Trump Impeachment Articles Now Being Drafted

It's called treason, guys.
Treason is calling for military coups and the President's assassination immediately after the worst candidate in US history loses the election.

Treason is the previous administration unmasking protected Americans and facilitating the crimes of Felony Espionage by his loyalists who illegally released classified info in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / government.

Treason is drafting Articles of Impeachment in preparation for a planned political coup when Democrats have not been able to provide any evidence of ANY accusation they have launched against the President.

The Democratic Party LOST the 2016 Presidential Election. The Democratic Party and it's corrupt CRIMINAL candidate were REJECTED. Seditious butt-hurt liberals who have hijacked the DNC refuse to accept the truth and have been treasonously planning to overthrow the govt over 6 million Americans elected.

1000+ elections lost, back-to-back historic losses, no leader in sight, their only message is 'Hate' - they see they can't retake the govt having nothing to offer but this so they are desperate.

As Obama said to the GOP, 'If you want things to change, WIN SOME ELECTIONS'...don't be seditious pu$$ies who can't convince the people they should be in power and therefore feel they have to STEAL it back.

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Every day we get closer and closer to ACTUALLY impeaching Trump. The reality is that he's fucked, and you rightists know it. It's called treason, guys. He's either going to resign before it happens or it will go all the way and he'll be removed.

Then put your money where your mouth is. If he isn't impeached, you leave the board permanently.
Without control of the house or Senate that crap is going no where!

You seem to be under some kind of bizarre delusions that the GOP actually likes this guy. He's like a 3rd partier to them, an invader.
you seem to be under the impression that if you really really really really really really really hate someone - someone else should care.

You already posted that. Are you malfunctioning, muppet?

You are a PHONY; either that, or ignorant. Folks, let ALL of us put this source of incompetent propaganda on the ignore list. When his person puts forth the articles of impeachment, we will remove him from that list.

All this clown is, is a FLAMETHROWER. He has nothing, is incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. BLOCK HIM until we see the impeachment articles put forth; which means, we will probably NEVER have to put up with him again-)
Again I'll ask the question that nobody seems capable of answering... impeach him for what?
Again I'll ask the question that nobody seems capable of answering... impeach him for what?

Oh-Oh, because he hurt the feewings of all da itty-bitty-lefty-snowflakes, and made dem run to safe space. How dare he. How double dare he! Impeach da meany! He made all of dem cwy-(
Again I'll ask the question that nobody seems capable of answering... impeach him for what?

Oh-Oh, because he hurt the feewings of all da itty-bitty-lefty-snowflakes, and made dem run to safe space. How dare he. How double dare he! Impeach da meany! He made all of dem cwy-(

I swear, I've asked that question numerous times.. nobody even attempts to answer.
Without control of the house or Senate that crap is going no where!

You seem to be under some kind of bizarre delusions that the GOP actually likes this guy. He's like a 3rd partier to them, an invader.
you seem to be under the impression that if you really really really really really really really hate someone - someone else should care.

You already posted that. Are you malfunctioning, muppet?

You are a PHONY; either that, or ignorant. Folks, let ALL of us put this source of incompetent propaganda on the ignore list. When his person puts forth the articles of impeachment, we will remove him from that list.

All this clown is, is a FLAMETHROWER. He has nothing, is incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. BLOCK HIM until we see the impeachment articles put forth; which means, we will probably NEVER have to put up with him again-)

What an absolute PUSSY you are. There isn't any "propaganda" in the article I linked to, snowflake. It's a fact that Al Green is drafting impeachment articles, snowflake. That isn't propaganda, snowflake. Whether it leads to impeachment or does nothing remains to be seen. What we do know however, is that you're a worthless conservative fuckboy, and you'll remain one whether Trump is impeached or not.
Every day we get closer and closer to ACTUALLY impeaching Trump. The reality is that he's fucked, and you rightists know it. It's called treason, guys. He's either going to resign before it happens or it will go all the way and he'll be removed.

Then put your money where your mouth is. If he isn't impeached, you leave the board permanently.

I don't take orders from you, conservative scum. I'll voice my opinion for as long as I please, sleeping well knowing that I haunt your dreams.
Without control of the house or Senate that crap is going no where!

You seem to be under some kind of bizarre delusions that the GOP actually likes this guy. He's like a 3rd partier to them, an invader.
you seem to be under the impression that if you really really really really really really really hate someone - someone else should care.

You already posted that. Are you malfunctioning, muppet?

You are a PHONY; either that, or ignorant. Folks, let ALL of us put this source of incompetent propaganda on the ignore list. When his person puts forth the articles of impeachment, we will remove him from that list.

