Trump Held Fundraiser For Pam Bondi At Mar-a-Lago After She Dropped Trump U Investigation


WASHINGTON ― In March 2014, Donald Trump opened his 126-room Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago, for a $3,000-per-person fundraiser for Pam Bondi, the Florida attorney general who had recently decided not to investigate Trump University and was facing a tough re-election campaign.

Trump, whose personal foundation had given $25,000 to a pro-Bondi group the previous fall, did not write a check to the attorney general that night. But by hosting her at Mar-a-Lago and bringing in some of his own high-profile Florida contacts, he provided her campaign with a nice financial boost.


SCREEN SHOT The invitation to Donald Trump’s March 14, 2014, fundraiser for Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

Trump has claimed that Bondi was merely a candidate he knew well and supported politically. But his fundraising efforts were extensive: In addition to the $25,000 donation, Trump and his daughter Ivanka gave $500 each to Bondi in the fall of 2013. The following year, Ivanka and her father donated a total of $125,000 to the Republican Party of Florida.

Trump Held Fundraiser For Pam Bondi At Mar-a-Lago After She Dropped Investigation

This sounds like a "real" pay-for-play scandal. Trump is like a chameleon - constantly changing colors (positions on issues).
You should have heard trumps handler this morning explain this away. So obvious he paid for play here. He was being sued, paid the DA then the case was dropped.

Republicans cry about the politicians who take bribes but will vote for the criminal who pays the bribe
From beneath the mountains of evidence piling up that Hillary ran an influence peddling bazaar from her office in the State Department we hear her squeaky, raspy, fading voice screeching "pay to play" and her followers scramble to get a piece of this new Clinton lie, but the fact is, the previous AG had received 20 complaints about Trump Institute and hadn't though any of them worthy of opening an investigation and Bondi had received only one and never opened an investigation.

Hillary is clearly lying when she claims there was an investigation in Florida that was shut; no investigation had ever been opened by Bondi or the previous AG. All the businesses related to Trump U had already been closed and there was already a class action lawsuit in a New York court Florida residents could join, so Trump had nothing to gain from Bondi not opening another investigation in Florida. That withered old hag you are supporting just thinks anyone who doesn't support her lies is part of the vast right wing conspiracy she blames for all her screw ups.
During the primary debates, Trump admitted he Paid For Play.

I’ve given to Hillary, I’ve given to everybody. Because that was my job. I got to give to them. Because when I want something I get it. When I call, they kiss my ass. It’s true. They kiss my ass.

I will tell you that our system is broken. I gave to many people. Before this, before two months ago, I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And you know what? When I need something from them, two years later, three years later, I call them. They are there for me.

An open admission of Pay for Play by Trump.

Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case

Florida's attorney general personally solicited a political contribution from Donald Trump around the same time her office deliberated joining an investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates.

The money came from a Trump family foundation in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities. A political group backing Bondi's re-election, called And Justice for All, reported receiving the check Sept. 17, 2013 — four days after Bondi's office publicly announced she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University's activities, according to a 2013 report in the Orlando Sentinel.

It is totally illegal for a non-profit foundation to make a political contribution like that.

And don't tell me it was just a coincidence the announcement by the AG and Trump's donation were four days apart.
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WASHINGTON ― In March 2014, Donald Trump opened his 126-room Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago, for a $3,000-per-person fundraiser for Pam Bondi, the Florida attorney general who had recently decided not to investigate Trump University and was facing a tough re-election campaign.

Trump, whose personal foundation had given $25,000 to a pro-Bondi group the previous fall, did not write a check to the attorney general that night. But by hosting her at Mar-a-Lago and bringing in some of his own high-profile Florida contacts, he provided her campaign with a nice financial boost.


SCREEN SHOT The invitation to Donald Trump’s March 14, 2014, fundraiser for Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

Trump has claimed that Bondi was merely a candidate he knew well and supported politically. But his fundraising efforts were extensive: In addition to the $25,000 donation, Trump and his daughter Ivanka gave $500 each to Bondi in the fall of 2013. The following year, Ivanka and her father donated a total of $125,000 to the Republican Party of Florida.

