Trump is a socialist!!!

The orange minions will have no problem receiving handouts from taxpayers money. If that's not socialism what it is?

Trump gives US farmers new round of funds as trade war cushion
You mean working men are getting a break? They've been paying for the NONworking men for all their lives.
No, we don't mean that.

We mean working men who can't run their farms and make a profit now want to be taken care of with welfare. They want free stuff. Free money.
The orange minions will have no problem receiving handouts from taxpayers money. If that's not socialism what it is?

Trump gives US farmers new round of funds as trade war cushion

No, when Republicans do it it's different.

Last year you were bragging about your paychecks being bigger thanks to Trump tax cuts. Going the "basqueromance" route of being a leftist one day and a conservative the next?

I'm neither conservative nor liberal. I am simply a realist.
The red wheat we are growing in this country was brought here by Russians. Dumbass Dotard.

Looks like they can grow it better and cheaper than our patriot farmers who want welfare.

We don't buy russian wheat, moron.....why don't you go live in Putin's're no American.
Every publicly funded program or department is at it's core SOCIALISM.

We must rid the USA of evil socialism starting with:

The entire US military
The entire US government
All State and local governments
Police and Fire departments
All public highways and transportation.
Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
Any and all public subsidies!

Failure to do so means that the Socialists have won!!!

you are one ignorant duck,,,

Nyet, comrade.

Definition of socialism. 1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

In every case I listed this is undeniably true.
Every publicly funded program or department is at it's core SOCIALISM.

We must rid the USA of evil socialism starting with:

The entire US military
The entire US government
All State and local governments
Police and Fire departments
All public highways and transportation.
Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
Any and all public subsidies!

Failure to do so means that the Socialists have won!!!

you are one ignorant duck,,,

Nyet, comrade.

Definition of socialism. 1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

In every case I listed this is undeniably true.

other than the healthcare items and public subsidies every thing is a government dept and not an economic one,,those are the things that make us as free as we are,,,
The red wheat we are growing in this country was brought here by Russians. Dumbass Dotard.

Looks like they can grow it better and cheaper than our patriot farmers who want welfare.

We don't buy russian wheat, moron.....why don't you go live in Putin's're no American.
Putin is already here, dotard.

American farmers are not our only source of wheat. We will not starve.

Farmers need to wake up and face reality. They don't have a monopoly on food production. They have to compete.

No free stuff.

Farmland states vote red. They can live by the sword and die by the sword. If they don't like it, vote differently and change things.
There is no reason anyone in this country can't work hard and make a living without a welfare handout from the government, right? That includes farmers.
The orange minions will have no problem receiving handouts from taxpayers money. If that's not socialism what it is?

Trump gives US farmers new round of funds as trade war cushion

The government has been paying farmers NOT to grow crops off and on for decades. "what it is" is the "Conservation Reserve Program" not socialism.

"the federal government is involved in agriculture and the reason is America has a "Cheap Food Policy" which means they want food to be affordable to the general population and not subject to huge swings in the market that might cause unrest in the general population. They also need to make sure there is some profit to farming so farmers will keep farming and Americans will have plenty to eat. To do this we need to have a sufficient supply and reserves in case of a crop failure. No farmer will keep a reserve of crops stored for world or national emergencies or keep their own land idle so prices stay high enough that all farmers can make a living unless they are paid to do so. That is why we have programs like the CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) which pays farmers to keep 23.4 million acres idle but ready to go into production within 1 to 2 years if a world catastrophe occurs. This governmental involvement doesn't guarantee a profit for all farmers but does but it does keep a majority of farmers in business during hard times.

The federal government uses food to affect geopolitics so it has to have some safeguards for farmers if it instituted a policy that causes the price to go below production costs."
The orange minions will have no problem receiving handouts from taxpayers money. If that's not socialism what it is?

Trump gives US farmers new round of funds as trade war cushion

The government has been paying farmers NOT to grow crops off and on for decades.

"the federal government is involved in agriculture and the reason is America has a "Cheap Food Policy" which means they want food to be affordable to the general population and not subject to huge swings in the market that might cause unrest in the general population. They also need to make sure there is some profit to farming so farmers will keep farming and Americans will have plenty to eat. To do this we need to have a sufficient supply and reserves in case of a crop failure. No farmer will keep a reserve of crops stored for world or national emergencies or keep their own land idle so prices stay high enough that all farmers can make a living unless they are paid to do so. That is why we have programs like the CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) which pays farmers to keep 23.4 million acres idle but ready to go into production within 1 to 2 years if a world catastrophe occurs. This governmental involvement doesn't guarantee a profit for all farmers but does but it does keep a majority of farmers in business during hard times.

