Trump-haters making democracy impossible

Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. That means you and your thug allies think you should replace the democratic will of the people as the supreme power in this land. That means you seek to overturn the Constitution; you seek to subvert the rule of law. That means you are dangerous traitors.

Consider this from today's Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts. Do you know what that is? That is a big fat nothing. So what if Sessions discussed the campaign with the Russian ambassador. So fucking what? Jeff Sessions could have made it his mission to discuss the campaign with every leader on earth plus Satan every single day from Iowa through November 8 and no laws would have been broken.

Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.

I know this is difficult for you dumbass Trumpettes to get but it is actually possible to be the President of the United Sates without being such a flaming asshole. To not lie every fucking time they open their mouths. Not use their office to personally profit. To actually work at the job instead of golfing all the time & watching TV and sendi g out those really stupid tweets.

Trumps brings on all the shit he gets. You elected a two year old child who was a business cheat & fraud. This is YOUR fault. Quit blaming me for pointing out these things. Blame the asshole you elected.

Not since JFK pussy boy.
Making Democracy impossible? The GOP controls everything. The federal government, the Supreme Court, most state legislatures, most governorships..... but everything is the Democrat's fault? LOL

Republicans control nothing in Washington because they don't know how to use their power in anything constructive. Democratic ideology has been driving society in the direction they want it to go. Most Republican politicians don't know what they stand for and are weak I think and are always willing to to do business with the other side in a way the Democrats would never do.

The Democrats control the news media except for one TV news channel that they all hate, talk radio and some internet sites. The Democratic leadership and the majority of the news media support each other in the feeding frenzy to take down Trump or oppose every single thing he tries to do. That was the plan from the begining no matter what they found or made up. Hillary not being elected meant everything Obama accomplished was at risk. There's absolutely no way they would let that go just because the American people voted for it. They see most Americans as Rubes, so dont look for the Dems to operate ethically.
Making Democracy impossible? The GOP controls everything. The federal government, the Supreme Court, most state legislatures, most governorships..... but everything is the Democrat's fault? LOL

Republicans control nothing in Washington because they don't know how to use their power in anything constructive. Democratic ideology has been driving society in the direction they want it to go. Most Republican politicians don't know what they stand for and are weak I think and are always willing to to do business with the other side in a way the Democrats would never do.

The Democrats control the news media except for one TV news channel that they all hate, talk radio and some internet sites. The Democratic leadership and the majority of the news media support each other in the feeding frenzy to take down Trump or oppose every single thing he tries to do. That was the plan from the begining no matter what they found or made up. Hillary not being elected meant everything Obama accomplished was at risk. There's absolutely no way they would let that go just because the American people voted for it. They see most Americans as Rubes, so dont look for the Dems to operate ethically.
Quit trying to figure out what democrats want and start trying to figure out what republicans want, to your politics it is a much more relevant question.
When the government is not working in the interests of the people, the people have a right to express their displeasure and the media has the duty to report on the wrongdoings of that government. You would have enthusiastically agreed with that statement last year, what happened? What happened is that you people transitioned back to authoritarian nationalists just because the president is republican. It's one of the reasons that reasonable people see Trump and his supporters as idiots.

"When the government is not working in the interests of the people,"

As I pointed out, you rabid Trump-haters have been attacking him since his first day in office. It had nothing to do with whether the government was working in the interests of the people. You don't get to decide that on his first day in office. And if the government isn't working, that's why we have elections.

"the people have a right to express their displeasure"

Right to express displeasure ( and, boy, do you ever) yes. You rabid Trump-haters are trying to bring him down, overturn the election, invalidate the will of the people. Very different than "expressing displeasure."

"and the media has the duty to report on the wrongdoings of that government."

The media has the obligation to report the wrong-doings fairly. The headline from today's Post proves the rabid Trump-haters don't give a shit about wrong-doing. There is nothing wrong with Jeff Sessions talking about the campaign with anyone he wants. The Post knows that, but they don't care. Their one goal is to bring Trump down. They are traitors.
You are still an idiot, you may be right that Jeff Sessions can talk about the campaign with whoever but the real story you missed is that he apparently lied during Senate confirmation, that's different.
So did most of Trump's cabinet.
Trump lost the election by nearly 3 million votes so he's not my president.

Like I said, the Trump-haters think their views supersede the Constitution and the mechanism it provides for selecting our president.

That same constitution you speak of protects my right to freedom of speech.

I thought ya'll had rules on obvious hate speech, intolerance and persecuting Presidential families, sooo what happened?.. :popcorn:

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The more democrats become angry and crazy the more democracy thrives. Barry Hussein tried to force right wing radio broadcasts to promote left wing propaganda but it didn't work because Americans are more aware of what's going on in the age of information. Democrats can't seem to grasp the fact that they aren't living in the age of Cronkite and that's why they have lost almost every meaningful election in the last several years.
Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. That means you and your thug allies think you should replace the democratic will of the people as the supreme power in this land. That means you seek to overturn the Constitution; you seek to subvert the rule of law. That means you are dangerous traitors.

