Trump insults a war hero

I think only those that made the kind of sacrifices, McCain made for his country have a right to criticize him, certainly not Trump who was dogging the draft and making real estate deals with daddy's money while McCain was rotting in a stinking POW camps.
People who make sacrifices for their country make Trump supporters nervous.

McCains war time service is not a life time pass from any criticism.
While that's true, his wartime service establishes him as a war hero for life. Not only can Trump not take that away from him, but Trump makes himself look like a complete fucktard given how he evaded Vietnam.

Trump can't take that away from him.

Trump certainly can ridicule him for other issues, such as losing a presidential election if McCain is insulting Trump and his followers.

Insulting someone who insulted you does NOT make you a fucktard.

Did you vote for John McCain?
Of course Trump can insult him "for other issues." So what? Trump is still a fucktard for insulting him on the issue of his wartime heroism.

And no, I didn't vote for him. I had considered it until he pick Palin to be his running mate.

i voted for him.

Trump is not a "fucktard". He was well within normal rules of civil conduct to insult McCain back.

That he touched upon McCain's military service was a mistake.

Big Freaking Deal.
People who make sacrifices for their country make Trump supporters nervous.

McCains war time service is not a life time pass from any criticism.
While that's true, his wartime service establishes him as a war hero for life. Not only can Trump not take that away from him, but Trump makes himself look like a complete fucktard given how he evaded Vietnam.

Trump can't take that away from him.

Trump certainly can ridicule him for other issues, such as losing a presidential election if McCain is insulting Trump and his followers.

Insulting someone who insulted you does NOT make you a fucktard.

Did you vote for John McCain?
Of course Trump can insult him "for other issues." So what? Trump is still a fucktard for insulting him on the issue of his wartime heroism.

And no, I didn't vote for him. I had considered it until he pick Palin to be his running mate.

i voted for him.

Trump is not a "fucktard". He was well within normal rules of civil conduct to insult McCain back.

That he touched upon McCain's military service was a mistake.

Big Freaking Deal.
Shows what a fucking moron Trump is, spending any time at all talking about his little feud with McCain instead of talking about anything important. Just another distraction so he doesn't have to answer any serious questions about any kind of details.
People who make sacrifices for their country make Trump supporters nervous.

McCains war time service is not a life time pass from any criticism.
While that's true, his wartime service establishes him as a war hero for life. Not only can Trump not take that away from him, but Trump makes himself look like a complete fucktard given how he evaded Vietnam.

Trump can't take that away from him.

Trump certainly can ridicule him for other issues, such as losing a presidential election if McCain is insulting Trump and his followers.

Insulting someone who insulted you does NOT make you a fucktard.

Did you vote for John McCain?
Of course Trump can insult him "for other issues." So what? Trump is still a fucktard for insulting him on the issue of his wartime heroism.

And no, I didn't vote for him. I had considered it until he pick Palin to be his running mate.

i voted for him.

Trump is not a "fucktard". He was well within normal rules of civil conduct to insult McCain back.

That he touched upon McCain's military service was a mistake.

Big Freaking Deal.
I understand that attacking the service of those who fought in war for this country is not a big freaking deal.
McCains war time service is not a life time pass from any criticism.
While that's true, his wartime service establishes him as a war hero for life. Not only can Trump not take that away from him, but Trump makes himself look like a complete fucktard given how he evaded Vietnam.

Trump can't take that away from him.

Trump certainly can ridicule him for other issues, such as losing a presidential election if McCain is insulting Trump and his followers.

Insulting someone who insulted you does NOT make you a fucktard.

Did you vote for John McCain?
Of course Trump can insult him "for other issues." So what? Trump is still a fucktard for insulting him on the issue of his wartime heroism.

And no, I didn't vote for him. I had considered it until he pick Palin to be his running mate.

i voted for him.

Trump is not a "fucktard". He was well within normal rules of civil conduct to insult McCain back.

That he touched upon McCain's military service was a mistake.

Big Freaking Deal.
I understand that attacking the service of those who fought in war for this country is not a big freaking deal.

And it means so much coming from a chicken hawk draft dodger like Trump.
McCains war time service is not a life time pass from any criticism.
While that's true, his wartime service establishes him as a war hero for life. Not only can Trump not take that away from him, but Trump makes himself look like a complete fucktard given how he evaded Vietnam.

