Trump: Have the Coronavirus, Go to Work and recover!

Of course, you didn't. This would require you to make an objective judgment about statements this president makes. Something you can't because it would require you to go by more than just "hunches." And this would mean that the reaction the left has to this president is warranted if even a little.

A realization that I suspect would directly damage your self-image. So you deflect, offer up strawman and engage in anything but the premise.

Don't get me wrong it's an affliction that affects most people on the left or right nowadays. But this is a very serious situation. Something that transcends the politics of it. There is zero room for hunches and cold hard facts should be the motivator.

He said he had a hunch, he didn't say ignore the CDC. You see what you want to see.
He said his hunch was that the mortality rate was a fraction of 1 percent, a number he didn't offer any data on. He said that people go to work while having this virus. He didn't say they shouldn't.

Let's see if you can muster any intellectual honesty.

Do you think someone who watched this interview and relies exclusively on Hannity for news ( of wich people I know there are quite a few) would be more or less likely to go to work while possibly being affected by the Coronavirus?

I heard the interview. I agree with everything he said and how he said it. That is reality. If someone has a runny nose and a sore throat they will likely go to work unless they are a sissy.
I see you evaded the question, so I guess I have my answer on your intellectual honesty.

To answer your question its neutral. I think if they have a mild cold they will still go. 99.9% of the people likely don't believe it will impact them unless they have been to China or Iran recently or on some cruise. I have ZERO fear of this virus. We have people with colds in the office now and I don't go near them because I don't want to catch their cold not because I am afraid of COV-19. I am not sure how much more honest you would like me to be?
Thank you for answering. IMO it still says something about your intellectual honesty. The CDC says this is a very dangerous pathogen. It has a very high mortality rate. Stay home if you experience any of the onset symptoms. Again (not cold symptoms but flu symptoms). Trump says people should treat this as the common flu, the mortality rate is a fraction of one percent and people who have it go to work sometimes. And you think the effect of just listening to Trump and not the CDC is neutral on whether or not they go to work?

Color me very sceptical.
He said he had a hunch, he didn't say ignore the CDC. You see what you want to see.
He said his hunch was that the mortality rate was a fraction of 1 percent, a number he didn't offer any data on. He said that people go to work while having this virus. He didn't say they shouldn't.

Let's see if you can muster any intellectual honesty.

Do you think someone who watched this interview and relies exclusively on Hannity for news ( of wich people I know there are quite a few) would be more or less likely to go to work while possibly being affected by the Coronavirus?

I heard the interview. I agree with everything he said and how he said it. That is reality. If someone has a runny nose and a sore throat they will likely go to work unless they are a sissy.
I see you evaded the question, so I guess I have my answer on your intellectual honesty.

To answer your question its neutral. I think if they have a mild cold they will still go. 99.9% of the people likely don't believe it will impact them unless they have been to China or Iran recently or on some cruise. I have ZERO fear of this virus. We have people with colds in the office now and I don't go near them because I don't want to catch their cold not because I am afraid of COV-19. I am not sure how much more honest you would like me to be?
Thank you for answering. IMO it still says something about your intellectual honesty. The CDC says this is a very dangerous pathogen. It has a very high mortality rate. Stay home if you experience any of the onset symptoms. Again (not cold symptoms but flu symptoms). Trump says people should treat this as the common flu, the mortality rate is a fraction of one percent and people who have it go to work sometimes. And you think the effect of just listening to Trump and not the CDC is neutral on whether or not they go to work?

Color me very sceptical.

CDC assumes incorrectly that untrained medical professionals would know the difference. I live in Boston and have not been around Asia or the Middle East but I have kids and they are germ carriers. If this was truly threatening then schools would be closing and so would malls. No one is panicking so why should the President. I color you a Leftist who hates Trump and those who disagree with you politically.
It’s on the website.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Didn’t Trump mention this?

Your link:

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in humans and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people, such as with MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. The virus that causes COVID-19 is spreading from person-to-person in China and some limited person-to-person transmission has been reported in countries outside China, including the United States. However, respiratory illnesses like seasonal influenza, are currently widespread in many US communities.
Did you have a point by copying that text?

