Trump Has The Edge Because...

Trump has the edge because the GOP establishment thought they could take a giant shit on the conservative base and there wouldn't be any consequences. Usually there aren't but then along came Trump with all his own money and gave the base a choice.
And the base is making a choice that will spell the end of the Republican party

then I guess there will be no political parties because obozo and the hildebeast have already destroyed the dem party. you remember the dems-------------the party of Truman and Kennedy? Those two presidents would be republicans today. Truman and Kennedy would have zero in common with the dems of today.

Obama, in those days, would also be a moderate Republican. He said it himself. Now, to be a accepted as a Republican, you have to be totally off the rails to the right on economic, social and foreign policy issues . The Democratic party, unlike the Republicans, is alive and well dude.

are you on drugs? Obama would have been a communist then and is a Marxist collectivist today. Listen to what he says and watch what he does. Marx would be proud.

and that is being kind. the truth is that he has a not so hidden agenda to bring the USA to its knees and allow the radical muslims to take control.

You can continue to string words together into right wing talking points all day but it doesn't make it true. Bringing America to her knees? Allow the radical Muslims to take control? You have to stop getting your news from Fox, Rush Limbaugh and Huckabee.

The Marxist part is the most absurd of all. When did Obama advocate doing away with free enterprise or private property? When did he speak of the "withering away of the state" to be replaced by a collectivist utopia.? You are clearly delusional. You can't even say that Obama is a socialist unless you say that every president since Teddy Roosevelt and the birth of the progressive movement was a socialist.

You have to start thinking, and stop repeating horseshit that you hear from the right because no matter how many times you repeat that horseshit it will still be nothing but horseshit

"I want to redistribute the wealth" Obama
"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" Marx

nuff said.
And the base is making a choice that will spell the end of the Republican party

then I guess there will be no political parties because obozo and the hildebeast have already destroyed the dem party. you remember the dems-------------the party of Truman and Kennedy? Those two presidents would be republicans today. Truman and Kennedy would have zero in common with the dems of today.

Obama, in those days, would also be a moderate Republican. He said it himself. Now, to be a accepted as a Republican, you have to be totally off the rails to the right on economic, social and foreign policy issues . The Democratic party, unlike the Republicans, is alive and well dude.

are you on drugs? Obama would have been a communist then and is a Marxist collectivist today. Listen to what he says and watch what he does. Marx would be proud.

and that is being kind. the truth is that he has a not so hidden agenda to bring the USA to its knees and allow the radical muslims to take control.

You can continue to string words together into right wing talking points all day but it doesn't make it true. Bringing America to her knees? Allow the radical Muslims to take control? You have to stop getting your news from Fox, Rush Limbaugh and Huckabee.

The Marxist part is the most absurd of all. When did Obama advocate doing away with free enterprise or private property? When did he speak of the "withering away of the state" to be replaced by a collectivist utopia.? You are clearly delusional. You can't even say that Obama is a socialist unless you say that every president since Teddy Roosevelt and the birth of the progressive movement was a socialist.

You have to start thinking, and stop repeating horseshit that you hear from the right because no matter how many times you repeat that horseshit it will still be nothing but horseshit

"I want to redistribute the wealth" Obama
"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" Marx

nuff said.

Every administration since the implementation of the progressive income take has presided over the redistribution of wealth to some degree. It is idiotic to claim that makes anyone a Marxist.
Trump has the edge because the GOP establishment thought they could take a giant shit on the conservative base and there wouldn't be any consequences. Usually there aren't but then along came Trump with all his own money and gave the base a choice.
And the base is making a choice that will spell the end of the Republican party

then I guess there will be no political parties because obozo and the hildebeast have already destroyed the dem party. you remember the dems-------------the party of Truman and Kennedy? Those two presidents would be republicans today. Truman and Kennedy would have zero in common with the dems of today.

Obama, in those days, would also be a moderate Republican. He said it himself. Now, to be a accepted as a Republican, you have to be totally off the rails to the right on economic, social and foreign policy issues . The Democratic party, unlike the Republicans, is alive and well dude.

are you on drugs? Obama would have been a communist then and is a Marxist collectivist today. Listen to what he says and watch what he does. Marx would be proud.

and that is being kind. the truth is that he has a not so hidden agenda to bring the USA to its knees and allow the radical muslims to take control.

You can continue to string words together into right wing talking points all day but it doesn't make it true. Bringing America to her knees? Allow the radical Muslims to take control? You have to stop getting your news from Fox, Rush Limbaugh and Huckabee.

