Trump is a threat to the American Republic

The Senate Majority McConnell leader as well as Rubio and Sasse and Collins and Corker as well as Speaker Ryan and Chairman Chaffetz and former Speaker Gingrich are repudiating Double Down Donald's double downing of stupidity.

The GOP leaders again are discussing having an open convention.

Are you as tough as you talk? Or are you just one more internet twink?
What are you mumbling about? Take it outside because you can't handle it in here.

The GOP leadership is seriously considering to open the floor to nominations on the first ballot.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

I'm telling you when all you have is to run down the opposition and can't be positive about your own candidate, you really have nothing.

That seems to be all Clinton and Trump supporters have, nothing but negatives.
And here we see the blind partisanism and willful ignorance common to most on the right.

You attempt to defend the indefensible, and make yourself look ridiculous doing so.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

I'm telling you when all you have is to run down the opposition and can't be positive about your own candidate, you really have nothing.

That seems to be all Clinton and Trump supporters have, nothing but negatives.
And here we see the blind partisanism and willful ignorance common to most on the right.

You attempt to defend the indefensible, and make yourself look ridiculous doing so.

I'm not defending Trump or Clinton, I don't like either, they are bad choices and all you nut jobs do is confirm my theory, all you do is run the other guy down because your candidate sucks. You are a special dumb, keep it going Clay.
The Senate Majority McConnell leader as well as Rubio and Sasse and Collins and Corker as well as Speaker Ryan and Chairman Chaffetz and former Speaker Gingrich are repudiating Double Down Donald's double downing of stupidity.

The GOP leaders again are discussing having an open convention.
You like them haven't learned a thing in the last few months.
You are projecting yet again.
Ya ok
The Senate Majority McConnell leader as well as Rubio and Sasse and Collins and Corker as well as Speaker Ryan and Chairman Chaffetz and former Speaker Gingrich are repudiating Double Down Donald's double downing of stupidity.

The GOP leaders again are discussing having an open convention.

Are you as tough as you talk? Or are you just one more internet twink?
What are you mumbling about? Take it outside because you can't handle it in here.

The GOP leadership is seriously considering to open the floor to nominations on the first ballot.
It will a major mistake if they do.
This poor orange dope is no friend to democracy. He's made it abundantly clear that he rejects nearly all the tenets of American democracy. The worst two are the dictator-like treatment of the press and now his batshit views on judges, American judges.

Let's hope he keeps talking.

Dictator-like treatment of the press? Really, Isaac! Let's compare how Donald Trump treats the press compared to how Hillary Clinton treats the press...shall we?

Trump schedules dozens of press conferences where he takes questions from reporters without any stipulations on what can and can't be asked...and answers those questions without reading from prepared "talking points".

Clinton hasn't scheduled a press conference in over four months...only agrees to answer approved questions from reporters who have been selected by her campaign...answering with canned "talking points" that have been worked up before she ever sat down to do the interview.

So who it is that acts more like a "Dictator" when it comes to the press, Issac?

LOL Really? You are going to defend Truncheon Trump on this?

Allllllllrighty then.

I note that you didn't address my point, Isaac. Did you want to? Why is Trump a "dictator" when it comes to the media...when he grants them access to him and lets them do their jobs...but Hillary isn't...when she controls the media like something you'd usually see from a dictator?
This poor orange dope is no friend to democracy. He's made it abundantly clear that he rejects nearly all the tenets of American democracy. The worst two are the dictator-like treatment of the press and now his batshit views on judges, American judges.

Let's hope he keeps talking.

Dictator-like treatment of the press? Really, Isaac! Let's compare how Donald Trump treats the press compared to how Hillary Clinton treats the press...shall we?

Trump schedules dozens of press conferences where he takes questions from reporters without any stipulations on what can and can't be asked...and answers those questions without reading from prepared "talking points".

Clinton hasn't scheduled a press conference in over four months...only agrees to answer approved questions from reporters who have been selected by her campaign...answering with canned "talking points" that have been worked up before she ever sat down to do the interview.

