Trump insults a war hero

I'm not sure I'd classify McCain a war hero. More like a war survivor.

And since he's returned home he's been a backstabbing nasty CAREER politician. So all insults are at him is Fair game
I'm not sure I'd classify McCain a war hero. More like a war survivor.

And since he's returned home he's been a backstabbing nasty CAREER politician. So all insults are at him is Fair game

He refused to be released ahead of others because of his family connections. That qualifies him as a war hero in my book.

But yes, since then he has become a backstabbing nasty career politician whom insulting, especially after he insults you, is completely "Fair".
I don't follow them. I do pay attention to stolen valor assholes like you though because while I did not serve I honor and respect the sacrifice that our soldiers endured so that I can have the life I lead. I did not turn my back on them when they came home and instead welcomed them and those friends I made back then are my friends still.

Face it stupid. You are a liar. I have proven it and everyone here knows you for the lying POS you are.

Just go away and come back as a sock. Just make sure you don't claim to be a war hero because you clearly ain't.

Never claimed to be a "hero" or anything else I was not...unlike you, I've made my past service an open book to either be appreciated or reviled by the likes of you and others who despise those they could never be.
Weren't you dishonorably discharged from the marines.
The Left wrote the book on insulting war heroes. Who through someone else's medals over the White House fence and claimed the medals to be his own? Who accused troops of terrorizing woman and children?

Most troops and war heroes know where they stand with the Left. Also, the Left does not give a shit about McCain.... They want to pile on Trump.
Fuck McCain and his old Vietnam Card. He's over-played that one. He's a corrupt old asshole. Time to retire or get the boot.


His time has long-passed. He needs to go. You can't trust the corrupt old fart. I hope Trump continues rippin him. If he keeps it up, he may get my full support.
It's not an either/or proposition dummy. You can hate McCain and still know that Trump is a piece of shit.

So far i like what i'm hearing from Trump. Besides Rand Paul, he looks like the best candidate out there.

His time has long-passed. He needs to go. You can't trust the corrupt old fart. I hope Trump continues rippin him. If he keeps it up, he may get my full support.
That's because you're a shallow chickenshit moron who never did anything for his country. Trump is the perfect representative for chicken hawk assholes.

Bullshite. Sick of McCain playing the Vietnam Card. He's a corrupt old asshole. The old Vietnam Card ain't playin no more. So he can STFU and go away. And RIGHT ON TRUMP!!!
And in addition to hating McCain you're so stupid that you'll support a moron like Trump.

Now, now. You're both idiots.

Now, now. Ole McCain has a rancid fart with your name on it. So get to sniffin ya dang buttsniffer.
That's because you're a shallow chickenshit moron who never did anything for his country. Trump is the perfect representative for chicken hawk assholes.

Bullshite. Sick of McCain playing the Vietnam Card. He's a corrupt old asshole. The old Vietnam Card ain't playin no more. So he can STFU and go away. And RIGHT ON TRUMP!!!
And in addition to hating McCain you're so stupid that you'll support a moron like Trump.

Now, now. You're both idiots.
What does that make you?

Disgusted at both of you.

Oh boo hoo. Ya gonna cry little bitch? :cry:
Bullshite. Sick of McCain playing the Vietnam Card. He's a corrupt old asshole. The old Vietnam Card ain't playin no more. So he can STFU and go away. And RIGHT ON TRUMP!!!
And in addition to hating McCain you're so stupid that you'll support a moron like Trump.

Now, now. You're both idiots.
What does that make you?

Disgusted at both of you.
There's still hope that you can some day articulate a substantive position of your own.

His or her position is actually the same as yours. A lame McCain buttsniffer.
When the topic of whether McCain was a war hero comes up, I have to agree with Ben Carson's response when asked if he thought McCain was a war hero:

“It depends on your definition of a war hero,” he said.

I think McCain was admirable as a hostage refusing early release due to his father's influence in the military, but in my mind that does not classify him as a war hero.

I see first responders and others as heroes. Those who go into the literal or virtual line of fire to help save others.
When the topic of whether McCain was a war hero comes up, I have to agree with Ben Carson's response when asked if he thought McCain was a war hero:

“It depends on your definition of a war hero,” he said.

I think McCain was admirable as a hostage refusing early release due to his father's influence in the military, but in my mind that does not classify him as a war hero.

I see first responders and others as heroes. Those who go into the literal or virtual line of fire to help save others.

McCain was shot down over enemy territory because he went into the line of fire 23 times. He put his life on the line just like those first responders do.
And in addition to hating McCain you're so stupid that you'll support a moron like Trump.

Now, now. You're both idiots.
What does that make you?

Disgusted at both of you.
There's still hope that you can some day articulate a substantive position of your own.

His or her position is actually the same as yours. A lame McCain buttsniffer.
You don't even know what your positions are because they change every day. You and the other Trump nuckleheads stand for nothing.
Fuck McCain and his old Vietnam Card. He's over-played that one. He's a corrupt old asshole. Time to retire or get the boot.


His time has long-passed. He needs to go. You can't trust the corrupt old fart. I hope Trump continues rippin him. If he keeps it up, he may get my full support.
It's not an either/or proposition dummy. You can hate McCain and still know that Trump is a piece of shit.

