Trump has created the Deep State

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So this will be the excuse when the Barr indictments are handed down for the real deep state?
Trumps deep state going after the real deep state?
lay off the crack
Most dumbassed thing I ever heard. How fucking brain dead do have to be in order to miss the fact that establishment liberal media, the professoriate on campuses and entire Democratic Party is out to stop Trump. Why? Because he rails against the machine! Trump is the true outsider they fear because all of us supposed “ignorant bumpkins” in flyover country (that would be us who feed the United States and fight our wars) support him. Heartlanders don't go to Starbucks for caffe lattes and have spas. We don’t have “gay pride” parades down our streets either.
What wars did donny fight in ?
What wars did the last 4 presidents fight in?
So this will be the excuse when the Barr indictments are handed down for the real deep state?
Trumps deep state going after the real deep state?
lay off the crack
Made up indictments done upon the command of the president is what a deep state would do.
So you're saying the grand jury will be like the Mueller team?
So this will be the excuse when the Barr indictments are handed down for the real deep state?
Trumps deep state going after the real deep state?
lay off the crack
Most dumbassed thing I ever heard. How fucking brain dead do have to be in order to miss the fact that establishment liberal media, the professoriate on campuses and entire Democratic Party is out to stop Trump. Why? Because he rails against the machine! Trump is the true outsider they fear because all of us supposed “ignorant bumpkins” in flyover country (that would be us who feed the United States and fight our wars) support him. Heartlanders don't go to Starbucks for caffe lattes and have spas. We don’t have “gay pride” parades down our streets either.
What wars did donny fight in ?

the wars he had with fidelity, having decent hair plugs, & keeping his soul & humanity.

with all 3, he lost bigley.
Those in the clown car how many were in a war?
You investigate tramp or anything to do with him, you will get Barr on your arse and he will do all to indict you, smear your name, reputation, and ruin you.
Sure junior now is the time to get another case of butthurt cream I predict you are going to need it.
A long list of obama underlings is going to be indicted.
Now the next question who will turn on obama Clinton lynch or holder?
So this will be the excuse when the Barr indictments are handed down for the real deep state?
Trumps deep state going after the real deep state?
lay off the crack

Once again, Trump is found to be doing what he accuses others of doing. Having a "shadow foreign policy" with very different aims and objectives for what passes for the publically stated foreign policy of the Trump administration, is the essence of a "deep state". While publically appearing to support the Ukraine, the President was working to undermine the elected government of the Ukraine, to the benefit of Russia.

Trump is focused on lifting sanctions against Russia. Congress and the Senate, in a rare show of bi-partisan unity, almost unanimously approved a law which bars Trump from lifting Russian sanctions without the consent of Congress. Trump has announced sanctions against Russia for the poisoning of the former agent in Great Britain, but he never imposed them. He has also failed to impose the second round of sanctions in the Magnitsky matter, although he did announced those as well.

In order to lift the sanctions, Trump has to prove the Russians didn't interfere in the 2016 election, thus his desperation to prove that the Russia Investigation is a "hoax". And then there's the sanctions related to Russia's annexation of the Crimea and it's war with the Ukraine. This is why Trump is pushing for a deal between Zelensky and Russia.

This is insanity, and it utterly undermines the rule of law in the US.
Where are your facts? fake news? STOP LYING
Sometimes it's best to keep your mouths shut Trump lovers. Or it will get shut for you.

Former VA Secretary David Shulkin speaks out about 'shadow government' under Trump

Former Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin joined ABC News' "The Briefing Room" on Friday, expressing concern over a "shadow government" within the Trump administration that, he said, made it more difficult to do his job.


