Trump insults a war hero

I have to give Trump credit for knowing his target audience, he's shooting for the lowest common denominators, the great unwashed mass of stupid unthinking people who are easily swayed by childish rhetoric.

Then YOU should be his greatest fan.... I know this is hard for you, but try to answer an honest question, to repeat, because I know you are able to concentrate, what has Trump said that wasn't correct...Mexican Illegals?
Maybe you missed the thread title.

He called him a war hero 4 times in the manuscript and video, I know this is hard for an Obuma fanatic, but the MSM LIES to you, and you believe them!
He said that McCain was a war hero because he got caught, which is as cynical and back-handed a compliment as it gets.

yes it was backhanded, but Johnny deserves a backhand and more. McCain has been very critical of many and no one confronts the drug addled bully. He needs a good verbal ass kicking and be put in a rest home for the insane.

Even if you want to say you don't like McCain personally so you don't care, how do you figure it isn't insulting to the troops who represent our country? They all risk injury, capture and death. McCain was tortured and was clearly honorable in his service to his country regardless of how we both feel he has not done so well in his political career. But it's not just him, it's a statement to ll our troops that if you get captured there is no honor in that. Bull, we aren't Klingons
Then YOU should be his greatest fan.... I know this is hard for you, but try to answer an honest question, to repeat, because I know you are able to concentrate, what has Trump said that wasn't correct...Mexican Illegals?
Maybe you missed the thread title.

He called him a war hero 4 times in the manuscript and video, I know this is hard for an Obuma fanatic, but the MSM LIES to you, and you believe them!
He said that McCain was a war hero because he got caught, which is as cynical and back-handed a compliment as it gets.

yes it was backhanded, but Johnny deserves a backhand and more. McCain has been very critical of many and no one confronts the drug addled bully. He needs a good verbal ass kicking and be put in a rest home for the insane.

Even if you want to say you don't like McCain personally so you don't care, how do you figure it isn't insulting to the troops who represent our country? They all risk injury, capture and death. McCain was tortured and was clearly honorable in his service to his country regardless of how we both feel he has not done so well in his political career. But it's not just him, it's a statement to ll our troops that if you get captured there is no honor in that. Bull, we aren't Klingons
I separate military service from politics, especially for those who have suffered.

If we really can't do that, then our politics are even more diseased than I thought, and that's saying something.

Then YOU should be his greatest fan.... I know this is hard for you, but try to answer an honest question, to repeat, because I know you are able to concentrate, what has Trump said that wasn't correct...Mexican Illegals?
Maybe you missed the thread title.

He called him a war hero 4 times in the manuscript and video, I know this is hard for an Obuma fanatic, but the MSM LIES to you, and you believe them!
He said that McCain was a war hero because he got caught, which is as cynical and back-handed a compliment as it gets.

yes it was backhanded, but Johnny deserves a backhand and more. McCain has been very critical of many and no one confronts the drug addled bully. He needs a good verbal ass kicking and be put in a rest home for the insane.

Even if you want to say you don't like McCain personally so you don't care, how do you figure it isn't insulting to the troops who represent our country? They all risk injury, capture and death. McCain was tortured and was clearly honorable in his service to his country regardless of how we both feel he has not done so well in his political career. But it's not just him, it's a statement to ll our troops that if you get captured there is no honor in that. Bull, we aren't Klingons
WTF...McCant has insulted untold number of Americans with his caustic bullying. Fuck him... the bastard needs to retire to the insane asylum.

Trump attacked Lil' Johnny after Lil' Johnny attacked him. Don't be a pussy by protecting him and don't manufacture this BS about Trump insulted all vets...that is just liberal BS talking points. Trump has likely done more for vets than the AZ asshole has.
Maybe you missed the thread title.

He called him a war hero 4 times in the manuscript and video, I know this is hard for an Obuma fanatic, but the MSM LIES to you, and you believe them!
He said that McCain was a war hero because he got caught, which is as cynical and back-handed a compliment as it gets.

yes it was backhanded, but Johnny deserves a backhand and more. McCain has been very critical of many and no one confronts the drug addled bully. He needs a good verbal ass kicking and be put in a rest home for the insane.

Even if you want to say you don't like McCain personally so you don't care, how do you figure it isn't insulting to the troops who represent our country? They all risk injury, capture and death. McCain was tortured and was clearly honorable in his service to his country regardless of how we both feel he has not done so well in his political career. But it's not just him, it's a statement to ll our troops that if you get captured there is no honor in that. Bull, we aren't Klingons
WTF...McCant has insulted untold number of Americans with his caustic bullying. Fuck him... the bastard needs to retire to the insane asylum.

