Trump insults a war hero

The Donald didn't mean that McCain was NOT a hero because he was captured; he claimed that McCain was called a hero BECAUSE he was captured. While many who are captured are heroes because of their deeds BEFORE capture, McCain's hero status was confirmed upon him AFTER his capture -- his bravery under torture, his refusal to get special treatment, his choosing to stay in captivity until those captured before him were released.

While many would argue that McCain's courage and loyalty made him a hero, that is not the only idea of heroism. I am reminded of Churchill's statement after the Miracle of Dunkirk, an action many have seen as heroic and whose participants could be seen as heroes. "Wars are not won by evacuations," Mr. Churchill told Parliament.

The classical version of a hero requires more than courage, it demands either victory or the prevention of defeat. McCain's capture over Hanoi was neither of these things. Like his landing crashes on the carrier, his capture was a bit of bad luck which he handled very well, but it was a defeat not a victory. Trump went on to draw a parallel with McCain's disastrous presidential run with Sarah Palin, "he lost, he let us down."

The high standards for hero status matter. When everyone is a hero, no one is a hero.

I don't know how turning down getting out of the Hanoi Hilton early because he was a Senator's son and insisting on waiting his turn can be called anything but heroic. He endured more hardship in war than most soldiers never captured and refused special treatment at the expense of other soldiers. I would love to think I would do that, but wow, I don't know if I could and I hope I never find out.

And I am no fan of McCain politically. I wouldn't even vote for him over Obama. But say that after getting 4 deferments? Trump is an idiot. There are pppplllleeennnntttttyyyyyy of things to criticize McCain for that don't involve being an ass
So basically you are just here to echo the words of the establishment media.

I've been in Europe working for a month and a half and I don't know what the "establishment media" is saying. I go home Friday. Can't wait to catch up. But if they are saying McCain is a crappy politician and was a horrible Presidential candidate but what Trump said was ridiculous then I guess I am, though you can't use the word "echo" since I am too removed from the reporting to be able to echo. I only see blurbs over here, so I'm aware of it, but that's about it
As I said, you are just here to echo the establishment media blurbs. And why? Either you care not to investigate into the facts, or you are just here to echo the lies from the establishment media blurb machine.

I asked you and you offered nothing. Trump said being captured doesn't make him a hero. I gave you two arguments:

1) He passed on getting out early while he was being tortured
2) Being an honorable soldier in a war right there is every day risking being wounded, captured or killed.

You've offered zero as a reply. that's on you, Holmes
I can understand why you and the other dummies on this thread support Trump. ....

When did I say I support Trump, you idiot?
Not much to there.

Coming from a moron like you, that means so much.
Did you ever in your life strive for anything more than mediocrity? Did you ever actually do anything for your country? No? Then Donald Trump is the man for you.
I can understand why you and the other dummies on this thread support Trump. ....

When did I say I support Trump, you idiot?
Not much to there.

Coming from a moron like you, that means so much.
Did you ever in your life strive for anything more than mediocrity? Did you ever actually do anything for your country? No? Then Donald Trump is the man for you.

This is your whole act? Nothing but empty, mindless partisan irrationality? Not much to there.
I can understand why you and the other dummies on this thread support Trump. ....

When did I say I support Trump, you idiot?
Not much to there.

Coming from a moron like you, that means so much.
Did you ever in your life strive for anything more than mediocrity? Did you ever actually do anything for your country? No? Then Donald Trump is the man for you.

This is your whole act? Nothing but empty, mindless partisan irrationality? Not much to there.
Where's the partisan part dumbshit?
When did I say I support Trump, you idiot?
Not much to there.

Coming from a moron like you, that means so much.
Did you ever in your life strive for anything more than mediocrity? Did you ever actually do anything for your country? No? Then Donald Trump is the man for you.

This is your whole act? Nothing but empty, mindless partisan irrationality? Not much to there.
Where's the partisan part dumbshit?