Former VA Secretary David Shulkin speaks out about 'shadow government' under Trump
So this will be the excuse when the Barr indictments are handed down for the real deep state?
Trumps deep state going after the real deep state?
lay off the crack
Most dumbassed thing I ever heard. How fucking brain dead do have to be in order to miss the fact that establishment liberal media, the professoriate on campuses and entire Democratic Party is out to stop Trump. Why? Because he rails against the machine! Trump is the true outsider they fear because all of us supposed “ignorant bumpkins” in flyover country (that would be us who feed the United States and fight our wars) support him. Heartlanders don't go to Starbucks for caffe lattes and have spas. We don’t have “gay pride” parades down our streets either.
What wars did donny fight in ?

the wars he had with fidelity, having decent hair plugs, & keeping his soul & humanity.

with all 3, he lost bigley.
Those in the clown car how many were in a war?

that was an impotent retort...yet totally expected.
So this will be the excuse when the Barr indictments are handed down for the real deep state?
Trumps deep state going after the real deep state?
lay off the crack
Most dumbassed thing I ever heard. How fucking brain dead do have to be in order to miss the fact that establishment liberal media, the professoriate on campuses and entire Democratic Party is out to stop Trump. Why? Because he rails against the machine! Trump is the true outsider they fear because all of us supposed “ignorant bumpkins” in flyover country (that would be us who feed the United States and fight our wars) support him. Heartlanders don't go to Starbucks for caffe lattes and have spas. We don’t have “gay pride” parades down our streets either.
What wars did donny fight in ?

the wars he had with fidelity, having decent hair plugs, & keeping his soul & humanity.

with all 3, he lost bigley.
Those in the clown car how many were in a war?

that was an impotent retort...yet totally expected.
So if you can't answer that question why do you care what war any president has been in?
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You really need to take this med so you can get better.

Most dumbassed thing I ever heard. How fucking brain dead do have to be in order to miss the fact that establishment liberal media, the professoriate on campuses and entire Democratic Party is out to stop Trump. Why? Because he rails against the machine! Trump is the true outsider they fear because all of us supposed “ignorant bumpkins” in flyover country (that would be us who feed the United States and fight our wars) support him. Heartlanders don't go to Starbucks for caffe lattes and have spas. We don’t have “gay pride” parades down our streets either.
What wars did donny fight in ?

the wars he had with fidelity, having decent hair plugs, & keeping his soul & humanity.

with all 3, he lost bigley.
Those in the clown car how many were in a war?

that was an impotent retort...yet totally expected.
So if you can't answer that question why do you care what war any president has been in?

because i answered correctly the first time. i didn't defend any president who didn't fight in a war, now did i?

nope, i did not.

go ahead & argue what i did post about the 'wars' donny has engaged in & failed miserably.

bet you can't. there is no defending that, so you chose to deflect.
What wars did donny fight in ?

the wars he had with fidelity, having decent hair plugs, & keeping his soul & humanity.

with all 3, he lost bigley.
Those in the clown car how many were in a war?

that was an impotent retort...yet totally expected.
So if you can't answer that question why do you care what war any president has been in?

because i answered correctly the first time. i didn't defend any president who didn't fight in a war, now did i?

nope, i did not.

go ahead & argue what i did post about the 'wars' donny has engaged in & failed miserably.

bet you can't. there is no defending that, so you chose to deflect.
Backstepping is just as funny as any drunk retarded response you have given
So this will be the excuse when the Barr indictments are handed down for the real deep state?
Trumps deep state going after the real deep state?
lay off the crack

Once again, Trump is found to be doing what he accuses others of doing. Having a "shadow foreign policy" with very different aims and objectives for what passes for the publically stated foreign policy of the Trump administration, is the essence of a "deep state". While publically appearing to support the Ukraine, the President was working to undermine the elected government of the Ukraine, to the benefit of Russia.

Trump is focused on lifting sanctions against Russia. Congress and the Senate, in a rare show of bi-partisan unity, almost unanimously approved a law which bars Trump from lifting Russian sanctions without the consent of Congress. Trump has announced sanctions against Russia for the poisoning of the former agent in Great Britain, but he never imposed them. He has also failed to impose the second round of sanctions in the Magnitsky matter, although he did announced those as well.

In order to lift the sanctions, Trump has to prove the Russians didn't interfere in the 2016 election, thus his desperation to prove that the Russia Investigation is a "hoax". And then there's the sanctions related to Russia's annexation of the Crimea and it's war with the Ukraine. This is why Trump is pushing for a deal between Zelensky and Russia.

This is insanity, and it utterly undermines the rule of law in the US.