So who it is that acts more like a "Dictator" when it comes to the press, Issac?

LOL Really? You are going to defend Truncheon Trump on this?

Allllllllrighty then.

I note that you didn't address my point, Isaac. Did you want to? Why is Trump a "dictator" when it comes to the media...when he grants them access to him and lets them do their jobs...but Hillary isn't...when she controls the media like something you'd usually see from a dictator?

You don't follow politics much or what has been in the news for the past year nonstop, which is fine and actually enviable that you would leave your tv and radio off and ignore all of trumps bullshit. Commendable to say the least.

I'm not interested in bringing you up to speed on all the machinations. If you care to research it the tools are at your fingertips, if not I say good for you. I know a number of people that have actually gotten rid of their tv's entirely. You can't imagine how calm it feels walking into their homes.
Good thing he would just be a "president". If this was the leftist(jake) utopia, he would have power like that..
Anybody who disagrees with TN's silliness is a lefty.
Don't give me that bullshit. You are a special breed
I am a mainstream Republican who abhors the far right and libertarian wings of the Hate America movement to which you belong.
Well folks, the secrets out. jakestarkey abhors me.
Little doubt exists that Donnie is a threat to the American Republic.

Donald Trump may be a threat to rule of law. Gary Herbert and Orrin Hatch visit Bears Ears. Bernie Sanders goes for the whole enchilada.

Happy Friday. Legal scholars from across the political spectrum are worried that a Donald Trump presidency would be a step, maybe a large step, toward authoritarianism, with his calls for a ban on Muslims, restrictions on the press and his threats toward judges. [NYTimes]

News roundup: Legal scholars fear an authoritarian Trump presidency
Tribune Political Reporters
First Published Jun 03 2016 07:21AM • Last Updated Jun 03 2016 09:24 am


News roundup: Legal scholars fear an authoritarian Trump presidency

These "legal scholars" are frauds if they believe Hillary isn't authoritarian or a threat to the country. She is a guarantee that freedom will die in this country.
The Senate Majority McConnell leader as well as Rubio and Sasse and Collins and Corker as well as Speaker Ryan and Chairman Chaffetz and former Speaker Gingrich are repudiating Double Down Donald's double downing of stupidity.

The GOP leaders again are discussing having an open convention.

^ I am Jakes Hillary Wet Dream
This poor orange dope is no friend to democracy. He's made it abundantly clear that he rejects nearly all the tenets of American democracy. The worst two are the dictator-like treatment of the press and now his batshit views on judges, American judges.

Let's hope he keeps talking.

Dictator-like treatment of the press? Really, Isaac! Let's compare how Donald Trump treats the press compared to how Hillary Clinton treats the press...shall we?

Trump schedules dozens of press conferences where he takes questions from reporters without any stipulations on what can and can't be asked...and answers those questions without reading from prepared "talking points".

Clinton hasn't scheduled a press conference in over four months...only agrees to answer approved questions from reporters who have been selected by her campaign...answering with canned "talking points" that have been worked up before she ever sat down to do the interview.

So who it is that acts more like a "Dictator" when it comes to the press, Issac?

LOL Really? You are going to defend Truncheon Trump on this?

Allllllllrighty then.

I note that you didn't address my point, Isaac. Did you want to? Why is Trump a "dictator" when it comes to the media...when he grants them access to him and lets them do their jobs...but Hillary isn't...when she controls the media like something you'd usually see from a dictator?

You don't follow politics much or what has been in the news for the past year nonstop, which is fine and actually enviable that you would leave your tv and radio off and ignore all of trumps bullshit. Commendable to say the least.

I'm not interested in bringing you up to speed on all the machinations. If you care to research it the tools are at your fingertips, if not I say good for you. I know a number of people that have actually gotten rid of their tv's entirely. You can't imagine how calm it feels walking into their homes.

