Trump: Have the Coronavirus, Go to Work and recover!

He did "normalize" it by saying a lot of people have been going to work with it and nothing bad happened. Some people who aren't well informed may take that to mean, "Hey, the President said a lot of people are going to work with it--just because I'm sick doesn't mean I need to stay home; lots of other people don't."

No, he never said "Go to work." His unfortunate turn of phrase made it sound like people CAN though. He really needs to leave this to Pence.

He simply said many see it is a cold and just go on with their lives and he is right.
That’s the problem. It’s what makes the spread so insidious. People who are sick go about their business and infect others.

That has been the case for 100s of years. People with colds go to work. This is nothing new.

Covid-19 most certainly is new. This is an old behavior which is far more problematic at this time.

That’s the message the deep state CDC technocrats have been trying to get out there.

It is but most people don't think they have it. You think every person with a common cold will now stay home? I do not. If you're healthy and don't have underlying conditions you'll be fine. Mono is deadlier than Covid-19 to healthy people. I agree people need to sanitize and be careful.

People need to start thinking that it’s a possibility otherwise they are putting the community at risk.

That’s the message that the CDC is trying to get out there. Why would anyone want to contradict that?
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
These are the symptoms described. (Note cold symptoms are NOT included) you including them are a strawman.
It most definitely adds staying home as what you should do. At no point does it suggests you should go to work with it.

IT says this: So if I don't have those symptoms (shortness of breath and such) and don't know anyone with the COV-19 nor traveled to those countries, I should be able to go to work if I have the sniffles. Correct?

Call your doctor if you…

Develop symptoms, and have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19


Have recently traveled from an area with widespread or ongoing community spread of COVID-19.
Sure if you have cold symptoms go to work. Oh, and by the way, Massachusets have got it first confirmed case and 2 more possible.Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Boston

From your link:

The risk to residents in Boston remains low because there is no evidence of community transmission in the City right now.
Sure, the operative word is right now. As I said before it has a 2 week incubation period, it's obviously spreading throughout the US and the world. What leads you to believe Boston will NOT be affected? And again the conversation was if its ok to go to work if you have it.

If you definitely have it then you need to follow CDC protocols but if you just have a cold, you're safe to do what you normally do.
Sure because of cold symptoms are NOT Corona symptoms. Why do you keep going back to a cold?
Infect with what? Is the Virus in Boston?
I don't know and neither do you, since as I said it has a 2 week incubation period and it is on the East Coast atm. In a place that has road rail and air access to Boston. For the record, I certainly hope not.

Per your own link I am not at risk? LOL

You cannot have it both ways.
What both ways. Did I ever suggest you should just stay at home? The whole argument was if it is appropriate for the president of the United States to minimize the severity of Corona and normalize going to work while being affected. The rabbit hole you steered this conversation to is just a deflection.

I do not believe he minimized it. He just didn't exaggerate it. 99% of the people in the US who get this will recover unless they have underlying conditions. If persons follow CDS procedures they will be fine.
Yes and 8 percent who have underlying conditions will die. And I love how you are now prepared to put a number on your "hunch". By the way, 1 percent of the US is 3.2 million. At 10 percent that's 320000 people. It seems not something you should take lightly.

The only thing that helps in something like this is social isolation. If Trump says it's mortality is "a fraction of 1 percent" or "it's a hoax", or "people go to work while infected" WITHOUT saying they really shouldn't he IS minimizing it.

And who is exaggerating it? The WHO, the Democrats, the media? Maybe if I put this in perspective it'll be clearer. The Spanish Flu had a mortality rate of 2 to 3 percent it killed 25 to 39 million people. This on a population of 1.8 billion.
We have 7.7 billion people now. Not for nothing seems hard to exaggerate the potential consequences of this.

So you want everyone to just quarantine themselves until a vaccine comes out? Come on.
He simply said many see it is a cold and just go on with their lives and he is right.
That’s the problem. It’s what makes the spread so insidious. People who are sick go about their business and infect others.

That has been the case for 100s of years. People with colds go to work. This is nothing new.