The federal government uses food to affect geopolitics so it has to have some safeguards for farmers if it instituted a policy that causes the price to go below production costs."

now that is socialism,,,
The orange minions will have no problem receiving handouts from taxpayers money. If that's not socialism what it is?

Trump gives US farmers new round of funds as trade war cushion

The government has been paying farmers NOT to grow crops off and on for decades.

"the federal government is involved in agriculture and the reason is America has a "Cheap Food Policy" which means they want food to be affordable to the general population and not subject to huge swings in the market that might cause unrest in the general population. They also need to make sure there is some profit to farming so farmers will keep farming and Americans will have plenty to eat. To do this we need to have a sufficient supply and reserves in case of a crop failure. No farmer will keep a reserve of crops stored for world or national emergencies or keep their own land idle so prices stay high enough that all farmers can make a living unless they are paid to do so. That is why we have programs like the CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) which pays farmers to keep 23.4 million acres idle but ready to go into production within 1 to 2 years if a world catastrophe occurs. This governmental involvement doesn't guarantee a profit for all farmers but does but it does keep a majority of farmers in business during hard times.

The federal government uses food to affect geopolitics so it has to have some safeguards for farmers if it instituted a policy that causes the price to go below production costs."

now that is socialism,,,

How so? Selectively distributing tax revenue to bolster a segment of the Market for defense purposes doesn't even come close to socialism.
The orange minions will have no problem receiving handouts from taxpayers money. If that's not socialism what it is?

Trump gives US farmers new round of funds as trade war cushion

The government has been paying farmers NOT to grow crops off and on for decades. "what it is" is the "Conservation Reserve Program" not socialism.

"the federal government is involved in agriculture and the reason is America has a "Cheap Food Policy" which means they want food to be affordable to the general population and not subject to huge swings in the market that might cause unrest in the general population. They also need to make sure there is some profit to farming so farmers will keep farming and Americans will have plenty to eat. To do this we need to have a sufficient supply and reserves in case of a crop failure. No farmer will keep a reserve of crops stored for world or national emergencies or keep their own land idle so prices stay high enough that all farmers can make a living unless they are paid to do so. That is why we have programs like the CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) which pays farmers to keep 23.4 million acres idle but ready to go into production within 1 to 2 years if a world catastrophe occurs. This governmental involvement doesn't guarantee a profit for all farmers but does but it does keep a majority of farmers in business during hard times.

The federal government uses food to affect geopolitics so it has to have some safeguards for farmers if it instituted a policy that causes the price to go below production costs."

Imo, that's a socialist policy to influence capitalism for the benefit of both consumers and producers.
WTF? Doesn't mean it belongs to farmers!

That money should be used to defend ourselves from the hordes of illegals and alcaidas. Not to pay farmers who can't manage to run a profitable business. Maybe they should have picked a different career.

Life is all about choices.

China targeted our farmers with their own tariffs...they even bought advertising in farming areas to discourage them from supporting Trump's tariffs. You don't know any of're ignorant of what's happening. The OP claimed he gave them "tax dollars"...he didn't.
Wouldn't that be China interfering in America's political process?

The orange minions will have no problem receiving handouts from taxpayers money. If that's not socialism what it is?

Trump gives US farmers new round of funds as trade war cushion

The government has been paying farmers NOT to grow crops off and on for decades. "what it is" is the "Conservation Reserve Program" not socialism.

"the federal government is involved in agriculture and the reason is America has a "Cheap Food Policy" which means they want food to be affordable to the general population and not subject to huge swings in the market that might cause unrest in the general population. They also need to make sure there is some profit to farming so farmers will keep farming and Americans will have plenty to eat. To do this we need to have a sufficient supply and reserves in case of a crop failure. No farmer will keep a reserve of crops stored for world or national emergencies or keep their own land idle so prices stay high enough that all farmers can make a living unless they are paid to do so. That is why we have programs like the CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) which pays farmers to keep 23.4 million acres idle but ready to go into production within 1 to 2 years if a world catastrophe occurs. This governmental involvement doesn't guarantee a profit for all farmers but does but it does keep a majority of farmers in business during hard times.

