Trump Is Definitely More Of A Man Of God Than Mitt Ever Was

So, Trump is not very religious, but is politically allied with the Religious Right. Perhaps a better political ally than Romney was despite him being a more religious personally.

Interesting, but nothing wrong about it.
Why would you As a Christian, align yourself with a man who goes against every single thing Jesus Christ taught, and somehow think this is pleasing to God or what God expects of you??? :dunno:

1. Trump is not that bad. His greatest failings is his inability to be faithful to his past wives. Hopefully he has outgrown that.

2. Trump will give Christians a Supreme Court that is not hostile to them or their participation in the political process.

The supreme court is the only reason the religious nuts decided to support Trump. He agreed to let religious nutbags choose the justices and they turn their head to his disgusting immoral ways.

That is a huge amount of spin. YOur assumption that the Religious Right does not also have overlap with nationalistic Americans who want better trade and immigration is also wrong.

Beyond that, what do you even care. You hate everyone who is not a fellow lefty, so these details in how and why on the other side, are just excuses for you to throw some shit against the wall to see if anything sticks.

Not sure where you find much discussion in the bible about trade or immigration that would agree with what Trump is doing. Don't cheat the people you trade with, and be kind to travelers pretty much covers it.

Your inability to understand the concept of overlap is noted.
'Deeply Problematic.' Faith Leaders Express Concern Over Trump's Political Attacks at National Prayer Breakfast

Trump took center stage at the national prayer breakfast and brought the country together when he decided to stand up for the real Christians -- not the fake ones who tried to twist the words of Jesus Christ. Fake ones like Mitt Romney, who is anything but a Christian -- and the life he lead, clearly shows it.

"The National Prayer Breakfast – a Washington tradition since 1953 – is by custom a respite from partisan bickering. President Donald Trump shattered that tradition Thursday with aggressive remarks that buoyed his allies but dismayed a wide spectrum of faith leaders.“A bipartisan prayer breakfast is the last place one would expect to find political attacks on opponents,” said the Rev. Tom Lambrecht, general manager of the conservative United Methodist magazine Good News. “Our country would benefit from a return to the kind of civility and grace reflected in Jesus’ words.”

Oh spare me Reverend, United Methodists are a bunch of fake gay loving Christians anyway, so what does he know...Then this Arthur Brooks guy, some so-called conservative professor -- he decides to get up and talk this goofy love thy neighbors BS -- Trump rightfully corrected him when he said I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” -- exactly right Trump...people have tried to use their faith to do horrible things, rape, murder, slavery, women voting and now Mitt's vote for impeachment will be right at the top of the list of horrible things done in the name of faith.

Compare Mitt Romney's life to Trump's and you tell me who has a more solid track record on what a man of God truly is?? First off, Romney is a Mormon, which is not even a real religion..its a cult...Second, Trump is the one who was chosen by Jesus to be president, not Romney -- and third...when Jesus said pray for your enemies and love thy neighbors and all of that crap -- fact of the matter is, Jesus was wrong and Trump knew Jesus was wrong....No one in their right mind would love their enemy... Or you saying you should love ISIS and Nancy Pelosi or that retarded Greta chick???-- which are all basically the same thing....

However, since Trump was sent to us by God, he has corrected what Jesus got wrong....No, you don't pray for your enemies, unless you are praying for their downfall, like hoping they die from cancer soon so you can get another SC don't love thy neighbors -- if those neighbors don't agree with expanding corporate tax loop holes and wall street de-regulation in the way God intended...

So, Trump is not very religious, but is politically allied with the Religious Right. Perhaps a better political ally than Romney was despite him being a more religious personally.

Interesting, but nothing wrong about it.
So, you are proud of his behavior?

How about, when you "reply" to my posts, you actually address what is in my posts, instead of just moving on to your next attack?

Or at least, explain to me, what you think makes you so special, that you deserve consideration that you do not give to anyone.
This is Trump spreading in the love around:

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?" Donald J. Trump

Link that he said that. Or go away.
He was only having unprotected sex with porn stars while he was thinking about his daughter.
That's OK.
At least he was thinking about his daughter.
Proves he loves her.
At least he wasn't doing something gay.

