Trump is hemorrhaging older voters

The difference between the brave man and the fool, is the brave man knows the danger, and overcomes his fear. The fool is ignorant of the danger, and ignores it.

Poetry class is in session class.
When faced with a minefield call the coronavirus, you chose to talk through it. Ignorance is bliss.
It poses very little risk to me. I've yet to fall prey to leftist propaganda about how I can't survive without big brother holding my hand.

Go cower under your bed if it makes you feel safe.
You don't seem to get it. It's selfish, ignorant jackasses like you that are the reason we have to put guidelines in place and not rely on voluntary distancing. So find a mirror and thank yourself for these things. You deserve all the credit.
The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

Yep. Once Trump embraced the "let them die" policy, quite a few Americans realized their interests were no longer represented.

One of your more stupid statements.

And that is saying a lot.

Actually Epidemiologists have said by not making the targets of
  • Sufficient testing
  • Contact tracing

The policy has shifted from 'flatten the curve' to 'harm reduction'.

'If that’s the case, then our efforts should pivot from justifying why reopening is a good idea to figuring out how best to reduce the harm it is certain to cause. If employees have to go to work, let’s at least come up with evidence-based practices that help them do so more safely. Should workplaces all get regular deep cleaning, close off any communal areas and meet new standards for ventilation? Can employees be mandated to wear masks, work six feet apart and keep a contact diary?'

The strategy of this is hard and the economy should be opened can be done better... More testing, guidelines,....
The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

and many voters and independents believe democrat leaders have overstepped their legal authority with prolonged extreme lock downs .... in all seriousness the country is so evenly divided that the election is anybodies guess on who will win ...
This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.

You need to lay off the drugs! People over 60 know that their Medicare and Social Security are safe with Trump but don't wan their funds spent on illegals, which is all the Dems are offering.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You are a liar, or you are just stupid and uniformed. Trump has long wanted to eliminate payroll taxes.

Trump mulls permanent 0% payroll tax rate amid coronavirus fallout

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing | April 7, 2020 | The White House

From the white house link -


Q — you have been very consistently supportive of the payroll relief tax. And I know that —

THE PRESIDENT: Of what? Payroll?

Q Payroll relief. Now, I know you’re still busy trying to implement — roll —


Q — phase three. But as we move towards phase four —


Q — are there still obstacles to that? Because that would put money in American pockets, like consistently throughout the year.

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, you’re right. I would love to see a payroll — good question. I would love to see a payroll tax cut. And I think, on behalf of the people, it would be quick. Now, it’s a longer term — you know, it’s a longer time, because it’s over a period of a year or whatever you want to make it. But I would love to see a payroll tax cut. There are many people that would like to see it as a permanent tax cut — payroll tax cut.

Q What is stopping it from —

THE PRESIDENT: Well, the Democrats right now are stopping it.

Q What are their reasons?

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t know. You know, I don’t know if maybe they think it’s good politics to stop it.

But you’d get a lot of people a lot of money immediately. The payroll tax cut would be a great thing for this country. I would like to have it regardless of this, but this would be a fantastic time to have the payroll tax cut.

Your links disagree with what you claim. Try reading them again.

From the Fox News article -

President Trump, to offset economic fallout from the fast-spreading coronavirus, has proposed slashing the payroll tax rate for employees and employers to 0 percent -- a change that he wants to make permanent, White House sources told Fox News.

Trump pitched temporarily eliminating the payroll tax rate during a lunch with Senate Republicans on Tuesday to insulate the economy from the coronavirus, which causes a disease called COVID-19. The virus has caused volatility in the stock markets and forced the Federal Reserve to make an emergency rate cut, the first time the U.S. central bank has done so since the financial crisis.

There has been consideration of eliminating it for three months, through the fall, through the calendar year or permanently, sources said.
This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.

You need to lay off the drugs! People over 60 know that their Medicare and Social Security are safe with Trump but don't wan their funds spent on illegals, which is all the Dems are offering.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You are a liar, or you are just stupid and uniformed. Trump has long wanted to eliminate payroll taxes.

Trump mulls permanent 0% payroll tax rate amid coronavirus fallout

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing | April 7, 2020 | The White House

From the white house link -


Q — you have been very consistently supportive of the payroll relief tax. And I know that —

THE PRESIDENT: Of what? Payroll?

Q Payroll relief. Now, I know you’re still busy trying to implement — roll —


Q — phase three. But as we move towards phase four —


Q — are there still obstacles to that? Because that would put money in American pockets, like consistently throughout the year.

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, you’re right. I would love to see a payroll — good question. I would love to see a payroll tax cut. And I think, on behalf of the people, it would be quick. Now, it’s a longer term — you know, it’s a longer time, because it’s over a period of a year or whatever you want to make it. But I would love to see a payroll tax cut. There are many people that would like to see it as a permanent tax cut — payroll tax cut.