Trump Held Fundraiser For Pam Bondi At Mar-a-Lago After She Dropped Investigation

This sounds like a "real" pay-for-play scandal. Trump is like a chameleon - constantly changing colors (positions on issues).

Do you folks ever get tired of lying. The FL AGs office received ONE complaint about a company associated with Trump U, the AGs staff found the complaint without merit, it never went above the staff level. Bondi was never involved with it.
At least twenty complaints were filed with the FL AFs office relating to Trump Institute, a partner of Trump University. The talking point you are pushing has already failed.
20 complaints were filed before Bondi became AG, but the previous AG didn't think any of them warranted an investigation. Only one was filed after Bondi became AG and, as I explained before, that person could seek relief in an ongoing class action suit in New York, so there was nothing to be gained by opening a new investigation in Florida. These are all just more desperate lies from the Clinton campaign.
whats desperate is your post here... talk about tap dancing ... you're tap all over this page... there is no reason other then being paid off for her not to file the case... she takes the money and gets caught ... now you're trying to say well its ok for her to take money( bribe) cause they are going after trump in new york...

fucking priceless
Don't be stupid. The previous AG had received 20 complaints and thought none of them warranted a new investigation in Florida and by the time Bondi became AG she received only one complaint at a time when there was already a class action lawsuit in a New York court, starting a Florida investigation would been of no benefit to anyone but the crazy withered old hag you are supporting.
How many other Florida politicians has Trump donated to? Why did Trump choose Bondi, if not because of the fraud investigation which she had just announced?
Time for both to go to prison.

Hillary and Trump ?
no moron, Bondi and trump ... he got caught ... he paid a $2500, dollar fine ... she took the bribe ... hillary has never taken a bribe but they have...

Stop with the lies already, Trumps foundation donated to a PAC not the Bondi campaign, so Bondi took NOTHING!
Bullshit and bullshit. You guys passed crooked rules then want to point at hillary when she won't fight you with one hand tied behind her back.

Then you give trump a pass because he plays the game well. You make me sick
"Trump Held Fundraiser For Pam Bondi At Mar-a-Lago After She Dropped Trump U Investigation"

As Hillary would say, this is just 'coincidental'.

I don't know why Liberals are so hypocritically freaking out over this. they are losing their mind over Trump potentially BUYING influence when their own candidate has been SELLING influence - AND FAVORS - for decades.


WASHINGTON ― In March 2014, Donald Trump opened his 126-room Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago, for a $3,000-per-person fundraiser for Pam Bondi, the Florida attorney general who had recently decided not to investigate Trump University and was facing a tough re-election campaign.

Trump, whose personal foundation had given $25,000 to a pro-Bondi group the previous fall, did not write a check to the attorney general that night. But by hosting her at Mar-a-Lago and bringing in some of his own high-profile Florida contacts, he provided her campaign with a nice financial boost.


SCREEN SHOT The invitation to Donald Trump’s March 14, 2014, fundraiser for Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

Trump has claimed that Bondi was merely a candidate he knew well and supported politically. But his fundraising efforts were extensive: In addition to the $25,000 donation, Trump and his daughter Ivanka gave $500 each to Bondi in the fall of 2013. The following year, Ivanka and her father donated a total of $125,000 to the Republican Party of Florida.

Trump Held Fundraiser For Pam Bondi At Mar-a-Lago After She Dropped Investigation

This sounds like a "real" pay-for-play scandal. Trump is like a chameleon - constantly changing colors (positions on issues).
You should have heard trumps handler this morning explain this away. So obvious he paid for play here. He was being sued, paid the DA then the case was dropped.