Trump can't take that away from him.

Trump certainly can ridicule him for other issues, such as losing a presidential election if McCain is insulting Trump and his followers.

Insulting someone who insulted you does NOT make you a fucktard.

Did you vote for John McCain?
Of course Trump can insult him "for other issues." So what? Trump is still a fucktard for insulting him on the issue of his wartime heroism.

And no, I didn't vote for him. I had considered it until he pick Palin to be his running mate.

i voted for him.

Trump is not a "fucktard". He was well within normal rules of civil conduct to insult McCain back.

That he touched upon McCain's military service was a mistake.

Big Freaking Deal.
Shows what a fucking moron Trump is, spending any time at all talking about his little feud with McCain instead of talking about anything important. Just another distraction so he doesn't have to answer any serious questions about any kind of details.

That worked out just fine for the last President. Hope and change, baby.
McCains war time service is not a life time pass from any criticism.
While that's true, his wartime service establishes him as a war hero for life. Not only can Trump not take that away from him, but Trump makes himself look like a complete fucktard given how he evaded Vietnam.

Trump can't take that away from him.

Trump certainly can ridicule him for other issues, such as losing a presidential election if McCain is insulting Trump and his followers.

Insulting someone who insulted you does NOT make you a fucktard.

Did you vote for John McCain?
Of course Trump can insult him "for other issues." So what? Trump is still a fucktard for insulting him on the issue of his wartime heroism.

And no, I didn't vote for him. I had considered it until he pick Palin to be his running mate.

i voted for him.

Trump is not a "fucktard". He was well within normal rules of civil conduct to insult McCain back.

That he touched upon McCain's military service was a mistake.

Big Freaking Deal.
I understand that attacking the service of those who fought in war for this country is not a big freaking deal.

If it is such a big freaking deal, then you shouldn't have to misrepresent what I say to make your point.

A grumpy old man got into it with someone who insulted him back.

Did he say something he didn't really mean? Probably.

Do you believe that the GOP has been pandering to racists with the SOuthern Strategy since Nixon?
So it now looks as if our real enemy is now veterans that have been captured and spent time in a POW stockade. I don't understand it, but I guess Republicans do, so maybe some can explain why former American POW's are the new enemy.
So it now looks as if our real enemy is now veterans that have been captured and spent time in a POW stockade. I don't understand it, but I guess Republicans do, so maybe some can explain why former American POW's are the new enemy.

If the GOP is so bad, why do you have to lie in order to "score" a point against us?

Me? When I want to slam the Dems, I just tell the truth.

Because the truth makes them look soooooooo bad.

You seem to think the truth is not on your side....

You should really think about that....
So it now looks as if our real enemy is now veterans that have been captured and spent time in a POW stockade. I don't understand it, but I guess Republicans do, so maybe some can explain why former American POW's are the new enemy.

If the GOP is so bad, why do you have to lie in order to "score" a point against us?

Me? When I want to slam the Dems, I just tell the truth.

Because the truth makes them look soooooooo bad.

You seem to think the truth is not on your side....

You should really think about that....
So why did Trump take the time and effort to attack McCain?
How does attacking a former single American POW fit into the scheme of running for president?
How does that attack help the nation?
Is that the way Trump intends to run his campaign for president of the United States?
"Not saying everyone who serves is a war hero. I am saying McCain is. And I'm saying Trump is a fucktard for attacking McCain's heroism when he himself evaded going to Vietnam."

I would be very interested in knowing what exactly McCain did that you consider heroic. As I said I fought in Vietnam and I am certainly no hero. Nor were most of the guys I served with. But there were enough who actually were that I hate to see the term (and their service) trivialized by those who simply don't know any better. Mr. Trump was correct: there is nothing heroic about being captured. At best it is at least somewhat embarrassing. And worse than that if you provide enemy propaganda while a POW.
So it now looks as if our real enemy is now veterans that have been captured and spent time in a POW stockade. I don't understand it, but I guess Republicans do, so maybe some can explain why former American POW's are the new enemy.

If the GOP is so bad, why do you have to lie in order to "score" a point against us?

Me? When I want to slam the Dems, I just tell the truth.

Because the truth makes them look soooooooo bad.

You seem to think the truth is not on your side....

You should really think about that....
So why did Trump take the time and effort to attack McCain?
How does attacking a former single American POW fit into the scheme of running for president?
How does that attack help the nation?
Is that the way Trump intends to run his campaign for president of the United States?