Go ask an adult to explain it to you, boy.
Screw McCain, he brought it on for being his nasty self. Screw Graham, who is nothing but a career sucking a living off us taxpayers politician: who has done NOTHING outstanding in his pathetic life. Screw Hillary , screw Obama,. screw them all

they are NOT SPECIAL people we can't talk about, Criticize, or have to BOW DOWN to .
Going to college instead of the army is not a sign of being a chickenhawk you dumb ass. Where has Trump proven to be pro-draft or strongly supported going to war? Did your hero Obama serve in the military?
Trump did say he would take the Arab Oil fields to hurt ISIS which certainly would involve the military. Obama never volunteered for military service but unlike Trump he never took action to avoid it.

I don't fault Trump for staying out of the Vietnam war. However, I certainly think he was wrong to criticize the service of someone who volunteered to fight in that war, was wounded and spent 5 years in a POW camp. To me, that indicates that Trump was shooting off his mouth without considered the consequences. As a TV celebrity or a real estate wheeler dealer it's of no consequence, but not as president of the United States. If Trump expects to be president, he's going have to act like one which he so far has not done and seems to have no inclination to do so.
I also don't fault anyone for avoiding service in Vietnam. That was a roulette death sentence. Fuck that.

But Trump didn't criticize McCain's service, in fact after his initial gaff he was effusive in calling him a war hero. I'm sick of Trump being painted as anti military and here you are joining in with the slander. He isn't that type and the fake outrage is a Leftist tactic.
Trump is certainly not anti-military as long he doesn't have to do the fighting. Just yesterday he said, "I'm the most militaristic person ever."

'Of course he was criticizing McCain's service. He said, “He’s not a war hero”. Then he said he's a hero only because he was captured describing a decorated wounded veteran who suffered through 5 years in POW camps. Finally, after realizing what said, he says, : “If a person is captured, they’re a hero as far as I’m concerned. Apparently Trump says whatever happens to comes into his head. I guess some people find that refreshing.

I guess I have to agree with Lindsey Graham. Trump is certainly a Jackass.
Of course you agree with Lindsey Graham, on this and probably many other issues. You're part of the reason nothing ever changes.
No, I can't strand Lindsey Graham but his assessment of Trump is correct.
Translation: you are just here to echo the comments from the establishment media.
Not much to there.

Coming from a moron like you, that means so much.
Did you ever in your life strive for anything more than mediocrity? Did you ever actually do anything for your country? No? Then Donald Trump is the man for you.

This is your whole act? Nothing but empty, mindless partisan irrationality? Not much to there.
Where's the partisan part dumbshit?

Go ask an adult to explain it to you, boy.
I see your problem now, it's the word "partisan" that has you confused. Have you tried a dictionary? That might be a silly question, so I'll rephrase: Have you ever heard of a dictionary? Do you know what a dictionary is?
The Donald didn't mean that McCain was NOT a hero because he was captured; he claimed that McCain was called a hero BECAUSE he was captured. While many who are captured are heroes because of their deeds BEFORE capture, McCain's hero status was confirmed upon him AFTER his capture -- his bravery under torture, his refusal to get special treatment, his choosing to stay in captivity until those captured before him were released.

While many would argue that McCain's courage and loyalty made him a hero, that is not the only idea of heroism. I am reminded of Churchill's statement after the Miracle of Dunkirk, an action many have seen as heroic and whose participants could be seen as heroes. "Wars are not won by evacuations," Mr. Churchill told Parliament.

The classical version of a hero requires more than courage, it demands either victory or the prevention of defeat. McCain's capture over Hanoi was neither of these things. Like his landing crashes on the carrier, his capture was a bit of bad luck which he handled very well, but it was a defeat not a victory. Trump went on to draw a parallel with McCain's disastrous presidential run with Sarah Palin, "he lost, he let us down."

The high standards for hero status matter. When everyone is a hero, no one is a hero.

I don't know how turning down getting out of the Hanoi Hilton early because he was a Senator's son and insisting on waiting his turn can be called anything but heroic. He endured more hardship in war than most soldiers never captured and refused special treatment at the expense of other soldiers. I would love to think I would do that, but wow, I don't know if I could and I hope I never find out.