Republicans cry about the politicians who take bribes but will vote for the criminal who pays the bribe
From beneath the mountains of evidence piling up that Hillary ran an influence peddling bazaar from her office in the State Department we hear her squeaky, raspy, fading voice screeching "pay to play" and her followers scramble to get a piece of this new Clinton lie, but the fact is, the previous AG had received 20 complaints about Trump Institute and hadn't though any of them worthy of opening an investigation and Bondi had received only one and never opened an investigation.

Hillary is clearly lying when she claims there was an investigation in Florida that was shut; no investigation had ever been opened by Bondi or the previous AG. All the businesses related to Trump U had already been closed and there was already a class action lawsuit in a New York court Florida residents could join, so Trump had nothing to gain from Bondi not opening another investigation in Florida. That withered old hag you are supporting just thinks anyone who doesn't support her lies is part of the vast right wing conspiracy she blames for all her screw ups.
Right wing spin makes me puke and I'm at an all u can eat Indian buffet.
How many other Florida politicians has Trump donated to? Why did Trump choose Bondi, if not because of the fraud investigation which she had just announced?
Is it illegal to donate to a candidate?

Why Bondi? Look at her - she's kinda hot. :p
"Trump Held Fundraiser For Pam Bondi At Mar-a-Lago After She Dropped Trump U Investigation"

As Hillary would say, this is just 'coincidental'.

I don't know why Liberals are so hypocritically freaking out over this. they are losing their mind over Trump potentially BUYING influence when their own candidate has been SELLING influence - AND FAVORS - for decades.

That's the thing. Trump we know would be the most pay for play president ever.

That's what bothers us. You hold Democrats up to a higher standard.
Several months ago, the President of Mexico said something insulting about Trump. In his next speech, Trump reacted by literally adding another ten feet to the height of his Wall.

A few days ago, he penciled in the statement about "they don't know it yet" to his Arizona speech as soon as he heard Nieto had said he told Trump was not going to pay for the wall earlier in the day.

Trump is an EXTREMELY thin-skinned person. He reacts very childishly and very much like a bully when someone hurts his feelings. Clinton was right about it not being a good idea to give the nuclear codes to a guy who can be provoked by a tweet.

So when a State Attorney General announces she is thinking about joining a criminal investigation into Trump's fraudulent practices, the last fucking thing a guy like Trump would do is give money to her.

Unless...he was trying to bribe her.
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Several months ago, the President of Mexico said something insulting about Trump. In his next speech, Trump reacted by literally adding another ten feet to the height of his Wall.

A few days ago, he penciled in the statement about "they don't know it yet" to his Arizona speech as soon as he heard Nieto had said he told Trump was not going to pay for the wall earlier in the day.

Trump is an EXTREMELY thin-skinned person. He reacts very childishly and very much like a bully when someone hurts his feelings. Clinton was right about it not being a good idea to give the nuclear codes to a guy who can be provoked by a tweet.

So when an State Attorney General announces she is thinking about joining a criminal investigation into Trump's fraudulent practices, the last fucking thing a guy like Trump would do is give money to her for her political campaign. Unless...he was trying to bribe her.
Republicans shit when bill Clinton chatted with the ag but trump bribes one and Republicans defend it.

If what bill did looks suspicious but what trump did don't, you aren't to be taken seriously

WASHINGTON ― In March 2014, Donald Trump opened his 126-room Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago, for a $3,000-per-person fundraiser for Pam Bondi, the Florida attorney general who had recently decided not to investigate Trump University and was facing a tough re-election campaign.

Trump, whose personal foundation had given $25,000 to a pro-Bondi group the previous fall, did not write a check to the attorney general that night. But by hosting her at Mar-a-Lago and bringing in some of his own high-profile Florida contacts, he provided her campaign with a nice financial boost.


SCREEN SHOT The invitation to Donald Trump’s March 14, 2014, fundraiser for Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

Trump has claimed that Bondi was merely a candidate he knew well and supported politically. But his fundraising efforts were extensive: In addition to the $25,000 donation, Trump and his daughter Ivanka gave $500 each to Bondi in the fall of 2013. The following year, Ivanka and her father donated a total of $125,000 to the Republican Party of Florida.