The point is colds, flus, etc. hit every year. Deal with it. 99% are not life threatening.

nah - the point is youre a f'n idiot and not a Dr dealing with Coronavirus

complex thinking escapes you.

Are you going to cry? Either man up or get out of this thread. You scared of a little cold? Wimp.

gfy whistle britches.
He said his hunch was that the mortality rate was a fraction of 1 percent, a number he didn't offer any data on. He said that people go to work while having this virus. He didn't say they shouldn't.

Let's see if you can muster any intellectual honesty.

Do you think someone who watched this interview and relies exclusively on Hannity for news ( of wich people I know there are quite a few) would be more or less likely to go to work while possibly being affected by the Coronavirus?

I heard the interview. I agree with everything he said and how he said it. That is reality. If someone has a runny nose and a sore throat they will likely go to work unless they are a sissy.
I see you evaded the question, so I guess I have my answer on your intellectual honesty.

To answer your question its neutral. I think if they have a mild cold they will still go. 99.9% of the people likely don't believe it will impact them unless they have been to China or Iran recently or on some cruise. I have ZERO fear of this virus. We have people with colds in the office now and I don't go near them because I don't want to catch their cold not because I am afraid of COV-19. I am not sure how much more honest you would like me to be?
Thank you for answering. IMO it still says something about your intellectual honesty. The CDC says this is a very dangerous pathogen. It has a very high mortality rate. Stay home if you experience any of the onset symptoms. Again (not cold symptoms but flu symptoms). Trump says people should treat this as the common flu, the mortality rate is a fraction of one percent and people who have it go to work sometimes. And you think the effect of just listening to Trump and not the CDC is neutral on whether or not they go to work?

Color me very sceptical.

CDC assumes incorrectly that untrained medical professionals would know the difference. I live in Boston and have not been around Asia or the Middle East but I have kids and they are germ carriers. If this was truly threatening then schools would be closing and so would malls. No one is panicking so why should the President. I color you a Leftist who hates Trump and those who disagree with you politically.
In China, they closed an entire province over this, over 30 million people. Japan is talking about having the Olympics behind closed doors, in Switzerland, they have shut down their national soccer competition for two weeks, in Italy, they're talking about doing the same for a month. Schools have been closed in Northern Italy. Etc. etc. It seems to me that they are panicking in the rest of the world. You choose to follow this president over health care professionals and the rest of the world.

As for me hating Trump, probably correct. I'm aware of this so I try to look as objectively as I can on what's happening to allow for my inherent lack of objectivity. This allows me to recognize for instance that the title of this OP is a strawman. Trump never said that people who have Corona should go to work. I haven't and would never frame it that way.

As for me hating those who have a different viewpoint definitely incorrect. I can not be objective or learn if I just talk to those I agree with. It might not seem that way Azog but I respect you. You are willing to try to talk to me. I will call you out when I suspect when you're making a bad faith argument but that's not hating you.
I heard the interview. I agree with everything he said and how he said it. That is reality. If someone has a runny nose and a sore throat they will likely go to work unless they are a sissy.
I see you evaded the question, so I guess I have my answer on your intellectual honesty.

To answer your question its neutral. I think if they have a mild cold they will still go. 99.9% of the people likely don't believe it will impact them unless they have been to China or Iran recently or on some cruise. I have ZERO fear of this virus. We have people with colds in the office now and I don't go near them because I don't want to catch their cold not because I am afraid of COV-19. I am not sure how much more honest you would like me to be?
Thank you for answering. IMO it still says something about your intellectual honesty. The CDC says this is a very dangerous pathogen. It has a very high mortality rate. Stay home if you experience any of the onset symptoms. Again (not cold symptoms but flu symptoms). Trump says people should treat this as the common flu, the mortality rate is a fraction of one percent and people who have it go to work sometimes. And you think the effect of just listening to Trump and not the CDC is neutral on whether or not they go to work?

Color me very sceptical.