Covid-19 most certainly is new. This is an old behavior which is far more problematic at this time.

That’s the message the deep state CDC technocrats have been trying to get out there.

It is but most people don't think they have it. You think every person with a common cold will now stay home? I do not. If you're healthy and don't have underlying conditions you'll be fine. Mono is deadlier than Covid-19 to healthy people. I agree people need to sanitize and be careful.

People need to start thinking that it’s a possibility otherwise they are putting the community at risk.

That’s the message that the CDC is trying to get out there. Why would anyone want to contradict that?

No one contradicts it. So did the CDC say for everyone to stay home and quarantine themselves?
30 pages of this?
giphy (5).gif
IT says this: So if I don't have those symptoms (shortness of breath and such) and don't know anyone with the COV-19 nor traveled to those countries, I should be able to go to work if I have the sniffles. Correct?

Call your doctor if you…

Develop symptoms, and have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19


Have recently traveled from an area with widespread or ongoing community spread of COVID-19.
Sure if you have cold symptoms go to work. Oh, and by the way, Massachusets have got it first confirmed case and 2 more possible.Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Boston

From your link:

The risk to residents in Boston remains low because there is no evidence of community transmission in the City right now.
Sure, the operative word is right now. As I said before it has a 2 week incubation period, it's obviously spreading throughout the US and the world. What leads you to believe Boston will NOT be affected? And again the conversation was if its ok to go to work if you have it.

If you definitely have it then you need to follow CDC protocols but if you just have a cold, you're safe to do what you normally do.
Sure because of cold symptoms are NOT Corona symptoms. Why do you keep going back to a cold?

Because mild examples of COV-19 are similar to cold symptoms. Not everyone gets severe symptoms.

Yep, you read that right: Common human coronaviruses—not to be confused with the novel coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, currently circulating—can cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold, per the CDC. In fact, the majority of people will get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives—according to Marie-Louise Landry, MD, an infectious disease expert at Yale Medicine and the director of the Yale Clinical Virology Laboratory, four common human coronaviruses cause 15-30% of common colds. (Most often, however, the common cold is caused by a rhinoviruses, per the CDC). Their peak season is also winter—aka, the same time as influenza.
That’s the problem. It’s what makes the spread so insidious. People who are sick go about their business and infect others.

That has been the case for 100s of years. People with colds go to work. This is nothing new.

Covid-19 most certainly is new. This is an old behavior which is far more problematic at this time.

That’s the message the deep state CDC technocrats have been trying to get out there.

It is but most people don't think they have it. You think every person with a common cold will now stay home? I do not. If you're healthy and don't have underlying conditions you'll be fine. Mono is deadlier than Covid-19 to healthy people. I agree people need to sanitize and be careful.

People need to start thinking that it’s a possibility otherwise they are putting the community at risk.

That’s the message that the CDC is trying to get out there. Why would anyone want to contradict that?

No one contradicts it. So did the CDC say for everyone to stay home and quarantine themselves?

Yes. The CDC and many other state health agencies are telling people who may have Covid-19 to stay home.

Trump needs to shut up when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
That has been the case for 100s of years. People with colds go to work. This is nothing new.

Covid-19 most certainly is new. This is an old behavior which is far more problematic at this time.

That’s the message the deep state CDC technocrats have been trying to get out there.

It is but most people don't think they have it. You think every person with a common cold will now stay home? I do not. If you're healthy and don't have underlying conditions you'll be fine. Mono is deadlier than Covid-19 to healthy people. I agree people need to sanitize and be careful.

People need to start thinking that it’s a possibility otherwise they are putting the community at risk.

That’s the message that the CDC is trying to get out there. Why would anyone want to contradict that?

No one contradicts it. So did the CDC say for everyone to stay home and quarantine themselves?

Yes. The CDC and many other state health agencies are telling people who may have Covid-19 to stay home.

Trump needs to shut up when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

If you have it then yes but what if you don't know and just have a common cold. Trump never said those with confirmed Covid-19 should not follow CDC suggestions.

If you don't like him, vote him out.
Covid-19 most certainly is new. This is an old behavior which is far more problematic at this time.

