Trump has created the Deep State

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because i answered correctly the first time. i didn't defend any president who didn't fight in a war, now did i?

nope, i did not.

go ahead & argue what i did post about the 'wars' donny has engaged in & failed miserably.

bet you can't. there is no defending that, so you chose to deflect.
Backstepping is just as funny as any drunk retarded response you have given


so i take that as a no, you can't.

got it.

maybe a little blue pill can help you out next time.:113:
So a war record is not your concern?

actually i have more of a problem with those that were lucky enough to get, or rich enough to buy themselves a deferment. i have more respect for those that spent time behind bars for being a conscientious objector. one doesn't need to have served though, in order to be an effective leader in matters of 'war'.

only to be smart enough to know they aren't a 'stable genius who knows more than the generals'.

You mean like Obambi?

you must be mistaken.

obama never asked for any deferments since he was too young for the draft & he wasn't the one who claimed those ridiculous notions. that was your president tinkles.
LOL, you get more stupid and rabid every day.

Yep really.

And I am still far less stupid and rabid than you. What I am saying, we all see happening. You cannot say the same.

I'm not rabid or stupid. I am logical, informed and patient. You aren't, you believe everything anyone says that fits your preconceived opinions and hatreds. Basically you are no more than a rabid parrot without an original thought. You so badly want Trump to be guilty of something you have ZERO impartiality and no logical ability to think at all.

There is nothing rational about a person that sees what Trump is doing and supports him. Everything you say about me is exactly what you do. I'm looking at Trump breaking the motherfucking law. Nobody has to tell me shit.

You're projecting. You don't know that he's done ANYTHING wrong at all, you simply believe all the crap your little lefty info outlets tell you. Trump works for the same Bankers they all work for hence his horrific binge spending. You are partisan hack so you think everyone else is too. You live in the binary system that has been foisted upon the populace by these very same Bankers. You fall for every theatrical scenario thrown at you and have no ability at all to think for yourself let alone discern any truth except that truth you need to believe. I actually feel bad for you.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You sink to ever lower depths of idiocy with every post. What trump did with rudy is no different than what many other presidents have done. Roosevelt, that darling of the progressives did it more than any other. And don't forget the shrilary and her use of good old syd blumenthal to carry out her nefarious plans while she was secretary of state.

The Personal President
Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions.

Why FDR Hated the State Department—and How He Created a Foreign Policy Without It
Backstepping is just as funny as any drunk retarded response you have given


so i take that as a no, you can't.

got it.

maybe a little blue pill can help you out next time.:113:
So a war record is not your concern?

actually i have more of a problem with those that were lucky enough to get, or rich enough to buy themselves a deferment. i have more respect for those that spent time behind bars for being a conscientious objector. one doesn't need to have served though, in order to be an effective leader in matters of 'war'.

only to be smart enough to know they aren't a 'stable genius who knows more than the generals'.

You mean like Obambi?

you must be mistaken.

obama never asked for any deferments since he was too young for the draft & he wasn't the one who claimed those ridiculous notions. that was your president tinkles.


"only to be smart enough to know they aren't a 'stable genius who knows more than the generals'."

Like Obambi.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You sink to ever lower depths of idiocy with every post. What trump did with rudy is no different than what many other presidents have done. Roosevelt, that darling of the progressives did it more than any other. And don't forget the shrilary and her use of good old syd blumenthal to carry out her nefarious plans while she was secretary of state.

The Personal President
Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions.

Why FDR Hated the State Department—and How He Created a Foreign Policy Without It

The guy is seriously sinking into insanity.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You sink to ever lower depths of idiocy with every post. What trump did with rudy is no different than what many other presidents have done. Roosevelt, that darling of the progressives did it more than any other. And don't forget the shrilary and her use of good old syd blumenthal to carry out her nefarious plans while she was secretary of state.

The Personal President
Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions.

Why FDR Hated the State Department—and How He Created a Foreign Policy Without It

You dumb ass. This is not about sending your buddies on a diplomatic mission. This is about sending your buddies to operate as agents to extort foreign countries into getting dirt on political opponents to help him in an election. You nitwits want to avoid anything factual to excuse this crook. First ladies have performed diplomacy but what Trump has done is a violation of our law.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You sink to ever lower depths of idiocy with every post. What trump did with rudy is no different than what many other presidents have done. Roosevelt, that darling of the progressives did it more than any other. And don't forget the shrilary and her use of good old syd blumenthal to carry out her nefarious plans while she was secretary of state.

The Personal President
Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions.

Why FDR Hated the State Department—and How He Created a Foreign Policy Without It

The guy is seriously sinking into insanity.

Combined with his innate stupidity and he is quite the specimen.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You sink to ever lower depths of idiocy with every post. What trump did with rudy is no different than what many other presidents have done. Roosevelt, that darling of the progressives did it more than any other. And don't forget the shrilary and her use of good old syd blumenthal to carry out her nefarious plans while she was secretary of state.