CDC assumes incorrectly that untrained medical professionals would know the difference. I live in Boston and have not been around Asia or the Middle East but I have kids and they are germ carriers. If this was truly threatening then schools would be closing and so would malls. No one is panicking so why should the President. I color you a Leftist who hates Trump and those who disagree with you politically.
In China, they closed an entire province over this, over 30 million people. Japan is talking about having the Olympics behind closed doors, in Switzerland, they have shut down their national soccer competition for two weeks, in Italy, they're talking about doing the same for a month. Schools have been closed in Northern Italy. Etc. etc. It seems to me that they are panicking in the rest of the world. You choose to follow this president over health care professionals and the rest of the world.

As for me hating Trump, probably correct. I'm aware of this so I try to look as objectively as I can on what's happening to allow for my inherent lack of objectivity. This allows me to recognize for instance that the title of this OP is a strawman. Trump never said that people who have Corona should go to work. I haven't and would never frame it that way.

As for me hating those who have a different viewpoint definitely incorrect. I can not be objective or learn if I just talk to those I agree with. It might not seem that way Azog but I respect you. You are willing to try to talk to me. I will call you out when I suspect when you're making a bad faith argument but that's not hating you.
Just heard someone from the CDC on the radio and he said “it starts with symptoms similar to a common cold and gets progressively worse”.
Actually, scientists and doctors have reevaluated the virus, and the fatality rate is around 3.4 percent.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO) as of March 3
In his opening remarks at the March 3 media briefing on Covid-19, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated:

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.” [13]

Initial estimate was 2%
Initially, the World Health Organization (WHO) had mentioned 2% as a mortality rate estimate in a press conference on Wednesday, January 29 [1][2] and again on February 10. However, on January 29 WHO specified that this was a very early and provisional estimate that might have changed.
Since that is the mortality rate among confirmed covid-19 patients and and people whose symptoms are too mild to have been tested are not being counted among the infected, that rate is probably too high.
As we test more people, we will find a lot of people with little or no symptoms that were previously unreported. This should bring down the mortality rate. How much is just a guess at this point. Also consider that the mortality varies greatly with age, the general health of a population, and the quality of healthcare.
We will not be testing people who don't show clear symptoms of covid - 19 so we will never know the true mortality rate or even the t rue infection rate. The WHO is reporting the morality rate among confirmed cases of covid -19 only, not the mortality rate among he whole population of people who might have been infected.
The symptoms of covid-19 are nearly the same as the flu and a number of other viruses, fever, cough, body aches, fatigue; sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. My guess is within a year, anyone that goes to an ER with these symptoms will be tested. I agree we will not test people in the general population without symptoms, however in the process of running down contacts of infected persons we may test contacts to eliminate the size of quarantine.
Last edited:
A cold kills nobody, the flu kills 0.1 percent. This thing kills 3.4 percent of the people who contract it. This means if even 10 percent of the populace contracts it over a million will die.

If indeed people underestimate its seriousness than his job as president is to educate people on how wrong they are NOT, normalize it.
3.4% is exaggerated because that is from the people who tested + and who are in countries with inferior medicinal care and who already have underlying conditions. If you're healthy and not over 80 your recovery is ~99% guaranteed.
So what, even if true ( which, as you said, is a "hunch"), I also put the number of infected at 10 percent. Pretty optimistic if you ask me. Especially since it seems that you and the president are convinced it's just the flu As for it hitting only the elderly. That 3.4 is an average so that means that the mortality rate for the elderly is considerably higher. Do you have no family members who are elderly? I do. I wouldn't want them to catch it. Coronavirus Age, Sex, Demographics (COVID-19) - Worldometer

Every person who has it and simply continues its daily live risks spreading it to other people including the elderly. Are you arguing that simply because you might not be at risk you shouldn't be expected to take any responsibility for not spreading it?

Of course I do but I don't live with them. I am 39. So you're saying everyone with a cold should stay home? That is not going to happen unless the Gov't mandates it. Has the CDC stated that everyone with a common cold should stay home?
And you might not live with them but the incubation is at least 2 weeks. Plenty of time to infect your family.

