Trump is a massive failure: ‘Nothing they like to brag about’ actually succeeded

Repeal Obamacare on day one......FAIL

Did you really believe that it would be possible?

Get Mexico to pay for wall.......FAIL

Wall's not built yet. Give it time.

Cut the debt.......FAIL

It took Obama 8 years to increase the National Debt by over 80%. You expect Trump to fix it in 8 weeks?

I dunno, man... Liberals. Can't live 'em, and can't shoot 'em.
Trump has failed on every one of his promises
When is he going to bring back those coal jobs he promised?

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What difference does it matter, facts are facts, and you are free to dispute any of them, if you can
Prove your "facts' if you can.
Would you like a serving of ben's artifacts?
I would prefer a blow job from you

How do you know?
Describe your type.
I'm presuming a Maddow type of look?
The lady still does not deny passing out head to anyone who asks.
You. Can say it. That don't make it true. Go Trump!!!
Prove that it isn't true- go ahead
When are brain dead libs like you come to realize that one can not prove a negative. You, on the other hand, are inferring that what Madcow said to race baiter Not-So-Sharpton is true. YOU have to prove YOUR inference.

Ok... We're waiting for the documentation...
Most of us completely agree with her, show us just where she is wrong.

Who's "us"? Do you have a turd in your pocket?
What difference does it matter, facts are facts, and you are free to dispute any of them, if you can
Prove your "facts' if you can.
Would you like a serving of ben's artifacts?
I would prefer a blow job from you

How do you know?
Describe your type.
I'm presuming a Maddow type of look?
The lady still does not deny passing out head to anyone who asks.
I asked a straight out question and you insist on publicly displaying your lack of wit.
Now tell us your taste...Monkey? Donkey? Dog? Cat? Horse?
Certainly one of the aforementioned has a strong similarity to whomever you've been with.
Man... I can't believe the shit from the alt-left! "When's Trump going to do this..". "Trump has failed at that...". It's only been 8 weeks, fools! How long did it take for your Messiah an Savior Obama to "fix" the recession? I contend what he did do was a jobless and growth-less recovery. First President in history to NOT preside over a single year of 3% growth.
Of course Mexico will pay for the wall in one fashion or another and the debt will be cut.
yes, lets not forget those two fables
Gee, I remember kicking your ass on this issue last night and you're so emotionally disturbed you're back to the same illogical bullshit 1 day later.
How is Mexico going to pay for the wall?
She is giving her opinion as I have said about a million times on here opinions are not facts. Just as there are hyper-partisan conservatives who wouldn't give Obama credit for anything she is a hyper-partisan liberal who won't give Trump credit for anything if the Trump administration announced a verified cure for cancer tomorrow her response would be what took them so long. People like these no matter which side they are on have no credibility.
Can you dispute her facts?
We discussed this last night and you got your ass handed to you; you are exposing your mental and emotional disturbance.
No one has ever told us how Trump will get Mexico to pay for the wall, now do it sis
This guy knows more than you....
Former Mexican Diplomat: Trump Could Actually Make Mexico Pay For Wall
When are you people going to stop underestimating President Trumps ability to make things happen? :)
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Sunday argued that President Donald Trump’s administration had failed at everything “they like to brag about.”

“If you just look at what they’ve done in terms of policy,” Maddow said on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC program, “it’s interesting they haven’t been able to do anything successfully on any of the stuff they like to brag about, they like to talk about, that he campaigned on. [The] Muslim ban has been a disaster.”

She pointed out that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) recently admitted that Mexico was never going to pay for Trump’s border wall.

“The health care roll-out is an absolute disaster,” Maddow continued. “Politically, it’s absolutely dead. I don’t think anybody believes it will ever pass the Senate. They never tried anything on taxes. Remember, they were going to do a trillion dollar infrastructure plan. Nothing that they like to talk about, nothing they like to brag about, none of their big stuff is working or, in many cases, they’re not even trying to make it work.”

You have the tax evading Race Hustler and the self-righteous dike. They are the epitome of fake news. They are both so dishonest it is astonishing liberal even buy their garbage!

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All the New BS GOP has done for 30 years is lie about and character assassinate the Dems and produce disasters. Reaganism rolls on...I KNOW, A TAX CUT ON THE RICH! That's all they CAN do anymore.
Maddow is factually correct Trump has THUS FAR not delivered much of anything.