Trump attacked Lil' Johnny after Lil' Johnny attacked him. Don't be a pussy by protecting him and don't manufacture this BS about Trump insulted all vets...that is just liberal BS talking points. Trump has likely done more for vets than the AZ asshole has.

I'm a sensitive pussy? You haven't read any of my posts, have you?

There was no point in Trump saying what he said. Slamming back McCain is one thing, but the message to the troops is pretty clear. I'm not seeing how doing the latter to accomplish the former makes sense. And if that's not Trump's view, how does it make sense as an insult?
Then YOU should be his greatest fan.... I know this is hard for you, but try to answer an honest question, to repeat, because I know you are able to concentrate, what has Trump said that wasn't correct...Mexican Illegals?
Maybe you missed the thread title.

He called him a war hero 4 times in the manuscript and video, I know this is hard for an Obuma fanatic, but the MSM LIES to you, and you believe them!
He said that McCain was a war hero because he got caught, which is as cynical and back-handed a compliment as it gets.

Is that all he said? Or are you just a mouth piece of the establishment media?
Instead of the tedious platitudes, perhaps you can point out what he said that contradicts my point.

Here's the context from the horses' mouth.
Donald Trump criticizing John McCain On Air Videos Fox News

The fact is Trump said the guy is a hero.. and yes he also took a jab at McCain for the shit McCain has done to vets.

You and Kaz are focused on one 5sec blurb vs. all of the other things he said about McCain.
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Trump had his chance to do something important, but he decided it was inconvenient and dangerous.
Photos show Trump in military garb before dodging draft - NY Daily News
ROFL... so what? to be a chicken hawk one has to be a hawkish.. is he?
I can see why this subject would make you uncomfortable.
Why, cause I'm libertarian?
I can only guess at your motivation to support cowardice and hypocrisy.
Who said I support you?
Looks like you're just about as cowardly and simple minded as Donald Trump.
If you support Trump then your credibility on other issues comes into question as well.

Painting with a mighty broad brush there, sailor! That's in your opinion, not others! Now, what has Trump said besides the obvious flame throwers I enjoy him doing, that was not correct!
I have to give Trump credit for knowing his target audience, he's shooting for the lowest common denominators, the great unwashed mass of stupid unthinking people who are easily swayed by childish rhetoric.

Then YOU should be his greatest fan.... I know this is hard for you, but try to answer an honest question, to repeat, because I know you are able to concentrate, what has Trump said that wasn't correct...Mexican Illegals?
Maybe you missed the thread title.

He called him a war hero 4 times in the manuscript and video, I know this is hard for an Obuma fanatic, but the MSM LIES to you, and you believe them!
Which lies are those? How would a liar like you be able to distinguish truth from fiction?
He called him a war hero 4 times in the manuscript and video, I know this is hard for an Obuma fanatic, but the MSM LIES to you, and you believe them!
He said that McCain was a war hero because he got caught, which is as cynical and back-handed a compliment as it gets.

yes it was backhanded, but Johnny deserves a backhand and more. McCain has been very critical of many and no one confronts the drug addled bully. He needs a good verbal ass kicking and be put in a rest home for the insane.

Even if you want to say you don't like McCain personally so you don't care, how do you figure it isn't insulting to the troops who represent our country? They all risk injury, capture and death. McCain was tortured and was clearly honorable in his service to his country regardless of how we both feel he has not done so well in his political career. But it's not just him, it's a statement to ll our troops that if you get captured there is no honor in that. Bull, we aren't Klingons
WTF...McCant has insulted untold number of Americans with his caustic bullying. Fuck him... the bastard needs to retire to the insane asylum.

Trump attacked Lil' Johnny after Lil' Johnny attacked him. Don't be a pussy by protecting him and don't manufacture this BS about Trump insulted all vets...that is just liberal BS talking points. Trump has likely done more for vets than the AZ asshole has.

I'm a sensitive pussy? You haven't read any of my posts, have you

There was no point in Trump saying what he said. Slamming back McCain is one thing, but the message to the troops is pretty clear. I'm not seeing how doing the latter to accomplish the former makes sense. And if that's not Trump's view, how does it make sense as an insult?
There was NO message to the troops. He went after McCain and said he was a hero 3-4 times...yeah it was backhanded, but so what. Politics is are rough business and McCain plays rough all the time, but no one seems to dump on him.
Maybe you missed the thread title.

