Trump is hemorrhaging older voters

Yep. Once Trump embraced the "let them die" policy, quite a few Americans realized their interests were no longer represented.
Another liberal who doesn't understand the importance of a good economy.

Trump was trying to keep the markets from crashing. He knew that mentioning the possible coming pandemic too many times could cause investors to get the jitters.

Why don't you libs ever give Trump credit?
Sure. At the cost of lives. There is a way to do it while preserving both the economy and lives. Trump just isn't doing that.

I tell you what. You prove to me that your lockdowns definitively have saved lives. Then you prove to me that reopening will not cost any lives in and of itself. And THEN we will talk about "at the cost of lives".

Anyone who allows you to just assert that the debate parameter is "My wishes are life-saving, and yours aren't" is almost as big a moron as you are. Prove that your view of things is correct before demanding that we talk as though it were.
This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.

You need to lay off the drugs! People over 60 know that their Medicare and Social Security are safe with Trump but don't wan their funds spent on illegals, which is all the Dems are offering.
Trump has failed during this crisis in literally every way possible. That is going to cost him votes among every age group.

"In literally every way possible". That's left-speak for "I can't possibly prove any failures, but I just KNOW everything he does is automatically bad and failed because ORANGE MAN BAAAAAADD!"
You people will own the death toll.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
Sure sounds like a "let them die" policy advocate.

Sure sounds like you think dismissing people as "let them die advocates" will save you from having to actually EARN the superiority you're trying to just claim.
"In literally every way possible"
Correct. Every way possible. The federal government's responsibility here is fairly narrow and straightforward. And he has failed to implement every single recommendation. So we wasted 2 months of lockdown while trump shit tweeted and binged on FOX News. A historical failure. History will not be kind to him.
Yep. Once Trump embraced the "let them die" policy, quite a few Americans realized their interests were no longer represented.
Another liberal who doesn't understand the importance of a good economy.

Trump was trying to keep the markets from crashing. He knew that mentioning the possible coming pandemic too many times could cause investors to get the jitters.

Why don't you libs ever give Trump credit?
Sure. At the cost of lives. There is a way to do it while preserving both the economy and lives. Trump just isn't doing that.

I tell you what. You prove to me that your lockdowns definitively have saved lives. Then you prove to me that reopening will not cost any lives in and of itself. And THEN we will talk about "at the cost of lives".

Anyone who allows you to just assert that the debate parameter is "My wishes are life-saving, and yours aren't" is almost as big a moron as you are. Prove that your view of things is correct before demanding that we talk as though it were.
I tell you what. You prove to me that your lockdowns definitively have saved lives.
Are you serious? Obviously it has. Things are opening why?
Because the number of new cases has plateaued due to people being at home of course.
Once that ends. The trend reverses almost immediately. Wait a few weeks and check back in.
The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

Who is being protested against to open up states President Trump or leftists governors?
It all hinges on how the COVID-19 thing pans out.. As we reopen and we protect seniors old Joe doesn't stand a chance. The stock market just took a 1,000 point jump in a day and if it continues and they feel more secure Joe wont have a chance.
What, exactly, is being done to protect seniors?

Because I see pictures and videos of people not wearing masks and ignoring social distancing. How will we protect seniors from all those people?

It's kind of stunning that the GOPhers think it's fine to sacrifice some seniors to Covid-19, and the ones who survive will still vote for Trump.
You people will own the death toll.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
Sure sounds like a "let them die" policy advocate.

Sure sounds like you think dismissing people as "let them die advocates" will save you from having to actually EARN the superiority you're trying to just claim.
I don't have to claim anything. The morality of my position is inherently superior.
Who is being protested against to open up states
Who gives a shit? In Michigan, 100 armed hillbillies in their little princess soldier cosplay gear marched on the a State of 10 million people. 72% of Michiganders approve of Whitmer's handling of the crisis. Yet you goobers get fooled by the dummies on FOX into thinking this is some major movement.
It all hinges on how the COVID-19 thing pans out.. As we reopen and we protect seniors old Joe doesn't stand a chance. The stock market just took a 1,000 point jump in a day and if it continues and they feel more secure Joe wont have a chance.
What, exactly, is being done to protect seniors?

Because I see pictures and videos of people not wearing masks and ignoring social distancing. How will we protect seniors from all those people?

It's kind of stunning that the GOPhers think it's fine to sacrifice some seniors to Covid-19, and the ones who survive will still vote for Trump.

Why dont you ask Cuomo?
Who is being protested against to open up states
Who gives a shit? In Michigan, 100 armed hillbillies in their little princess soldier cosplay gear marched on the a State of 10 million people. 72% of Michiganders approve of Whitmer's handling of the crisis. Yet you goobers get fooled by the dummies on FOX into thinking this is some major movement.
Who gives a shit? Actually sonny the people protesting those leftists governors?
This is an indicator that will bite you in the ass come November 2020
The question is, how will Biden win the Rust Belt?

If they don't trust Trump they'll default to the alternative
If they don't trust Trump they'll default to the alternative
I think that trust ship has already sailed. Polling shows some 75% or more who believe we are opening too soon. Any fallout from this will rest soley with Trump.

I think you WISH that ship had already sailed, because you are ALWAYS trying to say, "Whoops, I have found this one thing that says everyone agrees with me, so the matter is settled forever!"

I think you're going to have to deal with the reality that people's opinions WILL change between now and the elections from the "Panic NOW, the world is ending and it's all Trump's fault!" misinformation you and your compatriots have been filling the airwaves with, once they see that you were - once again, and always - dead wrong.
You people will own the death toll.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
And I'm sure you liberals will yap non-stop about the death toll as we approach the election.
Sure sounds like a "let them die" policy advocate.

Sure sounds like you think dismissing people as "let them die advocates" will save you from having to actually EARN the superiority you're trying to just claim.
I don't have to claim anything. The morality of my position is inherently superior.
When you have the morals of a cheating spouse you have no morals at all.
The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

Yep. Once Trump embraced the "let them die" policy, quite a few Americans realized their interests were no longer represented.

One of your more stupid statements.

And that is saying a lot.
In what way(s) is it stupid?
Tell us about his testing, tracing and quarantine plans.

If you missed the post about who is dying where, you see that governors of the N.E. have truly fucked over their constitutents.

So that is why it is stupid.
It's about population density.

It's about more than that. Population density is very unhelpful, but that doesn't mean that asinine policies bear no blame at all.

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