Trump is a massive failure: ‘Nothing they like to brag about’ actually succeeded

Maddow is factually correct Trump has THUS FAR not delivered much of anything.

His "day one" comments turned out to be exactly the redoculous bullshit any thinking person knew they were.

He straight lied about having a "wonderful" Obamacare replacement plan - there was none and it fell on congressional Republicans to put something workable together, which they are quickly failing at.

He also straight lied about going after Hillary.

His travel ban was half-baked and thrown out in courts.

And the there was/is the whole sketchy Flynn fiasco.

The only thing Trump has done so far is the easy-peasy sht like nominating people and make sure he has been a good little conservative boy. He knows his goose is cooked without them.

But ofcourse it's only been less than 2 months months, so he has plenty of time...for now.
Trump has been a train wreck

He has delivered nothing that he promised
Yes Trump has. You should stop listening to the lying media, or perhaps get a job where they don't pay you to try and hurt the country by lying all day on forums like this.
What has he done- be specific
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Sunday argued that President Donald Trump’s administration had failed at everything “they like to brag about.”

The third and fourth word told me everything I need to know.

Thanks for saving me from a tremendous waste of time...

Maddow stuff checks out, Sean Hannity is the one that sprouts out right lies and bends the truth, well all of Fox. I listen to both and CNN, and I can tell you that CNN and MSNBC are right and Fox isn't as far as with fact checking

I'm sure you believe she's telling the truth.

I, on the other hand, wish she would be hit by a car.

She has absolutely nothing to offer intelligent people...
Can you find a single lie, asshole.

Trump has been in office for what?? Fifty days and he's already done more than Obama did in eight years.

If those fifty days look like a failure to you I would guess you never took a good look at the last eight years.

Carry on dumbass.
Repeal Obamacare on day one......FAIL
Get Mexico to pay for wall.......FAIL
Cut the debt.......FAIL

Trump is the worst President in history

Nah. We already had that and their names were Carter and Obama.

In case you missed it both are Dems. LOL
Maddow is factually correct Trump has THUS FAR not delivered much of anything.

His "day one" comments turned out to be exactly the redoculous bullshit any thinking person knew they were.

He straight lied about having a "wonderful" Obamacare replacement plan - there was none and it fell on congressional Republicans to put something workable together, which they are quickly failing at.

He also straight lied about going after Hillary.

His travel ban was half-baked and thrown out in courts.

And the there was/is the whole sketchy Flynn fiasco.

The only thing Trump has done so far is the easy-peasy sht like nominating people and make sure he has been a good little conservative boy. He knows his goose is cooked without them.

But ofcourse it's only been less than 2 months months, so he has plenty of time...for now.
Trump has been a train wreck

He has delivered nothing that he promised
Yes Trump has. You should stop listening to the lying media, or perhaps get a job where they don't pay you to try and hurt the country by lying all day on forums like this.
What has he done- be specific
I refuse to supply shills such as you with anything. All that will do is cause to to spin deflect and lie more.

Trump has been in office for what?? Fifty days and he's already done more than Obama did in eight years.

If those fifty days look like a failure to you I would guess you never took a good look at the last eight years.

Carry on dumbass.
That is the question of the day- Just what has Trump accomplished. Possibly you could list them for us?

Trump has been in office for what?? Fifty days and he's already done more than Obama did in eight years.

If those fifty days look like a failure to you I would guess you never took a good look at the last eight years.

Carry on dumbass.
That is the question of the day- Just what has Trump accomplished. Possibly you could list them for us?

If you're that interested look it up yourself. After all. Its only fifty days. I'm sure you could handle it dumbass.
Repeal Obamacare on day one......FAIL
Get Mexico to pay for wall.......FAIL
Cut the debt.......FAIL

Trump is the worst President in history

Nah. We already had that and their names were Carter and Obama.