He called him a war hero 4 times in the manuscript and video, I know this is hard for an Obuma fanatic, but the MSM LIES to you, and you believe them!
He said that McCain was a war hero because he got caught, which is as cynical and back-handed a compliment as it gets.

yes it was backhanded, but Johnny deserves a backhand and more. McCain has been very critical of many and no one confronts the drug addled bully. He needs a good verbal ass kicking and be put in a rest home for the insane.

Even if you want to say you don't like McCain personally so you don't care, how do you figure it isn't insulting to the troops who represent our country? They all risk injury, capture and death. McCain was tortured and was clearly honorable in his service to his country regardless of how we both feel he has not done so well in his political career. But it's not just him, it's a statement to ll our troops that if you get captured there is no honor in that. Bull, we aren't Klingons
WTF...McCant has insulted untold number of Americans with his caustic bullying. Fuck him... the bastard needs to retire to the insane asylum.

Trump attacked Lil' Johnny after Lil' Johnny attacked him. Don't be a pussy by protecting him and don't manufacture this BS about Trump insulted all vets...that is just liberal BS talking points. Trump has likely done more for vets than the AZ asshole has.
All Trump apologists are shit.
He called him a war hero 4 times in the manuscript and video, I know this is hard for an Obuma fanatic, but the MSM LIES to you, and you believe them!
He said that McCain was a war hero because he got caught, which is as cynical and back-handed a compliment as it gets.

yes it was backhanded, but Johnny deserves a backhand and more. McCain has been very critical of many and no one confronts the drug addled bully. He needs a good verbal ass kicking and be put in a rest home for the insane.

Even if you want to say you don't like McCain personally so you don't care, how do you figure it isn't insulting to the troops who represent our country? They all risk injury, capture and death. McCain was tortured and was clearly honorable in his service to his country regardless of how we both feel he has not done so well in his political career. But it's not just him, it's a statement to ll our troops that if you get captured there is no honor in that. Bull, we aren't Klingons
WTF...McCant has insulted untold number of Americans with his caustic bullying. Fuck him... the bastard needs to retire to the insane asylum.

Trump attacked Lil' Johnny after Lil' Johnny attacked him. Don't be a pussy by protecting him and don't manufacture this BS about Trump insulted all vets...that is just liberal BS talking points. Trump has likely done more for vets than the AZ asshole has.
All Trump apologists are shit.
All Trump attackers are loons.
Just remember folks:

these SAME people whining now didn't have any problem with INSULTING President Bush military service.

and Obama is so patriotic he DIDN'T bother SEVING at all
He said that McCain was a war hero because he got caught, which is as cynical and back-handed a compliment as it gets.

yes it was backhanded, but Johnny deserves a backhand and more. McCain has been very critical of many and no one confronts the drug addled bully. He needs a good verbal ass kicking and be put in a rest home for the insane.

Even if you want to say you don't like McCain personally so you don't care, how do you figure it isn't insulting to the troops who represent our country? They all risk injury, capture and death. McCain was tortured and was clearly honorable in his service to his country regardless of how we both feel he has not done so well in his political career. But it's not just him, it's a statement to ll our troops that if you get captured there is no honor in that. Bull, we aren't Klingons
WTF...McCant has insulted untold number of Americans with his caustic bullying. Fuck him... the bastard needs to retire to the insane asylum.

Trump attacked Lil' Johnny after Lil' Johnny attacked him. Don't be a pussy by protecting him and don't manufacture this BS about Trump insulted all vets...that is just liberal BS talking points. Trump has likely done more for vets than the AZ asshole has.

I'm a sensitive pussy? You haven't read any of my posts, have you

There was no point in Trump saying what he said. Slamming back McCain is one thing, but the message to the troops is pretty clear. I'm not seeing how doing the latter to accomplish the former makes sense. And if that's not Trump's view, how does it make sense as an insult?
There was NO message to the troops. He went after McCain and said he was a hero 3-4 times...yeah it was backhanded, but so what. Politics is are rough business and McCain plays rough all the time, but no one seems to dump on him.

So what is that backhanded complements aren't actually compliments, so you don't get credit for them as such.