The Marxist part is the most absurd of all. When did Obama advocate doing away with free enterprise or private property? When did he speak of the "withering away of the state" to be replaced by a collectivist utopia.? You are clearly delusional. You can't even say that Obama is a socialist unless you say that every president since Teddy Roosevelt and the birth of the progressive movement was a socialist.

You have to start thinking, and stop repeating horseshit that you hear from the right because no matter how many times you repeat that horseshit it will still be nothing but horseshit

Obama never opens his mouth with out attacking free enterprise, and neither does any Democrat, for that matter. The fact that Obama is smart enough not to utter his marxist foolishness in public isn't proof that he isn't a marxist. However, sometimes he gives himself away, as when he told Joe the plumber we need to "spread the wealth around." In other words we need to expropriate the property and income of the wealthy.
then I guess there will be no political parties because obozo and the hildebeast have already destroyed the dem party. you remember the dems-------------the party of Truman and Kennedy? Those two presidents would be republicans today. Truman and Kennedy would have zero in common with the dems of today.

Obama, in those days, would also be a moderate Republican. He said it himself. Now, to be a accepted as a Republican, you have to be totally off the rails to the right on economic, social and foreign policy issues . The Democratic party, unlike the Republicans, is alive and well dude.

are you on drugs? Obama would have been a communist then and is a Marxist collectivist today. Listen to what he says and watch what he does. Marx would be proud.

and that is being kind. the truth is that he has a not so hidden agenda to bring the USA to its knees and allow the radical muslims to take control.

You can continue to string words together into right wing talking points all day but it doesn't make it true. Bringing America to her knees? Allow the radical Muslims to take control? You have to stop getting your news from Fox, Rush Limbaugh and Huckabee.

The Marxist part is the most absurd of all. When did Obama advocate doing away with free enterprise or private property? When did he speak of the "withering away of the state" to be replaced by a collectivist utopia.? You are clearly delusional. You can't even say that Obama is a socialist unless you say that every president since Teddy Roosevelt and the birth of the progressive movement was a socialist.

You have to start thinking, and stop repeating horseshit that you hear from the right because no matter how many times you repeat that horseshit it will still be nothing but horseshit

"I want to redistribute the wealth" Obama
"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" Marx

nuff said.

Every administration since the implementation of the progressive income take has presided over the redistribution of wealth to some degree. It is idiotic to claim that makes anyone a Marxist.

"Presided over" makes it sound like they could make it disappear with the snap of their fingers. Unfortunately we know there is a large class of parasites who will vote against any such move. Politically it just isn't feasible to get rid of it.

That's why Obama and the Dims were so hot to pass government run healthcare even though the knew it wasn't popular with the public. They theorized that once there were a large number of people sucking on the healthcare tit, they would oppose any move to abolish it.
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Obama, in those days, would also be a moderate Republican. He said it himself. Now, to be a accepted as a Republican, you have to be totally off the rails to the right on economic, social and foreign policy issues . The Democratic party, unlike the Republicans, is alive and well dude.

are you on drugs? Obama would have been a communist then and is a Marxist collectivist today. Listen to what he says and watch what he does. Marx would be proud.

and that is being kind. the truth is that he has a not so hidden agenda to bring the USA to its knees and allow the radical muslims to take control.

You can continue to string words together into right wing talking points all day but it doesn't make it true. Bringing America to her knees? Allow the radical Muslims to take control? You have to stop getting your news from Fox, Rush Limbaugh and Huckabee.

The Marxist part is the most absurd of all. When did Obama advocate doing away with free enterprise or private property? When did he speak of the "withering away of the state" to be replaced by a collectivist utopia.? You are clearly delusional. You can't even say that Obama is a socialist unless you say that every president since Teddy Roosevelt and the birth of the progressive movement was a socialist.

You have to start thinking, and stop repeating horseshit that you hear from the right because no matter how many times you repeat that horseshit it will still be nothing but horseshit

"I want to redistribute the wealth" Obama
"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" Marx

nuff said.

Every administration since the implementation of the progressive income take has presided over the redistribution of wealth to some degree. It is idiotic to claim that makes anyone a Marxist.

"Presided over" makes it sound like they could make it disappear with the snap of their fingers. Unfortunately we know there is a large class of parasites who will vote against any such move. Politically it just isn't feasible to get rid of it.

That's why Obama and the Dims were so hot to pass government run healthcare even though the knew it wasn't popular with the public. They theorized that once there were a large number of people sucking on the healthcare tit, they would oppose any move to abolish it.