The Personal President
Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions.

Why FDR Hated the State Department—and How He Created a Foreign Policy Without It

You dumb ass. This is not about sending your buddies on a diplomatic mission. This is about sending your buddies to operate as agents to extort foreign countries into getting dirt on political opponents to help him in an election. You nitwits want to avoid anything factual to excuse this crook. First ladies have performed diplomacy but what Trump has done is a violation of our law.

It has been done since before the Civil War, which you would know if you weren't such an ignorant twit.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You sink to ever lower depths of idiocy with every post. What trump did with rudy is no different than what many other presidents have done. Roosevelt, that darling of the progressives did it more than any other. And don't forget the shrilary and her use of good old syd blumenthal to carry out her nefarious plans while she was secretary of state.

The Personal President
Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions.

Why FDR Hated the State Department—and How He Created a Foreign Policy Without It

The guy is seriously sinking into insanity.

No, you and the other Trump ass kissers are mental rejects. Westvall posted a story that has nothing to do with what Trump, Giuliani, etc., have done but because it is a story about a president sending friends to do diplomacy he thinks it's the same thing. The false equivalence is all you guys ever come up with.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You sink to ever lower depths of idiocy with every post. What trump did with rudy is no different than what many other presidents have done. Roosevelt, that darling of the progressives did it more than any other. And don't forget the shrilary and her use of good old syd blumenthal to carry out her nefarious plans while she was secretary of state.

The Personal President
Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions.

Why FDR Hated the State Department—and How He Created a Foreign Policy Without It

You dumb ass. This is not about sending your buddies on a diplomatic mission. This is about sending your buddies to operate as agents to extort foreign countries into getting dirt on political opponents to help him in an election. You nitwits want to avoid anything factual to excuse this crook. First ladies have performed diplomacy but what Trump has done is a violation of our law.

It has been done since before the Civil War, which you would know if you weren't such an ignorant twit.

This has not been done you stupid fucker. Name me one time a president sent his buddies to another country to force that government to find dirt on a American political opponent to help that president in an election.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You sink to ever lower depths of idiocy with every post. What trump did with rudy is no different than what many other presidents have done. Roosevelt, that darling of the progressives did it more than any other. And don't forget the shrilary and her use of good old syd blumenthal to carry out her nefarious plans while she was secretary of state.

The Personal President
Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions.

Why FDR Hated the State Department—and How He Created a Foreign Policy Without It

You dumb ass. This is not about sending your buddies on a diplomatic mission. This is about sending your buddies to operate as agents to extort foreign countries into getting dirt on political opponents to help him in an election. You nitwits want to avoid anything factual to excuse this crook. First ladies have performed diplomacy but what Trump has done is a violation of our law.

It has been done since before the Civil War, which you would know if you weren't such an ignorant twit.

This has not been done you stupid fucker. Name me one time a president sent his buddies to another country to force that government to find dirt on a American political opponent to help that president in an election.

Trump wasn't you ignorant twat, they were investigating the 2016 attack on trump, you blithering idiot. biden just happens to be a victim of democrat collateral damage.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

You sink to ever lower depths of idiocy with every post. What trump did with rudy is no different than what many other presidents have done. Roosevelt, that darling of the progressives did it more than any other. And don't forget the shrilary and her use of good old syd blumenthal to carry out her nefarious plans while she was secretary of state.

The Personal President
Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions.

Why FDR Hated the State Department—and How He Created a Foreign Policy Without It

You dumb ass. This is not about sending your buddies on a diplomatic mission. This is about sending your buddies to operate as agents to extort foreign countries into getting dirt on political opponents to help him in an election. You nitwits want to avoid anything factual to excuse this crook. First ladies have performed diplomacy but what Trump has done is a violation of our law.

It has been done since before the Civil War, which you would know if you weren't such an ignorant twit.

This has not been done you stupid fucker. Name me one time a president sent his buddies to another country to force that government to find dirt on a American political opponent to help that president in an election.

Trump wasn't you ignorant twat, they were investigating the 2016 attack on trump, you blithering idiot. biden just happens to be a victim of democrat collateral damage.

That's a bullshit lie and you know it.
You sink to ever lower depths of idiocy with every post. What trump did with rudy is no different than what many other presidents have done. Roosevelt, that darling of the progressives did it more than any other. And don't forget the shrilary and her use of good old syd blumenthal to carry out her nefarious plans while she was secretary of state.

The Personal President
Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions.

Why FDR Hated the State Department—and How He Created a Foreign Policy Without It

You dumb ass. This is not about sending your buddies on a diplomatic mission. This is about sending your buddies to operate as agents to extort foreign countries into getting dirt on political opponents to help him in an election. You nitwits want to avoid anything factual to excuse this crook. First ladies have performed diplomacy but what Trump has done is a violation of our law.