Infect with what? Is the Virus in Boston?

Is suffolk county Boston? If yes then it's there.

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3.4% is exaggerated because that is from the people who tested + and who are in countries with inferior medicinal care and who already have underlying conditions. If you're healthy and not over 80 your recovery is ~99% guaranteed.
So what, even if true ( which, as you said, is a "hunch"), I also put the number of infected at 10 percent. Pretty optimistic if you ask me. Especially since it seems that you and the president are convinced it's just the flu As for it hitting only the elderly. That 3.4 is an average so that means that the mortality rate for the elderly is considerably higher. Do you have no family members who are elderly? I do. I wouldn't want them to catch it. Coronavirus Age, Sex, Demographics (COVID-19) - Worldometer

Every person who has it and simply continues its daily live risks spreading it to other people including the elderly. Are you arguing that simply because you might not be at risk you shouldn't be expected to take any responsibility for not spreading it?

Of course I do but I don't live with them. I am 39. So you're saying everyone with a cold should stay home? That is not going to happen unless the Gov't mandates it. Has the CDC stated that everyone with a common cold should stay home?
And you might not live with them but the incubation is at least 2 weeks. Plenty of time to infect your family.

Infect with what? Is the Virus in Boston?

Is suffolk county Boston? If yes then it's there.

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
Rare cases not widespread
I see you evaded the question, so I guess I have my answer on your intellectual honesty.

To answer your question its neutral. I think if they have a mild cold they will still go. 99.9% of the people likely don't believe it will impact them unless they have been to China or Iran recently or on some cruise. I have ZERO fear of this virus. We have people with colds in the office now and I don't go near them because I don't want to catch their cold not because I am afraid of COV-19. I am not sure how much more honest you would like me to be?
Thank you for answering. IMO it still says something about your intellectual honesty. The CDC says this is a very dangerous pathogen. It has a very high mortality rate. Stay home if you experience any of the onset symptoms. Again (not cold symptoms but flu symptoms). Trump says people should treat this as the common flu, the mortality rate is a fraction of one percent and people who have it go to work sometimes. And you think the effect of just listening to Trump and not the CDC is neutral on whether or not they go to work?

Color me very sceptical.

CDC assumes incorrectly that untrained medical professionals would know the difference. I live in Boston and have not been around Asia or the Middle East but I have kids and they are germ carriers. If this was truly threatening then schools would be closing and so would malls. No one is panicking so why should the President. I color you a Leftist who hates Trump and those who disagree with you politically.
In China, they closed an entire province over this, over 30 million people. Japan is talking about having the Olympics behind closed doors, in Switzerland, they have shut down their national soccer competition for two weeks, in Italy, they're talking about doing the same for a month. Schools have been closed in Northern Italy. Etc. etc. It seems to me that they are panicking in the rest of the world. You choose to follow this president over health care professionals and the rest of the world.

As for me hating Trump, probably correct. I'm aware of this so I try to look as objectively as I can on what's happening to allow for my inherent lack of objectivity. This allows me to recognize for instance that the title of this OP is a strawman. Trump never said that people who have Corona should go to work. I haven't and would never frame it that way.

As for me hating those who have a different viewpoint definitely incorrect. I can not be objective or learn if I just talk to those I agree with. It might not seem that way Azog but I respect you. You are willing to try to talk to me. I will call you out when I suspect when you're making a bad faith argument but that's not hating you.
Just heard someone from the CDC on the radio and he said “it starts with symptoms similar to a common cold and gets progressively worse”.
I'll take your word for it. This helps you how?
So what, even if true ( which, as you said, is a "hunch"), I also put the number of infected at 10 percent. Pretty optimistic if you ask me. Especially since it seems that you and the president are convinced it's just the flu As for it hitting only the elderly. That 3.4 is an average so that means that the mortality rate for the elderly is considerably higher. Do you have no family members who are elderly? I do. I wouldn't want them to catch it. Coronavirus Age, Sex, Demographics (COVID-19) - Worldometer

Every person who has it and simply continues its daily live risks spreading it to other people including the elderly. Are you arguing that simply because you might not be at risk you shouldn't be expected to take any responsibility for not spreading it?