Cool. Your mind reading powers are better than anyone's. Though space AND time.

What number am I thinking of?
Hey, since evangelicals overwhelmingly vote republican......does that mean they are on the republican plantation??

No. All you did there, was reveal that you have no clue what the "liberal plantation" argument is.
What do these bible thumpers think about bearing false witness??

Trump will forever be known thru-out history as one of the most prolific liars in US political history....

Is that as God intended??

Or are you trumpers taking a more Islamic tact -- where its ok to lie if you are doing it to your "enemies" -- and by enemies, I mean the American people...since that is who he lies to.. A LOT
The CRCs took the "don't bear false witness" Commandment out....and added one making Hypocrisy a requirement.
The worst part of this is that really believe this stuff. Really, truly believe it.

It would be funny if it were just a few dingbats running around, but it isn't.
. ironic and hysterical after 3 years of unrelenting angst in trying to MOAB the President, all liberals have to talk about is Mitt Romneys faith!!

Why would you As a Christian, align yourself with a man who goes against every single thing Jesus Christ taught, and somehow think this is pleasing to God or what God expects of you??? :dunno:

1. Trump is not that bad. His greatest failings is his inability to be faithful to his past wives. Hopefully he has outgrown that.

2. Trump will give Christians a Supreme Court that is not hostile to them or their participation in the political process.

The supreme court is the only reason the religious nuts decided to support Trump. He agreed to let religious nutbags choose the justices and they turn their head to his disgusting immoral ways.

That is a huge amount of spin. YOur assumption that the Religious Right does not also have overlap with nationalistic Americans who want better trade and immigration is also wrong.

Beyond that, what do you even care. You hate everyone who is not a fellow lefty, so these details in how and why on the other side, are just excuses for you to throw some shit against the wall to see if anything sticks.

Not sure where you find much discussion in the bible about trade or immigration that would agree with what Trump is doing. Don't cheat the people you trade with, and be kind to travelers pretty much covers it.

Your inability to understand the concept of overlap is noted.
Oh I understand overlap. Religious nuts just can't claim adherence to their religious tenants is as important as they have claimed in the past.
Link that he said that. Or go away.
He was only having unprotected sex with porn stars while he was thinking about his daughter.
That's OK.
At least he was thinking about his daughter.
Proves he loves her.
At least he wasn't doing something gay.

Cool. Your mind reading powers are better than anyone's. Though space AND time.

What number am I thinking of?
Hey, since evangelicals overwhelmingly vote republican......does that mean they are on the republican plantation??

No. All you did there, was reveal that you have no clue what the "liberal plantation" argument is.

Everybody understands what the "liberal plantation" argument is. It's bullshit that crazy right wingers came up with.
1. Trump is not that bad. His greatest failings is his inability to be faithful to his past wives. Hopefully he has outgrown that.

2. Trump will give Christians a Supreme Court that is not hostile to them or their participation in the political process.

The supreme court is the only reason the religious nuts decided to support Trump. He agreed to let religious nutbags choose the justices and they turn their head to his disgusting immoral ways.
It is part of Trumps art of the deal
They ignore his moral misgivings and he stocks the courts for them.
Jesus would be proud

Your spin aside, Trump is friendly to them, and supports them politically and they return the favor.

The alternative was a liberal, who like you, is deeply hostile to them.

There is nothing wrong with that. You are being silly.
Very true

The bond between Trump and evangelicals is a political bond where they ignore his immorality in return for political favors

Your inability to recognize that it is ok for people you do not agree with, to have political alliances, is just you demonstrating your extreme partisanship and your very closed mind.

This is about a flaw in you liberals, not anything wrong with Evangelicals or Trump.

The only alliance religions are supposed to have is with God
Link that he said that. Or go away.
He was only having unprotected sex with porn stars while he was thinking about his daughter.
That's OK.
At least he was thinking about his daughter.
Proves he loves her.
At least he wasn't doing something gay.

Cool. Your mind reading powers are better than anyone's. Though space AND time.