His "day one" comments turned out to be exactly the redoculous bullshit any thinking person knew they were.

He straight lied about having a "wonderful" Obamacare replacement plan - there was none and it fell on congressional Republicans to put something workable together, which they are quickly failing at.

He also straight lied about going after Hillary.

His travel ban was half-baked and thrown out in courts.

And the there was/is the whole sketchy Flynn fiasco.

The only thing Trump has done so far is the easy-peasy sht like nominating people and make sure he has been a good little conservative boy. He knows his goose is cooked without them.

But ofcourse it's only been less than 2 months months, so he has plenty of time...for now.
Maddow is factually correct Trump has THUS FAR not delivered much of anything.

His "day one" comments turned out to be exactly the redoculous bullshit any thinking person knew they were.

He straight lied about having a "wonderful" Obamacare replacement plan - there was none and it fell on congressional Republicans to put something workable together, which they are quickly failing at.

He also straight lied about going after Hillary.

His travel ban was half-baked and thrown out in courts.

And the there was/is the whole sketchy Flynn fiasco.

The only thing Trump has done so far is the easy-peasy sht like nominating people and make sure he has been a good little conservative boy. He knows his goose is cooked without them.

But ofcourse it's only been less than 2 months months, so he has plenty of time...for now.
Trump has been a train wreck

He has delivered nothing that he promised
Maddow is factually correct Trump has THUS FAR not delivered much of anything.

His "day one" comments turned out to be exactly the redoculous bullshit any thinking person knew they were.

He straight lied about having a "wonderful" Obamacare replacement plan - there was none and it fell on congressional Republicans to put something workable together, which they are quickly failing at.

He also straight lied about going after Hillary.

His travel ban was half-baked and thrown out in courts.

And the there was/is the whole sketchy Flynn fiasco.

The only thing Trump has done so far is the easy-peasy sht like nominating people and make sure he has been a good little conservative boy. He knows his goose is cooked without them.

But ofcourse it's only been less than 2 months months, so he has plenty of time...for now.
Trump has been a train wreck

He has delivered nothing that he promised
Yes Trump has. You should stop listening to the lying media, or perhaps get a job where they don't pay you to try and hurt the country by lying all day on forums like this.
You. Can say it. That don't make it true. Go Trump!!!
Prove that it isn't true- go ahead
When are brain dead libs like you come to realize that one can not prove a negative. You, on the other hand, are inferring that what Madcow said to race baiter Not-So-Sharpton is true. YOU have to prove YOUR inference.

Ok... We're waiting for the documentation...
Most of us completely agree with her, show us just where she is wrong.

It should be simple for them to tout the success of each of the initiatives you cited. So far, no one has.
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Sunday argued that President Donald Trump’s administration had failed at everything “they like to brag about.”

The third and fourth word told me everything I need to know.

Thanks for saving me from a tremendous waste of time...
I'm a professional photographer. Accordingly, I pose this question:

You go for an early morning winter's walk to take pictures of the sunrise over a nearby frozen lake. As you approach the lake, you see that Rachel Maddow has fallen through the ice. Every time she strives to climb out, the ice beneath her breaks and she goes back into the frigid water. She's growing weak. Time is of the essence. If you don't act now, she'll be gone forever.

My question to you: Color or black and white?
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Sunday argued that President Donald Trump’s administration had failed at everything “they like to brag about.”

The third and fourth word told me everything I need to know.

Thanks for saving me from a tremendous waste of time...

Maddow stuff checks out, Sean Hannity is the one that sprouts out right lies and bends the truth, well all of Fox. I listen to both and CNN, and I can tell you that CNN and MSNBC are right and Fox isn't as far as with fact checking
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Sunday argued that President Donald Trump’s administration had failed at everything “they like to brag about.”

The third and fourth word told me everything I need to know.

Thanks for saving me from a tremendous waste of time...

Maddow stuff checks out, Sean Hannity is the one that sprouts out right lies and bends the truth, well all of Fox. I listen to both and CNN, and I can tell you that CNN and MSNBC are right and Fox isn't as far as with fact checking

I'm sure you believe she's telling the truth.

I, on the other hand, wish she would be hit by a car.

She has absolutely nothing to offer intelligent people...

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