Perhaps you would like to explain a few things bubba..

How exactly is Obama "attacking free enterprise"? By promoting environmental protections and workers rights?

How is the huge income inequality and wealth disparity that we have now good for America and good for democracy?

Is having large numbers of sick and uninsured people good for America? Do you not understand that there is a price to be paid for that as well?
The shadows of a new American fascism: Why our surging xenophobia could have some very dangerous consequences
Trump is calling for a Muslim database. Congress is passing anti-refugee legislation. What is going on in here?

The MSNBC reporter asked him why Muslims databases would be different than having Jews register in Nazi Germany. He replied, “You tell me.”

So, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president has once more upped the ante on the xenophobia that’s been sweeping through the right wing for some time. Mexicans, Muslims, it all the same. Gotta build that wall, track them, deport them, keep ’em out.
The shadows of a new American fascism: Why our surging xenophobia could have some very dangerous consequences
Trump is calling for a Muslim database. Congress is passing anti-refugee legislation. What is going on in here?

The MSNBC reporter asked him why Muslims databases would be different than having Jews register in Nazi Germany. He replied, “You tell me.”

So, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president has once more upped the ante on the xenophobia that’s been sweeping through the right wing for some time. Mexicans, Muslims, it all the same. Gotta build that wall, track them, deport them, keep ’em out.
Trump is not calling for a "muslim database". That's a lie advanced by the left out of desperation as they see their communist progress over the last 8 years about to be reversed under a Trump presidency.
are you on drugs? Obama would have been a communist then and is a Marxist collectivist today. Listen to what he says and watch what he does. Marx would be proud.

and that is being kind. the truth is that he has a not so hidden agenda to bring the USA to its knees and allow the radical muslims to take control.

You can continue to string words together into right wing talking points all day but it doesn't make it true. Bringing America to her knees? Allow the radical Muslims to take control? You have to stop getting your news from Fox, Rush Limbaugh and Huckabee.

The Marxist part is the most absurd of all. When did Obama advocate doing away with free enterprise or private property? When did he speak of the "withering away of the state" to be replaced by a collectivist utopia.? You are clearly delusional. You can't even say that Obama is a socialist unless you say that every president since Teddy Roosevelt and the birth of the progressive movement was a socialist.

You have to start thinking, and stop repeating horseshit that you hear from the right because no matter how many times you repeat that horseshit it will still be nothing but horseshit

"I want to redistribute the wealth" Obama
"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" Marx

nuff said.

Every administration since the implementation of the progressive income take has presided over the redistribution of wealth to some degree. It is idiotic to claim that makes anyone a Marxist.

"Presided over" makes it sound like they could make it disappear with the snap of their fingers. Unfortunately we know there is a large class of parasites who will vote against any such move. Politically it just isn't feasible to get rid of it.

That's why Obama and the Dims were so hot to pass government run healthcare even though the knew it wasn't popular with the public. They theorized that once there were a large number of people sucking on the healthcare tit, they would oppose any move to abolish it.

Perhaps you would like to explain a few things bubba..

How exactly is Obama "attacking free enterprise"? By promoting environmental protections and workers rights?

Yes, exactly. Those are just covers for his agenda. The EPA is shutting down the coal industry, and it isn't to protect the environment. Handing more power to unions is just a way for the government to get more control over industry.

How is the huge income inequality and wealth disparity that we have now good for America and good for democracy?

The idea that you can eliminate wealth and income inequality is an idiotic Marxist idea.

Is having large numbers of sick and uninsured people good for America? Do you not understand that there is a price to be paid for that as well?

So you're trying to tell us that government run healthcare is an example of the free market? There's a bigger price to be paid by allowing Bureaucrats and politicians to gain control of 1/6th of the economy.
The shadows of a new American fascism: Why our surging xenophobia could have some very dangerous consequences
Trump is calling for a Muslim database. Congress is passing anti-refugee legislation. What is going on in here?

The MSNBC reporter asked him why Muslims databases would be different than having Jews register in Nazi Germany. He replied, “You tell me.”

So, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president has once more upped the ante on the xenophobia that’s been sweeping through the right wing for some time. Mexicans, Muslims, it all the same. Gotta build that wall, track them, deport them, keep ’em out.
Trump is not calling for a "muslim database". That's a lie advanced by the left out of desperation as they see their communist progress over the last 8 years about to be reversed under a Trump presidency.
What would be wrong with a Muslim Database?
The shadows of a new American fascism: Why our surging xenophobia could have some very dangerous consequences
Trump is calling for a Muslim database. Congress is passing anti-refugee legislation. What is going on in here?