That’s the message the deep state CDC technocrats have been trying to get out there.

It is but most people don't think they have it. You think every person with a common cold will now stay home? I do not. If you're healthy and don't have underlying conditions you'll be fine. Mono is deadlier than Covid-19 to healthy people. I agree people need to sanitize and be careful.

People need to start thinking that it’s a possibility otherwise they are putting the community at risk.

That’s the message that the CDC is trying to get out there. Why would anyone want to contradict that?

No one contradicts it. So did the CDC say for everyone to stay home and quarantine themselves?

Yes. The CDC and many other state health agencies are telling people who may have Covid-19 to stay home.

Trump needs to shut up when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

If if you have it then yes but what if you don't know and just have a common cold. Trump never said those with confirmed Covid-19 should not follow CDC suggestions.

If you don't like him, vote him out.

Trump talks a lot without saying much. That’s the problem with people who don’t know what they’re taking about. It’s all worthless.

People need to consider the possibility that their cold symptoms is Covid-19 and stay at home even if they don’t know for sure (even more important given the difficulty in testing for it).
I don't know and neither do you, since as I said it has a 2 week incubation period and it is on the East Coast atm. In a place that has road rail and air access to Boston. For the record, I certainly hope not.

Per your own link I am not at risk? LOL

You cannot have it both ways.
What both ways. Did I ever suggest you should just stay at home? The whole argument was if it is appropriate for the president of the United States to minimize the severity of Corona and normalize going to work while being affected. The rabbit hole you steered this conversation to is just a deflection.

I do not believe he minimized it. He just didn't exaggerate it. 99% of the people in the US who get this will recover unless they have underlying conditions. If persons follow CDS procedures they will be fine.
Yes and 8 percent who have underlying conditions will die. And I love how you are now prepared to put a number on your "hunch". By the way, 1 percent of the US is 3.2 million. At 10 percent that's 320000 people. It seems not something you should take lightly.

The only thing that helps in something like this is social isolation. If Trump says it's mortality is "a fraction of 1 percent" or "it's a hoax", or "people go to work while infected" WITHOUT saying they really shouldn't he IS minimizing it.

And who is exaggerating it? The WHO, the Democrats, the media? Maybe if I put this in perspective it'll be clearer. The Spanish Flu had a mortality rate of 2 to 3 percent it killed 25 to 39 million people. This on a population of 1.8 billion.
We have 7.7 billion people now. Not for nothing seems hard to exaggerate the potential consequences of this.

So you want everyone to just quarantine themselves until a vaccine comes out? Come on.
Another strawman? Have I ever said you or anyone should just quarantine themselves? What I said... and repeated... and repeated that it is very irresponsible for the president of the United States to downplay the severity of what this virus represents in any way. Something he clearly has done.
Sure if you have cold symptoms go to work. Oh, and by the way, Massachusets have got it first confirmed case and 2 more possible.Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Boston

From your link:

The risk to residents in Boston remains low because there is no evidence of community transmission in the City right now.
Sure, the operative word is right now. As I said before it has a 2 week incubation period, it's obviously spreading throughout the US and the world. What leads you to believe Boston will NOT be affected? And again the conversation was if its ok to go to work if you have it.

If you definitely have it then you need to follow CDC protocols but if you just have a cold, you're safe to do what you normally do.
Sure because of cold symptoms are NOT Corona symptoms. Why do you keep going back to a cold?

Because mild examples of COV-19 are similar to cold symptoms. Not everyone gets severe symptoms.

Yep, you read that right: Common human coronaviruses—not to be confused with the novel coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, currently circulating—can cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold, per the CDC. In fact, the majority of people will get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives—according to Marie-Louise Landry, MD, an infectious disease expert at Yale Medicine and the director of the Yale Clinical Virology Laboratory, four common human coronaviruses cause 15-30% of common colds. (Most often, however, the common cold is caused by a rhinoviruses, per the CDC). Their peak season is also winter—aka, the same time as influenza.
Because mild examples of COV-19 are similar to cold symptoms.
You contradict yourself.
Common human coronaviruses—not to be confused with the novel coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, currently circulating—can cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold, per the CDC.
It is but most people don't think they have it. You think every person with a common cold will now stay home? I do not. If you're healthy and don't have underlying conditions you'll be fine. Mono is deadlier than Covid-19 to healthy people. I agree people need to sanitize and be careful.