"Take the time"? What? This is about time management? :haha: Don't be silly.

Your are a bitter leftist, and this is just an excuse for you.

You don't give a damn about John McCain or his service.

If he has won the Presidency you far lefties would be spouting such delusional an hate filled nonsense that it would make Trumps words sound like a term of endearment.

So it now looks as if our real enemy is now veterans that have been captured and spent time in a POW stockade. I don't understand it, but I guess Republicans do, so maybe some can explain why former American POW's are the new enemy.

If the GOP is so bad, why do you have to lie in order to "score" a point against us?

Me? When I want to slam the Dems, I just tell the truth.

Because the truth makes them look soooooooo bad.

You seem to think the truth is not on your side....

You should really think about that....
So why did Trump take the time and effort to attack McCain?
How does attacking a former single American POW fit into the scheme of running for president?
How does that attack help the nation?
Is that the way Trump intends to run his campaign for president of the United States?

"Take the time"? What? This is about time management? :haha: Don't be silly.

Your are a bitter leftist, and this is just an excuse for you.

You don't give a damn about John McCain or his service.

If he has won the Presidency you far lefties would be spouting such delusional an hate filled nonsense that it would make Trumps words sound like a term of endearment.

If McCain had won the presidency I would have criticized big time, but the criticism would be directed at his role in the political arena, and as a candidate and future president, not his role as a captive. In fact, since I am a bitter leftist, I'm sure I did my share of criticizing McCain, but mostly his politics and choice for VP.
Had I been a captive, and my unit was involved in taking care of some rescued Bataan captives one early morning, I realized I had no idea what captives go through.
If McCain had won the presidency I would have criticized big time, but the criticism would be directed at his role in the political arena, and as a candidate and future president, not his role as a captive. In fact, since I am a bitter leftist, I'm sure I did my share of criticizing McCain, but mostly his politics and choice for VP.
Had I been a captive, and my unit was involved in taking care of some rescued Bataan captives one early morning, I realized I had no idea what captives go through.

Lot of if's ............

You did watch the interview correct??

Did Trump bring up McCain or him being a so called hero??

Was Donald responding to something that the moderator said??

There is a difference between slinging mud by being the first to encroach the subject, big difference to reply .............

I think the 6 year old girl next door understands that concept, do you??
So it now looks as if our real enemy is now veterans that have been captured and spent time in a POW stockade. I don't understand it, but I guess Republicans do, so maybe some can explain why former American POW's are the new enemy.

If the GOP is so bad, why do you have to lie in order to "score" a point against us?

Me? When I want to slam the Dems, I just tell the truth.

Because the truth makes them look soooooooo bad.

You seem to think the truth is not on your side....

You should really think about that....
So why did Trump take the time and effort to attack McCain?
How does attacking a former single American POW fit into the scheme of running for president?
How does that attack help the nation?
Is that the way Trump intends to run his campaign for president of the United States?

"Take the time"? What? This is about time management? :haha: Don't be silly.

Your are a bitter leftist, and this is just an excuse for you.

You don't give a damn about John McCain or his service.

If he has won the Presidency you far lefties would be spouting such delusional an hate filled nonsense that it would make Trumps words sound like a term of endearment.

If McCain had won the presidency I would have criticized big time, but the criticism would be directed at his role in the political arena, and as a candidate and future president, not his role as a captive. In fact, since I am a bitter leftist, I'm sure I did my share of criticizing McCain, but mostly his politics and choice for VP.
Had I been a captive, and my unit was involved in taking care of some rescued Bataan captives one early morning, I realized I had no idea what captives go through.

Trump made one off the cuff reply.

And yet here you are slamming him on it, and not on his stated policies or his past "roles" in the various "arenas" he has been in, in the past.
While that's true, his wartime service establishes him as a war hero for life. Not only can Trump not take that away from him, but Trump makes himself look like a complete fucktard given how he evaded Vietnam.

Trump can't take that away from him.

Trump certainly can ridicule him for other issues, such as losing a presidential election if McCain is insulting Trump and his followers.

Insulting someone who insulted you does NOT make you a fucktard.

Did you vote for John McCain?
Of course Trump can insult him "for other issues." So what? Trump is still a fucktard for insulting him on the issue of his wartime heroism.

