Trump " I have not conceded"

Trump supporters continue to argue that Trump had nothing to do with the Jan 6 protest but it was this very thing (blaming Pence for not doing what he couldn't even do) is one of the big reasons for it in the first place.

The Trump cult 1/6 alternative reality

  • It was a peaceful protest
  • It was BLM
  • It was Antifa
  • It was patriots protecting democracy
  • It was the FBI
  • It didn't happen

When you live in the alternative reality of the "conservative" media echo chamber, what matters isn't what actually happened. What matters is that you are fighting the libs and are worshiping Trump. Nothing else matters.

Why was the Capitol police told to not erect a standard barricade?

Why are you so afraid of the 1/6 crowd being checked for homosexuality......
Why are you so afraid of an investigation?

Because it will do nothing but waste millions of dollars.
Is that how you feel about the 9/11 report? That it was just a waste of time?

Why can't the American people see the FBI 911 file?

The truth is that 911 and 1/6 were both Zionist hate hoaxes, fascist false flag attacks....

The reality that many of the most Zionist Zionists in DC are HOMOS also correlates with the obvious truth that homos are sick people...
Trump supporters continue to argue that Trump had nothing to do with the Jan 6 protest but it was this very thing (blaming Pence for not doing what he couldn't even do) is one of the big reasons for it in the first place.

The Trump cult 1/6 alternative reality

  • It was a peaceful protest
  • It was BLM
  • It was Antifa
  • It was patriots protecting democracy
  • It was the FBI
  • It didn't happen

When you live in the alternative reality of the "conservative" media echo chamber, what matters isn't what actually happened. What matters is that you are fighting the libs and are worshiping Trump. Nothing else matters.

Why was the Capitol police told to not erect a standard barricade?

Why are you so afraid of the 1/6 crowd being checked for homosexuality......
Why are you so afraid of an investigation?

Because it will do nothing but waste millions of dollars.
Is that how you feel about the 9/11 report? That it was just a waste of time?

Why can't the American people see the FBI 911 file?

The truth is that 911 and 1/6 were both Zionist hate hoaxes, fascist false flag attacks....

The reality that many of the most Zionist Zionists in DC are HOMOS also correlates with the obvious truth that homos are sick people...
Oh for God's sakes.
There are some curious rocks here.
Let's flip a few of 'em over.
See what lies beneath.

"Why are you so afraid of the 1/6 crowd being checked for homosexuality......"

That, obviously, is from one of my favs on this venue. Our resident antidote to Zionism, prolific poster, EMH.

He appears to have back-burnered his Zionist-envy in favor of outing the OathKeepers, ProudBoys, American Patriots, and other MealTeam6'rs. He is alleging that they are homosexuals. And he doesn't like it.

And there should be an 'investigation'......or at least someone "checking" for their gayness. (Look, this is a family site, and y'all can do your own imagining on how EMH intends to "check" for their let's just stick to politics.)

In EMH's world Zionists, and Gays are bad ju-ju. And if one is a Gay Zionist.....well, is likely bad ju-ju squared, or cubed.

Any of the Trumplandia posters here volunteering to help EMH check for homosexuality in fat guys kitted out in war gear and MAGA hats?

"Everyone knows the Democrats stole the election ....Everyone with a two digit IQ."

And so it seems, poster JTFord is one of those who "knows" the election was stolen.
Which, per his own definition (see quote above) limited to those poor souls with IQ's of 10 to 99.

I think that is sad. Bigly
Still, there is the redeeming quality, that even the slow amongst us can profit by having a belief in something. Even if it is wrong somethings.
It helps animate them. Gives them a reason to engage with normal folks.


ps.....I just read poster Coyote's advice. So, to save my post: I think Trump did concede. Then forgot he did. Then denied it. He has a history of that, doncha know?
Your opinion is not only NOT humble but, it is also wrong.

Stop pretending that your opinion is fact.

It is NOT !!!!

There are reasons 5 different states have audited the 2020 vote and it's not what your single IQ lil' opinion states.
It doesn't matter what he has or has not conceded life goes on while he stays static in one moment of time..
while he stays static in one moment of time.