People need to start thinking that it’s a possibility otherwise they are putting the community at risk.

That’s the message that the CDC is trying to get out there. Why would anyone want to contradict that?

No one contradicts it. So did the CDC say for everyone to stay home and quarantine themselves?

Yes. The CDC and many other state health agencies are telling people who may have Covid-19 to stay home.

Trump needs to shut up when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

If if you have it then yes but what if you don't know and just have a common cold. Trump never said those with confirmed Covid-19 should not follow CDC suggestions.

If you don't like him, vote him out.

Trump talks a lot without saying much. That’s the problem with people who don’t know what they’re taking about. It’s all worthless.

People need to consider the possibility that their cold symptoms is Covid-19 and stay at home even if they don’t know for sure (even more important given the difficulty in testing for it).

So now everyone with a cold should stay home? When did the CDC say that or are you giving your opinion?
Per your own link I am not at risk? LOL

You cannot have it both ways.
What both ways. Did I ever suggest you should just stay at home? The whole argument was if it is appropriate for the president of the United States to minimize the severity of Corona and normalize going to work while being affected. The rabbit hole you steered this conversation to is just a deflection.

I do not believe he minimized it. He just didn't exaggerate it. 99% of the people in the US who get this will recover unless they have underlying conditions. If persons follow CDS procedures they will be fine.
Yes and 8 percent who have underlying conditions will die. And I love how you are now prepared to put a number on your "hunch". By the way, 1 percent of the US is 3.2 million. At 10 percent that's 320000 people. It seems not something you should take lightly.

The only thing that helps in something like this is social isolation. If Trump says it's mortality is "a fraction of 1 percent" or "it's a hoax", or "people go to work while infected" WITHOUT saying they really shouldn't he IS minimizing it.

And who is exaggerating it? The WHO, the Democrats, the media? Maybe if I put this in perspective it'll be clearer. The Spanish Flu had a mortality rate of 2 to 3 percent it killed 25 to 39 million people. This on a population of 1.8 billion.
We have 7.7 billion people now. Not for nothing seems hard to exaggerate the potential consequences of this.

So you want everyone to just quarantine themselves until a vaccine comes out? Come on.
Another strawman? Have I ever said you or anyone should just quarantine themselves? What I said... and repeated... and repeated that it is very irresponsible for the president of the United States to downplay the severity of what this virus represents in any way. Something he clearly has done.

He didn't downplay it IMO. Opinions vary.
From your link:

The risk to residents in Boston remains low because there is no evidence of community transmission in the City right now.
Sure, the operative word is right now. As I said before it has a 2 week incubation period, it's obviously spreading throughout the US and the world. What leads you to believe Boston will NOT be affected? And again the conversation was if its ok to go to work if you have it.

If you definitely have it then you need to follow CDC protocols but if you just have a cold, you're safe to do what you normally do.
Sure because of cold symptoms are NOT Corona symptoms. Why do you keep going back to a cold?

Because mild examples of COV-19 are similar to cold symptoms. Not everyone gets severe symptoms.

Yep, you read that right: Common human coronaviruses—not to be confused with the novel coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, currently circulating—can cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold, per the CDC. In fact, the majority of people will get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives—according to Marie-Louise Landry, MD, an infectious disease expert at Yale Medicine and the director of the Yale Clinical Virology Laboratory, four common human coronaviruses cause 15-30% of common colds. (Most often, however, the common cold is caused by a rhinoviruses, per the CDC). Their peak season is also winter—aka, the same time as influenza.
Because mild examples of COV-19 are similar to cold symptoms.
You contradict yourself.
Common human coronaviruses—not to be confused with the novel coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, currently circulating—can cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold, per the CDC.

