Trump in Court today

If the judge gets butthurt and exhibits bias against the defendant, then he has no business sitting on the bench.
Lets hope that he is careful about what he says. All participants need to respect the process.
I can only think Trumps lawyers are going with a "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" strategy.

They can't stop Trump from insulting the players in the case, so maybe they're going to let him insult the judge, and then on appeal, claim the judge was influenced by all the insults against him.
That's exactly what you lying scum will find out for yourselves.

You beat me to it and it figures that it's coming from a leftist who fantasies the big bad orange monster being locked up in a cell. And now after the latest announcement there will be a lot of wet beds tonight.
Well you will be disappointed, because he can't fill the courts with low IQ, unethical people like he can his administration.
This is not about your spewage. There are many people in this nation who are the same. Only they are not equity empowered people who make decisions that affect all of us. Life is a fight of survival where there was affect what is close to them. Unethical and ethical is debatable as to what side of checks and benefits we receive makes us noble or low lifes. my concerns are of corruption. Costs for things that perhaps could cut 25% and still exist as we do now. Or spend the same and get whoop ass on people who are corrupted no matter their culture, race, sex, orientation, religion and the rest. That wil not happen as we wear our heritages in all those groups on our sleeves.
This is not about your spewage. There are many people in this nation who are the same. Only they are not equity empowered people who make decisions that affect all of us. Life is a fight of survival where there was affect what is close to them. Unethical and ethical is debatable as to what side of checks and benefits we receive makes us noble or low lifes. my concerns are of corruption. Costs for things that perhaps could cut 25% and still exist as we do now. Or spend the same and get whoop ass on people who are corrupted no matter their culture, race, sex, orientation, religion and the rest. That wil not happen as we wear our heritages in all those groups on our sleeves.
None of this low IQ cult fantasy is going to change the facts, sorry.

The orange pile of shit mistakenly thought he had unlimited power as president, so apparently his cult believes it too.
None of this low IQ cult fantasy is going to change the facts, sorry.
And there lies the reality of your comment. Different views of what a fantasy is. I suggest you do not destroy the central city cores of your cities. Inner city residents have set themselves back decades as stores are leaving areas. And this in a massively higher taxed nation then past decades. To put it in perspective it is like the white elephant Space Launch System rocket. Spending massive costs and throw away the orange tank, the solid rocket booster, the engines, the second stage, the faring, and get only the space capsule to return and is reusable several times and then destroy the capsule as the Mensa insurrectionists protest their perception of wrongs done to them. Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars spent.
And there lies the reality of your comment. Different views of what a fantasy is. I suggest you do not destroy the central city cores of your cities. Inner city residents have set themselves back decades as stores are leaving areas. And this in a massively higher taxed nation then past decades. To put it in perspective it is like the white elephant Space Launch System rocket. Spending massive costs and throw away the orange tank, the solid rocket booster, the engines, the second stage, the faring, and get only the space capsule to return and is reusable several times and then destroy the capsule as the Mensa insurrectionists protest their perception of wrongs done to them. Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars spent.
None of this irrelevant babbling wll allow Trump to control things he cannot control, just like his firsst 4 years of failed attempts to do the same thing. Sorry.
None of this low IQ cult fantasy is going to change the facts, sorry.

The orange pile of shit mistakenly thought he had unlimited power as president, so apparently his cult believes it too.
Talk to George senior, Dole, W, McCain, Romney. Look at their politics. You can take some of the Republicans running for president in this election cycle and see the same game over and over. And Trump is not even conservative. That is the kicker.
Talk to George senior, Dole, W, McCain, Romney. Look at their politics. You can take some of the Republicans running for president in this election cycle and see the same game over and over. And Trump is not even conservative. That is the kicker.
Trump is definitely not conservative. Neither is his cult. They left conservatism behind long ago.

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