You have to state the same concerning your fellow obsessed Trump haters.
Yes, the Trump haters are keeping Trump from addressing the obvious truth of the situation.
Trump haters stated hating Trump the moment he entered the race and don't even try to post bullshit ignoring that fact.
I started around 1990 to get an early start.
I can imagine an attention hog such as yourself hating an Alpha Male.
He's a dick, if that is what an Alpha male is then he is a dick...Next time we can have this convo with a wolf pack which is where the true Alpha's are.
We knew who and what he was before the election. We weren't electing a pope.

Then consider that hideous witch as the alternative. Trump doesn't have the body count like the Clintons.

The Clintons have more bodies in their freezers then Jeffrey Dahmer
Trump caused MG to have an irreversible mental breakdown.
When a dickhead advocates for the execution of four innocent black teens people tend to be unattracted to dickheads like that.

You may support persecution of people all you like.
How do feel about the thousands of Blacks murdered by their fellow Blacks in Democrat run cities where their mayors don't give a shit?
How do you know their mayors "don't give a shit"?
Defunding police?
No stop and frisk.
They never appear to be upset?
"they never appear to be upset"? You aren't paying attention.
I watch the news; it's obvious you don't.
I do, and I read about it....allow me to link a few articles:

Just a few from Chicago, St. Louis, Houston, and Miami. You aren't paying attention, are you?
There are some curious rocks here.
Let's flip a few of 'em over.
See what lies beneath.

"Why are you so afraid of the 1/6 crowd being checked for homosexuality......"

That, obviously, is from one of my favs on this venue. Our resident antidote to Zionism, prolific poster, EMH.

He appears to have back-burnered his Zionist-envy in favor of outing the OathKeepers, ProudBoys, American Patriots, and other MealTeam6'rs. He is alleging that they are homosexuals. And he doesn't like it.

And there should be an 'investigation'......or at least someone "checking" for their gayness. (Look, this is a family site, and y'all can do your own imagining on how EMH intends to "check" for their let's just stick to politics.)

In EMH's world Zionists, and Gays are bad ju-ju. And if one is a Gay Zionist.....well, is likely bad ju-ju squared, or cubed.

Any of the Trumplandia posters here volunteering to help EMH check for homosexuality in fat guys kitted out in war gear and MAGA hats?

"Everyone knows the Democrats stole the election ....Everyone with a two digit IQ."

And so it seems, poster JTFord is one of those who "knows" the election was stolen.
Which, per his own definition (see quote above) limited to those poor souls with IQ's of 10 to 99.

I think that is sad. Bigly
Still, there is the redeeming quality, that even the slow amongst us can profit by having a belief in something. Even if it is wrong somethings.
It helps animate them. Gives them a reason to engage with normal folks.


ps.....I just read poster Coyote's advice. So, to save my post: I think Trump did concede. Then forgot he did. Then denied it. He has a history of that, doncha know?
Your opinion is not only NOT humble but, it is also wrong.

Stop pretending that your opinion is fact.

It is NOT !!!!

There are reasons 5 different states have audited the 2020 vote and it's not what your single IQ lil' opinion states.
Oh....that's are of the double digit IQ variety...... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
An answer to the out context bullshit posted in another thread,

"I have not conceded"

And that’s the problem.

This is one of scores of reasons why Trump was unfit to be president, and appropriately voted out of office – in this case his contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of the people.
I don’t usually follow the Hunter Biden stuff. Maybe he did something stupid and maybe he didn’t. I don’t know.

Either way he’s not running for office anyway. So I don’t care much, at least not now.
Nor should you – it’s a non-issue, a conservative red herring fallacy, and a failed attempt by the right to deflect.
An answer to the out context bullshit posted in another thread,

"I have not conceded"

And that’s the problem.

This is one of scores of reasons why Trump was unfit to be president, and appropriately voted out of office – in this case his contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of the people.

New USMB definition

Unfit for office = understanding basic math at the high school level

One of the funny bumper stickers was

Any functioning adult

And then they gave us traitor Joe..... Who doesn't understand math at the high school level...
An answer to the out context bullshit posted in another thread,

So, what's your point? Technically he never did.

Doesn't matter - the election results have been certified.....but let him say something like this and it triggers snowflakes- they go ape-shit-

Bwuhahahaha....he literally lives rent free in snowflajes' tiny little minds. :p
An answer to the out context bullshit posted in another thread,

"I have not conceded"

And that’s the problem.