I am quoting the CDC. Maybe they are contradicting themselves? LOL
People need to start thinking that it’s a possibility otherwise they are putting the community at risk.

That’s the message that the CDC is trying to get out there. Why would anyone want to contradict that?

No one contradicts it. So did the CDC say for everyone to stay home and quarantine themselves?

Yes. The CDC and many other state health agencies are telling people who may have Covid-19 to stay home.

Trump needs to shut up when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

If if you have it then yes but what if you don't know and just have a common cold. Trump never said those with confirmed Covid-19 should not follow CDC suggestions.

If you don't like him, vote him out.

Trump talks a lot without saying much. That’s the problem with people who don’t know what they’re taking about. It’s all worthless.

People need to consider the possibility that their cold symptoms is Covid-19 and stay at home even if they don’t know for sure (even more important given the difficulty in testing for it).

So now everyone with a cold should stay home? When did the CDC say that or are you giving your opinion?

It’s on the website.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Didn’t Trump mention this?
What both ways. Did I ever suggest you should just stay at home? The whole argument was if it is appropriate for the president of the United States to minimize the severity of Corona and normalize going to work while being affected. The rabbit hole you steered this conversation to is just a deflection.

I do not believe he minimized it. He just didn't exaggerate it. 99% of the people in the US who get this will recover unless they have underlying conditions. If persons follow CDS procedures they will be fine.
Yes and 8 percent who have underlying conditions will die. And I love how you are now prepared to put a number on your "hunch". By the way, 1 percent of the US is 3.2 million. At 10 percent that's 320000 people. It seems not something you should take lightly.

The only thing that helps in something like this is social isolation. If Trump says it's mortality is "a fraction of 1 percent" or "it's a hoax", or "people go to work while infected" WITHOUT saying they really shouldn't he IS minimizing it.

And who is exaggerating it? The WHO, the Democrats, the media? Maybe if I put this in perspective it'll be clearer. The Spanish Flu had a mortality rate of 2 to 3 percent it killed 25 to 39 million people. This on a population of 1.8 billion.
We have 7.7 billion people now. Not for nothing seems hard to exaggerate the potential consequences of this.

So you want everyone to just quarantine themselves until a vaccine comes out? Come on.
Another strawman? Have I ever said you or anyone should just quarantine themselves? What I said... and repeated... and repeated that it is very irresponsible for the president of the United States to downplay the severity of what this virus represents in any way. Something he clearly has done.

He didn't downplay it IMO. Opinions vary.
He’s been downplaying it. Just look how he was making up mortality rates from the infection.
What both ways. Did I ever suggest you should just stay at home? The whole argument was if it is appropriate for the president of the United States to minimize the severity of Corona and normalize going to work while being affected. The rabbit hole you steered this conversation to is just a deflection.

I do not believe he minimized it. He just didn't exaggerate it. 99% of the people in the US who get this will recover unless they have underlying conditions. If persons follow CDS procedures they will be fine.
Yes and 8 percent who have underlying conditions will die. And I love how you are now prepared to put a number on your "hunch". By the way, 1 percent of the US is 3.2 million. At 10 percent that's 320000 people. It seems not something you should take lightly.

The only thing that helps in something like this is social isolation. If Trump says it's mortality is "a fraction of 1 percent" or "it's a hoax", or "people go to work while infected" WITHOUT saying they really shouldn't he IS minimizing it.

And who is exaggerating it? The WHO, the Democrats, the media? Maybe if I put this in perspective it'll be clearer. The Spanish Flu had a mortality rate of 2 to 3 percent it killed 25 to 39 million people. This on a population of 1.8 billion.
We have 7.7 billion people now. Not for nothing seems hard to exaggerate the potential consequences of this.

So you want everyone to just quarantine themselves until a vaccine comes out? Come on.
Another strawman? Have I ever said you or anyone should just quarantine themselves? What I said... and repeated... and repeated that it is very irresponsible for the president of the United States to downplay the severity of what this virus represents in any way. Something he clearly has done.