And I am no fan of McCain politically. I wouldn't even vote for him over Obama. But say that after getting 4 deferments? Trump is an idiot. There are pppplllleeennnntttttyyyyyy of things to criticize McCain for that don't involve being an ass
So basically you are just here to echo the words of the establishment media.

I've been in Europe working for a month and a half and I don't know what the "establishment media" is saying. I go home Friday. Can't wait to catch up. But if they are saying McCain is a crappy politician and was a horrible Presidential candidate but what Trump said was ridiculous then I guess I am, though you can't use the word "echo" since I am too removed from the reporting to be able to echo. I only see blurbs over here, so I'm aware of it, but that's about it
As I said, you are just here to echo the establishment media blurbs. And why? Either you care not to investigate into the facts, or you are just here to echo the lies from the establishment media blurb machine.

I asked you and you offered nothing. Trump said being captured doesn't make him a hero. I gave you two arguments:

1) He passed on getting out early while he was being tortured
2) Being an honorable soldier in a war right there is every day risking being wounded, captured or killed.

You've offered zero as a reply. that's on you, Holmes
Screw McCain, he brought it on for being his nasty self. Screw Graham, who is nothing but a career sucking a living off us taxpayers politician: who has done NOTHING outstanding in his pathetic life. Screw Hillary , screw Obama,. screw them all

they are NOT SPECIAL people we can't talk about, Criticize, or have to BOW DOWN to .
Screw 'em all....the essence of Donald Trump's philosophy of life.
Screw Graham, who is nothing but a career sucking a living off us taxpayers politician: who has done NOTHING outstanding in his pathetic life. .. .

Well to be fair, whatever you think of him, being a United States Senator is sort of outstanding.
Coming from a moron like you, that means so much.
Did you ever in your life strive for anything more than mediocrity? Did you ever actually do anything for your country? No? Then Donald Trump is the man for you.

This is your whole act? Nothing but empty, mindless partisan irrationality? Not much to there.
Where's the partisan part dumbshit?

Go ask an adult to explain it to you, boy.
I see your problem now, it's the word "partisan" that has you confused. ...

Nope, and don't think I'm going to teach you English for free, boy.
Did you ever in your life strive for anything more than mediocrity? Did you ever actually do anything for your country? No? Then Donald Trump is the man for you.

This is your whole act? Nothing but empty, mindless partisan irrationality? Not much to there.
Where's the partisan part dumbshit?

Go ask an adult to explain it to you, boy.
I see your problem now, it's the word "partisan" that has you confused. ...

Nope, and don't think I'm going to teach you English for free, boy.
Good thing since it's apparently not your first language.
This is your whole act? Nothing but empty, mindless partisan irrationality? Not much to there.
Where's the partisan part dumbshit?

Go ask an adult to explain it to you, boy.
I see your problem now, it's the word "partisan" that has you confused. ...

Nope, and don't think I'm going to teach you English for free, boy.
Good thing since it's apparently not your first language.

Wrong again, moron.
Trump attacks McCain, questions his hero status, so "McCain owes an apology to the American voters first."

There is a perfect far right reactionary loony statement.

No - McCain said that the people who were there to listen to Trump was crazy, yet there are the very same voters that came to see him in 2008.
McCain needs to apologize to those voters.

McCain said that Trump attracts the crazies....which is true

Just remember folks:

these SAME people whining now didn't have any problem with INSULTING President Bush military service.

and Obama is so patriotic he DIDN'T bother SEVING at all
The only people whining are Republicans. The rest of us are laughing our asses off.
Well YOU are ALL ASSES on your side.....THE TRUTH shall set you free!:ahole-1:
We are loving this....simply loving it! :clap:

Going to college instead of the army is not a sign of being a chickenhawk you dumb ass. Where has Trump proven to be pro-draft or strongly supported going to war? Did your hero Obama serve in the military?
Trump did say he would take the Arab Oil fields to hurt ISIS which certainly would involve the military. Obama never volunteered for military service but unlike Trump he never took action to avoid it.