In case you missed it both are Dems. LOL
Last we looked, sweetie, it was GWB with the lowest approval rating in American history

Last I heard Carter and Obama are the two worst presidents this country has ever had.

Trump has been in office for what?? Fifty days and he's already done more than Obama did in eight years.

If those fifty days look like a failure to you I would guess you never took a good look at the last eight years.

Carry on dumbass.
That is the question of the day- Just what has Trump accomplished. Possibly you could list them for us?

If you're that interested look it up yourself. After all. Its only fifty days. I'm sure you could handle it dumbass.
Thanks hand job. How many ID's are you using today
I'd like to predict the future. Tomorrow this forum will be filled with posts about Trump doing nothing, Trump being a Russian spy, Trump being a liar, Trump being a rapist, Trump being a cheat, Trump being bankrupt.
I'd like to predict the future. Tomorrow this forum will be filled with posts about Trump doing nothing, Trump being a Russian spy, Trump being a liar, Trump being a rapist, Trump being a cheat, Trump being bankrupt.
Why tomorrow/ It will be every day, sweetie. The truth shall be known

Trump has been in office for what?? Fifty days and he's already done more than Obama did in eight years.

If those fifty days look like a failure to you I would guess you never took a good look at the last eight years.

Carry on dumbass.
That is the question of the day- Just what has Trump accomplished. Possibly you could list them for us?

If you're that interested look it up yourself. After all. Its only fifty days. I'm sure you could handle it dumbass.
Thanks hand job. How many ID's are you using today

Just one.

Whats the matter. Fifty days isn't enough for you??

Oh and talk to the hand asshole.
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Sunday argued that President Donald Trump’s administration had failed at everything “they like to brag about.”

“If you just look at what they’ve done in terms of policy,” Maddow said on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC program, “it’s interesting they haven’t been able to do anything successfully on any of the stuff they like to brag about, they like to talk about, that he campaigned on. [The] Muslim ban has been a disaster.”

She pointed out that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) recently admitted that Mexico was never going to pay for Trump’s border wall.

“The health care roll-out is an absolute disaster,” Maddow continued. “Politically, it’s absolutely dead. I don’t think anybody believes it will ever pass the Senate. They never tried anything on taxes. Remember, they were going to do a trillion dollar infrastructure plan. Nothing that they like to talk about, nothing they like to brag about, none of their big stuff is working or, in many cases, they’re not even trying to make it work.”

She's a typical butthurt Libturd
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Sunday argued that President Donald Trump’s administration had failed at everything “they like to brag about.”

“If you just look at what they’ve done in terms of policy,” Maddow said on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC program, “it’s interesting they haven’t been able to do anything successfully on any of the stuff they like to brag about, they like to talk about, that he campaigned on. [The] Muslim ban has been a disaster.”

She pointed out that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) recently admitted that Mexico was never going to pay for Trump’s border wall.

“The health care roll-out is an absolute disaster,” Maddow continued. “Politically, it’s absolutely dead. I don’t think anybody believes it will ever pass the Senate. They never tried anything on taxes. Remember, they were going to do a trillion dollar infrastructure plan. Nothing that they like to talk about, nothing they like to brag about, none of their big stuff is working or, in many cases, they’re not even trying to make it work.”

She's a typical butthurt Libturd
and she is telling the truth
I'd like to predict the future. Tomorrow this forum will be filled with posts about Trump doing nothing, Trump being a Russian spy, Trump being a liar, Trump being a rapist, Trump being a cheat, Trump being bankrupt.
Why tomorrow/ It will be every day, sweetie. The truth shall be known
People like you do not have truth in any form.
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Sunday argued that President Donald Trump’s administration had failed at everything “they like to brag about.”

The third and fourth word told me everything I need to know.

Thanks for saving me from a tremendous waste of time...

Maddow stuff checks out, Sean Hannity is the one that sprouts out right lies and bends the truth, well all of Fox. I listen to both and CNN, and I can tell you that CNN and MSNBC are right and Fox isn't as far as with fact checking

I'm sure you believe she's telling the truth.