So far i like what i'm hearing from Trump. Besides Rand Paul, he looks like the best candidate out there.
Only the very stupidest, most superficial, brainless idiots could support Trump.
Fuck McCain and his old Vietnam Card. He's over-played that one. He's a corrupt old asshole. Time to retire or get the boot.


His time has long-passed. He needs to go. You can't trust the corrupt old fart. I hope Trump continues rippin him. If he keeps it up, he may get my full support.
It's not an either/or proposition dummy. You can hate McCain and still know that Trump is a piece of shit.

So far i like what i'm hearing from Trump. Besides Rand Paul, he looks like the best candidate out there.
Only the very stupidest, most superficial, brainless idiots could support Trump.

You're saying you support Trump?

His time has long-passed. He needs to go. You can't trust the corrupt old fart. I hope Trump continues rippin him. If he keeps it up, he may get my full support.
It's not an either/or proposition dummy. You can hate McCain and still know that Trump is a piece of shit.

So far i like what i'm hearing from Trump. Besides Rand Paul, he looks like the best candidate out there.
Only the very stupidest, most superficial, brainless idiots could support Trump.

You're saying you support Trump?
No, I'm saying you do.
Fuck McCain and his old Vietnam Card. He's over-played that one. He's a corrupt old asshole. Time to retire or get the boot.


His time has long-passed. He needs to go. You can't trust the corrupt old fart. I hope Trump continues rippin him. If he keeps it up, he may get my full support.
It's not an either/or proposition dummy. You can hate McCain and still know that Trump is a piece of shit.

So far i like what i'm hearing from Trump. Besides Rand Paul, he looks like the best candidate out there.

I like the fact he's shaking up things and he speaking about what the people are feeling or he wouldn't have such a lead. the Democrats are upset because they didn't want THE PEOPLE to hear this stuff so they MUST destroy him at any cost. they did the same thing to Sarah Palin when she started criticizing Obama. they are vicious and low down dirty people in that party along with their Pravda MEDIAS
"While that's true, his wartime service establishes him as a war hero for life. Not only can Trump not take that away from him, but Trump makes himself look like a complete fucktard given how he evaded Vietnam."

Not everyone who serves during a war is a hero and it shows no disrespect to a person or for their service to point that out. There were a lot of people who served in Vietnam who would have evaded that experience if they had had an honorable way to do so. A medical deferment was an honorable way.
Trump has proven he knows how to make money. Given the state of the economy that seems to be a point in his favor.
Not saying everyone who serves is a war hero. I am saying McCain is. And I'm saying Trump is a fucktard for attacking McCain's heroism when he himself evaded going to Vietnam.
Pure histrionics on your part. There are about as many ways to define "hero" as there are individual people. So Trump doesn't consider McCain a hero; neither do I or a lot of other people. You would fault him for giving and explaining his opinion? Get over it.
I think only those that made the kind of sacrifices, McCain made for his country have a right to criticize him, certainly not Trump who was dogging the draft and making real estate deals with daddy's money while McCain was rotting in a stinking POW camps.
People who make sacrifices for their country make Trump supporters nervous.

McCains war time service is not a life time pass from any criticism.
While that's true, his wartime service establishes him as a war hero for life. Not only can Trump not take that away from him, but Trump makes himself look like a complete fucktard given how he evaded Vietnam.

Trump can't take that away from him.

Trump certainly can ridicule him for other issues, such as losing a presidential election if McCain is insulting Trump and his followers.

Insulting someone who insulted you does NOT make you a fucktard.

Did you vote for John McCain?
Of course Trump can insult him "for other issues." So what? Trump is still a fucktard for insulting him on the issue of his wartime heroism.

And no, I didn't vote for him. I had considered it until he picked Palin to be his running mate.
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You are correct. I never served.

Yet you've been talking about unit makeup, equipment, tactics, aircraft and AORs out your ass before finally admitting you never served in Vietnam or anywhere else until now.

I have NEVER stated that I served, ever. I have been clear on that from my very first posts here on this forum. I have friends who did however, and I have always had an interest in the military. I was simply never called up and I was in college, which based on my meagre upbringing was a huge thing, so it never even occurred to me to enlist.

Face it asshat, you're the only liar here.

Putting on my MOD hat now....

I have created a thread for you to fling your poo. It's in the FZ. I am going to delete the rest of your off topic crap. Take your issues to the thread provided. If you continue to pollute other threads you will be sent on vacation again.
Fuck McCain and his old Vietnam Card. He's over-played that one. He's a corrupt old asshole. Time to retire or get the boot.


His time has long-passed. He needs to go. You can't trust the corrupt old fart. I hope Trump continues rippin him. If he keeps it up, he may get my full support.
It's not an either/or proposition dummy. You can hate McCain and still know that Trump is a piece of shit.

So far i like what i'm hearing from Trump. Besides Rand Paul, he looks like the best candidate out there.

I like the fact he's shaking up things and he speaking about what the people are feeling or he wouldn't have such a lead. the Democrats are upset because they didn't want THE PEOPLE to hear this stuff so they MUST destroy him at any cost. they did the same thing to Sarah Palin when she started criticizing Obama. they are vicious and low down dirty people in that party along with their Pravda MEDIAS
Donald Trump is a political genius, he's found a way to tap into an unlimited source of stupidity.

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