Trump had "nothing to do with Russia"

I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics

OMG a real estate company wants to build a hotel in a foreign country!

Wanted to build in spite of the law. No, don't impeach, convict for treason.
I don't know whether Trump erecting a hotel or opening a resort in Russia would violate U.S. sanctions against Russia. It could be that what Trump was doing did indeed violate the sanctions because it seems his firm's dealings may have involved Putin himself, or perhaps one of the "designated" Putin cronies.

I'll be honest. I don't have enough details about what Trump Organization's attorney(s) did, and I haven't fully read the sanctions detail.
What would violate it.... is if Trump was trying to use a government/Putin connected Russian SANCTIONED bank

For now, I have to take your word for that. discussions by his company on Russia proves he had something to do with Russia personally?

If China talks among themselves about the United States do they have something to do with how our country acts? Does every country that mentions America run this country? If they don't deal with us but simply talk about us in private, does that mean they have something to do with us????
I hate Hillary but did she personally wipe the server clean? If not then you're cool with her lies I guess.
You're talking about something that happened as opposed to something that never happened.
In reality Hillary's ILLEGAL IN HOME Server was wiped clean. It is a certainty when she was being evasive "Wiped mean with a cloth"?...she knew exactly what they meant. She was lying.
Congratulations. You have become a Clintonnlevel apologist.
Obviously you can't read English.
Oh I can read it well enough to see when someone lies to me. You read between the words to find an outcome that matches your beliefs. Like Bill Clinton did. I simply call it for what it is. You say it's not a lie because you don't want it to be a lie and you don't want your hero besmirched in any way. But consider this: he can be your hero and also have flaws. Like lying. Doesn't make him not the President, just makes him --- dare I say it? --- fallible. What's so hard about that? dipshits think privately talking about Russia in your office with your lawyer is the same as colluding with Russian officials on a business deal or even worse....stealing elections.

Grasping at fuckers are inventing ways to do it.
Anyone get charged with Perjury?

Why does Lefty want Texas to Drown, Hillary Clinton to be a Saint when she is a Sinner, and For Donald Trump to meet some Horrible Fate?

Did it Ever Occur to Lefty that they are a bunch of EVIL miserable Son of a Bitches bound for the Flames of HELL?



He lied thru his teeth.... over and over and over again, on the Russians.

WHY DID HE DO THAT? What was he trying to hide? Hopefully, Mueller's team of 16, will find out!
Is there any proof or hard evidence that he had anything to do with Russia? Anything? NO! Why are they investigating if there is no evidence? That is against the constitution and shouldn't go on.
Obama was a fucking saint compared to this lying bastard.

Obama was and is a damn good man who saved the US from the fucking Repubs.

Soros? I have searched and cannot find anything but rabid RWNJ sites saying how terrible he is and yet, the only FACTUAL sites I can find say nothing negative about it.

RWNJs whine that he gives money to liberal causes but it was RWNJs who voted for him to be able to do that.

Like Secty Clinton, the right tells and retells the same sorry lies until they become fact. But they never ever prove them.
Really? What did he do that was so great for this country? Everything was a record low except national debt with a record high. Tell me one thing that benefited this country in any way? Was this country in good shape to you when he left office?
There are no Russians
Never were
There was a national tantrum and still is

Robert Mueller (a Bush appointee) is not going to order two special Grand Jury's to convene, load up on criminal prosecutors and money laundering experts over a nothing burger.
Top Criminal Expert Tapped by Robert Muller to Join Russia Investigation
Special Counsel Robert Mueller using grand jury in widening Russia probe
Robert Mueller expands special counsel office, hires 13 lawyers - CNNPolitics

What the Trump campaign never realised is that they were being watched since 2015.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said. The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret meeting at the Trump Tower.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017, that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents including the day that Russia hacked into DNC databases.

Donald Trump gave up a life of luxury to become POTUS and do it for free. It's very clear now that his real interest was expanding the Trump empire into Russia. They have Russian banking ties, and have even disclosed a private Trump server that was tied to a Russian bank. Who OWNS the banks in Russia. They're mainly owned by the Russian Government, or at least more than half owned by the Russian Government. To build a Trump tower in Moscow you would have had to receive "personal approval" from Vladimir Putin.
Trump Organization Computer Server Tied to Russian Bank?
The 6 Biggest Russian Banks (SBER, VTBR)

There are Russian connections in every corner of this adminstration.

Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

Which is why Trump continually praised Vladimir Putin through-out the campaign season. He simply wanted those Russian banks to approve a loan for the Trump tower in Moscow--and he knew he needed top level approval from Vladimir Putin.

The denials have been horrendous.

Trump's continual praise of Vladimir Putin

But I doubt you Trump supporters would give a rats ass if Vladimir Putin moved his desk into the Oval office.
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I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics

OMG a real estate company wants to build a hotel in a foreign country!

Wanted to build in spite of the law. No, don't impeach, convict for treason.
I don't know whether Trump erecting a hotel or opening a resort in Russia would violate U.S. sanctions against Russia. It could be that what Trump was doing did indeed violate the sanctions because it seems his firm's dealings may have involved Putin himself, or perhaps one of the "designated" Putin cronies.

I'll be honest. I don't have enough details about what Trump Organization's attorney(s) did, and I haven't fully read the sanctions detail.
What would violate it.... is if Trump was trying to use a government/Putin connected Russian SANCTIONED bank

For now, I have to take your word for that.
all we know for a fact is Kushner met with CEO of the number one Sanctioned Russian gvt bank, the week after or the week before Trump became President, which drew the attention of the FBI because he initially lied on his security forms and left the meeting off completely, and they had some surveillance that mentioned the meeting, but then months later, Kushner revised it.

That's it....that I know of....Mueller knows more, allegedly...and is at least pursuing that avenue...

thus my word at the beginning...


Maxine Waters is so convinced that Bush Colluded with the Russians ,,,yet she never had any evidence,,,,just like she assumed tha Putin invaded Ukraine and dropped a few Mother Of All Bombs on them

waters is a ranking member on the house financial services committee, which is participating in the investigations into russia's interference. she has been privy to classified info.... & you aren't.
She also is a lying Democrat.
I hate to break it to you folks but we knew about Trump owning a multi-national corporation decades ago.
Just releasing shit about their considering building a tower in Russia isn't a secret.
And none of this is or ever was against the law.
This is just old news that the media is releasing that is intended to push their fucked up Russia collusion scam.
I don't think it was against the law to talk, I think it's just another piece of the Russian/Trump connection and possible quid pro quo.

Plus Trump lied about all of his connections....prosecutors and investigators take that as, having something to hide and will dig deeper.
No. It's a hypothetical based on a false narrative floated by Democrats perpetrated by the media. They're lying to you and trying to use unrelated situations to draw a false conclusion.

Whats worse is you dipshits are using a proposal that never became reality to base your arguments from. You have to read so much into your reference material and assume things that never happened for it to be even possible.

Never mind that you don't seem to understand how a large multi-national corporation works. Not every idea originates from the CEO. Trump's companies looked into building in dozens of countries. Russia was only one of them. They decided it was a waste of time, yet this allegedly proves colluding somehow. Grasping at straws much?

"Let's look into building in Russia!"
"Sorry sir, it doesn't make any sense!"
"OK, forget about it!"

This proves Collusion.

How dumb can you get.
Just answer me this mud,

why do you think trump lied about every single connection he and his son in law and everyone on his campaign team having any, even casual, connections with the Russians outside of his Miss Universe contest?

what is your logical reasoning on why Trump would lie on all of it? If it was "all nothing" and normal why did he feel the need to lie about it ALL?

what's your theory?
Where's the link?
I hate Hillary but did she personally wipe the server clean? If not then you're cool with her lies I guess.
You're talking about something that happened as opposed to something that never happened.
In reality Hillary's ILLEGAL IN HOME Server was wiped clean. It is a certainty when she was being evasive "Wiped mean with a cloth"?...she knew exactly what they meant. She was lying.
Congratulations. You have become a Clintonnlevel apologist.
Obviously you can't read English.
Oh I can read it well enough to see when someone lies to me. You read between the words to find an outcome that matches your beliefs. Like Bill Clinton did. I simply call it for what it is. You say it's not a lie because you don't want it to be a lie and you don't want your hero besmirched in any way. But consider this: he can be your hero and also have flaws. Like lying. Doesn't make him not the President, just makes him --- dare I say it? --- fallible. What's so hard about that? dipshits think privately talking about Russia in your office with your lawyer is the same as colluding with Russian officials on a business deal or even worse....stealing elections.

