Trump has lowest pres-elect popularity in many decades

People generally don't trust or like him, as well, considering his on-stage performance the last two years, they should not: except in one area.

But all of that may not matter if he does come through, according to analysis, on jobs. I would also add in fighting ISIS as well.

If he gets a Single Payer system through, all the better. It won't matter if he deports or does not deport 11 million people, or if he builds or does not build a wall.

If he can get the lower working classes on the job again with good paying wages, his popularity will improve . . . dramatically.

If he fails on jobs and ISIS, his chance for a second term would seemingly dramatically decrease.

Trump to take office with dismal ratings -- except on jobs
Donald Trump's transition has hurt his popularity, not helped
Trump Transition Winning No Popularity Points

As of this morning, those same polls gave Hillary a 6-1 chance of winning the election
The only polls that matter right now are the internal polls of GOP lawmakers facing tough challenges in 2018.

They're the people being targeted by the Left with all this stuff, because the Left knows they might be able to pick a few off on votes now and then.

Makes sense. It doesn't explain the madness that has gripped the Left, but I do understand this strategy.

What madness?
The polls still have Hillary winning...:lol:

The polls were right. She won the popular vote.
What did she win?

The popular vote by almost 3 million. That was within a point of the poll average.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Thank goodnes for illegals voting, after Barry encouraged them to 'bail Hillary out'. :p

LOL there it comes out again. The 'birtherism' of 2016.
The polls still have Hillary winning...:lol:

The polls were right. She won the popular vote.
What did she win?

The popular vote by almost 3 million. That was within a point of the poll average.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Thank goodnes for illegals voting, after Barry encouraged them to 'bail Hillary out'. :p

LOL there it comes out again. The 'birtherism' of 2016.
Hillary the birther lost...:lol:
The polls still have Hillary winning...:lol:

The polls were right. She won the popular vote.
How's that working out, snowflake?

They predicted an Electoral College landslide - they were wrong - you lose.

No they didn't. Pollsters don't poll electors. They poll people. They poll the popular vote. The national polls got the popular vote almost exactly right.
NO shit, genius. They over-sampled democrats to get their numbers.

It's an old political trick before the election meant to discourage opposition voters to the point they believe it is pointless to go vote, believing there is no way their candidate can win.

Like rigging their Primary and feeding debate questions in advance to Hillary, this was a dirty attempt to steal the election.

It failed - Hillary lost.
People generally don't trust or like him, as well, considering his on-stage performance the last two years, they should not: except in one area.

But all of that may not matter if he does come through, according to analysis, on jobs. I would also add in fighting ISIS as well.

If he gets a Single Payer system through, all the better. It won't matter if he deports or does not deport 11 million people, or if he builds or does not build a wall.

If he can get the lower working classes on the job again with good paying wages, his popularity will improve . . . dramatically.

If he fails on jobs and ISIS, his chance for a second term would seemingly dramatically decrease.

Trump to take office with dismal ratings -- except on jobs
Donald Trump's transition has hurt his popularity, not helped
Trump Transition Winning No Popularity Points

Obama had 83%
A week or two ago the Republicans in Congress tried to pull off an ethics rules revision,

and a flood of public opinion knocked them back on their heels and they abandoned it.

That is the sort thing this weak president and out of touch Congress are going to be up against from now on.
The polls still have Hillary winning...:lol:

The polls were right. She won the popular vote.
How's that working out, snowflake?

They predicted an Electoral College landslide - they were wrong - you lose.

No they didn't. Pollsters don't poll electors. They poll people. They poll the popular vote. The national polls got the popular vote almost exactly right.
NO shit, genius. They over-sampled democrats to get their numbers.

It's an old political trick before the election meant to discourage opposition voters to the point they believe it is pointless to go vote, believing there is no way their candidate can win.

Like rigging their Primary and feeding debate questions in advance to Hillary, this was a dirty attempt to steal the election.

It failed - Hillary lost.

They oversampled Democrats to come up with Hillary Clinton winning by 3 points - and she won by 2?

WTF are you talking about?
Why would you think Trump is more popular than the polls show?

What would lead you to that conclusion?
The trumpelthinskins have nothing at all to show more than 40 to 42% except fake analysis.

Either he comes through on jobs and fighting ISIS, or he does not.

That is where lies the crux of the matter, and all the Alt Right and Far Right screaming mean nothing.

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