Trump: I Will Eliminate U.S. Debt In 8 Years

Is this the same as the definition for "dumb" or "dumber"? I would think one word would have a slightly different meaning. Eh - whatever! Stupid is as stupid does...
If Trump is going to pay off the debt in 8 years, then doubling the deficit to a trillion dollars is moving in the exact opposite direction of that goal, right?

Another Trump hoax.
Don’t you know that all tax cuts pay for themselves?

Many have.

So what is your question ?
I remember when Bush started two wars and cut taxes to pay for them

Worked out so well
/----/ You desperate assclowns would love it if we stopped supporting Trump, it 's your only way of winning. But it ain't gonna happen.

You can support anyone you want. If you like being lied to, that's on you, not me.

you like your face glued to trumps fat ass - call it a tie.

I suppose you believe you have a point here but I have no clue what it is.

thats because you ignore your hypocrisy --

suppose trump wasnt the biggest liar in the history of US Presidents ?

which you do -
/——/ Calling someone a liar 24/7 doesn’t make it true, anymore than calling you fair and balanced makes it true.
Trump is a liar 24/7
Libertarians are a joke operating on the fringes of society

Libertarians want accountability in government.

Left wing Zionist "rightwinger" does not.

Libertarians care about the solvency of America. "rightwinger" does not.

Libertarians care about truth.

"rightwinger" cares about stealing US taxpayer funds.
Libertarians are a joke operating on the fringes of society

Libertarians want accountability in government.

Left wing Zionist "rightwinger" does not.

Libertarians care about the solvency of America. "rightwinger" does not.

Libertarians care about truth.

"rightwinger" cares about stealing US taxpayer funds.
Libertarians believe.....I got mine, screw the rest of you
Libertarians believe.....I got mine, screw the rest of you

In other words, "the rest of you" can only obtain wealth by LEECHING OFF THE TAXPAYER.


Libertarians work for their money. You and Hunter Biden do not....
Libertarians are a joke operating on the fringes of society

Libertarians want accountability in government.

Left wing Zionist "rightwinger" does not.

Libertarians care about the solvency of America. "rightwinger" does not.

Libertarians care about truth.

"rightwinger" cares about stealing US taxpayer funds.
Libertarians believe.....I got mine, screw the rest of you

Somewhat BUT they do support the idea of holding officials accountable far far more than either party. Granted, they really haven't had to really back this up.
look at a libertarian candidate running for POTUS

virtually zero support

Ron Paul and his god standard explains why -

So not going to wade through the morass of insults and lies by the right in this thread to find out- but I am curious- out of these 13 pages- did anyone ever actually address Trump's promise to eliminate U.S. Debt and his abject failure to do so?
Libertarians are a joke operating on the fringes of society

Libertarians want accountability in government.

Left wing Zionist "rightwinger" does not.

Libertarians care about the solvency of America. "rightwinger" does not.

Libertarians care about truth.

"rightwinger" cares about stealing US taxpayer funds.

I think a libertarian stole his girlfriend or something.
Libertarians are a joke operating on the fringes of society

Libertarians want accountability in government.

Left wing Zionist "rightwinger" does not.

Libertarians care about the solvency of America. "rightwinger" does not.

Libertarians care about truth.

"rightwinger" cares about stealing US taxpayer funds.
Libertarians believe.....I got mine, screw the rest of you
/----/ "Libertarians believe.....I got mine, screw the rest of you"
Liberals believe - you got yours - now give it to me.
So not going to wade through the morass of insults and lies by the right in this thread to find out- but I am curious- out of these 13 pages- did anyone ever actually address Trump's promise to eliminate U.S. Debt and his abject failure to do so?

hell no - how can they?

just post after post of RW leg humpers .

Libertarians are a joke operating on the fringes of society

Libertarians want accountability in government.

Left wing Zionist "rightwinger" does not.

Libertarians care about the solvency of America. "rightwinger" does not.

Libertarians care about truth.

"rightwinger" cares about stealing US taxpayer funds.
Libertarians believe.....I got mine, screw the rest of you
/----/ "Libertarians believe.....I got mine, screw the rest of you"
Liberals believe - you got yours - now give it to me.

Who "earned" the billions the Fed is pumping into the markets?
Who "earned" the billions the Fed is pumping into the markets?

Ron Paul was indeed a Confederate disaster of a "libertarian" Republican who couldn't get 10% in a NH primary as the only small government type running as a GOP.

But Paul was right about the Fed, and the Fed is a product of OVERSPENDING OUR MONEY.

Cut spending, run a surplus, and the Fed can be "reigned it" as it so richly deserves to be....
Trump has tried several times to curb spending, but every single time the Senate Democrats have threatened to shut down the government if Trump did not agree to more domestic spending. This is a matter of record. Go look at the budgets that Trump has submitted. If we were following any of them, we would be on a much sounder fiscal path right now.
Trump has tried several times to curb spending, but every single time the Senate Democrats have threatened to shut down the government if Trump did not agree to more domestic spending. This is a matter of record. Go look at the budgets that Trump has submitted. If we were following any of them, we would be on a much sounder fiscal path right now.

History revisionism. LOL, yes go ahead and look at Trump's budget.
Trump has tried several times to curb spending, but every single time the Senate Democrats have threatened to shut down the government if Trump did not agree to more domestic spending. This is a matter of record. Go look at the budgets that Trump has submitted. If we were following any of them, we would be on a much sounder fiscal path right now.
Trump said his tax cuts would reduce the deficit.
Go look it up.

If Trump hadn't cut taxes for the wealthy we would be on a much sounder fiscal path right now.
Trump has tried several times to curb spending, but every single time the Senate Democrats have threatened to shut down the government if Trump did not agree to more domestic spending. This is a matter of record. Go look at the budgets that Trump has submitted. If we were following any of them, we would be on a much sounder fiscal path right now.

Jacked up military spending and wasted taxpayer money on a useless wall

But you are correct, he did try to slash spending on programs to help struggling americans
the debt was going down under President Obama, my friends.

Trump wants to spend the money, just on things he's interested in, like bombs or walls.

Trump is spending 1 trillion dollars above what the government takes in annually.

to pay off our debts, each American needs to pay 400K$

in a deal cut with Pelosi, he increased the debt even more. if Obama had done this, Tom Coburn and Rand Paul would be livid.

Trump is only saying this to appease conservatives. Trump has a Darth Vader chokehold on weakwilled conservatives

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