This is one of scores of reasons why Trump was unfit to be president, and appropriately voted out of office – in this case his contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of the people.

New USMB definition

Unfit for office = understanding basic math at the high school level

One of the funny bumper stickers was

Any functioning adult

And then they gave us traitor Joe..... Who doesn't understand math at the high school level...
Biden doesn't know where he is half the time so Trump is still more qualified....

These auditors are using forensics to uncover the fraud. If the auditors prove Trump won, Biden should be removed from the White House.
It will not happen without armed conflict.

America has been dealing with this evil since her Founding.

Only War will once again give America her Freedom and Liberty back.
As he shouldn't concede to the biggest steal in American politics. Meanwhile, President Trump still has the support to carry over into 2024.
Wouldn't it be something if Trump was reinstated but he was sitting in prison for tax & bank fraud & Pence was named POTUS?

Life would really come at your boy hard.
A DA who runs on indicting Trump as her main election promise...LOLOLOL.What a dirty rotten slut

Tax returns are OK. She's trying to make Don Jr's X wife to flip......lolololol

Cyrus the faggot just dropped charges on 100s of riotes..BAWWWWHAHA
Wow. You’re one foul fukkin Trumper
To be undiplomatically blunt, too many of you are taking this thread way way too seriously.

Not that the topic ain't current, or doesn't require attention, but.......but in the face of some of the, ummmm, more 'notable' contributions here this philosophical quarrelling over who-stole-which-election-when-and-by-how-much kinda pales in the humor department.

I mean by that, this recent post by most everybody's concept of Wacky Uncle Wally got ignored by most everybody here. Tho one did comment in sort of an 'exasperation' tone (I'm speculating on that).

Everybody else ignored it. Notably, none of the Trumplandia citizens jumped in to support and 'attaboy' one of their own. Nor did they publicly embrace --yet-- a comrade and his view that the January 6th Republican Patriots = Homosexuals. (There may be a little disloyalty dynamic goin' on there, imo.)

So c'mon mi amigos ....let's not let the Good Ship Lollypop sail by and not comment on its "correlations".

It's this post, of course:

"The truth is that 911 and 1/6 were both Zionist hate hoaxes, fascist false flag attacks....
........many of the most Zionist Zionists in DC are HOMOS also
correlates with the obvious truth that homos are sick people..

Now, to be clear, I'm not pokin' fun at a poster, or the good citizens of Trumplandia, nor am I ascribing all of the above "1/6 hoax' assertions to that poster alone. Rather, you gotta admit, it has sorta the tone of coming straight out of Mar-A-Lardo's style of grievance complaining. So, our good poster may be under that influence, a mindmeld thingy.

However, in my view, there's something there for both Looney Trump Sycophants and Rational Trump Skeptics.

Something where both can productively discuss their views. Their views on Don Trump. Their views on Zionist flying planes into buildings, and the LGBQ takeover of the Republican 'Patriot' movement....and the Oathkeepers subsequent resentment over being called 'queers' by an anonymous poster on an internet chatroom.

Just sayin'.
Who cares. The Houston Oilers didn't concede to Pittsburgh when the Refs Stole that touchdown from Billy "White Shoes" Johnson (say is that racist these days?), but fucking Bradshaw still won. Good luck with the Biglie next fall!
An answer to the out context bullshit posted in another thread,

"I have not conceded"

And that’s the problem.

This is one of scores of reasons why Trump was unfit to be president, and appropriately voted out of office – in this case his contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of the people.

New USMB definition

Unfit for office = understanding basic math at the high school level

One of the funny bumper stickers was

Any functioning adult

And then they gave us traitor Joe..... Who doesn't understand math at the high school level...
To have conceded is to acknowledge the will of the people, to respect our democratic institutions.

In this regard Trump failed, the consequence of Trump’s contempt for both.
Why would he concede?
Everyone knows the Democrats stole the election ....
These auditors are using forensics to uncover the fraud. If the auditors prove Trump won, Biden should be removed from the White House.

The science behind the fraudit has not been made public much less peer reviewed. Simply calling it forensic implies a crime has been committed and thus prejudices the entire Neo-GOP's campaign on the Biglie.

Btw there is no Constitutional requirement for the loser in the Presidential election to concede.

Biden is the President regardless if Trumpybear "the sour loser" concedes or not.

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