I, on the other hand, wish she would be hit by a car.

She has absolutely nothing to offer intelligent people...
Can you find a single lie, asshole.

Wow, name calling. How mature.

Look, when you move out of your Mom's basement and start supporting yourself you'll start to understand that liberal pieces of shit like Maddow aren't interested in giving you the truth. They're interested in seeing you remain subservient. You know, like you are now. To your Mommy...
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Sunday argued that President Donald Trump’s administration had failed at everything “they like to brag about.”

“If you just look at what they’ve done in terms of policy,” Maddow said on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC program, “it’s interesting they haven’t been able to do anything successfully on any of the stuff they like to brag about, they like to talk about, that he campaigned on. [The] Muslim ban has been a disaster.”

She pointed out that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) recently admitted that Mexico was never going to pay for Trump’s border wall.

“The health care roll-out is an absolute disaster,” Maddow continued. “Politically, it’s absolutely dead. I don’t think anybody believes it will ever pass the Senate. They never tried anything on taxes. Remember, they were going to do a trillion dollar infrastructure plan. Nothing that they like to talk about, nothing they like to brag about, none of their big stuff is working or, in many cases, they’re not even trying to make it work.”

Maddow is an angry, bitter dyke and MSNBC is dead last in ratings. People trust MSNBC LESS than CNN.
One or both of those networks may not last the year. Watch.

Rachel Maddow...
Isn't that the crazy lib on MSNBC who almost cried when Trump kicked Hillary' ass? :laugh:

It surely is. :banana:

Rachel Maddow...
Isn't that the crazy lib on MSNBC who almost cried when Trump kicked Hillary' ass? :laugh:

I cried too , I cried for the US, many of us did. Just to know a lying sicko arrogant snake oil salesmen fooled so many Americans was a sad time.

Zomg, the status quo is crumbling, oh! The horror! :badgrin:
Repeal Obamacare on day one......FAIL
Get Mexico to pay for wall.......FAIL
Cut the debt.......FAIL

Trump is the worst President in history

Nah. We already had that and their names were Carter and Obama.

In case you missed it both are Dems. LOL

Obama passed major legislation in his first 100 days

Trump has FAILED on every one of his promises

Build a wall? Repeal Obamacare on day 1?

Boy were you a sucker
Repeal Obamacare on day one......FAIL
Get Mexico to pay for wall.......FAIL
Cut the debt.......FAIL

Trump is the worst President in history

Nah. We already had that and their names were Carter and Obama.

In case you missed it both are Dems. LOL

Obama passed major legislation in his first 100 days

Trump has FAILED on every one of his promises

Build a wall? Repeal Obamacare on day 1?

Boy were you a sucker

Nah you're the sucker who thinks Obama did a great job and the Trumphater who see's everything negatively.

You're limitations are showing.
Repeal Obamacare on day one......FAIL
Get Mexico to pay for wall.......FAIL
Cut the debt.......FAIL

Trump is the worst President in history

Nah. We already had that and their names were Carter and Obama.

In case you missed it both are Dems. LOL

Obama passed major legislation in his first 100 days

Trump has FAILED on every one of his promises

Build a wall? Repeal Obamacare on day 1?

Boy were you a sucker

Only idiots thought those would be done on day one. A friend of mine is a precious little snowflake who damn near shit himself because they weren't starting to build the wall by January 21. Bids are coming in. The wall will be built.

The repeal of Obamamamacare is coming. That's good enough for intelligent people. We honestly don't give a fuck if you whine about it, because that gives us something else to laugh at you about (as if your being an ignorant liberal wasn't enough). Had Trump repealed the ACA on day one you've have whined about him not taking enough time to do it. Now that it's taking some time, you bitch about it not being done on day one. This would be why smart Americans look at idiot liberals and pretty much dismiss them...

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