Grasping at fuckers are inventing ways to do it.
By "you fuckers" I assume you mean me, a conservative who worked in the US government for the Reagan administration. I'm not grasping at straws really. I'm calling a lie a lie. You are fulminating and foaming at the mouth just to avoid the simple truth : he lied when he said "I had nothing To do with Russia". Pretty simple really. I don't care about the whole Russian investigation as I said above. He loses me when he lies.
You're talking about something that happened as opposed to something that never happened.
In reality Hillary's ILLEGAL IN HOME Server was wiped clean. It is a certainty when she was being evasive "Wiped mean with a cloth"?...she knew exactly what they meant. She was lying.
Congratulations. You have become a Clintonnlevel apologist.
Obviously you can't read English.
Oh I can read it well enough to see when someone lies to me. You read between the words to find an outcome that matches your beliefs. Like Bill Clinton did. I simply call it for what it is. You say it's not a lie because you don't want it to be a lie and you don't want your hero besmirched in any way. But consider this: he can be your hero and also have flaws. Like lying. Doesn't make him not the President, just makes him --- dare I say it? --- fallible. What's so hard about that? dipshits think privately talking about Russia in your office with your lawyer is the same as colluding with Russian officials on a business deal or even worse....stealing elections.

Grasping at fuckers are inventing ways to do it.
By "you fuckers" I assume you mean me, a conservative who worked in the US government for the Reagan administration. I'm not grasping at straws really. I'm calling a lie a lie. You are fulminating and foaming at the mouth just to avoid the simple truth : he lied when he said "I had nothing To do with Russia". Pretty simple really. I don't care about the whole Russian investigation as I said above. He loses me when he lies.
Nothing to do with what?

Be specific.

The example in the OP showed nothing that he had to do with Russia.

What other example are you trying to lump into the statement?
waters is a ranking member on the house financial services committee, which is participating in the investigations into russia's interference. she has been privy to classified info.... & you aren't.
She also is a lying Democrat.
I hate to break it to you folks but we knew about Trump owning a multi-national corporation decades ago.
Just releasing shit about their considering building a tower in Russia isn't a secret.
And none of this is or ever was against the law.
This is just old news that the media is releasing that is intended to push their fucked up Russia collusion scam.
I don't think it was against the law to talk, I think it's just another piece of the Russian/Trump connection and possible quid pro quo.

Plus Trump lied about all of his connections....prosecutors and investigators take that as, having something to hide and will dig deeper.
No. It's a hypothetical based on a false narrative floated by Democrats perpetrated by the media. They're lying to you and trying to use unrelated situations to draw a false conclusion.

Whats worse is you dipshits are using a proposal that never became reality to base your arguments from. You have to read so much into your reference material and assume things that never happened for it to be even possible.

Never mind that you don't seem to understand how a large multi-national corporation works. Not every idea originates from the CEO. Trump's companies looked into building in dozens of countries. Russia was only one of them. They decided it was a waste of time, yet this allegedly proves colluding somehow. Grasping at straws much?

"Let's look into building in Russia!"
"Sorry sir, it doesn't make any sense!"
"OK, forget about it!"

This proves Collusion.

How dumb can you get.
Just answer me this mud,

why do you think trump lied about every single connection he and his son in law and everyone on his campaign team having any, even casual, connections with the Russians outside of his Miss Universe contest?

what is your logical reasoning on why Trump would lie on all of it? If it was "all nothing" and normal why did he feel the need to lie about it ALL?

what's your theory?
Where's the link?

Between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
He lied thru his teeth.... over and over and over again, on the Russians.

WHY DID HE DO THAT? What was he trying to hide? Hopefully, Mueller's team of 16, will find out!
Is there any proof or hard evidence that he had anything to do with Russia? Anything? NO! Why are they investigating if there is no evidence? That is against the constitution and shouldn't go on.
Jim Jones, there is plenty of evidence that the investigation teams are following up on....

if there was no evidence, there would be no investigation team investigating.... they are trying to connect the dots...

this does not mean crimes were definitely committed, only a lead of a probability that they were based on the evidence and the testimony they had collected thus far....and no one will really know one way or the other, until the 5 different investigations end, Primarily the FBI's investigation lead by Mueller.
She also is a lying Democrat.
I hate to break it to you folks but we knew about Trump owning a multi-national corporation decades ago.
Just releasing shit about their considering building a tower in Russia isn't a secret.
And none of this is or ever was against the law.
This is just old news that the media is releasing that is intended to push their fucked up Russia collusion scam.
I don't think it was against the law to talk, I think it's just another piece of the Russian/Trump connection and possible quid pro quo.

