Trump: ‘I’ll win the Latino vote’

Trump: ‘I’ll win the Latino vote’

He means literally "the Latino". The one guy whose vote he gets by threatening to sue him if he doesn't.
"Trump also resurrected claims that the president is foreign-born, saying “fine, if you believe that” when asked about the president’s released, long-form birth certificate, before diverting back to talking points."

From reading that it seems to me the interviewer is the one resurrecting the birther issue.
What is really incredible is that Trump apparently seriously thinks that he can be elected President of the United States! At first, I thought it was just another of his self promotions, but I am beginning to think that he is serious! For his own good, I hope that he doesn't convince himself that he is Superman, and can leap tall buildings in a single bound!
The media will continue to focus on Trump, it's called a weapon of mass distraction. If everyone is talking about Trump, their not talking about the corrupt hildabeast.
Oh boy, another post from our infamous La Raza poster, you never said what they pay you per post. I'd like to get in on the action.

Maybe we should just put a few hundred snipers on the southern border and take out these fucking criminals that are invading our country and air drop their bodies in the middle of Mexico City. Ya think they might get the message then? The ones we find here, all their possessions should be confiscated as fruits of ongoing criminal enterprises and ship their asses home with the shirts on their backs. At least if they find their way back past the snipers they'll be starting from scratch again. And no, I have no sympathy for anyone hurt during the commission of a crime, it's all on them.
Do you think Trump will win the Latino vote?

Tell me how much La Raza is paying you to post, then I'll entertain your question.
The man who declared some Mexican immigrants to be criminals and “rapists” three weeks ago now says he’ll win the Latino vote in 2016.

Get it right, Mr OP!!

Trump declared Mexicans to be drug dealers, rapist and criminals. He assumes that some are good people.

Totally different meaning and not the truth.

all those Mexicans who come here illegally ARE soon as they cross the border without permission they are breaking the LAW....

are criminals 'good people'.......?
Actually, crossing the border after being reported is a crime. Crossing the border for the first time is not. Learn law.

Maybe you should learn the law, illegal entry into this country is a misdemeanor punishable with up to 6 months in jail. A second offense is a felony punishable with up to 5 years in prison.
OKTexas gets factchecked by a Republican :
Christie clarifies Illegal immigrants are in civil violation
Oh boy, another post from our infamous La Raza poster, you never said what they pay you per post. I'd like to get in on the action.

Maybe we should just put a few hundred snipers on the southern border and take out these fucking criminals that are invading our country and air drop their bodies in the middle of Mexico City. Ya think they might get the message then? The ones we find here, all their possessions should be confiscated as fruits of ongoing criminal enterprises and ship their asses home with the shirts on their backs. At least if they find their way back past the snipers they'll be starting from scratch again. And no, I have no sympathy for anyone hurt during the commission of a crime, it's all on them.
Do you think Trump will win the Latino vote?

Tell me how much La Raza is paying you to post, then I'll entertain your question.
The man who declared some Mexican immigrants to be criminals and “rapists” three weeks ago now says he’ll win the Latino vote in 2016.

Get it right, Mr OP!!

Trump declared Mexicans to be drug dealers, rapist and criminals. He assumes that some are good people.

Totally different meaning and not the truth.

all those Mexicans who come here illegally ARE soon as they cross the border without permission they are breaking the LAW....

are criminals 'good people'.......?
Actually, crossing the border after being reported is a crime. Crossing the border for the first time is not. Learn law.

Maybe you should learn the law, illegal entry into this country is a misdemeanor punishable with up to 6 months in jail. A second offense is a felony punishable with up to 5 years in prison.
OKTexas gets factchecked by a Republican :
Christie clarifies Illegal immigrants are in civil violation

Jesus you're a moron..
Your own link says it's a crime.
Oh boy, another post from our infamous La Raza poster, you never said what they pay you per post. I'd like to get in on the action.

Maybe we should just put a few hundred snipers on the southern border and take out these fucking criminals that are invading our country and air drop their bodies in the middle of Mexico City. Ya think they might get the message then? The ones we find here, all their possessions should be confiscated as fruits of ongoing criminal enterprises and ship their asses home with the shirts on their backs. At least if they find their way back past the snipers they'll be starting from scratch again. And no, I have no sympathy for anyone hurt during the commission of a crime, it's all on them.
Do you think Trump will win the Latino vote?

Tell me how much La Raza is paying you to post, then I'll entertain your question.
The man who declared some Mexican immigrants to be criminals and “rapists” three weeks ago now says he’ll win the Latino vote in 2016.

Get it right, Mr OP!!

Trump declared Mexicans to be drug dealers, rapist and criminals. He assumes that some are good people.

Totally different meaning and not the truth.

all those Mexicans who come here illegally ARE soon as they cross the border without permission they are breaking the LAW....

are criminals 'good people'.......?
Actually, crossing the border after being reported is a crime. Crossing the border for the first time is not. Learn law.

Maybe you should learn the law, illegal entry into this country is a misdemeanor punishable with up to 6 months in jail. A second offense is a felony punishable with up to 5 years in prison.
OKTexas gets factchecked by a Republican :
Christie clarifies Illegal immigrants are in civil violation

You might want to look at the actual law.

19 U.S. Code § 1459 - Reporting requirements for individuals

(f) Civil penalty
Any individual who violates any provision of subsection (e) of this section is liable for a civil penalty of $5,000 for the first violation, and $10,000 for each subsequent violation.
(g) Criminal penalty
In addition to being liable for a civil penalty under subsection (f) of this section, any individual who intentionally violates any provision of subsection (e) of this section is, upon conviction, liable for a fine of not more than $5,000, or imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both.

19 U.S. Code 1459 - Reporting requirements for individuals LII Legal Information Institute

19 U.S. Code § 1436 - Penalties for violations of arrival, reporting, entry, and clearance requirements

(b) Civil penalty
Any master, person in charge of a vehicle, or aircraft pilot who commits any violation listed in subsection (a) of this section is liable for a civil penalty of $5,000 for the first violation, and $10,000 for each subsequent violation, and any conveyance used in connection with any such violation is subject to seizure and forfeiture.
1584 of this title, the master, individual in charge of a vehicle, or pilot shall be liable to the penalties prescribed in that section.

19 U.S. Code 1436 - Penalties for violations of arrival reporting entry and clearance requirements US Law LII Legal Information Institute
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Well, if Latinos were as horrible people as Trump portrays them,

one could understand why those types might identify with him, and give him their vote.
The media will continue to focus on Trump, it's called a weapon of mass distraction. If everyone is talking about Trump, their not talking about the corrupt hildabeast.

--- or about anything else that has to do with actual politics or national issues.

But hey, the media isn't interested in that -- that's not what sells.
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If those non-English speaking, UnAmerican brown bastards don't use their greasy fingers to vote for me, it will be because the Jewish media has prejudiced those hubcap stealing, mother humpers against me by accurately quoting everything I say!

If those non-English speaking, UnAmerican brown bastards don't use their greasy fingers to vote for me, it will be because the Jewish media has prejudiced those hubcap stealing, mother humpers against me by accurately quoting everything I say!

To quote a funny Tosh clip...

Shut up, Ginger!
This should prove Trump does not have both oars in the water....:disbelief:

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