The federal government uses food to affect geopolitics so it has to have some safeguards for farmers if it instituted a policy that causes the price to go below production costs."

Imo, that's a socialist policy to influence capitalism for the benefit of both consumers and producers.

It's a SOCIAL policy to provide for the defense which is what our government's #1 job is, it's not the same as a socialist government structure.
So yso you are advoctating for the removal of welfare, snap, ACA, disaster relief, Medicade and all the other programs so close to Dems hearts? Or is this just you don't like farmers and eating because Trump likes farmers?

you cant even spin the shit out of Trump fucking the country and come close to the bottom line -

thanks for playing
You really have to love the crazy people. Not a single point just a hoped for deflection..

snap, ACA, disaster relief, Medicade and all the other programs - not even in the same universe with Chinese tariff's ...

Lol you really are low IQ. They are all things which are giveaways just as the farm subsidies are. There is a major difference in the fact that farms don't make it people don't eat.

In your little world you somehow think that anything you don't like is somehow not the same.
Oh please. Stop. People can grow food in their backyard. We import food. Everything we eat in this country is not produced by these farmers who can't run a profitable business.

It's their own fault their businesses are failing. They should find a new line of work.
Oh PLEASE these people grow food, plant cotton, have large orange groves, raise cattle and sheep and pigs. You some how think you are going to produce all that in your backyard? The wheat, soybeans and other crops are a large part of our GDP. So when you start advoctating for welfare to be abandoned then I might consider you to have enough of a thought process of a plant.
im deflecting?....i dont think so,we were talking farming vs roads being paved, you deflected to medical care.......what is more important for the protection of the country....people eating or some road being paved? seemed to indicate to me roads being paved are more important....which is it?....
YOU deflected to paved roads.

So let's get back to farming and keep it there. Why can't farmers make it on their own? Why do they need a government handout? I thought the red states didn't need handouts from anyone.
i deflected? $$$ are only to be used for our protection....i asked how is paving a road nearby protecting us....if that is deflecting you had better learn what the word means....
So then let's get back to farmers. Why do they need a handout?
i just said if you pay into the system you should be able to get something farmers pay taxes?....should they get something to help them over a group of people who have never put a dime into the system?.....i think so....

No, you want them to get extra. They didn't pay extra. They don't get welfare because they can't run a profitable business.

This is basic GOP 101.
so you want non citizens to get something over the citizens who pay taxes....that is basic DNC 101...
The orange minions will have no problem receiving handouts from taxpayers money. If that's not socialism what it is?

Trump gives US farmers new round of funds as trade war cushion
its tax pay in,you can get something dont pay in?....
I've paid in for 40 yrs and as of yet got nothing back,,,only more theft and loss of rights,,,
did something happen to you that you need to get something back and was denied?...
China doesn't pay the tariff. American tax payers, pay the Tariff, and money given to the farmer.

When a product comes into this country, the tariff is a tax on that product, which is paid by.... us. We pay it. The subsidy to the farm, is money taxed out of our checks, and given to the farmer.

Not a single penny for either of those, comes from China. It all comes from us.

Really? So how come no inflation, dumbass? The importers were making such a wide margin, they've absorbed it. TIP: don't play with people you can't compete with.

There is inflation.

There are numerous credible examples of price increases due to the tariffs.

The importers have not changed their prices at all. Remember China is an international exporter. They export to everyone.

We might be the single largest customer of China, but we are not the majority of their exports. The US only makes up 20% of their exports.

So let's say that I run a business, and I am selling to 5 different people, you are one of them.

IF you say to me.... I'm going to charge myself a 20% tax on the goods I buy from you... I would be fine with that. It doesn't change my price. Why would I change my price, because you charged yourself a 20% tax? Well I wouldn't.

Why would I eat the cost of you charging yourself more money? See everyone else is still paying whatever the price is. The fact you are paying a higher price, doesn't affect me.

If I am selling steel at $600 per ton, and you charge yourself 20% tax on all steel you get from me, that means you are paying $720 for that same ton of steel.

How much did I get for that ton of steel? $600. Your tariff didn't affect me at all.

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