trump Has a gop Challenger

do we still live in a democracy or is the primary already "rigged" ?

asking for a friend :eusa_clap:
underscoring the long odds for him, party leaders promptly rejected his campaign.

"Any effort to challenge the president's nomination is bound to go absolutely nowhere," the Republican National Committee said in statement.

WOW! we didn't even need a foreign spy to hack into the RNC to "expose" their "rigged" nomination ^

:laugh2: :uhoh3:
April 05, 2019

In a sign that the Granite State is open to a 2020 GOP presidential challenge, more than a quarter of New Hampshire Republicans already say they would consider supporting former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld, even before he formally launches his campaign. In addition, 61 percent of Granite State Republicans support the release of the Mueller Report, another indication of the independent streak among the state’s GOP.

According to a new poll conducted by NHJournal/Praecones Analytica, 27 percent of New Hampshire Republicans said they are open to supporting Weld, 55 percent said no and 18 percent were unsure. Weld is expected to officially enter the GOP presidential primary in the coming days.

“We’ve seen polling in the past showing that Republicans were open to a primary challenge in theory, but to see 27 percent willing to vote for Weld before we’ve even gotten started is very encouraging,” Weld advisor and former NHGOP chair Jennifer Horn told NHJournal. “All we have to do is pick up 10 points and its 1992 all over again.”

POLL: Weld Closing In On "Buchanan Benchmark" In New Hampshire – InsideSources
“I truly believe that if we have six more years of the same stuff we’ve had out of the White House the past two years, it would be a political tragedy,” Weld told CNN’s Jake Tapper. “I fear for the republic. I would be ashamed of myself if I didn’t raise my hand and run.”

“We have a president who mocks the rule of law…a president who says we don’t need a free press, who says climate change is a complete hoax,” Weld said.

they plan to run hard at the president, rather than seek accommodation with Trump supporters. Can it work? In New Hampshire, they believe it can.

“I do. I’ve done it before,” Weld said when Tapper asked if he really believed he can beat Trump. Weld is referring to his 1990 victory in Massachusetts when he won an upset bid for the GOP nomination and then replaced Michael Dukakis as governor. Weld also said he believes he will do well in the key early state of New Hampshire.

“Gov. Weld is the perfect match for New Hampshire,” Weld campaign advisor and former NHGOP chair Jennifer Horn told NHJournal. “He’s a fiscal conservative, an independent thinker and a proven problem solver. I’m confident that when New Hampshire voters see Gov. Weld on the campaign trail, they’re going to like what they see.

“There is no doubt that New Hampshire is in play,”
He's not even a libertarian...He's a Marxachusetts republican....IOW, a squishy surrender monkey statist.

Here in MA we have our share of moron Leftists but we have logical people too

I think everywhere has stupid people.

Meanwhile the former governor of your state is stepping up to challenge trump for the nomination.

He just might have a chance to give trump a run for his money. There are a lot of republicans who don't like trump. Same with Independents who want to vote republican but just can't bring themselves to vote for trump.

I don't know what Weld's chances are but I am cheering him on for at least giving people a choice.

Maybe 15 years ago. Not now. Weld is past his prime. Historically the economy decides elections and with the economy booming, Trump being pushed aside is unlikely IMO.

As I stated, I don't know what his chances are but applaud him for giving people a choice.

We will find out how it goes as time goes on.

I just looked at his Wiki page. He's one year older than trump.

So if Weld is past his prime, so is trump.

I didn’t mean age. I meant relevancy and name recognition. Age is just a number. Ask Tom Brady.

Ok. We will see what happens.

I think that it's a very good thing that there will be a republican challenger to trump.
You know, Trump hasn't released any tweets about this guy yet, so I don't really know if he's serious or not.

But....................if he is, and he gets some traction, I'm expecting the twitter war that will be waged by Trump is gonna be entertaining, but it could also hurt his standing with the GOP if he's not careful.
You know, Trump hasn't released any tweets about this guy yet, so I don't really know if he's serious or not.

But....................if he is, and he gets some traction, I'm expecting the twitter war that will be waged by Trump is gonna be entertaining, but it could also hurt his standing with the GOP if he's not careful.

Weld will get dozens of votes. How will Trump survive?
You know, Trump hasn't released any tweets about this guy yet, so I don't really know if he's serious or not.

But....................if he is, and he gets some traction, I'm expecting the twitter war that will be waged by Trump is gonna be entertaining, but it could also hurt his standing with the GOP if he's not careful.

Weld will get dozens of votes. How will Trump survive?

It's more of whether or not Trump views him as a threat as to whether or not he's gonna go after him. If Trump thinks of him as a threat, well, I'm thinking that the twitter storm it would set off would be epic. I wonder what funny nickname Trump would give Weld?
You know, Trump hasn't released any tweets about this guy yet, so I don't really know if he's serious or not.

But....................if he is, and he gets some traction, I'm expecting the twitter war that will be waged by Trump is gonna be entertaining, but it could also hurt his standing with the GOP if he's not careful.

Weld will get dozens of votes. How will Trump survive?

It's more of whether or not Trump views him as a threat as to whether or not he's gonna go after him. If Trump thinks of him as a threat, well, I'm thinking that the twitter storm it would set off would be epic. I wonder what funny nickname Trump would give Weld?
The bar is very low for folks on his radar. If Trump doesn't deem to mention him then Weld doesn't rate as high as JEB Bush, and Trump eviscerated Bush.
Weld stands second to John Kasich as the least viable former governor in America to primary Trump as anything more than a joke
A republican has stepped up to challenge trump for the nomination.

I hope more republicans join him to give republicans a choice on their candidate for president in 2020.

William Weld to challenge 'unstable' Trump for the 2020 GOP nomination

I've done a lot of looking into Gov Larry Hogan from Maryland, who is said to be considering a primary challenge against Donald. He won re-election last year and has won over many converts in a normally blue locked state. He's been a famously nonpartisan Governor, essentially demanding bipartisanism from the Democratic majority state legislature, and getting it. He's demolished deficits, repealed idiotic taxes, and forged middle ground solutions to conflicts between their state's dominant Ag business and environmentalism interests. Oh, and he kicked cancer's ass in the meantime, as well.

Seriously, this guy is everything everyone should want in a President. If he decides to jump in, and gets the nomination, he could be the best thing to happen to this country since Teddy Roosevelt.

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