Plus Trump lied about all of his connections....prosecutors and investigators take that as, having something to hide and will dig deeper.
No. It's a hypothetical based on a false narrative floated by Democrats perpetrated by the media. They're lying to you and trying to use unrelated situations to draw a false conclusion.

Whats worse is you dipshits are using a proposal that never became reality to base your arguments from. You have to read so much into your reference material and assume things that never happened for it to be even possible.

Never mind that you don't seem to understand how a large multi-national corporation works. Not every idea originates from the CEO. Trump's companies looked into building in dozens of countries. Russia was only one of them. They decided it was a waste of time, yet this allegedly proves colluding somehow. Grasping at straws much?

"Let's look into building in Russia!"
"Sorry sir, it doesn't make any sense!"
"OK, forget about it!"

This proves Collusion.

How dumb can you get.
Just answer me this mud,

why do you think trump lied about every single connection he and his son in law and everyone on his campaign team having any, even casual, connections with the Russians outside of his Miss Universe contest?

what is your logical reasoning on why Trump would lie on all of it? If it was "all nothing" and normal why did he feel the need to lie about it ALL?

what's your theory?
Where's the link?

Between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
During the campaign they said he never met Putin....then you claim they're good friends.

Make up your minds.
He lied thru his teeth.... over and over and over again, on the Russians.

WHY DID HE DO THAT? What was he trying to hide? Hopefully, Mueller's team of 16, will find out!
Is there any proof or hard evidence that he had anything to do with Russia? Anything? NO! Why are they investigating if there is no evidence? That is against the constitution and shouldn't go on.
Jim Jones, there is plenty of evidence that the investigation teams are following up on....

if there was no evidence, there would be no investigation team investigating.... they are trying to connect the dots...

this does not mean crimes were definitely committed, only a lead of a probability that they were based on the evidence and the testimony they had collected thus far....and no one will really know one way or the other, until the 5 different investigations end, Primarily the FBI's investigation lead by Mueller.
Yeah.... They would never do any of this purely for political reasons.

They must have something.

10 more years and they just might show us all of this evidence.
OMG a real estate company wants to build a hotel in a foreign country!

Wanted to build in spite of the law. No, don't impeach, convict for treason.
I don't know whether Trump erecting a hotel or opening a resort in Russia would violate U.S. sanctions against Russia. It could be that what Trump was doing did indeed violate the sanctions because it seems his firm's dealings may have involved Putin himself, or perhaps one of the "designated" Putin cronies.

I'll be honest. I don't have enough details about what Trump Organization's attorney(s) did, and I haven't fully read the sanctions detail.
What would violate it.... is if Trump was trying to use a government/Putin connected Russian SANCTIONED bank

For now, I have to take your word for that.
all we know for a fact is Kushner met with CEO of the number one Sanctioned Russian gvt bank, the week after or the week before Trump became President, which drew the attention of the FBI because he initially lied on his security forms and left the meeting off completely, and they had some surveillance that mentioned the meeting, but then months later, Kushner revised it.

That's it....that I know of....Mueller knows more, allegedly...and is at least pursuing that avenue...

thus my word at the beginning...



This is why Trump was having a conniption fit--stating Robert Mueller is crossing a "Red line" by getting into his financials. Republicans/Democrats blocked TRUMP from being able to fire Robert Mueller. Trump then started calling Mitch McConnell and in screaming matches Trump lambasted him stating (he is not protecting him from this Russian investigation.)
Trump attacked McConnell on Russia investigation: NYT
Senators unveil two proposals to protect Mueller’s Russia probe