Q What is stopping it from —

THE PRESIDENT: Well, the Democrats right now are stopping it.

Q What are their reasons?

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t know. You know, I don’t know if maybe they think it’s good politics to stop it.

But you’d get a lot of people a lot of money immediately. The payroll tax cut would be a great thing for this country. I would like to have it regardless of this, but this would be a fantastic time to have the payroll tax cut.

Your links disagree with what you claim. Try reading them again.

From the Fox News article -

President Trump, to offset economic fallout from the fast-spreading coronavirus, has proposed slashing the payroll tax rate for employees and employers to 0 percent -- a change that he wants to make permanent, White House sources told Fox News.

Trump pitched temporarily eliminating the payroll tax rate during a lunch with Senate Republicans on Tuesday to insulate the economy from the coronavirus, which causes a disease called COVID-19. The virus has caused volatility in the stock markets and forced the Federal Reserve to make an emergency rate cut, the first time the U.S. central bank has done so since the financial crisis.

There has been consideration of eliminating it for three months, through the fall, through the calendar year or permanently, sources said.

Permanent has a different meaning in politics. he meant for more than a freaking month!
No he meant PERMANENT.

There has been consideration of eliminating it for three months, through the fall, through the calendar year or permanently, sources said.
This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.

You need to lay off the drugs! People over 60 know that their Medicare and Social Security are safe with Trump but don't wan their funds spent on illegals, which is all the Dems are offering.
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You are a liar, or you are just stupid and uniformed. Trump has long wanted to eliminate payroll taxes.

Trump mulls permanent 0% payroll tax rate amid coronavirus fallout

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing | April 7, 2020 | The White House

From the white house link -


Q — you have been very consistently supportive of the payroll relief tax. And I know that —

THE PRESIDENT: Of what? Payroll?

Q Payroll relief. Now, I know you’re still busy trying to implement — roll —


Q — phase three. But as we move towards phase four —


Q — are there still obstacles to that? Because that would put money in American pockets, like consistently throughout the year.

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, you’re right. I would love to see a payroll — good question. I would love to see a payroll tax cut. And I think, on behalf of the people, it would be quick. Now, it’s a longer term — you know, it’s a longer time, because it’s over a period of a year or whatever you want to make it. But I would love to see a payroll tax cut. There are many people that would like to see it as a permanent tax cut — payroll tax cut.

Q What is stopping it from —

THE PRESIDENT: Well, the Democrats right now are stopping it.

Q What are their reasons?

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t know. You know, I don’t know if maybe they think it’s good politics to stop it.

But you’d get a lot of people a lot of money immediately. The payroll tax cut would be a great thing for this country. I would like to have it regardless of this, but this would be a fantastic time to have the payroll tax cut.

Your links disagree with what you claim. Try reading them again.

From the Fox News article -

President Trump, to offset economic fallout from the fast-spreading coronavirus, has proposed slashing the payroll tax rate for employees and employers to 0 percent -- a change that he wants to make permanent, White House sources told Fox News.

Trump pitched temporarily eliminating the payroll tax rate during a lunch with Senate Republicans on Tuesday to insulate the economy from the coronavirus, which causes a disease called COVID-19. The virus has caused volatility in the stock markets and forced the Federal Reserve to make an emergency rate cut, the first time the U.S. central bank has done so since the financial crisis.

There has been consideration of eliminating it for three months, through the fall, through the calendar year or permanently, sources said.

Did you check the date on that article? It's over two moths old!
Right. Because the Democrats said no fucking way would they ever let that happen. It was in the news.

You're deflecting now. Trump would like to permanently eliminate payroll taxes. I've given you my sources for that claim.

You're twisting yourself in knots trying to claim he doesn't mean what he says, all without any evidence except your bawling.
The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

Well, I'M an older voter (59) and I'm DEFINITELY going to be voting for him in the next election, whenever that DOES take place.

Yep, I'm older, too (70) and I'm voting for Trump again. In fact, I don't know anyone even close to my age that isn't voting for him. In fact, I know lots of older voters who never vote, but will be voting for him this time around.
Yep, I'm older, too (70) and I'm voting for Trump again. In fact, I don't know anyone even close to my age that isn't voting for him. In fact, I know lots of older voters who never vote, but will be voting for him this time
Why...he threw you under the bus. The fact that the bus didn't hit you (yet) isn't the point
And how do they know that?

I think Trump's continued bleating about payroll tax cuts (to be permanent, or so he hopes) has seniors worried about Social Security and Medicare. And how they will be paid for.
You are full of shit. Trump wanted to suspend payroll taxes as a stimulus against COVID-19. The word permanent never crossed his lips.
You know that suspending income tax would do nothing to help people who need help. You have 36 million people suddenly with no income, so how would cutting their taxes help anybody.