Consider this from today's Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts. Do you know what that is? That is a big fat nothing. So what if Sessions discussed the campaign with the Russian ambassador. So fucking what? Jeff Sessions could have made it his mission to discuss the campaign with every leader on earth plus Satan every single day from Iowa through November 8 and no laws would have been broken.

Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.
you elected a sb an inhuman pos and if overturning an election which btw you ah's lost in the popular elections.,means america survives ,,,so be it
Trump lost the election by nearly 3 million votes so he's not my president.

Like I said, the Trump-haters think their views supersede the Constitution and the mechanism it provides for selecting our president.

That same constitution you speak of protects my right to freedom of speech.

I thought ya'll had rules on obvious hate speech, intolerance and persecuting families .. sooo what happened?... :popcorn:

... View attachment 140084
then the elections were crooked Now they speak for America?? BULL Shit
they want democracy as long as

it favors a leftist

same way with free speech

they love it as long as it is speech they like

anything else not so much

might even become violent to prevent it from being spoken
Republicans control the three branches of government and they still can't get crap done. Its not democrats or the liberals fault.

Democrats are the minority and yet you want to blame them?


Anything thats not getting done is their own doing.
Unfortunately Trump is in way over his head and he refuses to take advice from those trying to help. The ball's in his court, what can be done?
This question must be settled. Making this just go away would make collusion with another government's intelligence apparatus OK in our election.This cannot be allowed to happen.
OK, I'll put collusion w another government's intelligence apparatus on the table, and let's have a big examination and publicize the results. All newspapers and networks required to print the raw testimony or go to jail.

If we find there is any collusion or foreign meddling in our elections, we sever diplomatic relations permanently and slap the severest sanctions possible. Any of our citizens or politicians found to be colluding to be given lengthy prison terms.



I'll go first. I'd like to call as my first defendant, Israel. Now you go.

Russia? How'd I guess. I'd like to call as my second defendant. Mexico.

What's that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of the crickets. Whatever, my third defendant is China.

More crickets?
Why do you think brute force authoritarianism is the only way to deal with things? All this will be dealt within the framework of our nation's laws in the fullness of time. The kind of fascistic shit you keep suggesting shows you really have no regard for America being a nation of laws where even the worst are afforded due process. Our nation will survive this without having to resort to the kind of brutal shit they have in Russia.

You think "our nation" still has laws? Ask any Iraqi or Libyan or Syrian about the tender mercies of the framework of our laws. Or would they prefer the "brutal shit" they ahve in Russia?
Awesome regurgitation of the narrative espoused by the Russian state media, fuck off back to Russia comrade, we will deal with this mess without your worthless input. Your country does in fact put journalists in jail for being critical of your president Putin as well as anyone else that dares demonstrate actual democracy. The title of your topic here makes it seem you actually value democracy but your words tell a different story you infantile borscht sucking Russian scumbag..
Since I don't speak Russian, I haven't a clue what their "narrative" is. But do have an idea how the miracle could occur that my post repeats the official "narrative" of the Russian media. It's called the truth, Shlomo, an alien concept in your world, I know. As miraculous as it sounds to you, if two people who have never met each other each speak the truth, even if they are on opposite sides of the globe, they will say the same thing! As the Son of God said, the Truth shall set you free.

You remind me of the Native American villagers who were dazzled when the first Indian who learned to read and write came back to his village, and taught his daughter. Then they went before the village elders. (He was trying to get his people to embrace literacy) and he left his daughter with them for a few minutes. Then he came back and she handed him a piece of paper on which she had written down everything that had occurred in his absence. He read it out and wowwed the elders, who called the paper "magic leaves".
Republicans control the three branches of government and they still can't get crap done. Its not democrats or the liberals fault.
The media runs this country. But then, you knew that, didn't you.

I didn't realize news networks are signing legislations and bills. If the media ran the country, Trump's orange behind wouldn't be the Whitehouse.

Stop passing the buck. This is all on republicans. They run the three branches of government and they're still incompetent.

Its always someone else's fault with you conservatives.
Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. That means you and your thug allies think you should replace the democratic will of the people as the supreme power in this land. That means you seek to overturn the Constitution; you seek to subvert the rule of law. That means you are dangerous traitors.

Consider this from today's Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts. Do you know what that is? That is a big fat nothing. So what if Sessions discussed the campaign with the Russian ambassador. So fucking what? Jeff Sessions could have made it his mission to discuss the campaign with every leader on earth plus Satan every single day from Iowa through November 8 and no laws would have been broken.

Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.

Oh, this is precious.

After having the Republicans refuse to accept any nomination of Obama's for Supreme Court, simply because they wanted their own, with most Republicans happy that the right gets a far better deal out of votes in the electoral college than democrats, with the last two Republican presidents getting in with less votes than their opponent, with Bush trying to take out democratically elected Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, and you're talking about Democrats making democracy impossible when the Republicans have the Supreme Court, Congress and the Presidency.

Oh, save me the tears.
Unfortunately Trump is in way over his head and he refuses to take advice from those trying to help. The ball's in his court, what can be done?
I think he is in over his head as long as he tries to play it their way. As long as he buys New York Times garbage about "working with Republicans" and that kind of shit, or thinks polls or anything else printed in the Washington Post has any connection to truth, he is fighting overwhelming odds from his knees, and he will fail. Failure is not an option, however. We are on an existential tip right now. He needs to do what Lincoln did. Incarcerate newspaper publishers for the duration. Execute the motherfuckers if you have to. At this point, we can't rely on the Constitution to save it. We, and the Constitution, are finished if we try to be nice law-abiding, fair playing, terrified of name-calling, Midwestern Christians against the same people who had no problem murdering 66 million white Christians in Russia in the past one hundred years.

We have the guns. The police are us. The military are us. It's the only card left in our hands, but it's the motherfucking Ace of Spades. We, the military, the police, the Americans, we will be with him when he says the word. But he needs to say the word. He needs to clean the Cohens out of the Administration, suspend the federal judiciary, nationalize the media, flog Paul Ryan in public every day for a week and charge $10 to watch on PPV, and use the money to transport illegals, BLM, and the indolent to Liberia. But it would be a crime to go down while holding the Ace of Spades.

There is a great article here: For Immigration Patriot Hobbits, Trump Must AND CAN Be Reelected—Or Sauron’s Army Will Prevail! | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform
Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. That means you and your thug allies think you should replace the democratic will of the people as the supreme power in this land. That means you seek to overturn the Constitution; you seek to subvert the rule of law. That means you are dangerous traitors.

Consider this from today's Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts. Do you know what that is? That is a big fat nothing. So what if Sessions discussed the campaign with the Russian ambassador. So fucking what? Jeff Sessions could have made it his mission to discuss the campaign with every leader on earth plus Satan every single day from Iowa through November 8 and no laws would have been broken.

Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.

Oh, this is precious.

After having the Republicans refuse to accept any nomination of Obama's for Supreme Court, simply because they wanted their own, with most Republicans happy that the right gets a far better deal out of votes in the electoral college than democrats, with the last two Republican presidents getting in with less votes than their opponent, with Bush trying to take out democratically elected Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, and you're talking about Democrats making democracy impossible when the Republicans have the Supreme Court, Congress and the Presidency.

Oh, save me the tears.

Obama didn't have much trouble getting Sotomayor or Kagan seated on the court. It's too bad someone didn't really take out Chavez. He completely ruined his country.
Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. That means you and your thug allies think you should replace the democratic will of the people as the supreme power in this land. That means you seek to overturn the Constitution; you seek to subvert the rule of law. That means you are dangerous traitors.

Consider this from today's Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts. Do you know what that is? That is a big fat nothing. So what if Sessions discussed the campaign with the Russian ambassador. So fucking what? Jeff Sessions could have made it his mission to discuss the campaign with every leader on earth plus Satan every single day from Iowa through November 8 and no laws would have been broken.

Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.

Oh, this is precious.

After having the Republicans refuse to accept any nomination of Obama's for Supreme Court, simply because they wanted their own, with most Republicans happy that the right gets a far better deal out of votes in the electoral college than democrats, with the last two Republican presidents getting in with less votes than their opponent, with Bush trying to take out democratically elected Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, and you're talking about Democrats making democracy impossible when the Republicans have the Supreme Court, Congress and the Presidency.

Oh, save me the tears.

It must be that they do it so rarely that libtards have such difficulty with reading. I mentioned neither Republicans nor Democrats in my post.
Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. That means you and your thug allies think you should replace the democratic will of the people as the supreme power in this land. That means you seek to overturn the Constitution; you seek to subvert the rule of law. That means you are dangerous traitors.

Consider this from today's Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts. Do you know what that is? That is a big fat nothing. So what if Sessions discussed the campaign with the Russian ambassador. So fucking what? Jeff Sessions could have made it his mission to discuss the campaign with every leader on earth plus Satan every single day from Iowa through November 8 and no laws would have been broken.

Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.
you elected a sb an inhuman pos and if overturning an election which btw you ah's lost in the popular elections.,means america survives ,,,so be it
It's my America, chulo, not yours.

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