This video is coming from Rachel Maddow--who's rating have soared past FOX NEWS and CNN, as she is the only one that is going into the details of this Russian investigation. Here she goes into the Dossier file that has sprung back to life--in recent days when the CEO of Fusion GPS was testifying in front of the Senate Intelligence committee for 10 hours last week.
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Congratulations. You have become a Clintonnlevel apologist.
Obviously you can't read English.
Oh I can read it well enough to see when someone lies to me. You read between the words to find an outcome that matches your beliefs. Like Bill Clinton did. I simply call it for what it is. You say it's not a lie because you don't want it to be a lie and you don't want your hero besmirched in any way. But consider this: he can be your hero and also have flaws. Like lying. Doesn't make him not the President, just makes him --- dare I say it? --- fallible. What's so hard about that? dipshits think privately talking about Russia in your office with your lawyer is the same as colluding with Russian officials on a business deal or even worse....stealing elections.

Grasping at fuckers are inventing ways to do it.
By "you fuckers" I assume you mean me, a conservative who worked in the US government for the Reagan administration. I'm not grasping at straws really. I'm calling a lie a lie. You are fulminating and foaming at the mouth just to avoid the simple truth : he lied when he said "I had nothing To do with Russia". Pretty simple really. I don't care about the whole Russian investigation as I said above. He loses me when he lies.
Nothing to do with what?

Be specific.

The example in the OP showed nothing that he had to do with Russia.

What other example are you trying to lump into the statement?
Your post is a bit garbled but I think you are asking me what President Trump lied about. His lawyer was in touch with the Russians and updated then candidate Trump three times. And the President said he had "nothing to do with the Russians. " That's a lie. I'm tired of the lying and tired of the ostrich syndrome in my fellow conservatives. What on earth does it cost to say, as I do, "yeah he has some faults but I still hope he can do tax reform and immigration reform etc despite his faults. ". I posted the OP really out of frustration of him continuing to make it hard to support him 100%. Clearly him lying is not a problem for you to continue your fealty to him. But don't tell me a lie is not a lie because of some Clintonesque distinctions you are able to make in your own mind. It's lying.
Better relations with Russia is a wise thing to seek
This is still nothing more than a national temper tantrum carried on by a distinct minority who are governed by emotional addledness
He lied thru his teeth.... over and over and over again, on the Russians.

WHY DID HE DO THAT? What was he trying to hide? Hopefully, Mueller's team of 16, will find out!
Is there any proof or hard evidence that he had anything to do with Russia? Anything? NO! Why are they investigating if there is no evidence? That is against the constitution and shouldn't go on.
Jim Jones, there is plenty of evidence that the investigation teams are following up on....

if there was no evidence, there would be no investigation team investigating.... they are trying to connect the dots...

this does not mean crimes were definitely committed, only a lead of a probability that they were based on the evidence and the testimony they had collected thus far....and no one will really know one way or the other, until the 5 different investigations end, Primarily the FBI's investigation lead by Mueller.
Ok so what's the evidence? What's the proof? What make them so sure that they can come out and preach this Russia thing. There is none.
Hey Care4all .. How many of those actually SANCTIONED oligarchs and Russian Mafioso had SIGNIFICANT assets and projects with SBerBank? Inquiring minds NEED to know....
LOL Well, now maybe you should post links to verifiable sources that explain all of that? Or maybe you are just posting to take the heat off of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.

We have Trump Jr.'s e-mails that show that campaigns desire to collude with the Russians. What was offered in return?

Not my job to fan cool El Loco Cheeto Grande. The fact that you don't KNOW about SberBank or that it holds a lterally 1/3 of ALL TOTAL ASSETS in Russia, or that Podesta Group was lobbying in their INTERESTS during the campaign --- just shows how destroyed the lefty media has become.

Get the basics. Then we'll discuss how many REALLY BAD Russians control assets OWNED by SBerBank. No DOUBT in my mind, MANY of those bad guys were under NAMED SANCTION by the Obama Admin..

OR --- you can remain blissfully ignorant of any REAL news that your "brain fluffers" have embargoed from you..

Russia's Largest Bank Confirms Hiring Podesta Group To Lobby For Ending Sanctions | Zero Hedge

IN FACT ---- What the NYTimes is NOT telling you is that Mueller is ALREADY aware of the Podesta Group connections to some bad guys.. Go ask the Office of Spec. Counsel to fill you in. Care4all --- I make NOTHING up. Ever.....
Mueller meanwhile has decided to investigate Trump from 2nd grade forward which is not what he is empowered to do

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