others. They are videos. My more honest take on President Trump is summarized here:

'He's an a------, but he's our a------': California congressman gives blunt assessment of Trump
This account varified by four people (unnamed sources of course).

Frankly I don't care if it's fake. It summarizes well exactly my sentiment. If it's fake then I wish I'd have said it first.
So now you admit that you don't care if it's fake or not. It fits your own personal beliefs to a tee......and that's the kind of mentality that fake News appeals to.
If my kid tried that pretzel logic with me I'd ground him for a week. A lie needs a ton of explanations to make it truth and you're definitely trying.
That's rich.
You have to use "pretzel logic" to draw your conclusions.

I heard what he said. I heard what he was talking about and I drew no conclusions. You on the other hand did. That he was talking about any contacts with any Russian entity. That's not what he was talking about. You obviously ignored what he was saying and twisted it into something it was not.
"I had nothing to do with the Russians." Guess it depends on the meaning of "had". Right, Bill?

PS why do formal? You can call me "Dimmy".
Okay Timmy.
Liberals resort to name calling when they have nothing left to say of substance. Congratulations. In this thread you've parsed words like a Clinton and flamed like a liberal.
Nope. Honesty is foreign to a liberal.

The original quote from the Washington Compost was supposed to be a tweet from Trump. No link provided of course. I went back and checked his Twitter account and found no such quote.
Apparently you folks decided to use part of one of his speeches to push this lie removing proper context and using it as a blanket statement. He was talking about John Podesta.

This is why Obama always read from a teleprompter.....because he knows what the media can do with off-hand remarks that aren't totally scripted.
Watch the video. I am not "you folks". I worked in the Reagan years in the federal government in DC but I am not blind. The President lied. You just don't seem strong enough in spirit to handle it.
"I had nothing to do with the Russians." Guess it depends on the meaning of "had". Right, Bill?
Get the correct quote and provide a link.
Watch the many versions of it posted above by others. They are videos. My more honest take on President Trump is summarized here:

'He's an a------, but he's our a------': California congressman gives blunt assessment of Trump
This account varified by four people (unnamed sources of course).

Frankly I don't care if it's fake. It summarizes well exactly my sentiment. If it's fake then I wish I'd have said it first.
So now you admit that you don't care if it's fake or not. It fits your own personal beliefs to a tee......and that's the kind of mentality that fake News appeals to.
That's because I don't care if it's fake. That isn't central to the fact that as a work of fiction it expresses well how I feel. It is not pertinent to my point whether it is true merely that it summarizes my feelings.
That's rich.
You have to use "pretzel logic" to draw your conclusions.

I heard what he said. I heard what he was talking about and I drew no conclusions. You on the other hand did. That he was talking about any contacts with any Russian entity. That's not what he was talking about. You obviously ignored what he was saying and twisted it into something it was not.
"I had nothing to do with the Russians." Guess it depends on the meaning of "had". Right, Bill?

PS why do formal? You can call me "Dimmy".
Okay Timmy.
Liberals resort to name calling when they have nothing left to say of substance. Congratulations. In this thread you've parsed words like a Clinton and flamed like a liberal.
Nope. Honesty is foreign to a liberal.

The original quote from the Washington Compost was supposed to be a tweet from Trump. No link provided of course. I went back and checked his Twitter account and found no such quote.
Apparently you folks decided to use part of one of his speeches to push this lie removing proper context and using it as a blanket statement. He was talking about John Podesta.

This is why Obama always read from a teleprompter.....because he knows what the media can do with off-hand remarks that aren't totally scripted.
Watch the video. I am not "you folks". I worked in the Reagan years in the federal government in DC but I am not blind. The President lied. You just don't seem strong enough in spirit to handle it.
I watched it. That's why I know you're full of shit. Before I only suspected. Now I'm absolutely certain.
"I had nothing to do with the Russians." Guess it depends on the meaning of "had". Right, Bill?
Get the correct quote and provide a link.
Watch the many versions of it posted above by others. They are videos. My more honest take on President Trump is summarized here:

'He's an a------, but he's our a------': California congressman gives blunt assessment of Trump
This account varified by four people (unnamed sources of course).

