Trump has created the Deep State

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You can't teach the teacher.

Well you most certainly are no Dr. John Clarke....are you??? ;)

In our discussion I am.

And you copying what I said and replacing names doesn't change that.
Don't be such a dick! He stretched his mighty mind, thought deep and hard, and came up with a brilliant version of "Nuh, you are!" In the rightarded pre-kindergarten version of "debate" that deserves at least a participation trophy.
So a war record is not your concern?

actually i have more of a problem with those that were lucky enough to get, or rich enough to buy themselves a deferment. i have more respect for those that spent time behind bars for being a conscientious objector. one doesn't need to have served though, in order to be an effective leader in matters of 'war'.

only to be smart enough to know they aren't a 'stable genius who knows more than the generals'.

You mean like Obambi?

you must be mistaken.

obama never asked for any deferments since he was too young for the draft & he wasn't the one who claimed those ridiculous notions. that was your president tinkles.


"only to be smart enough to know they aren't a 'stable genius who knows more than the generals'."

Like Obambi.

those are di-rect quotes from twittler. how many generals bailed on obama's watch?

there were at least 2 active duty ones who walked out on the big orange man baby, kelly resigned, & flynn, who is a traitor to his country is going to prison.

lol.............. you lost on this one dude. bigley.

Educate yourself and get back to me.

Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years

Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years | Investor's Business Daily
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A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You have no fucking clue what the "deep state" is, it's all the unelected federal bureaucrats, they call themselves the "permanent government". Administrations come and go, but they stay and think they are the ones really running things. And in some respects, they are, who the hell do you think is doing all the leaking?

Your dear leader maobama, prosecuted leakers and whistleblowers and got more jail time for them than all other presidents combined.

And you copying what I said and replacing names doesn't change that.
Don't be such a dick! He stretched his mighty mind, thought deep and hard, and came up with a brilliant version of "Nuh, you are!" In the rightarded pre-kindergarten version of "debate" that deserves at least a participation trophy.

That was a good one Olde Europe. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You have no fucking clue what the "deep state" is, it's all the unelected federal bureaucrats, they call themselves the "permanent government". Administrations come and go, but they stay and think they are the ones really running things. And in some respects, they are, who the hell do you think is doing all the leaking?

Your dear leader maobama, prosecuted leakers and whistleblowers and got more jail time for them than all other presidents combined.


I know what a deep state is according to the right wing nutsos lke yourself. And so Trump has created the Deep State.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You have no fucking clue what the "deep state" is, it's all the unelected federal bureaucrats, they call themselves the "permanent government". Administrations come and go, but they stay and think they are the ones really running things. And in some respects, they are, who the hell do you think is doing all the leaking?

Your dear leader maobama, prosecuted leakers and whistleblowers and got more jail time for them than all other presidents combined.


Yeah, your new imagined definition takes precedents over the long standing definition, rrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggghhhhhhhttttttt. LMAO Carry on commie.

actually i have more of a problem with those that were lucky enough to get, or rich enough to buy themselves a deferment. i have more respect for those that spent time behind bars for being a conscientious objector. one doesn't need to have served though, in order to be an effective leader in matters of 'war'.

only to be smart enough to know they aren't a 'stable genius who knows more than the generals'.

You mean like Obambi?

you must be mistaken.

obama never asked for any deferments since he was too young for the draft & he wasn't the one who claimed those ridiculous notions. that was your president tinkles.


"only to be smart enough to know they aren't a 'stable genius who knows more than the generals'."

Like Obambi.

those are di-rect quotes from twittler. how many generals bailed on obama's watch?

there were at least 2 active duty ones who walked out on the big orange man baby, kelly resigned, & flynn, who is a traitor to his country is going to prison.

lol.............. you lost on this one dude. bigley.

Educate yourself and get back to me.

Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years

Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years | Investor's Business Daily

'Coup' ? lol...........

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John Kelly says he warned Trump he’d be impeached if he hired a ‘yes man’ as chief of staff to replace him
By Colby Itkowitz andJosh Dawsey

October 26, 2019 at 7:20 PM EDT
John Kelly, former chief of staff to President Trump, said Saturday he warned the president before he left the White House not to replace him with a “yes man” because it would lead to Trump’s impeachment.

Kelly also said he believed he could have prevented the current impeachment inquiry against Trump if he had stayed in the job. He said the inquiry could have been avoided if the president had surrounded himself with people who could rein in his worst instincts.

His candid remarks, made during an interview at a political conference hosted by the Washington Examiner, suggests he blames acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and others in the West Wing for not doing more to stop Trump’s behavior.

i'm willing to bet you believe this though, 'eh?

White House hits back at John Kelly over impeachment remarks
By EVAN SEMONES10/26/2019 07:01 PM EDT

“I said, whatever you do — and we were still in the process of trying to find someone to take my place — I said whatever you do, don’t hire a ‘yes man,’ someone who won’t tell you the truth — don’t do that,” Kelly told the Washington Examiner at a conference in Sea Island, Georgia. “Because if you do, I believe you will be impeached.”
second thoughts about leaving,” Kelly said. “It pains me to see what’s going on because I believe if I was still there or someone like me was there, he would not be kind of, all over the place.”
Trump fired back at Kelly later Saturday, questioning the veracity of the retired Marine Corps general's remarks.

“John Kelly never said that. He never said anything like that. If he would have said that I would have thrown him out of the office,” Trump said, according to CNN. “He just wants to come back into the action like everybody else.”

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham confirmed Trump’s response, adding, “I worked with John Kelly, and he was totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great President.”

White House hits back at John Kelly over impeachment remarks

i especially liked the opinion from the stellar upstanding ms. grisham since she likes to get behind the wheel drunk. :booze:

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