That is what the tower meeting was about, the adoptions=the sanctions.
The tower meeting that they didn't act on thanks for clearing that up for yourself so I wouldn't have too.
the wars he had with fidelity, having decent hair plugs, & keeping his soul & humanity.

with all 3, he lost bigley.
Those in the clown car how many were in a war?

that was an impotent retort...yet totally expected.
So if you can't answer that question why do you care what war any president has been in?

because i answered correctly the first time. i didn't defend any president who didn't fight in a war, now did i?

nope, i did not.

go ahead & argue what i did post about the 'wars' donny has engaged in & failed miserably.

bet you can't. there is no defending that, so you chose to deflect.
Backstepping is just as funny as any drunk retarded response you have given


so i take that as a no, you can't.

got it.

maybe a little blue pill can help you out next time.:113:
Those in the clown car how many were in a war?

that was an impotent retort...yet totally expected.
So if you can't answer that question why do you care what war any president has been in?

because i answered correctly the first time. i didn't defend any president who didn't fight in a war, now did i?

nope, i did not.

go ahead & argue what i did post about the 'wars' donny has engaged in & failed miserably.

bet you can't. there is no defending that, so you chose to deflect.
Backstepping is just as funny as any drunk retarded response you have given


so i take that as a no, you can't.

got it.

maybe a little blue pill can help you out next time.:113:
So a war record is not your concern?
For all their faults Kennedy Kerry McCain & all the Republicans & Democrat's of past generations went willingly too war in the defense of our nation. now they use money & power to avoid going. bad wars or bad people?
that was an impotent retort...yet totally expected.
So if you can't answer that question why do you care what war any president has been in?

because i answered correctly the first time. i didn't defend any president who didn't fight in a war, now did i?

nope, i did not.

go ahead & argue what i did post about the 'wars' donny has engaged in & failed miserably.

bet you can't. there is no defending that, so you chose to deflect.
Backstepping is just as funny as any drunk retarded response you have given


so i take that as a no, you can't.

got it.

maybe a little blue pill can help you out next time.:113:
So a war record is not your concern?

actually i have more of a problem with those that were lucky enough to get, or rich enough to buy themselves a deferment. i have more respect for those that spent time behind bars for being a conscientious objector. one doesn't need to have served though, in order to be an effective leader in matters of 'war'.

only to be smart enough to know they aren't a 'stable genius who knows more than the generals'.
the term deep states and the lies that it puts out

Trump likes to use them as well as his supporters but obviously the repubs are the the ones doing it

It would explain why they seem to understand it so well because they are the ones doing it

Rudy doing an investigation along with Barr just to prove the Russians didn't do it

Trump secret meetings with the Putin in plain daylight

Classifying calls make by Trump to foreign dignitaries as secret when they do it mostly because Trump made a boo boo

Claiming executive privileged when everyone know what was said but now it can't be said in a hearing before congress

even the repubs barging into a committee meeting. If demos had done that with the clinton hearing then the repubs would be yelling deep state

The talk about firing
Mueller and how well that went

Trump unabashed comments to hold the summit meeting at his motels and the outlandish claim that it would not benefit him

Cohen was his lawyer for years and did all his duty deeds

now he has government employees doing it for him and Rudy but hey he needed a replacement for Cohen
So if you can't answer that question why do you care what war any president has been in?

because i answered correctly the first time. i didn't defend any president who didn't fight in a war, now did i?

nope, i did not.

go ahead & argue what i did post about the 'wars' donny has engaged in & failed miserably.

bet you can't. there is no defending that, so you chose to deflect.
Backstepping is just as funny as any drunk retarded response you have given


so i take that as a no, you can't.

got it.

maybe a little blue pill can help you out next time.:113:
So a war record is not your concern?

actually i have more of a problem with those that were lucky enough to get, or rich enough to buy themselves a deferment. i have more respect for those that spent time behind bars for being a conscientious objector. one doesn't need to have served though, in order to be an effective leader in matters of 'war'.

only to be smart enough to know they aren't a 'stable genius who knows more than the generals'.

You mean like Obambi?
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