What number am I thinking of?
Hey, since evangelicals overwhelmingly vote republican......does that mean they are on the republican plantation??

No. All you did there, was reveal that you have no clue what the "liberal plantation" argument is.
No, all I did was expose the lunacy of you fake ass conservatives.....

I would assume that evangelicals vote mostly Republican because they feel republicans push policies they most agree with...

However, when black folks vote mainly Democrat because Democrats PUSH POLICIES they mostly agree with -- they are called slaves on a if the irony of trying to appeal to black folks by calling them slaves is a winning appeal...…Apparently talking policies and how their policies would provide BETTER outcomes for them is too hard -- probably because their policies DO NOT provide better you think shaming black voters is the way to win over their votes....or by pointing to a black guy in a T-shirt and saying "Look, he is my African American" is a policy....

Jewish voters vote overwhelmingly Democrat...but I never see you morons calling them prisoners in Democrat gas chambers.....why?? Because you respect them more?

And therein lies the reason why I have zero respect for you fake ass conservatives...
1. Trump is not that bad. His greatest failings is his inability to be faithful to his past wives. Hopefully he has outgrown that.

2. Trump will give Christians a Supreme Court that is not hostile to them or their participation in the political process.

The supreme court is the only reason the religious nuts decided to support Trump. He agreed to let religious nutbags choose the justices and they turn their head to his disgusting immoral ways.

That is a huge amount of spin. YOur assumption that the Religious Right does not also have overlap with nationalistic Americans who want better trade and immigration is also wrong.

Beyond that, what do you even care. You hate everyone who is not a fellow lefty, so these details in how and why on the other side, are just excuses for you to throw some shit against the wall to see if anything sticks.

Not sure where you find much discussion in the bible about trade or immigration that would agree with what Trump is doing. Don't cheat the people you trade with, and be kind to travelers pretty much covers it.

Your inability to understand the concept of overlap is noted.
Oh I understand overlap. Religious nuts just can't claim adherence to their religious tenants is as important as they have claimed in the past.
It’s quite simple, they have traded their values for political favors

Trump understands them quite well
Link that he said that. Or go away.
He was only having unprotected sex with porn stars while he was thinking about his daughter.
That's OK.
At least he was thinking about his daughter.
Proves he loves her.
At least he wasn't doing something gay.

Cool. Your mind reading powers are better than anyone's. Though space AND time.

What number am I thinking of?
Hey, since evangelicals overwhelmingly vote republican......does that mean they are on the republican plantation??

No. All you did there, was reveal that you have no clue what the "liberal plantation" argument is.
I’d like to hear a good definition of it other than it makes conservatives feel good
And in the full YouTube video which people can see at, you'll see case after case, from health to guns to taxes, down a whole list of things where there really is no difference, for all practical purposes, between Romney and Obama. And I think you can look at it yourself, make up your own judgment.

But Soros is the one who said it. You know, reporters ought to ask Soros why does he think there's no real difference? But I think for most Republican voters, the idea of trying to nominate a Soros-approved candidate is not a very appealing idea.

Gingrich: There's practically no difference between Obama and Romney, nominating a 'George Soros-approved' candidate is not appealing

Show me ANY history of Trump involvement in any church or religious org, before deciding to run on the Republican ticket?
1. Trump is not that bad. His greatest failings is his inability to be faithful to his past wives. Hopefully he has outgrown that.

2. Trump will give Christians a Supreme Court that is not hostile to them or their participation in the political process.

The supreme court is the only reason the religious nuts decided to support Trump. He agreed to let religious nutbags choose the justices and they turn their head to his disgusting immoral ways.

That is a huge amount of spin. YOur assumption that the Religious Right does not also have overlap with nationalistic Americans who want better trade and immigration is also wrong.

Beyond that, what do you even care. You hate everyone who is not a fellow lefty, so these details in how and why on the other side, are just excuses for you to throw some shit against the wall to see if anything sticks.

Not sure where you find much discussion in the bible about trade or immigration that would agree with what Trump is doing. Don't cheat the people you trade with, and be kind to travelers pretty much covers it.