I don't fault Trump for staying out of the Vietnam war. However, I certainly think he was wrong to criticize the service of someone who volunteered to fight in that war, was wounded and spent 5 years in a POW camp. To me, that indicates that Trump was shooting off his mouth without considered the consequences. As a TV celebrity or a real estate wheeler dealer it's of no consequence, but not as president of the United States. If Trump expects to be president, he's going have to act like one which he so far has not done and seems to have no inclination to do so.
I also don't fault anyone for avoiding service in Vietnam. That was a roulette death sentence. Fuck that.

But Trump didn't criticize McCain's service, in fact after his initial gaff he was effusive in calling him a war hero. I'm sick of Trump being painted as anti military and here you are joining in with the slander. He isn't that type and the fake outrage is a Leftist tactic.
Trump is certainly not anti-military as long he doesn't have to do the fighting. Just yesterday he said, "I'm the most militaristic person ever."

'Of course he was criticizing McCain's service. He said, “He’s not a war hero”. Then he said he's a hero only because he was captured describing a decorated wounded veteran who suffered through 5 years in POW camps. Finally, after realizing what said, he says, : “If a person is captured, they’re a hero as far as I’m concerned. Apparently Trump says whatever happens to comes into his head. I guess some people find that refreshing.

I guess I have to agree with Lindsey Graham. Trump is certainly a Jackass.
Of course you agree with Lindsey Graham, on this and probably many other issues. You're part of the reason nothing ever changes.
No, I can't strand Lindsey Graham but his assessment of Trump is correct.

Trump did say he would take the Arab Oil fields to hurt ISIS which certainly would involve the military. Obama never volunteered for military service but unlike Trump he never took action to avoid it.

I don't fault Trump for staying out of the Vietnam war. However, I certainly think he was wrong to criticize the service of someone who volunteered to fight in that war, was wounded and spent 5 years in a POW camp. To me, that indicates that Trump was shooting off his mouth without considered the consequences. As a TV celebrity or a real estate wheeler dealer it's of no consequence, but not as president of the United States. If Trump expects to be president, he's going have to act like one which he so far has not done and seems to have no inclination to do so.
I also don't fault anyone for avoiding service in Vietnam. That was a roulette death sentence. Fuck that.

But Trump didn't criticize McCain's service, in fact after his initial gaff he was effusive in calling him a war hero. I'm sick of Trump being painted as anti military and here you are joining in with the slander. He isn't that type and the fake outrage is a Leftist tactic.
Trump is certainly not anti-military as long he doesn't have to do the fighting. Just yesterday he said, "I'm the most militaristic person ever."

'Of course he was criticizing McCain's service. He said, “He’s not a war hero”. Then he said he's a hero only because he was captured describing a decorated wounded veteran who suffered through 5 years in POW camps. Finally, after realizing what said, he says, : “If a person is captured, they’re a hero as far as I’m concerned. Apparently Trump says whatever happens to comes into his head. I guess some people find that refreshing.

I guess I have to agree with Lindsey Graham. Trump is certainly a Jackass.
Of course you agree with Lindsey Graham, on this and probably many other issues. You're part of the reason nothing ever changes.
No, I can't strand Lindsey Graham but his assessment of Trump is correct.
You don't have to agree with McCain or Graham to see that Trump is dog shit.

You leftists are so hypocritical. Trump is a progressive like yourselves, yet you despise him. He believes government is the answer, just like you doofuses. He wants tariffs (high taxes). He is amazingly arrogant just like the a-hole in the WH now, who you guys love and adore. He wants government run HC for all!!!!!!!!!!!!! To legalize the 1%.

If he were a D, you guys would be on your knees with your mouths open to deep throat The you did Big Ears in 2008.

The Donald is a PROGRESSIVE, yet progressives don't like him.
Screw Graham, who is nothing but a career sucking a living off us taxpayers politician: who has done NOTHING outstanding in his pathetic life. .. .

Well to be fair, whatever you think of him, being a United States Senator is sort of outstanding.

it used to be. Now they believe they are royalty and make a Career out of it.
We need TERM limits on their ass. 20-30 years is disgusting sucking off us tax payers. let them serve a Period of time and then: go get a REAL frikken job like the rest of us

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