Of course I do but I don't live with them. I am 39. So you're saying everyone with a cold should stay home? That is not going to happen unless the Gov't mandates it. Has the CDC stated that everyone with a common cold should stay home?
And you might not live with them but the incubation is at least 2 weeks. Plenty of time to infect your family.

Infect with what? Is the Virus in Boston?

Is suffolk county Boston? If yes then it's there.

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
Rare cases not widespread
That's how all epidemics start isn't it? A few cases that than expand exponentially?
It’s on the website.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Didn’t Trump mention this?

Your link:

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in humans and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people, such as with MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. The virus that causes COVID-19 is spreading from person-to-person in China and some limited person-to-person transmission has been reported in countries outside China, including the United States. However, respiratory illnesses like seasonal influenza, are currently widespread in many US communities.
Did you have a point by copying that text?

The point is colds, flus, etc. hit every year. Deal with it. 99% are not life threatening.

nah - the point is youre a f'n idiot and not a Dr dealing with Coronavirus

complex thinking escapes you.

Are you going to cry? Either man up or get out of this thread. You scared of a little cold? Wimp.

Please don’t pretend to have any idea what you’re talking about. This needs to be taken seriously. You’re trying to minimize it.
To answer your question its neutral. I think if they have a mild cold they will still go. 99.9% of the people likely don't believe it will impact them unless they have been to China or Iran recently or on some cruise. I have ZERO fear of this virus. We have people with colds in the office now and I don't go near them because I don't want to catch their cold not because I am afraid of COV-19. I am not sure how much more honest you would like me to be?
Thank you for answering. IMO it still says something about your intellectual honesty. The CDC says this is a very dangerous pathogen. It has a very high mortality rate. Stay home if you experience any of the onset symptoms. Again (not cold symptoms but flu symptoms). Trump says people should treat this as the common flu, the mortality rate is a fraction of one percent and people who have it go to work sometimes. And you think the effect of just listening to Trump and not the CDC is neutral on whether or not they go to work?

Color me very sceptical.

CDC assumes incorrectly that untrained medical professionals would know the difference. I live in Boston and have not been around Asia or the Middle East but I have kids and they are germ carriers. If this was truly threatening then schools would be closing and so would malls. No one is panicking so why should the President. I color you a Leftist who hates Trump and those who disagree with you politically.
In China, they closed an entire province over this, over 30 million people. Japan is talking about having the Olympics behind closed doors, in Switzerland, they have shut down their national soccer competition for two weeks, in Italy, they're talking about doing the same for a month. Schools have been closed in Northern Italy. Etc. etc. It seems to me that they are panicking in the rest of the world. You choose to follow this president over health care professionals and the rest of the world.

As for me hating Trump, probably correct. I'm aware of this so I try to look as objectively as I can on what's happening to allow for my inherent lack of objectivity. This allows me to recognize for instance that the title of this OP is a strawman. Trump never said that people who have Corona should go to work. I haven't and would never frame it that way.

As for me hating those who have a different viewpoint definitely incorrect. I can not be objective or learn if I just talk to those I agree with. It might not seem that way Azog but I respect you. You are willing to try to talk to me. I will call you out when I suspect when you're making a bad faith argument but that's not hating you.
Just heard someone from the CDC on the radio and he said “it starts with symptoms similar to a common cold and gets progressively worse”.
I'll take your word for it. This helps you how?
It helps me solidify what I heard on the interview with Trump and Hannity
Of course I do but I don't live with them. I am 39. So you're saying everyone with a cold should stay home? That is not going to happen unless the Gov't mandates it. Has the CDC stated that everyone with a common cold should stay home?
And you might not live with them but the incubation is at least 2 weeks. Plenty of time to infect your family.

Infect with what? Is the Virus in Boston?

Is suffolk county Boston? If yes then it's there.