All this clown is, is a FLAMETHROWER. He has nothing, is incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. BLOCK HIM until we see the impeachment articles put forth; which means, we will probably NEVER have to put up with him again-)

What an absolute PUSSY you are. There isn't any "propaganda" in the article I linked to, snowflake. It's a fact that Al Green is drafting impeachment articles, snowflake. That isn't propaganda, snowflake. Whether it leads to impeachment or does nothing remains to be seen. What we do know however, is that you're a worthless conservative fuckboy, and you'll remain one whether Trump is impeached or not.
yea, you on the other hand seem to be the epitome of class, patience and how to conduct yourself in public.

carry on.
Without control of the house or Senate that crap is going no where!

You seem to be under some kind of bizarre delusions that the GOP actually likes this guy. He's like a 3rd partier to them, an invader.
you seem to be under the impression that if you really really really really really really really hate someone - someone else should care.

You already posted that. Are you malfunctioning, muppet?

You are a PHONY; either that, or ignorant. Folks, let ALL of us put this source of incompetent propaganda on the ignore list. When his person puts forth the articles of impeachment, we will remove him from that list.

All this clown is, is a FLAMETHROWER. He has nothing, is incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. BLOCK HIM until we see the impeachment articles put forth; which means, we will probably NEVER have to put up with him again-)

What an absolute PUSSY you are. There isn't any "propaganda" in the article I linked to, snowflake. It's a fact that Al Green is drafting impeachment articles, snowflake. That isn't propaganda, snowflake. Whether it leads to impeachment or does nothing remains to be seen. What we do know however, is that you're a worthless conservative fuckboy, and you'll remain one whether Trump is impeached or not.

Al Green, the singer-) Al Green, some incompetent boob who got elected how?

Hey, you call me whatever you want..........LOSER..............but at least I am patriotic...........unlike you........LOSER-) You got nothing but a used tampon to stop the bleeding on your side........LOSER............and thanks for being such an easy mark, we appreciate it.........LOSER-)
Every day we get closer and closer to ACTUALLY impeaching Trump. The reality is that he's fucked, and you rightists know it. It's called treason, guys. He's either going to resign before it happens or it will go all the way and he'll be removed.

Then put your money where your mouth is. If he isn't impeached, you leave the board permanently.

I don't take orders from you, conservative scum. I'll voice my opinion for as long as I please, sleeping well knowing that I haunt your dreams.

So you are a chickenshit and already kow that impeachment isn't going to happen.
Democratic Representative Al Green has said he is pushing ahead with the process of impeaching President Donald Trump and is currently drawing up articles of impeachment.

The Texas congressman last week appeared on the floor of the House of Representatives to call for his colleagues to begin impeachment proceedings. The appeal came a day after revelations of a memo from former FBI Director James Comey claiming that Trump had asked him to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Green has since detailed racially charged threats he has received but insists he has not been dissuaded from the process. “We will move forward, and as a matter of fact, I am currently crafting, drafting if you will, articles of impeachment,” he told C-Span Tuesday.

Rest here: Articles of impeachment against Trump are currently being drafted, says Democratic congressman

I'm leaning towards impeachment first, then divorce.

I wonder who loaned that ignorant SOB their crayons and dictionary? That turd is about 1 step below Shelia jackass Lee. Both are embarrassments to Harris county.

Every day we get closer and closer to ACTUALLY impeaching Trump. The reality is that he's fucked, and you rightists know it. It's called treason, guys. He's either going to resign before it happens or it will go all the way and he'll be removed.

Then put your money where your mouth is. If he isn't impeached, you leave the board permanently.

I don't take orders from you, conservative scum. I'll voice my opinion for as long as I please, sleeping well knowing that I haunt your dreams.

So you are a chickenshit and already kow that impeachment isn't going to happen.

That's not it at all, you're the one who seems so goddam interested in getting me to make a "bet," but you don't seem to understand that I couldn't care less about you or placating your strange desires. Also, I know better than to make a bet with a fucking conservative.
Every day we get closer and closer to ACTUALLY impeaching Trump. The reality is that he's fucked, and you rightists know it. It's called treason, guys. He's either going to resign before it happens or it will go all the way and he'll be removed.

Then put your money where your mouth is. If he isn't impeached, you leave the board permanently.

I don't take orders from you, conservative scum. I'll voice my opinion for as long as I please, sleeping well knowing that I haunt your dreams.

So you are a chickenshit and already kow that impeachment isn't going to happen.

That's not it at all, you're the one who seems so goddam interested in getting me to make a "bet," but you don't seem to understand that I couldn't care less about you or placating your strange desires. Also, I know better than to make a bet with a fucking conservative.

Of course you know better, because you're always wrong and lose every argument with conservatives.

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