And no, I didn't vote for him. I had considered it until he pick Palin to be his running mate.

i voted for him.

Trump is not a "fucktard". He was well within normal rules of civil conduct to insult McCain back.

That he touched upon McCain's military service was a mistake.

Big Freaking Deal.
I understand that attacking the service of those who fought in war for this country is not a big freaking deal.

If it is such a big freaking deal, then you shouldn't have to misrepresent what I say to make your point.

A grumpy old man got into it with someone who insulted him back.

Did he say something he didn't really mean? Probably.

Do you believe that the GOP has been pandering to racists with the SOuthern Strategy since Nixon?
I misrepresented nothing. You said Trump attacking McCain's military service was no big deal and I agreed with you that for some, attacking someone's wartime service is not a big deal.

As far as if the GOP pandered to racists since Nixon .... what does that have to do with Trump being a fucktard for insulting McCain's wartime heroism?
Defending Trump at this stage is meaningless, the deed is done and what he said will become part of Trump's campaign dialogue. I wonder if he gained by his "off the cuff" remark or lost, but I'm sure there are more off the cuff remarks coming.
"Not saying everyone who serves is a war hero. I am saying McCain is. And I'm saying Trump is a fucktard for attacking McCain's heroism when he himself evaded going to Vietnam."

I would be very interested in knowing what exactly McCain did that you consider heroic. As I said I fought in Vietnam and I am certainly no hero. Nor were most of the guys I served with. But there were enough who actually were that I hate to see the term (and their service) trivialized by those who simply don't know any better. Mr. Trump was correct: there is nothing heroic about being captured. At best it is at least somewhat embarrassing. And worse than that if you provide enemy propaganda while a POW.
Being captured in itself is not heroic but I view McCain as a hero for a) not revealing any information to the enemy despite being tortured; b) not giving the enemy the opportunity to use him, as the son of an admiral, as a propaganda tool; and c) mostly because he refused to be released early and ahead of other POWs to accomodate (b).
Trump can't take that away from him.

Trump certainly can ridicule him for other issues, such as losing a presidential election if McCain is insulting Trump and his followers.

Insulting someone who insulted you does NOT make you a fucktard.

Did you vote for John McCain?
Of course Trump can insult him "for other issues." So what? Trump is still a fucktard for insulting him on the issue of his wartime heroism.

And no, I didn't vote for him. I had considered it until he pick Palin to be his running mate.

i voted for him.

Trump is not a "fucktard". He was well within normal rules of civil conduct to insult McCain back.

That he touched upon McCain's military service was a mistake.

Big Freaking Deal.
I understand that attacking the service of those who fought in war for this country is not a big freaking deal.

If it is such a big freaking deal, then you shouldn't have to misrepresent what I say to make your point.

A grumpy old man got into it with someone who insulted him back.

Did he say something he didn't really mean? Probably.

Do you believe that the GOP has been pandering to racists with the SOuthern Strategy since Nixon?
I misrepresented nothing. You said Trump attacking McCain's military service was no big deal and I agreed with you that for some, attacking someone's wartime service is not a big deal.

As far as if the GOP pandered to racists since Nixon .... what does that have to do with Trump being a fucktard for insulting McCain's wartime heroism?

ONe off the cuff remark is not a general policy, which is how you phrased it, "those who fought".

There is no indication that this is the beginning of a trend for Trump, either with attacking the service of all who served, or even of repeatedly attacking McCain's service.

WHat does it have to do with Trump?

Answer the question and find out.
Defending Trump at this stage is meaningless, the deed is done and what he said will become part of Trump's campaign dialogue. I wonder if he gained by his "off the cuff" remark or lost, but I'm sure there are more off the cuff remarks coming.

ROFLMMFAO ..................

Continuing to insult Trump does noting but stump for the TRUMP while making you look like a horses RUMP ....................

Once again you want discuss that Trump merely commented on the moderators remarks ...............

It is quite apparent that you don't know jack shit about what actually happened.

Don't ignore me, you fucking piece of shit, quote what the fuck your retarded little ass thinks Trump said about all vets!!
Defending Trump at this stage is meaningless, the deed is done and what he said will become part of Trump's campaign dialogue. I wonder if he gained by his "off the cuff" remark or lost, but I'm sure there are more off the cuff remarks coming.

Didn't like how I pointed out that your actions didn't match your words, huh?

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