The MSNBC reporter asked him why Muslims databases would be different than having Jews register in Nazi Germany. He replied, “You tell me.”

So, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president has once more upped the ante on the xenophobia that’s been sweeping through the right wing for some time. Mexicans, Muslims, it all the same. Gotta build that wall, track them, deport them, keep ’em out.
Trump is not calling for a "muslim database". That's a lie advanced by the left out of desperation as they see their communist progress over the last 8 years about to be reversed under a Trump presidency.

Horseshit! He said it! Do you even understand what Communism is?
The shadows of a new American fascism: Why our surging xenophobia could have some very dangerous consequences
Trump is calling for a Muslim database. Congress is passing anti-refugee legislation. What is going on in here?

The MSNBC reporter asked him why Muslims databases would be different than having Jews register in Nazi Germany. He replied, “You tell me.”

So, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president has once more upped the ante on the xenophobia that’s been sweeping through the right wing for some time. Mexicans, Muslims, it all the same. Gotta build that wall, track them, deport them, keep ’em out.
Trump is not calling for a "muslim database". That's a lie advanced by the left out of desperation as they see their communist progress over the last 8 years about to be reversed under a Trump presidency.

Horseshit! He said it! Do you even understand what Communism is?

Yes, "from each according to his ability. To each according to his need." That's what all Democrats believe.
The shadows of a new American fascism: Why our surging xenophobia could have some very dangerous consequences
Trump is calling for a Muslim database. Congress is passing anti-refugee legislation. What is going on in here?

The MSNBC reporter asked him why Muslims databases would be different than having Jews register in Nazi Germany. He replied, “You tell me.”

So, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president has once more upped the ante on the xenophobia that’s been sweeping through the right wing for some time. Mexicans, Muslims, it all the same. Gotta build that wall, track them, deport them, keep ’em out.
Trump is not calling for a "muslim database". That's a lie advanced by the left out of desperation as they see their communist progress over the last 8 years about to be reversed under a Trump presidency.

Horseshit! He said it! Do you even understand what Communism is?

Yes, "from each according to his ability. To each according to his need." That's what all Democrats believe.
Why is it the ones who are the most needy don't produce shit?
OMG, you've drunk the Kool-Aid.
then I guess there will be no political parties because obozo and the hildebeast have already destroyed the dem party. you remember the dems-------------the party of Truman and Kennedy? Those two presidents would be republicans today. Truman and Kennedy would have zero in common with the dems of today.

Obama, in those days, would also be a moderate Republican. He said it himself. Now, to be a accepted as a Republican, you have to be totally off the rails to the right on economic, social and foreign policy issues . The Democratic party, unlike the Republicans, is alive and well dude.

are you on drugs? Obama would have been a communist then and is a Marxist collectivist today. Listen to what he says and watch what he does. Marx would be proud.

and that is being kind. the truth is that he has a not so hidden agenda to bring the USA to its knees and allow the radical muslims to take control.

You can continue to string words together into right wing talking points all day but it doesn't make it true. Bringing America to her knees? Allow the radical Muslims to take control? You have to stop getting your news from Fox, Rush Limbaugh and Huckabee.

The Marxist part is the most absurd of all. When did Obama advocate doing away with free enterprise or private property? When did he speak of the "withering away of the state" to be replaced by a collectivist utopia.? You are clearly delusional. You can't even say that Obama is a socialist unless you say that every president since Teddy Roosevelt and the birth of the progressive movement was a socialist.

You have to start thinking, and stop repeating horseshit that you hear from the right because no matter how many times you repeat that horseshit it will still be nothing but horseshit

"I want to redistribute the wealth" Obama
"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" Marx

nuff said.

Every administration since the implementation of the progressive income take has presided over the redistribution of wealth to some degree. It is idiotic to claim that makes anyone a Marxist.
Or in the case of the Right, a Fascist.
The shadows of a new American fascism: Why our surging xenophobia could have some very dangerous consequences
Trump is calling for a Muslim database. Congress is passing anti-refugee legislation. What is going on in here?

The MSNBC reporter asked him why Muslims databases would be different than having Jews register in Nazi Germany. He replied, “You tell me.”

So, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president has once more upped the ante on the xenophobia that’s been sweeping through the right wing for some time. Mexicans, Muslims, it all the same. Gotta build that wall, track them, deport them, keep ’em out.
Trump is not calling for a "muslim database". That's a lie advanced by the left out of desperation as they see their communist progress over the last 8 years about to be reversed under a Trump presidency.

Horseshit! He said it! Do you even understand what Communism is?
No he didn't, you lying sack of shit. The reporter suggested it. Trump never said anything about ALL muslims, he was talking about the Syrian refugees. This shit is why you assholes are gonna lose the presidency, people are wise to your underhanded tactics.
The shadows of a new American fascism: Why our surging xenophobia could have some very dangerous consequences
Trump is calling for a Muslim database. Congress is passing anti-refugee legislation. What is going on in here?

The MSNBC reporter asked him why Muslims databases would be different than having Jews register in Nazi Germany. He replied, “You tell me.”

So, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president has once more upped the ante on the xenophobia that’s been sweeping through the right wing for some time. Mexicans, Muslims, it all the same. Gotta build that wall, track them, deport them, keep ’em out.
Trump is not calling for a "muslim database". That's a lie advanced by the left out of desperation as they see their communist progress over the last 8 years about to be reversed under a Trump presidency.
What would be wrong with a Muslim Database?
Nothing, but Trump wasn't calling for one.
The shadows of a new American fascism: Why our surging xenophobia could have some very dangerous consequences
Trump is calling for a Muslim database. Congress is passing anti-refugee legislation. What is going on in here?

The MSNBC reporter asked him why Muslims databases would be different than having Jews register in Nazi Germany. He replied, “You tell me.”

So, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president has once more upped the ante on the xenophobia that’s been sweeping through the right wing for some time. Mexicans, Muslims, it all the same. Gotta build that wall, track them, deport them, keep ’em out.
Trump is not calling for a "muslim database". That's a lie advanced by the left out of desperation as they see their communist progress over the last 8 years about to be reversed under a Trump presidency.
What would be wrong with a Muslim Database?
Nothing, but Trump wasn't calling for one.

Nothing??> So you're a Nazi too!
The shadows of a new American fascism: Why our surging xenophobia could have some very dangerous consequences
Trump is calling for a Muslim database. Congress is passing anti-refugee legislation. What is going on in here?

The MSNBC reporter asked him why Muslims databases would be different than having Jews register in Nazi Germany. He replied, “You tell me.”

So, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president has once more upped the ante on the xenophobia that’s been sweeping through the right wing for some time. Mexicans, Muslims, it all the same. Gotta build that wall, track them, deport them, keep ’em out.
Trump is not calling for a "muslim database". That's a lie advanced by the left out of desperation as they see their communist progress over the last 8 years about to be reversed under a Trump presidency.
What would be wrong with a Muslim Database?
Nothing, but Trump wasn't calling for one.

Nothing??> So you're a Nazi too!
The shadows of a new American fascism: Why our surging xenophobia could have some very dangerous consequences
Trump is calling for a Muslim database. Congress is passing anti-refugee legislation. What is going on in here?

The MSNBC reporter asked him why Muslims databases would be different than having Jews register in Nazi Germany. He replied, “You tell me.”

So, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president has once more upped the ante on the xenophobia that’s been sweeping through the right wing for some time. Mexicans, Muslims, it all the same. Gotta build that wall, track them, deport them, keep ’em out.
Trump is not calling for a "muslim database". That's a lie advanced by the left out of desperation as they see their communist progress over the last 8 years about to be reversed under a Trump presidency.

Horseshit! He said it! Do you even understand what Communism is?
No he didn't, you lying sack of shit. The reporter suggested it. Trump never said anything about ALL muslims, he was talking about the Syrian refugees. This shit is why you assholes are gonna lose the presidency, people are wise to your underhanded tactics. are the lying sack of shit:

The first reference to a database came in a Trump interview with Yahoo News published Thursday. When asked about requiring Muslims to register in a database or carry a form of special identification noting their religion, Trump said, "We're going to have to look at a lot of things very closely."

Trump was pressed on the idea of a registry by an NBC News reporter Thursday evening while the candidate campaigned in Iowa. Asked if there should be a database system for tracking Muslims in the United States, Trump said, "There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases." The reporter asked if that was something Trump would put in place as president. Trump replied: "I would certainly implement that. Absolutely." Carson Would Support Monitoring of 'Anti-American' Groups

So what if he didn't use those words himself? HE AGREED . Can anyone be so fucking stupid as to no see what he supports?
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