Trump Held Fundraiser For Pam Bondi At Mar-a-Lago After She Dropped Investigation

This sounds like a "real" pay-for-play scandal. Trump is like a chameleon - constantly changing colors (positions on issues).

Do you folks ever get tired of lying. The FL AGs office received ONE complaint about a company associated with Trump U, the AGs staff found the complaint without merit, it never went above the staff level. Bondi was never involved with it.

She dropped it after being paid to do so then Trump paid her even more with a swanky fund raiser and that means Bondi, who got the donations, wasn't involved? LOL
Several months ago, the President of Mexico said something insulting about Trump. In his next speech, Trump reacted by literally adding another ten feet to the height of his Wall.

A few days ago, he penciled in the statement about "they don't know it yet" to his Arizona speech as soon as he heard Nieto had said he told Trump was not going to pay for the wall earlier in the day.

Trump is an EXTREMELY thin-skinned person. He reacts very childishly and very much like a bully when someone hurts his feelings. Clinton was right about it not being a good idea to give the nuclear codes to a guy who can be provoked by a tweet.

So when an State Attorney General announces she is thinking about joining a criminal investigation into Trump's fraudulent practices, the last fucking thing a guy like Trump would do is give money to her for her political campaign. Unless...he was trying to bribe her.
Republicans shit when bill Clinton chatted with the ag but trump bribes one and Republicans defend it.

If what bill did looks suspicious but what trump did don't, you aren't to be taken seriously

WASHINGTON ― In March 2014, Donald Trump opened his 126-room Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago, for a $3,000-per-person fundraiser for Pam Bondi, the Florida attorney general who had recently decided not to investigate Trump University and was facing a tough re-election campaign.

Trump, whose personal foundation had given $25,000 to a pro-Bondi group the previous fall, did not write a check to the attorney general that night. But by hosting her at Mar-a-Lago and bringing in some of his own high-profile Florida contacts, he provided her campaign with a nice financial boost.


SCREEN SHOT The invitation to Donald Trump’s March 14, 2014, fundraiser for Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

Trump has claimed that Bondi was merely a candidate he knew well and supported politically. But his fundraising efforts were extensive: In addition to the $25,000 donation, Trump and his daughter Ivanka gave $500 each to Bondi in the fall of 2013. The following year, Ivanka and her father donated a total of $125,000 to the Republican Party of Florida.

Trump Held Fundraiser For Pam Bondi At Mar-a-Lago After She Dropped Investigation

This sounds like a "real" pay-for-play scandal. Trump is like a chameleon - constantly changing colors (positions on issues).

Do you folks ever get tired of lying. The FL AGs office received ONE complaint about a company associated with Trump U, the AGs staff found the complaint without merit, it never went above the staff level. Bondi was never involved with it.

She dropped it after being paid to do so then Trump paid her even more with a swanky fund raiser and that means Bondi, who got the donations, wasn't involved? LOL
It's called pay for play.

Ever hear the worst things done in DC are legal
That's the thing. Trump we know would be the most pay for play president ever.

Considering Hillary's history the past several decades and all the scandal coming out now, we don't know that to be the case at all!
She dropped it after being paid to do so then Trump paid her even more with a swanky fund raiser and that means Bondi, who got the donations, wasn't involved? LOL

Should be easy to prove then - let me know when Trump is convicted. Until then he donated to someone's campaign and held a fund-raiser for select influential Hillary has done thousands of times.
But you have no problem with Slick Wille having a meeting with the Attorney General while his wife was under investigation because they were talking about "grandchildren".
That's the thing. Trump we know would be the most pay for play president ever.

Considering Hillary's history the past several decades and all the scandal coming out now, we don't know that to be the case at all!
Hillary has gotten through decades of fake scandals, Trump has already admitted guilt on this one about him and had to pay a fine and reimburse his charity for the funds he misappropriated.

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