Your inability to understand the concept of overlap is noted.
Oh I understand overlap. Religious nuts just can't claim adherence to their religious tenants is as important as they have claimed in the past.

Says the secular asshole.
He was only having unprotected sex with porn stars while he was thinking about his daughter.
That's OK.
At least he was thinking about his daughter.
Proves he loves her.
At least he wasn't doing something gay.

Cool. Your mind reading powers are better than anyone's. Though space AND time.

What number am I thinking of?
Hey, since evangelicals overwhelmingly vote republican......does that mean they are on the republican plantation??

No. All you did there, was reveal that you have no clue what the "liberal plantation" argument is.

Everybody understands what the "liberal plantation" argument is. It's bullshit that crazy right wingers came up with.

Your words showed that you don't. You must be stupid.
The supreme court is the only reason the religious nuts decided to support Trump. He agreed to let religious nutbags choose the justices and they turn their head to his disgusting immoral ways.
It is part of Trumps art of the deal
They ignore his moral misgivings and he stocks the courts for them.
Jesus would be proud

Your spin aside, Trump is friendly to them, and supports them politically and they return the favor.

The alternative was a liberal, who like you, is deeply hostile to them.

There is nothing wrong with that. You are being silly.
Very true

The bond between Trump and evangelicals is a political bond where they ignore his immorality in return for political favors

Your inability to recognize that it is ok for people you do not agree with, to have political alliances, is just you demonstrating your extreme partisanship and your very closed mind.

This is about a flaw in you liberals, not anything wrong with Evangelicals or Trump.

The only alliance religions are supposed to have is with God

THe Religious Right is not a religion.

It is a group, that is just fine having political alliances.

Your desire that your enemies are to be somehow limited in their actions, to make your agenda easier,

is denied.
He was only having unprotected sex with porn stars while he was thinking about his daughter.
That's OK.
At least he was thinking about his daughter.
Proves he loves her.
At least he wasn't doing something gay.

Cool. Your mind reading powers are better than anyone's. Though space AND time.

What number am I thinking of?
Hey, since evangelicals overwhelmingly vote republican......does that mean they are on the republican plantation??

No. All you did there, was reveal that you have no clue what the "liberal plantation" argument is.
No, all I did was expose the lunacy of you fake ass conservatives.....

I would assume that evangelicals vote mostly Republican because they feel republicans push policies they most agree with...

However, when black folks vote mainly Democrat because Democrats PUSH POLICIES they mostly agree with -- ......

Yeah, right there, you demonstrate that you do not understand the argument.


So, where the fuck did you get the idea that you have any clue what other people think, when you never listen?
The supreme court is the only reason the religious nuts decided to support Trump. He agreed to let religious nutbags choose the justices and they turn their head to his disgusting immoral ways.

That is a huge amount of spin. YOur assumption that the Religious Right does not also have overlap with nationalistic Americans who want better trade and immigration is also wrong.

Beyond that, what do you even care. You hate everyone who is not a fellow lefty, so these details in how and why on the other side, are just excuses for you to throw some shit against the wall to see if anything sticks.

Not sure where you find much discussion in the bible about trade or immigration that would agree with what Trump is doing. Don't cheat the people you trade with, and be kind to travelers pretty much covers it.

Your inability to understand the concept of overlap is noted.
Oh I understand overlap. Religious nuts just can't claim adherence to their religious tenants is as important as they have claimed in the past.
It’s quite simple, they have traded their values for political favors

Trump understands them quite well

Just because you say shit, over and over again, it does not make it true.

It does make you an asshole.
He was only having unprotected sex with porn stars while he was thinking about his daughter.
That's OK.
At least he was thinking about his daughter.
Proves he loves her.
At least he wasn't doing something gay.

Cool. Your mind reading powers are better than anyone's. Though space AND time.

What number am I thinking of?
Hey, since evangelicals overwhelmingly vote republican......does that mean they are on the republican plantation??

No. All you did there, was reveal that you have no clue what the "liberal plantation" argument is.
I’d like to hear a good definition of it other than it makes conservatives feel good

I'd like you to be less of an asshole. But we both will have to live with disappointment.

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