He didn't downplay it IMO. Opinions vary.
Apparently, the thing is you aren't capable of defending your opinion, I am. I gave you direct quotes of what Trump said. I gave you the link to when he said it. I explained in what way he was downplaying it. You on the other hand just offered a blanket he didn't do it. Both opinions are not equal in a debate setting.
No one contradicts it. So did the CDC say for everyone to stay home and quarantine themselves?

Yes. The CDC and many other state health agencies are telling people who may have Covid-19 to stay home.

Trump needs to shut up when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

If if you have it then yes but what if you don't know and just have a common cold. Trump never said those with confirmed Covid-19 should not follow CDC suggestions.

If you don't like him, vote him out.

Trump talks a lot without saying much. That’s the problem with people who don’t know what they’re taking about. It’s all worthless.

People need to consider the possibility that their cold symptoms is Covid-19 and stay at home even if they don’t know for sure (even more important given the difficulty in testing for it).

So now everyone with a cold should stay home? When did the CDC say that or are you giving your opinion?

It’s on the website.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Didn’t Trump mention this?

Your link:

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in humans and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people, such as with MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. The virus that causes COVID-19 is spreading from person-to-person in China and some limited person-to-person transmission has been reported in countries outside China, including the United States. However, respiratory illnesses like seasonal influenza, are currently widespread in many US communities.
Sure, the operative word is right now. As I said before it has a 2 week incubation period, it's obviously spreading throughout the US and the world. What leads you to believe Boston will NOT be affected? And again the conversation was if its ok to go to work if you have it.

If you definitely have it then you need to follow CDC protocols but if you just have a cold, you're safe to do what you normally do.
Sure because of cold symptoms are NOT Corona symptoms. Why do you keep going back to a cold?

Because mild examples of COV-19 are similar to cold symptoms. Not everyone gets severe symptoms.

Yep, you read that right: Common human coronaviruses—not to be confused with the novel coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, currently circulating—can cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold, per the CDC. In fact, the majority of people will get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives—according to Marie-Louise Landry, MD, an infectious disease expert at Yale Medicine and the director of the Yale Clinical Virology Laboratory, four common human coronaviruses cause 15-30% of common colds. (Most often, however, the common cold is caused by a rhinoviruses, per the CDC). Their peak season is also winter—aka, the same time as influenza.
Because mild examples of COV-19 are similar to cold symptoms.
You contradict yourself.
Common human coronaviruses—not to be confused with the novel coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, currently circulating—can cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold, per the CDC.

I am quoting the CDC. Maybe they are contradicting themselves? LOL
No, they didn't contradict themself they said that this Corona virus does not display common cold symptoms. I put it in bold.
I do not believe he minimized it. He just didn't exaggerate it. 99% of the people in the US who get this will recover unless they have underlying conditions. If persons follow CDS procedures they will be fine.
Yes and 8 percent who have underlying conditions will die. And I love how you are now prepared to put a number on your "hunch". By the way, 1 percent of the US is 3.2 million. At 10 percent that's 320000 people. It seems not something you should take lightly.

The only thing that helps in something like this is social isolation. If Trump says it's mortality is "a fraction of 1 percent" or "it's a hoax", or "people go to work while infected" WITHOUT saying they really shouldn't he IS minimizing it.

And who is exaggerating it? The WHO, the Democrats, the media? Maybe if I put this in perspective it'll be clearer. The Spanish Flu had a mortality rate of 2 to 3 percent it killed 25 to 39 million people. This on a population of 1.8 billion.
We have 7.7 billion people now. Not for nothing seems hard to exaggerate the potential consequences of this.

So you want everyone to just quarantine themselves until a vaccine comes out? Come on.
Another strawman? Have I ever said you or anyone should just quarantine themselves? What I said... and repeated... and repeated that it is very irresponsible for the president of the United States to downplay the severity of what this virus represents in any way. Something he clearly has done.

He didn't downplay it IMO. Opinions vary.
He’s been downplaying it. Just look how he was making up mortality rates from the infection.

I disagree. Not hitting the panic button is not the same as downplaying it. I watched the entire interview and didn't see it as downplaying it. Opinions vary. Feel free to vote him out in Nov.

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