And those that are working, can't use a tax cut to spur spending, because only essential businesses were open.

This is a classic case of, if all you have is a hammer.
Duh... open the economy and allow them to work. Not an overly complex solution.
They ARE. Wake up and quit bitching.
They are? Not in MA. Know your role and shut your mouth.
You lose.
Reopening Mass.: Read the Full Plan
The report details what can reopen immediately, including manufacturing, construction and places of worship. Retail and office spaces, as well as beaches, parks and some athletic fields will be next to open on May 25.

You stupid idiot. I live Here. Did you read it? Phase 2 at best is 3 weeks away and restaurants and gyms cannot open til Phase 3 so at best in July. And even then at partial capacity. Did you even read the article? You are a typical ignorant leftist who has zero economic acumen and you’re a liar.
Not the whole thing, just the opening lines saying retail, manufacturing are reopening immediately.

If it's not so, why don't you just calmly state the true state of affairs instead of spitting and foaming at the mouth? I definitely don't care enough about another state's reopening details to read 28 pages.
Wrong. Curbside retail only. And the rest closed. Certain construction and manufacturing but no restaurants or gyms until Phase 3. No elective procedures until Phase 2. So you stupidly posted and opined on something when you didn’t read it. Yep, typical uneducated Leftist.
I'm sorry. I've really missed restaurants, too.
The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

Wait for the debates. Joe won't be able to fool America into thinking he hasn't lost his last marble.
This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.
Ill be voting for Trump. Biden has yet to exit his basement or pick a VP. The only policy of his that you like is that he is not Trump. You’re a troll.
As is your right. You calling me a troll is like the pot calling the kettle black. I will consider it as another example of the over exuberance of youth, kid.
The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

Well, I'M an older voter (59) and I'm DEFINITELY going to be voting for him in the next election, whenever that DOES take place.

Yep, I'm older, too (70) and I'm voting for Trump again. In fact, I don't know anyone even close to my age that isn't voting for him. In fact, I know lots of older voters who never vote, but will be voting for him this time around.
I don't think it has anything to do with age. I'm nearly there and many of the people I know are in my age group, and I can count on one hand the number who support Trump.
In New York, where Cuomo discharged enderly patents to nursing homes, 15% of their coroavirus deaths came from nursing homes.
5,600 deaths are from nursing homes in New York.
42% of ALL DEATHS nationally are from nursing homes.

Yet in New York, that's only 15%, not 42%
Do you have a point or are we just gonna go in circles?

I choose to not live life in fear. You are apparently the opposite.

Nothing left to discuss as far as I'm concerned
This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.

You need to lay off the drugs! People over 60 know that their Medicare and Social Security are safe with Trump but don't wan their funds spent on illegals, which is all the Dems are offering.
I don't do drugs. Who mentioned Medicare or Social Security? Safe with trump? One thing I know for sure, if you are dead you do not get to collect either. Take Kentucky for example. 7,935 cases total with the vast majority between the ages of 20 and 59 then the number of cases drops off, but of the 346 deaths (and that is a darn nice job in my book) from Covid-19 in the state of Kentucky, 316 have been people over 60. That is all but 30 of the 346 deaths in the entire state. It is similar all over the country, the young get them most case, but they give it the older generation who do the vast majority of the dying. Trumps theory is we need to get the economy going so everybody needs to get back to work, to support his economy. Fine for the under 60 crowd. It's not killing them much, but they spread it through interactions to mom, dad, grandma and granddad. The governor of that state is not in a big hurry to open up full blast. I think old people dying bothers him. The prevailing attitude of trump people, even on the right wing news stations, websites and this board included is older American should basically suck it up and take one for the gipper. I don't think trump gives a rat's but about older people or his followers would not be following his lead. I'll take my time and take precautions and you won't catch me dead in Georgia and Ohio, Texas, or Florida and I really like Florida. As those and other trump states to go back business as usual while their daily death tolls are appalling.

Hey shit for brains, our governor is a libtard DEMOCRAT. I have to travel for medical care. I just skip eating because my food is not available in many restaurants and those are all closed. The hotel I used for these stays almost went bankrupt. What makes you think I support the closure of the state? It cost my daughter and daughter-in-law their jobs for two months. My coworkers and I have not worked since March 23rd and no indication that will change.
The commonwealth will return to normal, maybe with a lower death toll than most states. Pretty sure if you are still teaching, the fall semester will see you back in the classroom. Hate it for the kids, hopefully their situations will return to normal. Everybody's situations are different. Rushing back full blast is not in my best interest and probably not those of between 30 and 40 percent of Americans, over 60. For many of them, it is not a matter of being laid off, but laid to rest. You sound like an old goat yourself. Unless you need the grind for the insurance, you should consider cutting it loose. Pretty cool what you can find to do when no longer answering the bell of fixing someone else's problems.

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