Trump insults a war hero

Of course it was idiotic. Why do you think he immediately back tracked upon being called on it?

He did not backtrack upon being called on it. He immediately realized himself that he had mispoke.

He immediately realized it and corrected himself 4 times.

You libs have been lying about that by ignoring his immediate 4 corrections so that you can dishonestly slam him.

YOu have compounded this dishonesty by pretending to be so idiotic that you could not understand my above question and thus used your supposed stupidity to answer a question I did not ask.

You are doing nothing but the most base type of propaganda, where you ignore all responses and just keep making slanderous insinuations and vile out right lies.

Your behavior in doing this is far worse than Trump's, who slipped up while responding to questions about a grumpy old man insulting him.

Pretending that this little verbal faux pas means that Trump "loathes troops who get captured" is the act of someone who is afraid to discuss Trump or the issues honestly.

Why are you afraid to discuss Trump honestly? Is he that scary to you? Is he that impressive to you?
Of course he was called it it. As soon as he said it, the interviewer corrected him and repeated how McCain is a war hero. He back tracked because it was a stupid thing to say. And he did not correct himself. He acquiesced that McCain was a war hero for a reason of which he is not a war hero.

NOw you are trying to hold him to your strawman of "loathing troops who get captured" because he believes McCain is a war hero for a different reason than you do?

You know one way that Trump is a better person than you?

When he said something stupid, he immediately realized it, and backtracked away from it.

You are holding to your mistake.
Why do all you chickenhawk cowards have to lie about everything all the time?

I challenge you to specify what my "lie" was.

Or admit that you just spew bullshit, asshole.
Let's look at it again, liar, and see if you can't see the lies.

Of course he was called it it. As soon as he said it, the interviewer corrected him and repeated how McCain is a war hero. He back tracked because it was a stupid thing to say. And he did not correct himself. He acquiesced that McCain was a war hero for a reason of which he is not a war hero.

NOw you are trying to hold him to your strawman of "loathing troops who get captured" because he believes McCain is a war hero for a different reason than you do?

You know one way that Trump is a better person than you?

When he said something stupid, he immediately realized it, and backtracked away from it.

You are holding to your mistake.
Great, so we agree back pedaled because he said something stupid. That's what I've been saying. Next up, his idiotic claim that McCain was a hero for being captured .... I asked what was heroic about being captured and you couldn't answer that as well since there is nothing heroic about being captured. Instead of answering my question, you answered a question I didn't ask; that being, why was McCain a war hero?
Let me get this straight. You want to hold Trump to his words that he claims he "misspoke" because you don't understand his follow up words that he spoke when using irony to say McCain was a hero for being captured. Has irony always gone over your head, or is this just a problem that you have with Republican irony?

Who would ever think of holding Donald Trump responsible for anything he says.....what a novel idea.

And what would the form of this "holding him responsible" take?

HE immediately corrected himself.

This is about McCain insulting Trump and Trump responding.

If this is Trumps greatest error, than he is destined to be the greatest President of All time.
Only an idiot birther would imagine Trump is a great man. You followers apparently need a strong leader.
Trump has apparently tapped into the leisure class constituency....people who feel no sense of responsibility to this country, no sense of honor, no sense of anything but themselves.
A majority of Americans (well those who voted) don't trust McCain - else O'Bumbles wouldn't be "president" just now. It's starting to seem that those same folks feel Mr. Trump DOES have a point.

Or they're just tired of the "Look, a distraction! Gotcha!" politics, and want to concentrate on issues for once.

You want to know what outraged me? It wasn't Trump making a rude, insulting remark. It was all the people swarming out of the woodwork onto that remark, and presuming to "demand" that he drop out of the Presidential race based on it. Really, douche nozzle? Piss off. Who made YOU arbiter of who can and can't run for President, and what does and doesn't "demand" that someone drop out? You think I don't know this is just about you getting attention and eliminating a competitor? Run against him and quit your pussyaching, wimp. "Demand that he drop out", indeed. The voters are perfectly capable of deciding what is and isn't acceptable to them.
The goal of a good politician is to be able to change the truth around a little. For example, if Trump comes out of this interchange as a former prisoner of war, and hero and McCain as the one who applied for draft deferments, Trump will be seen as the winner. Can Trump do it?
So far I can't listen to Trump too carefully, I keep trying to figure out his hair-do, fascinating.
NOw you are trying to hold him to your strawman of "loathing troops who get captured" because he believes McCain is a war hero for a different reason than you do?

You know one way that Trump is a better person than you?

When he said something stupid, he immediately realized it, and backtracked away from it.

You are holding to your mistake.
Great, so we agree back pedaled because he said something stupid. That's what I've been saying. Next up, his idiotic claim that McCain was a hero for being captured .... I asked what was heroic about being captured and you couldn't answer that as well since there is nothing heroic about being captured. Instead of answering my question, you answered a question I didn't ask; that being, why was McCain a war hero?
Let me get this straight. You want to hold Trump to his words that he claims he "misspoke" because you don't understand his follow up words that he spoke when using irony to say McCain was a hero for being captured. Has irony always gone over your head, or is this just a problem that you have with Republican irony?

Who would ever think of holding Donald Trump responsible for anything he says.....what a novel idea.

And what would the form of this "holding him responsible" take?

HE immediately corrected himself.

This is about McCain insulting Trump and Trump responding.

If this is Trumps greatest error, than he is destined to be the greatest President of All time.
Only an idiot birther would imagine Trump is a great man. You followers apparently need a strong leader.

Not what I said.

Why are you afraid to response honestly to what I say?
The goal of a good politician is to be able to change the truth around a little. For example, if Trump comes out of this interchange as a former prisoner of war, and hero and McCain as the one who applied for draft deferments, Trump will be seen as the winner. Can Trump do it?
So far I can't listen to Trump too carefully, I keep trying to figure out his hair-do, fascinating.

Total nonsense.

Is this really the best you have to attack Trump with?

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