Frankly I don't care if it's fake. It summarizes well exactly my sentiment. If it's fake then I wish I'd have said it first.
So now you admit that you don't care if it's fake or not. It fits your own personal beliefs to a tee......and that's the kind of mentality that fake News appeals to.
Called "Knees News" where I comefrom
Get the correct quote and provide a link.
Watch the many versions of it posted above by others. They are videos. My more honest take on President Trump is summarized here:

'He's an a------, but he's our a------': California congressman gives blunt assessment of Trump
This account varified by four people (unnamed sources of course).

Frankly I don't care if it's fake. It summarizes well exactly my sentiment. If it's fake then I wish I'd have said it first.
So now you admit that you don't care if it's fake or not. It fits your own personal beliefs to a tee......and that's the kind of mentality that fake News appeals to.
That's because I don't care if it's fake. That isn't central to the fact that as a work of fiction it expresses well how I feel. It is not pertinent to my point whether it is true merely that it summarizes my feelings.
Your feelings shouldn't have any bearing on whether it's fake or not.
Don't you get that?
"I had nothing to do with the Russians." Guess it depends on the meaning of "had". Right, Bill?

PS why do formal? You can call me "Dimmy".
Okay Timmy.
Liberals resort to name calling when they have nothing left to say of substance. Congratulations. In this thread you've parsed words like a Clinton and flamed like a liberal.
Nope. Honesty is foreign to a liberal.

The original quote from the Washington Compost was supposed to be a tweet from Trump. No link provided of course. I went back and checked his Twitter account and found no such quote.
Apparently you folks decided to use part of one of his speeches to push this lie removing proper context and using it as a blanket statement. He was talking about John Podesta.

This is why Obama always read from a teleprompter.....because he knows what the media can do with off-hand remarks that aren't totally scripted.
Watch the video. I am not "you folks". I worked in the Reagan years in the federal government in DC but I am not blind. The President lied. You just don't seem strong enough in spirit to handle it.
I watched it. That's why I know you're full of shit. Before I only suspected. Now I'm absolutely certain.
I'm not going to argue with a guy who uses liberal tactics. I am frustrated with the President lying. You excuse it. We disagree.
Watch the many versions of it posted above by others. They are videos. My more honest take on President Trump is summarized here:

'He's an a------, but he's our a------': California congressman gives blunt assessment of Trump
This account varified by four people (unnamed sources of course).

Frankly I don't care if it's fake. It summarizes well exactly my sentiment. If it's fake then I wish I'd have said it first.
So now you admit that you don't care if it's fake or not. It fits your own personal beliefs to a tee......and that's the kind of mentality that fake News appeals to.
That's because I don't care if it's fake. That isn't central to the fact that as a work of fiction it expresses well how I feel. It is not pertinent to my point whether it is true merely that it summarizes my feelings.
Your feelings shouldn't have any bearing on whether it's fake or not.
Don't you get that?
Of course I do. I accept it is fiction. The writer should be flogged. Yet It still expresses a sentiment with which I agree. Shakespeare wrote a lot of fiction that also rings true.
What Trump ass-kissers need to contend with.....Questions:

1.Did Trump repeatedly state that he had NO dealings with Russia?....yes or No?

2. Does this potential deal in 2015-2016 NEGATE that he had no dealings with Russia? Yes or No?

3. Were sanctions imposed on Russia during Trump's negotiations with Russia? yes or No?

Address the above questions.......and you too, right wingers, will find yourself in the little mess facing the Trumpster.....

4. where the fuck are his tax returns? me thinx that mueller.... who has full subpoena power already has them. & flynn is being quite the blabbermouth.
Obviously you can't read English.
Oh I can read it well enough to see when someone lies to me. You read between the words to find an outcome that matches your beliefs. Like Bill Clinton did. I simply call it for what it is. You say it's not a lie because you don't want it to be a lie and you don't want your hero besmirched in any way. But consider this: he can be your hero and also have flaws. Like lying. Doesn't make him not the President, just makes him --- dare I say it? --- fallible. What's so hard about that? dipshits think privately talking about Russia in your office with your lawyer is the same as colluding with Russian officials on a business deal or even worse....stealing elections.

Grasping at fuckers are inventing ways to do it.
By "you fuckers" I assume you mean me, a conservative who worked in the US government for the Reagan administration. I'm not grasping at straws really. I'm calling a lie a lie. You are fulminating and foaming at the mouth just to avoid the simple truth : he lied when he said "I had nothing To do with Russia". Pretty simple really. I don't care about the whole Russian investigation as I said above. He loses me when he lies.
Nothing to do with what?