What does any of THAT have to do with the fact that Hillary Clinton refuses to hold press conferences and Donald Trump loves to hold them? We're a nation of voters that should be informed by a vigilant press so that we can elect the right people to serve us. When politicians like Hillary do what she's been doing for the past year...avoiding the press and tough questions...and she's not called on it...then the main stream media has totally failed at doing what they ostensibly exist for!
The United States plunged 14 places in the annual Press Freedom Index released by Reporters Without Borders on Wednesday. The group said it was “one of the most significant declines” in press freedom it had tracked during 2013.
The US in now ranked 46th on the RWB list, in between Romania and Haiti. It was ranked 32nd in the 2013 index.

That's what six years of Barack Obama has gotten us. The "Land of the Free" is now being grouped with Romania and Haiti when it comes to freedom of the press. Think about that. I mean seriously...THINK about that!
Good thing he would just be a "president". If this was the leftist(jake) utopia, he would have power like that..
Anybody who disagrees with TN's silliness is a lefty.
Don't give me that bullshit. You are a special breed
I am a mainstream Republican who abhors the far right and libertarian wings of the Hate America movement to which you belong.
Well folks, the secrets out. jakestarkey abhors me.
Now, now. Love the sinner and hate the sin. There is time for you to repent and leave the Gaddiantons.
This is actually cute after what we've seen over the last 71/2 years with the king.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is Trump and his ignorance of the law and his contempt for the rule of law.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.

You poor children sincerely dislike the truth when it doesn't suit you.
The Senate Majority McConnell leader as well as Rubio and Sasse and Collins and Corker as well as Speaker Ryan and Chairman Chaffetz and former Speaker Gingrich are repudiating Double Down Donald's double downing of stupidity.

The GOP leaders again are discussing having an open convention.

Are you as tough as you talk? Or are you just one more internet twink?
What are you mumbling about? Take it outside because you can't handle it in here.

The GOP leadership is seriously considering to open the floor to nominations on the first ballot.

We'll see child.
This poor orange dope is no friend to democracy. He's made it abundantly clear that he rejects nearly all the tenets of American democracy. The worst two are the dictator-like treatment of the press and now his batshit views on judges, American judges.

Let's hope he keeps talking.

And let's hope more Americans keep listening to trumps craziness.
I have to believe that my fellow Americans will not vote trump into the White House.
That would be the beginning of the end.
Fortunately of the people I know well enough to talk politics, only two are trump supporters.
And they are starting to wonder why.

The hard core Trumps Chumps (like we see here) wouldn't care if Trump killed his mom with an Apple pie while humping his dog with Putin watching and cheering on snap chat. Trumps supporters don't seem to care what he does or says. As long as he acts the asshole.

Wonder if sane Germans thought the same in '36? This guy can't become president can he?
This poor orange dope is no friend to democracy. He's made it abundantly clear that he rejects nearly all the tenets of American democracy. The worst two are the dictator-like treatment of the press and now his batshit views on judges, American judges.

Let's hope he keeps talking.

We are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic.
A very big difference.

A dictator takes government ownership of the press and I have never heard him say that he wants government to control the press.

You should look into how that Obama appointed Judge rules on illegals.
This poor orange dope is no friend to democracy. He's made it abundantly clear that he rejects nearly all the tenets of American democracy. The worst two are the dictator-like treatment of the press and now his batshit views on judges, American judges.

Let's hope he keeps talking.

We are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic.
A very big difference.

A dictator takes government ownership of the press and I have never heard him say that he wants government to control the press.

You should look into how that Obama appointed Judge rules on illegals.

Weirdos unite. Jesus how many times do the uneducated have to make the false claim we aren't a democracy we are blah blah crap. If you had either taken political science or paid attention in class you'd know how assinine your statement is.

"An F-150 isn't a Ford it is a truck".

"A 747 isn't an an airplane it's a jet"

See how stupid you sound? You only repeat a fake meme that makes people like you feel good and feign intelligence.
And to the Republic for which it stands.............. ring a bell?

Ben Franklin - "we have a Republic Madam".

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