And so if I say Republicans are stupid to insult you, that is insulting you, not Republicans? I don't get it
Just remember folks:

these SAME people whining now didn't have any problem with INSULTING President Bush military service.

and Obama is so patriotic he DIDN'T bother SEVING at all
The only people whining are Republicans. The rest of us are laughing our asses off.
Just remember folks:

these SAME people whining now didn't have any problem with INSULTING President Bush military service.

and Obama is so patriotic he DIDN'T bother SEVING at all
The only people whining are Republicans. The rest of us are laughing our asses off.
Well YOU are ALL ASSES on your side.....THE TRUTH shall set you free!:ahole-1:
yes it was backhanded, but Johnny deserves a backhand and more. McCain has been very critical of many and no one confronts the drug addled bully. He needs a good verbal ass kicking and be put in a rest home for the insane.

Even if you want to say you don't like McCain personally so you don't care, how do you figure it isn't insulting to the troops who represent our country? They all risk injury, capture and death. McCain was tortured and was clearly honorable in his service to his country regardless of how we both feel he has not done so well in his political career. But it's not just him, it's a statement to ll our troops that if you get captured there is no honor in that. Bull, we aren't Klingons
WTF...McCant has insulted untold number of Americans with his caustic bullying. Fuck him... the bastard needs to retire to the insane asylum.

Trump attacked Lil' Johnny after Lil' Johnny attacked him. Don't be a pussy by protecting him and don't manufacture this BS about Trump insulted all vets...that is just liberal BS talking points. Trump has likely done more for vets than the AZ asshole has.

I'm a sensitive pussy? You haven't read any of my posts, have you

There was no point in Trump saying what he said. Slamming back McCain is one thing, but the message to the troops is pretty clear. I'm not seeing how doing the latter to accomplish the former makes sense. And if that's not Trump's view, how does it make sense as an insult?
There was NO message to the troops. He went after McCain and said he was a hero 3-4 times...yeah it was backhanded, but so what. Politics is are rough business and McCain plays rough all the time, but no one seems to dump on him.

So what is that backhanded complements aren't actually compliments, so you don't get credit for them as such.

And so if I say Republicans are stupid to insult you, that is insulting you, not Republicans? I don't get it
I don't get your response.

Did Trump say anything that insulted vets? I don't see. He did insult Little Johnny, which is fine by me.
He said that McCain was a war hero because he got caught, which is as cynical and back-handed a compliment as it gets.

yes it was backhanded, but Johnny deserves a backhand and more. McCain has been very critical of many and no one confronts the drug addled bully. He needs a good verbal ass kicking and be put in a rest home for the insane.

Even if you want to say you don't like McCain personally so you don't care, how do you figure it isn't insulting to the troops who represent our country? They all risk injury, capture and death. McCain was tortured and was clearly honorable in his service to his country regardless of how we both feel he has not done so well in his political career. But it's not just him, it's a statement to ll our troops that if you get captured there is no honor in that. Bull, we aren't Klingons
WTF...McCant has insulted untold number of Americans with his caustic bullying. Fuck him... the bastard needs to retire to the insane asylum.

Trump attacked Lil' Johnny after Lil' Johnny attacked him. Don't be a pussy by protecting him and don't manufacture this BS about Trump insulted all vets...that is just liberal BS talking points. Trump has likely done more for vets than the AZ asshole has.
All Trump apologists are shit.
All Trump attackers are loons.
You assholes like Trump because he makes chicken hawks feel good about themselves.
The Donald didn't mean that McCain was NOT a hero because he was captured; he claimed that McCain was called a hero BECAUSE he was captured. While many who are captured are heroes because of their deeds BEFORE capture, McCain's hero status was confirmed upon him AFTER his capture -- his bravery under torture, his refusal to get special treatment, his choosing to stay in captivity until those captured before him were released.

While many would argue that McCain's courage and loyalty made him a hero, that is not the only idea of heroism. I am reminded of Churchill's statement after the Miracle of Dunkirk, an action many have seen as heroic and whose participants could be seen as heroes. "Wars are not won by evacuations," Mr. Churchill told Parliament.

The classical version of a hero requires more than courage, it demands either victory or the prevention of defeat. McCain's capture over Hanoi was neither of these things. Like his landing crashes on the carrier, his capture was a bit of bad luck which he handled very well, but it was a defeat not a victory. Trump went on to draw a parallel with McCain's disastrous presidential run with Sarah Palin, "he lost, he let us down."

The high standards for hero status matter. When everyone is a hero, no one is a hero.

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