Be specific.

The example in the OP showed nothing that he had to do with Russia.

What other example are you trying to lump into the statement?
Your post is a bit garbled but I think you are asking me what President Trump lied about. His lawyer was in touch with the Russians and updated then candidate Trump three times. And the President said he had "nothing to do with the Russians. " That's a lie. I'm tired of the lying and tired of the ostrich syndrome in my fellow conservatives. What on earth does it cost to say, as I do, "yeah he has some faults but I still hope he can do tax reform and immigration reform etc despite his faults. ". I posted the OP really out of frustration of him continuing to make it hard to support him 100%. Clearly him lying is not a problem for you to continue your fealty to him. But don't tell me a lie is not a lie because of some Clintonesque distinctions you are able to make in your own mind. It's lying.

You are one of the few Trump supporters that have admitted that. Most are still suffering from OCDS--(obsessive Clinton derangement sydrome). This is very serious and it's just another piece of the pie. It exhibits the leaks that have been coming out of White House cabinet--aids and staffers of Donald Trump (that he hired.) It's very clear they don't trust him. He is totally isolated now according to Newt Gingrich--and every single week this goes a new leak comes out. The Senate nor the congress is going to work with him on any new legislation--this investigation has taken the air out of them. They won't work with him, they know they need to separate themselves from him.

I imagine this leak came from the Dossier file that sprung back to life last week. The CEO of Fusion GPS testified in from of the Senate hearing for 10 solid hours. Jeb Bush originally hired Fusion GPS to do opposition research on Trump, then dropped it when it was clear he wasn't going to win, then Democrats picked it up and then dropped it when Trump won.

Fusion GPS hired a retired M1-6 agent, Christopher Steele to investigate Trump--who had worked spying on Russia for many years. He became very concerned over what he was finding and turned the dossier file over to John McCain who then in turn passed it onto Barack Obama. A few days later Obama kicked out all Russian diplomats. And it's been reported by several sources that Obama preserved intelligence, citing he would then turn it over to a special prosecutor which I am certain that Mueller has already.
The ex-spy who wrote the Trump dossier is nicknamed James Bond

In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians.The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over. Everyone is also going to get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the constitution is all about all. Another impeachable offense, if Democrats don't want to go along with the current set-up.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

Rachel Maddow has been soaring past FOX NEWS and CNN because she is the only one that is reporting the details on this Russian investigation. She explains the Dossier file and the 10 hour Senate Intelligence hearing in this. This is said to be the Russian road map connection to the Trump team.
Trump dossier testimony from Senate Judiciary could be published

The day after this hearing, Mitch McConnell stated it's doubtful that Trump will be able to save his Presidency.
McConnell, in Private, Doubts if Trump Can Save Presidency

I am a little different from you. I was a life long Republican until this Ass Clown was nominated and switched my party status to Independent. I knew Trump was a con man from the very second he entered this race.

I followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan and voted for Hillary Clinton.

Last edited:
Okay Timmy.
Liberals resort to name calling when they have nothing left to say of substance. Congratulations. In this thread you've parsed words like a Clinton and flamed like a liberal.
Nope. Honesty is foreign to a liberal.

The original quote from the Washington Compost was supposed to be a tweet from Trump. No link provided of course. I went back and checked his Twitter account and found no such quote.
Apparently you folks decided to use part of one of his speeches to push this lie removing proper context and using it as a blanket statement. He was talking about John Podesta.

This is why Obama always read from a teleprompter.....because he knows what the media can do with off-hand remarks that aren't totally scripted.
Watch the video. I am not "you folks". I worked in the Reagan years in the federal government in DC but I am not blind. The President lied. You just don't seem strong enough in spirit to handle it.
I watched it. That's why I know you're full of shit. Before I only suspected. Now I'm absolutely certain.
I'm not going to argue with a guy who uses liberal tactics. I am frustrated with the President lying. You excuse it. We disagree.
I'm not impressed.
I worked in the federal government as a civilian during the Carter years. (Also active duty during Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, and Clinton) And again as a civilian during the Bush, Obama, and the present administration.
That doesn't make me any more of an expert on fake news and real reporting either. My time in journalism school had more bearing.

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