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
Rare cases not widespread
That's how all epidemics start isn't it? A few cases that than expand exponentially?
This isn’t Ebola. It’s a form of a bad cold. Unless you have some underlying condition or are just really old, you will recover
Your link:

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in humans and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people, such as with MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. The virus that causes COVID-19 is spreading from person-to-person in China and some limited person-to-person transmission has been reported in countries outside China, including the United States. However, respiratory illnesses like seasonal influenza, are currently widespread in many US communities.
Did you have a point by copying that text?

The point is colds, flus, etc. hit every year. Deal with it. 99% are not life threatening.

nah - the point is youre a f'n idiot and not a Dr dealing with Coronavirus

complex thinking escapes you.

Are you going to cry? Either man up or get out of this thread. You scared of a little cold? Wimp.

Please don’t pretend to have any idea what you’re talking about. This needs to be taken seriously. You’re trying to minimize it.
Coronavirus are a set of bad colds. I am Not sure what you’re so concerned about unless you’re really old.
Did you have a point by copying that text?

The point is colds, flus, etc. hit every year. Deal with it. 99% are not life threatening.

nah - the point is youre a f'n idiot and not a Dr dealing with Coronavirus

complex thinking escapes you.

Are you going to cry? Either man up or get out of this thread. You scared of a little cold? Wimp.

Please don’t pretend to have any idea what you’re talking about. This needs to be taken seriously. You’re trying to minimize it.
Coronavirus are a set of bad colds. I am Not sure what you’re so concerned about unless you’re really old.

Sometimes I care about the well being of people other then me.
The point is colds, flus, etc. hit every year. Deal with it. 99% are not life threatening.

nah - the point is youre a f'n idiot and not a Dr dealing with Coronavirus

complex thinking escapes you.

Are you going to cry? Either man up or get out of this thread. You scared of a little cold? Wimp.

Please don’t pretend to have any idea what you’re talking about. This needs to be taken seriously. You’re trying to minimize it.
Coronavirus are a set of bad colds. I am Not sure what you’re so concerned about unless you’re really old.

Sometimes I care about the well being of people other then me.
By insulting the president? It’s “than” me. You’re only concerned about people who share the same evil political ideology as you.
nah - the point is youre a f'n idiot and not a Dr dealing with Coronavirus

complex thinking escapes you.

Are you going to cry? Either man up or get out of this thread. You scared of a little cold? Wimp.

Please don’t pretend to have any idea what you’re talking about. This needs to be taken seriously. You’re trying to minimize it.
Coronavirus are a set of bad colds. I am Not sure what you’re so concerned about unless you’re really old.

Sometimes I care about the well being of people other then me.
By insulting the president? It’s “than” me. You’re only concerned about people who share the same evil political ideology as you.

A grammar nit pick and a personal attack. I guess you ran out of coherent arguments and have forfeited.
Are you going to cry? Either man up or get out of this thread. You scared of a little cold? Wimp.

Please don’t pretend to have any idea what you’re talking about. This needs to be taken seriously. You’re trying to minimize it.
Coronavirus are a set of bad colds. I am Not sure what you’re so concerned about unless you’re really old.

Sometimes I care about the well being of people other then me.
By insulting the president? It’s “than” me. You’re only concerned about people who share the same evil political ideology as you.

A grammar nit pick and a personal attack. I guess you ran out of coherent arguments and have forfeited.
Nope it is a correction as you didn’t know the proper word to use. How about saying “thank you” instead of lying that it was a typo. Additionally, we were not debating.
Are you going to cry? Either man up or get out of this thread. You scared of a little cold? Wimp.

Please don’t pretend to have any idea what you’re talking about. This needs to be taken seriously. You’re trying to minimize it.
Coronavirus are a set of bad colds. I am Not sure what you’re so concerned about unless you’re really old.

Sometimes I care about the well being of people other then me.
By insulting the president? It’s “than” me. You’re only concerned about people who share the same evil political ideology as you.

A grammar nit pick and a personal attack. I guess you ran out of coherent arguments and have forfeited.
Covid-19 symptoms —- mild cases resemble a bad cold. Yes or no?

People may experience:
runny nose
sore throat
difficulty breathing (severe cases)

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