It has been done since before the Civil War, which you would know if you weren't such an ignorant twit.

This has not been done you stupid fucker. Name me one time a president sent his buddies to another country to force that government to find dirt on a American political opponent to help that president in an election.

Trump wasn't you ignorant twat, they were investigating the 2016 attack on trump, you blithering idiot. biden just happens to be a victim of democrat collateral damage.

That's a bullshit lie and you know it.

That's a documented FACT, but you're too fucking stupid to read.
So if you can't answer that question why do you care what war any president has been in?

because i answered correctly the first time. i didn't defend any president who didn't fight in a war, now did i?

nope, i did not.

go ahead & argue what i did post about the 'wars' donny has engaged in & failed miserably.

bet you can't. there is no defending that, so you chose to deflect.
Backstepping is just as funny as any drunk retarded response you have given


so i take that as a no, you can't.

got it.

maybe a little blue pill can help you out next time.:113:
So a war record is not your concern?

actually i have more of a problem with those that were lucky enough to get, or rich enough to buy themselves a deferment. i have more respect for those that spent time behind bars for being a conscientious objector. one doesn't need to have served though, in order to be an effective leader in matters of 'war'.

only to be smart enough to know they aren't a 'stable genius who knows more than the generals'.
the term deep states and the lies that it puts out

Trump likes to use them as well as his supporters but obviously the repubs are the the ones doing it

It would explain why they seem to understand it so well because they are the ones doing it

Rudy doing an investigation along with Barr just to prove the Russians didn't do it

Trump secret meetings with the Putin in plain daylight

Classifying calls make by Trump to foreign dignitaries as secret when they do it mostly because Trump made a boo boo

Claiming executive privileged when everyone know what was said but now it can't be said in a hearing before congress

even the repubs barging into a committee meeting. If demos had done that with the clinton hearing then the repubs would be yelling deep state

The talk about firing
Mueller and how well that went

Trump unabashed comments to hold the summit meeting at his motels and the outlandish claim that it would not benefit him

Cohen was his lawyer for years and did all his duty deeds

now he has government employees doing it for him and Rudy but hey he needed a replacement for Cohen
“Trump has created the Deep State”

True – in that there is no such thing as a ‘deep state’; it’s a ridiculous contrivance by Trump and his dishonest supporters, a failed attempt to deflect from Trump’s many faults and failings, and to create a fictitious enemy to use as a scapegoat.
“Trump has created the Deep State”

True – in that there is no such thing as a ‘deep state’; it’s a ridiculous contrivance by Trump and his dishonest supporters, a failed attempt to deflect from Trump’s many faults and failings, and to create a fictitious enemy to use as a scapegoat.
Liar obama administration created the deep state. Whether obama has any connect we'll soon find out with the Barr indictments.
“Trump has created the Deep State”

True – in that there is no such thing as a ‘deep state’; it’s a ridiculous contrivance by Trump and his dishonest supporters, a failed attempt to deflect from Trump’s many faults and failings, and to create a fictitious enemy to use as a scapegoat.

Typical pseudo intellectual nonsense. The fact is the deep state exists. It has existed for decades, if not over a century. It is the natural order of things when dealing with bureaucracies. The Russians in the 1600's also suffered under the tyranny of the bureaucrats. Look it up sometime if you actually want to learn something.
“Trump has created the Deep State”

True – in that there is no such thing as a ‘deep state’; it’s a ridiculous contrivance by Trump and his dishonest supporters, a failed attempt to deflect from Trump’s many faults and failings, and to create a fictitious enemy to use as a scapegoat.
Liar obama administration created the deep state. Whether obama has any connect we'll soon find out with the Barr indictments.

No, he didn't create it. But he certainly used it to his advantage.
“Trump has created the Deep State”

True – in that there is no such thing as a ‘deep state’; it’s a ridiculous contrivance by Trump and his dishonest supporters, a failed attempt to deflect from Trump’s many faults and failings, and to create a fictitious enemy to use as a scapegoat.

I agree this is all about creating a scapegoat, but neither did Trump create it, nor is it fictitious. It is, as IM2 said earlier, all the institutions of good governance that stand in the way of what Trump wants, or wants to do. Like, Congress and its fact-finding committees, Mueller, the FBI, the CIA and other fact-finding institutions, the EPA, the Federal Reserve and other government agencies, institutions of higher learning that might contradict un- and anti-scientific policy objectives, and, not least, the reasonable and reputable parts of the press, which would be at the receiving end of leaks and thus expose the Trump administration's corruption. So, that scapegoat is very real, and in very real danger.

What's "fictitious" about the scapegoat is the insinuation it is a vile, well-coordinated, secretive, power-hungry force following the objective to hamper and stymie Trump and his henchmen.
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